Dr Amina Muazzam
Tenured Professor/Chairperson
Department of Applied Pshycology
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Current Affiliation-
Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) Jail Road, Lahore. Pakistan.
- Chairperson / Tenured Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU, Pakistan.
- 2023: Visiting Post Doctorate, University of Surrey, United Kingdom
Charles Wallace Fellowship, University of Manchester, United Kingdom - 2010: PhD, April, 2010
Institution: University of the Punjab, Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore.
Supervisor: Professor, Dr Ruhi Khalid, former Head of Applied Psychology Department, University of the Punjab. Current: Director, Institute of Psychology, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Thesis Title: Psychological Factors Disordered Eating Behavior in Pakistani Youth - 2000: MSc. Applied Psychology
Institution: University of the Punjab, Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore.
Specialization Clinical Psychology - 1998 Bachelors of Arts in Social Sciences and Humanities (Topped the List of Students in College in Psychology)
- Institution University of the Punjab, Lahore
01-07-2021 to date Chairperson of Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
21-04-2021 to date Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
30-12-2020 to date Tenured Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
04-03-2021 to 04-05-2022 Director Research, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
18-10-2016 to 06-04-2021 Tenured Associate Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
18-10-2010 to 17-10-2016 Assistant Professor (TTS) Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
1-1-2009 to 17-10-2010 Lecturer (BPS), Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
4-9- 2007 – 17-12-2009 Lecturer, Institute of Business Administration (IBA), Punjab University, Lahore
4-7-2004 – 03-02- 2007 Lecturer, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore.
1-10-2002 –30- 06-2004 Counsellor, Child Development Centre, Punjab University, Lahore
1-3- 2000 – 30-8- 2002 Counsellor, SOS Hermann Gemnier School, Lahore
Advisory / Administrative Services at University Level
Advisory (current) |
1. |
26th April 2024 |
Member of Committee for Admission Physically Challenged Students, Intermediate College, LCWU |
2. |
20th October, 2022 |
Member Departmental Doctoral Committee, LCWU |
3. |
19th July, 2022 |
Member of Advanced Studies and Research Board, LCWU |
4. |
14th July, 2022 |
Member of Affiliation, Committee, LCWU |
5. |
May 2022 |
Member, Examination Committee, LCWU |
6. |
8th May, 2020 |
Member Academic Council University of South Asia, Lahore |
7. |
2021 |
Convener DPCC Applied Psychology, LCWU |
8. |
2021 |
Convener Departmental Purchase Committee |
9. |
2021 |
Convener Departmental Ethical Committee |
10. |
2021 |
Convener, Animal Protection and Walfare Society, LCWU |
11. |
2021 |
Convener, Psychological Society, LCWU |
12. |
2021 |
Founder & Convener, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Society, LCWU |
13. |
2021 |
Member Board of Faculty, Social Sciences, LCWU |
14. |
2021 |
Member, Grievance Committee LCWU |
15. |
2021 |
Convener, Curriculum Development Committee |
16. |
August, 2019 |
Secretary, Annual Performance Review Committee, LCWU |
17. |
June, 2017 |
Member, TTS Standing Committee, LCWU |
18. |
January, 2017 |
Member, Disable Support Committee, LCWU |
19. |
8th March, 2016 |
Subject Expert, Punjab Higher Education Commission |
20. |
2nd February, 2016 |
PhD Comprehensive Exam Paper Setter, PU |
21. |
November, 2013 |
HEC Approved Supervisor |
22. |
July, 2012 |
Facilitator, Active Citizen Program, LCWU |
Advisory (Past) |
23. |
March, 2021 |
Incharge, Central Research Lab, LCWU |
24. |
March, 2021 |
Panellist for the interviews of internees in different departments of LCWU |
25. |
24th October, 2021 |
Member, University Ranking Committee, LCWU |
26. |
27th August, 2021 |
Member, Grant Evaluation Committee (LCF) ORIC, LCWU |
27. |
23rd June, 2021 |
Member, Research Innovation Board, LCWU |
28. |
23rd June, 2021 |
Member, Institutional Performa Review Committee, LCWU |
29. |
7th May, 2021 |
Convener, Publication Verification Committee, LCWU |
30. |
21st April, 2021 |
Member, Research Ethics Institutional Review Board |
31. |
June, 2020 |
Convener, Publication Monitoring Sub-Committee Convener |
32. |
June, 2019 |
Founder, Testing Resource Centre, LCWU |
33. |
March, 2019 |
Secretary, LCWU Independent Living Centre Committee |
34. |
January, 2019 |
Head, IRC and ACP (DFDI), LCWU |
35. |
September, 2018 |
Member, LCWU High Achievers Alumni committee, LCWU |
36. |
March, 2018 |
Secretary, LCWU Portfolio Committee |
37. |
January, 2018 |
Assistant Editor Journal of Arts and Social Sciences |
38. |
January, 2018 |
Member, Committee for Planning of Conferences and Academic Events, LCWU |
39. |
December, 2017 |
Member, Event Planning and Conference Committee, LCWU |
40. |
September, 2017 |
Co-Convener, TTS Performa Review Committee, LCWU |
41. |
September, 2017 |
Incharge, PhD Lab Psychology Department |
42. |
August, 2017 |
Departmental Incharge QEC |
43. |
March, 2017 |
Member, Student Support Committee for Independent Living Centre, LCWU |
44. |
February 2017 |
Secretary Disable Support Committee |
45. |
February, 2015 |
Member, Assessment Team, QEC, LCWU |
46. |
2015-2018 |
Former Vice President, Pakistan Psychological Association, Lahore Chapter |
47. |
April, 2014 |
Member, Linkage Development Committee |
48. |
June, 2013 |
Member, Curriculum Review Committee, LCWU |
