Dr. Abida Yasmeen
Assistant professor (TTS)
Department of Chemistry
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Nov.2009 to date: Assistant professor (TTS), Lahore college for women university, Lahore.
2009 to Nov 2009: Assistant professor (Biochem), Kinnaird College for women. Lahore.
Honor and Awards
- HEC indigenous scholarship phase 2.
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Honour Students
Years Degree Name
1: 2018 PhD Amna Younus
2: 2019 MS Natasha Bukhari
3: MS Faryal Rehman
4: MS Mariam Sattar
5: MS Faiza Imtiaz
6: MS Surayya Bibi
7: 2018 MS Fatima aziz
8: MS Maria Anwar
9: MS Bakhtawar Wahid (co supervised)
10: MS Nayab Falak(co supervised)
11: 2017 MS Ayesha Ghani
12: Sadia Noor
13: 2016 Shumaila Saif
14: H.Komal saeed
15: 2015 Rahat Sadiq Ali
16: Arfa Naveed
17: Kanwal Saleem
18: 2014 Anum Mustafa
19: 2014 MS Amber Tahira
20: 2013 MS Tanzeela Arshad
21: Komal Iftikhar
22: Faiza Aslam
23: Maheen Khalid
24: 2012 MS Fatima Abdul Rasheed
25: 2012 MS Haleema Sadia
Brief Statement of Research Interest
My research work involves molecular biology including plant and human genes. Currently I am involved in biological activities of natural and synthetic compounds.
51(3) 1059-1066,2019.
4: Hussain EA, Yasmeen A, Sadiq Z, Naz N, “Microwave enhanced synthesis of biocompelling substituted oxa/thiazoles via acetyl coumarin azomethine" Acta Poloniae Pharmaceutica - Drug Research, 75(2), 359-368,2018
5: Itzaz Aslam, Faiza Aslam, Shahzad Qamar, Saiqa Ishtiaq, Muhammad Shaharyar Khan Afridi and Abida Yasmeen GC-MS analysis and in vitro antibacterial potential of volatile chemical constituents from leaves of Murraya koenigii L. Spreng. Annals of Phytomedicine 6(1): 143-147, 2017 DOI: 10.21276/ap.2017.6.1.22 ; Print ISSN : 2278-9839 and Online ISSN : 2393-9885
6: Saba Irshad, Ayesha Ashfaq, Abida Yasmeen and Ammara Moazzam Antimicrobial and anti-prostate cancer activity of two spices; turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) used in typical Pakistani cuisine and partial purification of lectin from turmeric" Pakistan Journal of Zoology vol. 49(5), pp 1665-1669, 2017.
7: Amna Younus, , Mariam Faiz, Abida Yasmeen
Association Of Vitamin D Receptor FokI and TaqI Gene Polymorphisms In Pakistani Women With 25(OH)D Levels Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2017, Vol. 5, No. 7, 475-480
8: Hussain EA, Yasmeen A, Sadiq Z, Naz N, Shaheen HI
Thermal/microwave/desmediated synthesis of iminotetrahydrocarbazoles and their biological evaluation. Int J of Bio Pharm and Allied Sci, December, 2016, 5(12): 3331-3344
ISSN: 2277–4998
9: Amna Younus, , Mariam Faiz, Abida Yasmeen
Serum Vitamin D in Women with Pre and Post Menopausal Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer in Pakistan Journal of Food and Nutrition Research, 2016, Vol. 4, No. 12, 828-833
10: S. T. Qureshi, A. R. Abassi, A. Yasmeen, A. J. Pirzada, H. Bux, F. A. Bughio (2015) Growth rate and Carbon source Utilization Patterns of Rhizobia isolated from Cicer areitinum L. and Pisum sativum L. Sindh Univ. Res. Jour. (Sci. Ser.) Vol. 47 (4) 637-642
11: S.T Qureshi, A. Yasmeen, A.R.Abassai, A.S Qureshi, A. Ghafoor, M. Memon, N. Soomro (2015) Evaluation of Chickpea genotypes under different envoirments for for stability of Quantitative traits. Sindh Univ. Res. Jour. (Sci. Ser.) Vol.47 (3) 559-562
12: A Ghani, Hussain E. A., Yasmeen A., Naz N., Asghar S (2014) Synthesis of Novel 2,4 disubstituted bioactive Thiazoles. Asian Journal of chemistry 26(S):S211-S213
13: S. T. Qureshi., Abassi A.R., Yasmeen A., Bux H., Memon F.N., Buriro A (2014) Confirmation of Salt Tolerant Rhizobia Through Nodule Soluble Protein Profiling by SDS-PAGE. World Applied Sciences Journal 32 (10): 2037-2041
14: S. T. Qureshi., Soomro A. G., Bux H., Yasmeen A (2014) Genotoxic and Carcinogenic Effects of House Hold Detergents Using Chromosomal Aberration Assay in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) Root Tip Cells. World Applied Sciences Journal 32 (7): 1381-1387
17: N. Safdar, Yasmeen A, Mirza B. ( 2011), An insight into functional genomics of transgenic lines of tomato cv Rio Grande harboring yeast halotolerance genes. Plant Biology 13(4):620-31
18: A. Yasmeen (2009) An efficient protocol for the regeneration and transformation of tomato with Arabidopsis early flowering AP1 and LFY genes. Acta Physiologia plantarum 31: 1271-1277
19: A. Yasmeen, Mirza B, Inayatullah S, Safdar N, Jamil M, Ali S and Choudhry M.F., (2008), In Planta transformation of tomato. Plant Mol Bio Reporter 27: 20-28