Dr. Amara Khan
Chairperson / Associate Professor
Department of English, LCWU
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- November 2011 to Date, Assistant Professor of English, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- March 2017-May 2017, Visiting Faculty, University of the Punjab, Lahore
- September 2014-June 2015, Seminar Leader (Drama - English Literature, University of Leeds, UK
- September 2007-November 2011, Lecturer in English, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- June 2007-July 2007, Lecturer in English, F.G College for Women F7/2, Islamabad
- August 2006-May 2007, Lecturer in English, Garrison Post Graduate College for Women, Lahore Cantt
- August 2004-December 2004, Lecturer in English, Garrison Post Graduate College for Women, Lahore Cantt
Honor and Awards
- Co-Curricular Roll of Honour (Dramatics) by Government College University, Lahore in 2002
- Selected as Lecturer in English by Federal Directorate of Education, Ministry of Education through Federal Public Service Commission (2007)
Research Journal of Language and Literature ISSN: 2518-2417 (Pakistan)
Member M.Phil/PhD English Admission Test Committee, University of the Punjab, Lahore
Member Board Punjab Public Service Commission
White Rose Skills Development Network
Society of Pakistan English Language Teachers (SPELT)
Graduate Students / Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Years Degree Name
2010-2012 MS (English) Fatima Hassan
Service Activity
In-charge of Siraj ud Din Dramatic Society
In-charge of MS Programme
Member Editorial Board for the "Research Journal of Language and Literature" ISSN: 2518-2417
Member Board of Studies for MS
Design course (Modern Drama) for students of MS
Teach Advanced Research Methodology to students of MS
Teach English Language and Literature to students of Intermediate and Bachelor’s
Coordinate college functions and supervise other related activities
Teach Research Methods for English Studies to PhD students at the University of the Punjab, Lahore
Conduct seminars on Drama: Reading and Interpretation to students of BS Level 1, Semester 2 at the University of Leeds, UK
Attended and worked as a helper in the organisation committee for ASAUK Conference (African Studies Association of the UK) in 2012
Participated and conducted Teachers Development Course,
organised by Higher Education Commission (July-August, 2009)
Worked for the Undergraduate Admissions, Faculty of Arts, at the University of Leeds, UK in August 2015.
Invigilated practical examination of students of medicine at the University of Leeds, UK in 2015.
Supervised examination of BS at the University of Leeds, UK from 2012-2015.
Done mentoring of two undergraduate students at the University of Leeds, UK.
Supervised practical examination of A-Level which was conducted by the British Council of Pakistan.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Modern Drama/Theatre
African and Indian Literary and Cultural Studies
Postcolonial Studies
- Article published in a non-refereed journal.
Thirumalai, M.S., 'Cultural Analysis of Indian Women in a Patriarchal Society: Trajectory of a Woman's Emancipation in Girish Karnad's Naga-Mandala', Language in India, 17.2 (February 2017)
Manuscripts submitted for publication. (Research Journal of Language and Literature ISSN: 2518-2417 (Pakistan) in July 2019)
Selected Professional Presentations
“Wole Soyinka’s Madmen and Specialists: Analysis of Costumes and Role-Playing as a Masking Strategy to Explore Post-Biafran War Nigerian Society” in Arts and Humanities Postgraduate Conference North West Consortium at University of Keele, UK in October, 2015
“Divine, Ritual, and Spirit Masks: Describing the Gravity of Masked Gods in Wole Soyinka’s A Dance of the Forests” in One-Day Postgraduate Annual Conference at University of Worcester, UK in June 2015
“Girish Karnad’s Hayavadana: Exploration of Female Sexuality through Dolls” in the Tales Beyond Borders/Reading the Fantastic at the University of Leeds, UK in April, 2015
“Cultural Analysis of Indian Women in a Patriarchal Society: Trajectory of a Woman’s Emancipation in Girish Karnad’s Naga-Mandala” in Women on the Edge: International Women’s Day 2014, Postgraduate and Early Career Research Conference at Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland in March 2014