49. |
June, 2013 |
Member, Audio Visual aid Committee, LCWU |
50. |
March, 2013 |
Member, Assessment Team, Quality Assurance Cell, LCWU |
51. |
March, 2013 |
Member, Audio Visual Committee |
52. |
December, 2012 |
Member, Research Ethics Committee, Applied Psychology Department, Faculty of Social Sciences, LCWU |
53. |
July, 2012 |
Member, ACP Facilitator |
54. |
June, 2012 |
Member, Doctoral Committee, Faculty of Social Sciences, LCWU |
55. |
June, 2012 |
Member, Departmental Research Ethics Committee |
56. |
February, 2012 |
Member, Departmental Workload Committee |
57. |
January, 2012 |
Member, International Resource Centre, LCWU |
58. |
September, 2011 |
Adjunct Faculty, PhD Programme, Political Science Department, LCWU |
59. |
March, 2011-November, 2014 |
Technical Committee for the Purchase of Equipment |
60. |
October, 2011 |
Research Supervisory Committee |
61. |
2010-2012 |
Member, Physical Resource Committee |
62. |
June, 2011 |
Departmental PhD Coordinator, Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU |
Advisory Services Rendred at National Level
1. |
2023 |
Member, Board of Faculty, Rashid Latif University |
2. |
2023 |
Core Committee Member of Mental Health Outreach Program organized by the President of Pakistan |
3. |
22nd April 2023 |
Reviewr , British Journal of Special Education |
4. |
2023 |
Member BOS, University of the Pujab |
5. |
15th April, 2022 |
Member Academic Committee, International Rii Forum 2023 |
6. |
30th May, 2022 |
Member, Research Journal Evaluation Committee, Social Science-I, Higher Education Committee (HEC) |
7. |
17th November, 2021 |
Member board of Faculty of Behavioural & Social Sciences, University of the Punjab |
8. |
2018-2021 |
Director at Large, International Council for Psychologist. |
9. |
May, 2020 |
Member, Academic Council University of South Asia, Lahore. |
10. |
May, 2019 |
Member BOS, University of Home Economics, Lahore. |
11. |
April, 2019 |
Punjab Higher Education Commission, Subject Expert. |
12. |
January, 2017 |
Reviewer Journal of Clinical and Counselling Psychology Review-CCPR. |
13. |
June, 2016 |
Reviewer Journal of Behavioural Sciences Punjab University. |
14. |
May, 2016 |
Member, Punjab Public Service Commission, Selection Board. |
15. |
February, 2016 |
Member, Board of studies, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan. |
16. |
March, 2015 |
Served as Presiding Officer in Election Commission. |
17. |
April, 2015 |
Member, Board of studies, Lahore School of Management, University of Lahore, Lahore. |
18. |
March, 2013 |
Paper Setter and External examiner, Faculty of Behavioral Sciences, University of Gujarat. |
19. |
February, 2013 |
Member, Board of Studies, Kinnaird College for Women, Jail Road, Lahore. |
20. |
December, 2012 |
Sub-editor, Newsletter PPA, Lahore Chapter. |
21. |
November, 2012 |
Vice President, Pakistan Psychological Association, Lahore Chapter. |
22. |
November, 2012 |
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Pakistan Psychological Association, PPA. |
23. |
June, 2012 |
Reviewer, Pakistan Journal of Social and Personality Psychology. |
24. |
February, 2012 |
Former Vice President, Pakistan Psychological Association, Lahore Chapter. |
25. |
January, 2012 |
Lead Facilitator, British council, Active Citizen Programme. |
26. |
March, 2011 |
Reviewer Journal of Sex Roles. |
Sr. No.
Course Title
Ph.D Level Course
Advance Statistics
Psychometrics: Development, Adaptation and Translation of Instrument
Quantitave Research
Qualitative Reearch
Ethics in Psychology
MS Level Course |
6. |
Counseling in Health Psychology I & II |
7. |
Assessment Techniques |
8. |
Research Methods |
9. |
Statistics |
10. |
Research Protocol Development |
11. |
Ethical and Professional Issues |
BS Level Course |
12. |
Psychological Testing |
13. |
Introduction to Psychology |
14. |
Counseling Psychology |
15. |
Active Citizen Modules |
16. |
Psychopathology |
17. |
Quantitative Research |
New Course Developed |
Sr No. |
Course Title |
Ph.D Level Course |
1. |
Ethics in Psychology |
2. |
Advanced Statistics |
3. |
Psychometrics: Development, Adaptation and Translation of Instrument (Area of Specialization) |
4. |
Qualitative Research |
5. |
Quantitative Research |
New Programs Initiated at LCWU
Sr No. |
Year |
Program Title |
1. |
2021 |
BS Applied Psychology Self Supporting |
2. |
2021 |
MS Health Psychology Self Supporting |
3. |
2023 |
MS Clinical Psychology |
4. |
2023 |
MS Applied Psychology |
5. |
2023 |
BS Clinical Psychology |
6. |
2023 |
Advance Diploma in Clinical Psychology (ADCP) |
7. |
2023 |
Certification in Tool Development in Research for Social Sciences (Certificate) |
8. |
2023 |
Qualitative Research Methods (Certificate) |
9. |
2023 |
Basic Counselling Skills (Certificate) |
International Conference Presentations
Presented a Paper “Workplace Bullying, Psychological Strain and Coping Strategies among Medical Professionals” on 12-14/04/2023 at Rii Forum 2023 Chair
Key note talk on “Sexual harassment in public transport in Pakistan, Presented at the 77th International Council of Psychologists Conference: Human Rights, Dignity and Social Justice in Cadiz, Spain, June, 2019.
Paper presented on “Development of Positive emotions Scale, Presented at the 76th International Council of Psychologists Conference: Human Rights, Dignity and Social Justice in Montreal, Canada, June, 2018.
Paper presented on “Positive emotions across Gender, Presented at Harriot Watt university in Dubai, UAE, October, 2017.
Paper presented on “Sexual harassment at workplace, Presented at Middlesex University in Dubai, UAE, October, 2016.
Gender Differences in Positive Psychology paper presented at 1stInternational Conference on Global Gender Perspectives on 14-16 November 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore under partnership with George Washington University, USA.
Gender Differences in Positive Psychology paper presented at 1stInternational Conference on Global Gender Perspectives on 14-16 November 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore under partnership with George Washington University, USA.
“Sense of humour in University Teacher, paper presented at 1stInternational Conference on Islamic psychology on 14-16 April 2015 at International Islamic University, Malaysia.
Prevalence, Risk and Protective factors related to Disordered Eating Behaviours among young adults: Interplay of Gender and Psychosocial factors. British Psychological Society Conference: Psychology of Women Section, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, July 14-16, 2010.
Brain Drain Trends. 10th International conference of Business and Economics Research in Florida, USA, January 4-6, 2010.
Gender differences in predictors of disordered eating behaviour. Maso Scientific Obesity Conference Abstract Book, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. August 13, 2009
- Disordered eating behaviors: A review article. Maso Scientific Obesity Conference Abstract Book, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. August 13, 2009
- Paper presented titled “Workplace bullying and Physical Health of Teachers Working in Higher Education Institutes” at International Conference on Peace Building: Policies, Research, & Strategies, On 16th March, 2023.
- Presented project titled “Diagnostic Tool for Measurement of Eating Disorders” at The Innovation Expo organised by Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC), on 15th November 2022.
- Guest Speaker at 3 Days Digital Mothering Conference, on 23rd-25th May 2022, by Scaryammi.
- Guest speaker at one day symposium on “Islam & Wellbeing: Theory to Practice.” On 8th June 2022, by Society for Advancement of Muslim Psychology, in Collaboration with Fountain House, Lahore.
- Poster presented at Lahore College for Women University, by Office of Research Innovation & Commercialization, on 27th October, 2021, By Statistics Department, LCWU.
- Guest Speaker at 3 Days International Virtual Conference on Rectifiers for Post COVID World. Topic: “Challenges and Opportunities in the Post COVID Era.” on 7th-9th May 2021, by Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- 4th International e Conference on Neglect, Abuse and Trauma: The Living Nightmares. 18th March, 2021. By School of Professional Psychology, University of Management and Technology, Lahore.
- Presented Paper on Work-Family conflict at international conference of applied psychology: Practices and Interventions on 6th – 8th February, 2020, by IAP, Punjab University.
- Paper presented at International Conference “Islamic Perspective in Modern Psychology” 24th – 25th September 2019, Organized by Riphah Institute of Clinical and Professional Psychology. Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Paper presented in International conference of Applied Psychology: Practices and Interventions. 6th – 8th February 2019. Title: “An indigenous work family conflict stress scale”, at Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
Symposia Speaker, Delivered a Keynote Address on “Recovery from Mental Illness: Looking at Road Block and Strength”. At three day International Conference on “Islamic Perspectives in Modern Psychology”. 24th – 26th September, 2019. Organized by Riphah Institute of Clinical and Professional Psychology, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan.
Presented two paper in 7th International Conference “Positive Psychology: Developing a Flourishing Community” at National Institute of Psychology, in November, 2018.
Development and validation of trust in intimate partner scale for women paper presented at International conference on Health and Wellbeing organized by Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore college for Women University 11th -13th December 2017.
Development of Stress Tolerance Scale: Establish content validity Index paper presented at International conference on Health and Wellbeing organized by Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University 11th -13th December 2017.
Development and validation scale of betrayal scale for women Research paper presented on International conference on peace conflict and violence: Challenges & Resolution Strategies organized by Department of Humanities, Comsats Institute of Information technology, Lahore dated 29th-30th November, 2017.
Development and validation of trust in intimate partner scale for women Research paper presented on International conference on peace conflict and violence: Challenges & Resolution Strategies organized by Department of Humanities, Comsats Institute of Information technology, Lahore dated 29th-30th November, 2017.
Development of Stress Tolerance Scale: Establish content validity Index Research paper presented on International conference on peace conflict and violence: Challenges & Resolution Strategies organized by Department of Humanities, Comsats Institute of Information technology, Lahore dated 29th-30th November, 2017.
Role of emotional intelligence, social competence and Sense of humor among university teacher Research paper presented at 1st International conference on Emerging Issues in Management Sciences organised by Department of Management sciences LCWU. 18-20 July, 2017.
Domestic and professional stressors of female university teachers Research paper presented at 1st International conference on Emerging Issues in Management Sciences organised by Department of Management sciences LCWU. 18-20 July, 2017.
Bio-Psychosocial Impacts of Menopause among Pakistani Women paper presented at Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017.
Bio Psychosocial Impacts of Early Puberty in Pakistani Girls paper presented at Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017
Bio-Psychosocial Impacts of Bipolar Parents on Their Children paper presented at Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017
Intimate Partner Betrayal among Pakistani Women paper presented at Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017
Development of Indigenous Scale on Neuropsychological and Physiological side effects of Interferon Therapy in HCV Patients paper presented at Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017
Development & Validation of Adjustment Problem Scale for College/ University Students paper presented at Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017
Development & Validation of Psychosocial Problem Scale for Diabetes (PPSD) paper presented at Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017
Bio Psychosocial Impacts of Cardio-Phobic and Cardiac Patients on their Daily Lives Functioning Paper presented at 1st International conference on Clinical Psychology and the developing world: Issues, challenges and Solutions University of Management and Technology dated March 9-10, 2017.
Impact of Story Telling on Children Paper presented at 1st International conference on Clinical Psychology and the developing world: Issues, challenges and Solutions University of Management and Technology dated March 9-10, 2017.
Impacts of Professional work on the lives of Pakistani Women Paper presented at 1st International conference on Clinical Psychology and the developing world: Issues, challenges and Solutions University of Management and Technology dated March 9-10, 2017.
Selective Mutism: A Cultural Perspective Paper presented at 1st International conference on Clinical Psychology and the developing world: Issues, challenges and Solutions University of Management and Technology dated March 9-10, 2017
Role of Stress and Social Support in Miscarriage Paper presented at 1st International conference on Clinical Psychology and the developing world: Issues, challenges and Solutions University of Management and Technology dated March 9-10, 2017
Sleep disturbances in college students. Paper presented at 10th International psychiatric Conference held on 20th February 2016 at SIMS Lahore
Development of Premenstrual Scale. Paper presented at 10th International psychiatric Conference held on 20th February 2016 at SIMS Lahore
Phenomenology of Positive Psychology Paper presented at Conference on “Islamic Tradition in Psychology” at Lahore School of Management, University of Lahore held on 5th March, 2016
Identification and Expression of Grief among Cancer patient paper presented at 1st National Conference Emerging Trends in Clinical Psychology, on 21-22 September 2016 at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.
Identification and Prevalence of Social Anxiety across gender paper presented at 1st National Conference Emerging Trends in Clinical Psychology, on 21-22 September 2016 at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore
Work family Conflict ;An overview of Asian Culture paper presented at 1st National Conference Emerging Trends In Clinical Psychology, on 21-22 September 2016 at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology ,Lahore.
Development and Validation of Trust on Intimate partner Scale paper presented at 1st National Conference Emerging Trends in Clinical Psychology, on 21-22 September 2016 at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore
Bio Psychosocial Impact of early Puberty in Pakistani girls’ paper presented at 1st National Conference Emerging Trends in Clinical Psychology, on 21-22 September 2016 at COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore.
Personality as predictor for domestic and professional stressors paper presented at 1stInternational Education Conference Building Knowledge competencies for sustainable development in Asia: Achieving the Goals of Life Long Learning, on 2-4 November 2016 at Institute of Education Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Role of Emotional Intelligence Social Competence and Sense of Humor among University Students. Paper presented at 1stInternational Education Conference Building Knowledge competencies for sustainable development in Asia: Achieving the Goals of Life Long Learning, on 2-4 November 2016 at Institute of Education Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Women after rejection of proposals paper presented at 6th International Conference Psychology of gender in perspectives Issues and Challenges on 1-2 December, 2016 at National Institute of Psychology Centre of Excellence Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad.
The Gendered nature of Workplace Bullying paper presented at 6th International Conference Psychology of gender in perspectives: Issues and Challenges on 1-2 December 2016 at National Institute of Psychology Centre of Excellence Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad.
Assessment of Impulsivity among Pakistani Population Poster presented at 6th International Conference Psychology of gender in perspectives: Issues and Challenges on 1-2 December 2016 at National Institute of Psychology Centre of Excellence Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad.
Development of Hope Scale for Elderly Poster presented at 6th International Conference Psychology of gender in perspectives: Issues and Challenges on 1-2 December 2016 at National Institute of Psychology Centre of Excellence Quaid e Azam University, Islamabad.
Identification and prevalence of Social Anxiety among Pakistani Youth paper presented at 1stInternational Conference on Global Gender Perspectives on 14-16 November 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore under partnership with George Washington University, USA.
7 Papers presented on Indigenizing Clinical Psychology: Issues and Challenges at Clinical Psychology University of Management and Technology, Lahore. December 16-17, 2015
Paper presented at 5th International Conference on Educational Psychology at National Institute of Psychology centre of Excellence Quaid –I - Azam University, Islamabad. 13th November, 2014
Paper presented at Two days international Conference on Social Psychology 20th -21st May, 2014
Paper presented at International Conference of “Role of Psychologist in the Service of Society” at Alhamra Hall III, Mall Road Lahore. 31 October 2013
Paper presented at International Conference of Pakistan Psychological Association Lahore Chapter held on 31st October 2013.
Poster Presentation “Role of psychologists in the service of society”, Social Issues, Rehabilitation and Practicing Ethics, at Alhamra Hall, Mall Road Lahore. 31st October, 2013
Oral presentation on “Role of psychologists in the service of society”, social issues, rehabilitation and practicing ethics at Alhamra hall, Mall Road Lahore held on 31 October, 2013
Paper Presented Conducted On “Understanding students Psychology “AT IB&M-UET, 2nd Faculty development Program by AMDIP “on 9 January 2013.
Paper presented at International Conference on Industrial and Organizational psychology: Trends, Challenges and Applications at National Institute of Psychology Centre of Excellence Quaid –I - Azam University, Islamabad. April 19th, 2012
Paper presented at First International Conference on Developmental Psychology held on 27th – 28th March, 2012 at Government College University.
Health and Hope in Children with Thalassemia and Hemophilia: A caregiver’s Burden Study. 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference, International Islamic University, Islamabad, February 9-10, 2012.
Paper presented at 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference at Hotel Park Plaza, Gulberg Lahore. 25-26th November, 2011
Development and Validation of Body Image Scale (BIS). 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference, Hotel Park Plaza, Lahore, November 24-25, 2011.
Disordered Eating Behaviours in Pregnant Women of Lahore. 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference, Hotel Park Plaza, Lahore, November 24-25, 2011.
Life Satisfaction &Psychological Wellbeing in Females residing in Public & Private hostels of Lahore. 12th Annual Population Research conference on “Pakistani Youth”: The Ultimate resource in collaboration with Institute for Cultural Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, November 22-24, 2011.
Brain Drain: Psychosocial factors effecting economic growth of Pakistan. Research Conference by Population Association of Pakistan in collaboration with Fatima Jinnah Women University with a theme of Population, Peace and Development, November 24-26, 2010.
Development and Validation of Disordered Eating Behavior Scale (DEBS): Identification, Prevalence and Difference with clinically diagnosed Eating Disorders. National conference on Research in Psychology: Indigenous and Cultural Context, National Institute of Psychology, Centre of Excellence, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, October 14, 2010.
Paper Presented on National Conference on Research in Psychology indigenous and cultural context at Quaid-i- Azam University, Islamabad. 14th October, 2010
Prevalence, Risk and Protective factors related to Disordered Eating Behaviours among young adults: Interplay of Gender and Psychosocial factors. British Psychological Society Conference: Psychology of Women Section, Cumberland Lodge, Windsor, July 14-16, 2010.
Predictors of Disordered Eating Behaviour: Interplay of Gender and Psychosocial Factors. International Conference on Culture and Mental Health, Government College University, Lahore, March 6, 2009.
Disordered Eating Behaviours in Pregnant Women of Lahore. 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference, Hotel Park Plaza, Lahore. November 24-25, 2011.
Development and Validation of Body Image Scale (BIS). 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference, Hotel Park Plaza, Lahore. November 24-25, 2011.
Conferences Session Chaired
- 14th International Psychological Conference, Organized by Pakistan Psychological Associattion on 25th November 2023
- WPA Thematic Congress 2022, Public mental Health and Associated Opportunities, on 11th 13th March 2022, at Nishat Hotel
- Chaired Scientific Session/Keynote speaker of International conference on The Islamic Perspectives in Modern Psychology from 24th – 26th September 2019, organized by Riphah International University.
- Chaired Scientific Session of International conference on recent trends and intervention in clinical psychology from 20-22 March 2019 at Centre for Clinical Psychology, University of Punjab, Lahore.
- International conference on “Recent Trends & Interventions in Clinical Psychology” 20th- 22nd March 2019. Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Three Day International conference of Applied Psychology: Practices and Interventions. 6th – 8th February 2019. Centre for clinical psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Chaired Second International Conference on Gender “Perspectives, Realities and Challenges” as Co-chair in December 2018.
- Attended 7th International Conference “Positive Psychology: Developing a Flourishing Community” as Symposium Chair at National Institute of Psychology, in November, 2018.
- 1st International conference on Clinical Psychology and the developing world: Issues, challenges and Solutions University of Management and Technology dated March 9-10, 2017.Three-Day International Conference on Health Psychology: Issues & Challenges at Government College University dated 26th – 28th April, 2017.
- 1st International conference on Emerging Issues in Management Sciences organised by Department of Management sciences LCWUU. 18-20 July, 2017.
- International conference on peace conflict and violence: Challenges & Resolution Strategies organized by Department of Humanities, Comsats Institute of Information technology, Lahore dated 29th-30th November, 2017.
- International conference on Health and Wellbeing organized by Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University 11th -13th December 2017.
- International conference on Social sciences and Humanities organized by Virtual University in collaboration with Lahore college for Women University 14th -16th December, 2017.
- Has participated in Indigenizing Clinical Psychology: Issues and Challenges at Clinical Psychology University of Management and Technology, Lahore. December 16-17, 2015.
- 14th National Conference on “Current Challenges for psychology” on 19-21 March 2015 by, Pakistan psychological Association in collaboration with Institute of clinical psychology Punjab University, Lahore.
- 13th Muslim Psychology Conference on “Role of Social Scientist in community rehabilitation” on 27 November 2016 by, Society for Advancement in Muslim psychology at Fountain House Lahore.
- Conference on Role of social scientific in community rehabilitation at fountain house, Lahore. 27th November, 2015.
- 5th International Multidisciplinary Conference 29-31st October, 2015 at Imperial College of Business studies, Lahore.
- Participated in14th International Conference of Psychology on 19th -21st march 2015. The Current Challenges for psychology: from crisis to sustainable solutions Organized by: president PPA/ Director IAP.
- Has Participated 5th International Conference on Educational Psychology at National Institute of Psychology centre of Excellence Quaid -e- Azam University, Islamabad. 13th November, 2014.
- Participated in Two days international Conference on Social Psychology 20th -21st May, 2014.
- Has Voluntary participation in International Conference of “Role of Psychologist in the Service of Society” at Alhamra Hall III, Mall Road Lahore. 31 October 2013.
- International Conference of Pakistan Psychological Association Lahore Chapter held on 31st October 2013.
- Conference on Fundamentals of Assessment in Higher Education at Lahore College for Women University 13-14 Sep, 2013.
- Has Participated in International Conference on “Language Sciences and the Developing World” by Lahore College for Women University held on 11th -13th January, 2013.
- Has Participated in International Conference on Industrial and Organizational psychology: Trends, Challenges and Applications at National Institute of Psychology canter of Excellence Quaid -e- Azam University, Islamabad. April 19th, 2012.
- Attended First International Conference on Developmental Psychology held on 27th – 28th March, 2012 at Government College University.
- Has Participated in 13th Pakistan Psychological Association Conference at Hotel Park Plaza, Gulberg Lahore. 25-26th November, 2011.
- 12th Asia –Pacific Regional Conference of Alzheimer s Disease International on 7th -10th November 2009 Lahore Pakistan.
- International Conference on “Culture and Mental Health”, 6th March, 2009 at GCU Lahore.
- Annual Psychiatry Conference, 15th February, 2009 at Service Hospital, Lahore.
- Conference on “Psycho-trauma”, 30th-31st August, 2008 at Jinnah Convention Centre, Islamabad.
- International conference on “Mental Health”, 17th -19th April, 2008 at Avari Towers Lahore.
- Conference on “no topic mentioned” by Pakistan Psychological Association, April, 2007 at Lahore College (W) University, Lahore.
- Conference on “Domestic Violence”, at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. April, 2004.
- One day conference on Developing Counselling Package for victims of Domestic Abuse held on 26 march 2004 at University of the Punjab.
- Conference on “topic” by Pakistan Psychological Association at Govt. College University, Lahore. March, 2001.
- International conference on “Alzheimer’s International” by Pakistan Alzheimer’s society, at Avari Towers. 7th – 10th November, 2009.
Conference Organized
- 1st International Conference of Positively Happy for Uniting Mental Health and Related Medical/Allied Fields on 16-17 March, 2023.
- Co-organizer Undergraduate Faculty Training, STEM Education Pakistan, on 15the-19th August, 2023, by Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization, Virtual University of Pakistan.
- Co-organizer, 1st International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals (ICSDG 2022), Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Organized Future Leaders Connect- Pakistan Event on 29th August, 2019 at LCWU in collaboration with British Council
- Successfully organized 5-Day Training of facilitators under ACP Programme from 29th July, 2019 – 2nd August, 2019 at LCWU in collaboration with British Council
- Worked in Conference organizing committee (Long distance) at the International Council of Psychologists Conference: Human Rights, Dignity and Social Justice in Cadiz, Spain, 2019 June.
- Conference organizer (conference secretary) for International Conference on Health and Wellbeing 2017 dated 11-13th December 2017.
- Conference organizer (Member Core Committee) for International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities: Challenges in New Millennium. 2017 dated 14-136h December 2017.
- Helped organized The 14th National Conference was “Current Challenges for psychology” on 19-21 March 2015, by, Pakistan Psychological Association in collaboration with Institute of Psychology Punjab University, Lahore.
- Helped Organize conference on “Islamic Tradition in Psychology” at Lahore School of Management, University of Lahore 5th march 2016
- Seminar on “Youth Helping Youth- to fight against HIV/AIDS” on 2nd March 2016by Punjab AIDS control Program at Lahore College for Women University.
- Helped Organize ( Co Chair 1stInternational Conference on Global Gender Perspectives on 14-16 November 2016 at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore under partnership with George Washington University, USA.
- Helped Organized International Conference on Language Sciences and the Developing world at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. 11th-13th January 2013
Workshops Conducted
- Workshop on Behavior Therapy by Dr. Nashi Khan, April 2024, at Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU.
- Workshop on Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) by Ms.Fareeha Latif, April,2024, at Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU.
- Workshop on Case Formulation by Dr.Ayesha Jabeen, 29th March,2024, at Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU.
- Workshop on Autism Spectrum Disorder:From Diagnosis to Management by Ms.Zarrin Atif, 28th March,2024, at Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU.
- Workshop on Management of Disruptive Behaviour & ADHD by Ms.Tehmina Muzzafar (27th March,2024, at Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU.
- Workshop on Management of Intellectual Developmental Disorder by Ms.Amna Bashir (26th March,2024, at Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU.
- Workshop on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy with Psychosis by Ms.Nazish Habib, 31st January 2024, Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU
- Workshop on Behavior Modification by Dr.Ayesha Majeed, 30th January 2024, Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU
- Workshop on Case Conceptualization using CBT/Multiple Models by Mr.Farhan Hashmi, 16th January 2024, Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU
- Workshop on Timeline Therapy by Prof. Dr. Rafiq Dar, 9th Janury 2024, Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU
- Organized an event on “Astronomical Observation” in collaboration with geography department and ORIC-LCWU, on 8th Novmber, 2021.
- Organised a one day workshop on “Writing Strategies for Dissertation in Social Sciences: Mentoring the PhD Scholars” by Dr. Tazvin Ijaz from York University, Canada, at LCWU on 5th August, 2021.
- Organized an entrepreneurship NETSOL orientation Session, representatives from the NETSOL organization guided students to have an excellent opportunity to participate in business incubation ideas. 10th January 2020.
- Conducted workshop on Publications by Dr Parveen Ali from the University of Sheffield UK, for MS, M Phil and PhD about the publications and processes involved in them on 16th January 2020.
- Organized an orientation session about leadership skills and qualities of a leader, at LCWU and was conducted by Mr. Shams Ul Arifeen. 21 January 2020.
- Successfully organized five days Training of Facilitators from 29th July- 2nd August 2019 under Active Citizen Program in collaboration with British Council Pakistan.
- Organized a 3 day workshop on Advance Statistical Techniques in LCWU in August, 2018
- Conducted workshop on Islamic Tradition in Psychology at Lahore School of Management, University of Lahore, 5th March 2016.
- Successfully conducted Youth Helping Youth- to fight against HIV/AIDS at Punjab AIDS control Program at Lahore College for Women University, 2nd March 2016.
- Conducted a Workshop for tool Development for BS, MS and PhD students for department of Research and Evaluation from 16th march 2015 at institute of Education Research and Evaluation Department.
- Conducted workshop on “Getting help to yourself; Alternate to self-harm” as Resource person at LSM Campus, University of Lahore on 12th September, 2015.
- “Academic Writing for Publication” LCWU Postgraduate Diploma in Higher Education Teaching at Lahore college for women university, Directorate of faculty development and internalization 4th-6th march, 2015
- Has conducted two days” workshop on Application of Advance Statistical Analysis for Behavioural Sciences” From June 25, 2013 – June 26, 2013
- Workshop conducted on “APA Format” at Department of Gender studies held on 28th April, 2011, Lahore Collage for Women University, Lahore.
- Workshop conducted on “Synopsis Development” at Department of Political science held on 2nd May, 2011, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- Workshop conducted on “Assertive training” at Department of Applied Psychology held on 2nd November, 2011, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- Workshop conducted on the course on importance of Research in special education held on 11 March 2009.
Seminars and Invited Lectures
- Invited as a guest speaker on the book launching ceremony of "اسلام، مائنڈ سائنس اور ہمارے معاشرتی مسائل" authored by Dr. Imran Yousaf, Sitara-e-Imtiaz and a talented psychologist by Qasim Ali Shah Foundation.
- Participated as a panelist on discussion on current Trends in Education at the International Conference of Education Department, LCWU.
- Jang news coverage of the event!
- Participated in a panel discussion on “Role of Soft Interpersonal Skills in Enhancing Academic Outcomes at National College of Business Administration & Economics, Lahore on 18th April 2024.
- Invited as a guest speaker at GCU Faisalabad on 1st March 2024 for a talk
- Delivered a keynote address on “Importance of going to the right professional” at the Online International Conference on “uniting mental health and related medical fields” organised by Positively Happy, 16-17 March 2023
- Invited as guest speeker at the Institute of Applied Psychology , University of the Punjab on Women Day’s Panel Discussion, “Empowered Women Empower Women” March 2023.
- Invited as Guest Speakers at Sleep Conference 2023 organised by Master Molty Foam Sleep Research Foundation in collaboration with Jang Group on World Sleep Day.
- Delivered a talk via zoom on “The Educational, Health and Mental Health Needs of Muslim Women in Pakistan” 22-06-2023 at Psychology Department, Pace University, USA
- Participated as a Panel Chair in the 6th International E-Conference on “Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking” organized by the Young Psychologist Association with the collaboration of Anti Narcotics Force (ANF) RD-Punjab on June 25-26, 2023
- Delivered a talk on “The Rise of Psychology as Profession” at Department of Professional Psychology, Rashid Latif Khan University on 15th June, 2023
- Keynote address on Eating Disorders at 1st International Conference on Eating Disorder at a joint venture of Pakistan Institute of Living and Learning, Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab and Lahore College for Women University, Lahore on 1-2 June, 2023
- Delivered a lecture in Women’s Day Panel Discussion, on Empowered Women on 21st March, 2023.
- Delivered a lecture in a Research Based Seminar, at Govt Post Graduate Islamia College for Women Cooper Road, Lahore, on 14th November, 2022.
- Participated as judge for student panel discussion on, Mental Health Day, at COMSATS University, Lahore, on 21st October, 2022.
- Participated as panellist in panel discussion “It’s Ok Not to Be Ok”, at Bukhari Auditorium GCU, by GCU Medicare Club, on 12th October, 2022.
- Keynote speaker at “The First International Conference on Educational, Clinical and Indigenous Perspective on Challenges and Opportunities”, on 6th October, 2022, organized by Department of Applied Psychology, The Women University, Multan.
- Invited talk on “Inspiring STEM Careers” seminar on 14th September, 2022, at University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
- Guest speaker in a Virtual Orientation Event of National Centre for Research on Suicide Prevention, on 5th September, 2022.
- Panellist 2nd international conference of management & social sciences (ICMSS 2022), “Sustainable Development and the Challenges for Developing Countries” on 18-19 May 2022, at Lahore Garrison University, Lahore.
- Lecture Delivered on “" عورت باتon 9th March 2022 at E-Library Qadafi Stadium Lahore.
- Panel discussion on “Mental Health in Unequal World: What Brings us Together and What Sets us Apart” by The Departmentof Applied Psychologyat GCWUF, on 13th October 2021.
- Invited Talk in a Webinar on “Recent Challenges of Youth: A Way Forward” by Riphah International University, Lahore Campus, on 13th September 2021.
- Panel discussion on “Growing Up in a Powerful Digital World: Voices of Youth”, in International Conference 2021 on Mental health and Productivity: The Emerging Challenges for Youth, by National Institute of Psychology Centre of Excellence Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, on 7th September 2021.
- Invited Talk in a Webinar on “How to Be a Good Leader”, on 23rd August 2021, by Institute of Applied Psychology, The University of Punjab, Lahore.
- Invited talk in an International Peace Conference, topic: “Psychological Impact of Trauma and Violence” on 13th June 2021, by Young Psychological Association, LCWU, Lahore.
- Invited talk in a live session on “Bullying at Workplace”, on 15th March, 2021.
- Panel discussion on various aspects of family issues “Save the Family”, by Door of Awareness Educational Welfare Organization on 23rd January, 2021.
- Panelist in 16th Annual Conference on “Coping in the Times of the Pandemic: Defining the New Normal” by the Society for the Advancement of Muslim Psychology, on 21st October, 2020.
- Panelist in Webinar on “Sharing Advent of New Spectrum of Positivity and Kindness” on World Mental Health Day Celebration Webinar Series: 6th-9th October, 2020, by Institute of Applied Psychology, the University of Punjab, Lahore.
- Symposium Speaker in One Day International E-Conference on “COVID-19: A bio-psychosocial perspective: Challenges and Solutions” at Institute of Clinical Psychology, University of Management & Technology, 20th July, 2020.
- Panelist in Webinar on “Youth on the Move” by International Youth Psychologists Society, LCWU, 27th July 2020.
- Invited talk on “Youth on the Move” by International Young Psychologists Society, 27th July 2020.
- Invited talk on “Mental Health issues and Coping during COVID-19” at Hajvery University, Lahore, 30th June, 2020.
- Presentation on “Educational, Health and Mental Health Needs of Muslim Women in Pakistan” at Psychology Department, Pace University, New York, 29th June, 2020.
- Future Leaders Connect- Pakistan Event at LCWU in collaboration with British Council. 29th August, 2019.
- Symposia Speaker, Delivered a Keynote Address on “Recovery from Mental Illness: Looking at Road Block and Strength”. At three day International Conference on “Islamic Perspectives in Modern Psychology”. 24th – 26th September, 2019. Organized by Riphah Institute of Clinical and Professional Psychology, Riphah International University, Lahore, Pakistan.
- Key note talk on “Sexual harassment in public transport in Pakistan, Presented at the 77th International Council of Psychologists Conference: Human Rights, Dignity and Social Justice in Cadiz, Spain, 2019 June.
- One day seminar on series of psychology “Writing an Effective Synopsis and research Proposal” on 18th August, 2018, at Department of Psychology, Lahore School of Professional Studies, University of Lahore.
- Lecture delivered on “Stigmatization in Pakistani culture regarding Admitting Mental Illness” on 13th January, 2016 at Govt. Islamia College Lahore.
- Lecture delivered on “How to cope with academic stress” on 19th October 2012 at Institute of Business Management, UET, Lahore.
- Lecture delivered on “Awareness of Mental Health for Mothers of SOS village” on 15th, June, 2012 at SOS Herman Geminer School Ferouzpur Road, Lahore.
- Lecture delivered on “Scale development” to PhD scholars on 1st, June, 2012 at Institute of Psychology, Beaconhouse National University, Lahore.
- Lecture delivered on “Application of testing in Research” on 25th May, 2012 at Govt. Islamia College Cooper Road, Lahore.
- Active Citizens Interaction Consultation on workshop organized by the British Council, at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore. December 10th, 2011.
- Invited Lecture on “Psychosocial factors of disordered eating behavior” 28, May 2010 at Department of Education, LCWU, Lahore.
- Lecture delivered on “Emotional Empathy” 9, October 2009 at Institute of Business Administration, University of Punjab, Lahore
- Lecture delivered on “Disturb Eating Patterns” of Pakistani youth on 8th, March 2009 at Faculty of Commerce, University of Central Punjab, Lahore.
- Lecture delivered on “Emotional intelligence” of Pakistani youth on 6th, March 2009 at Faculty of Commerce, University of Central Punjab, Lahore
- Lecture as Resource Person on “Emotional Intelligence” at University of Central Punjab Faculty of Commerce held on Friday, February 06, 2009.
Additional Training
Selected Summer School, Seminars and Workshops Attended-
Attended webinar on "Expanding our understanding of post COVID-19 condition web series: Rehabilitation Care", by World Health Organization, on 6th October 2021
Attended training on “5 Tips for Getting Published: Maximize Your Chances to Get Your Paper Accepted in Academic Journals!” by ProQuest Education in Partnership with Higher Education Commission, on 27th October, 2020.
- Attended training on “How to Manage Your References Using RefWorks” by ProQuest Education in Partnership with Higher Education Commission, on 26th October, 2020.
- Attended training on “Advanced Training: How to Utilize ProQuest EBooks Collection in Teaching and Research” by ProQuest Education in Partnership with Higher Education Commission, on 20th October, 2020.
- Attended training on “Advanced Training: How to Utilize ProQuest Journals, Dissertations, and Varied Content Types in Teaching and Research” by ProQuest Education in Partnership with Higher Education Commission, on 19th October, 2020.
- Attended training on “HEC digital Library Collection for Your Next Scholarly Research” by ProQuest Education in Partnership with Higher Education Commission, on 14th October, 2020.
- Attended Punjab Higher Education Commission workshop on “Communication Skills and Pedagogy at Lahore College for Women University held on 16th to 20th May 2016.
- Five days Training under Indigenous campus Training under HEC Modern University Governance Programme at Lahore College for Women University Lahore.19 January – 18 February, 2015
- Has participated in Psychology subcommittee of HEC’S CDSSHP at university of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
- Participated Active Citizens Training of Facilitators Refreshers Course at Lahore College for Women University from 24 to 25 April 2014.
- Workshop on “Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) Through Amos” at Government College University, Lahore.20th November 2013
- Two Days Workshop on “ Peace Psychology” by Dr Daniel Christie Fulbright Specialist on Peace Psychology, Ohio State University in collaboration with Beaconhouse National University (BNU) at BNU,21st -22rd May 2013.
- Five Days Workshop on “Advances in Scientific Research Methodology and Ethics” organized by the DFDI in collaboration with University of Warwick at Lahore College for Women University, 1st April -5th April, 2013.
- Attended 12 Hours Training on “Statistical Product and service solutions” organized by DFDI and HEC at LCWU, March 2013
- Attended 06 Hours Training on “Plagiarism Policy” organized by DFDI and HEC at LCWU, March 2013
- Attended 12 Hours Training on “How to Win a Research Grant” organized by DFDI and HEC at LCWU, March 2013
- Workshop on “IRP, Patent and Patenting” organized by the Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) at Lahore College for Women University, 22nd February, 2013.
- Two Days Training workshop on “Mastering Quantitative and Qualitative Research data analysis for Dissertation/Thesis/Paper-Software application SPSS and NVIVO” organised by Research Centre for Training and Development and DFDI , through High Definition Video Conferencing .Dubai, UAE. 6th and 7th February 2013
- Course on “Faculty Development Program” organized by Association of Management Development Institutions in Pakistan at Punjab University, 10th -11th October 2012.
- Training course on “Office Management for Officers” organized by Management and Professional Development Department, Government of the Punjab at PIMPD, 13th -18th July 2012.
- Training Workshop on “Active Citizens training of Facilitators” organized by the British Council at Lahore College for Women University, 9th -13th July, 2012.
- Two week Course on “Qualitative Research Methods “organized by HEC and DFDI at LCWU, 28th May 2012-8th June 2012.
- One week training course on “Office Management” for officers held on 14th May-18th May, 2012
- Three Months Training on “Internationalization of Higher Education “organized by British Council and DFDI at LCWU, January 2012-March 2012.
- Three days’ Workshop on “Stories for Change” organized by SIMORGH Women Resource & Publication Centre at LCWU, 21st-23rd February 2012.
- Workshop on “Active Citizens Interaction Consultation” organized by the British Council at Pearl Continental Hotel, 10th December, 2011.
- Seminar on Creating Awareness against Drug Addiction at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. 1st June 2009
- Course on Importance of Research in Special Education on 11 March 2009 on Wednesday at Punjab Special Education.
- Workshop on “EMDR” in International conference on Psycho-trauma, at Jinnah Convention Centre, Islamabad. 30-31st August, 2008
- 5th International Symposium on “Psychiatric Updates & Media /Public Awareness”, Avari hotel Lahore- Pakistan. April 19 -20 2008
- Seminar on “Conversion Disorders: “Diagnosis and Intervention” organized by Psychiatry Department, Rawalpindi General Hospital, 6th January, 2006.
- Workshop on “Basics of Behaviour Therapy” by Ms. Nashi Khan (Consultant Chartered Clinical Psychologist), organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 11th June, 2005.
- Workshop on “Reiki: Application and Treatment, Level II” by Dr. Shaharyar Aftab, organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 4th June, 2005.
- Workshop on “Reiki: Application and Treatment, Level I” by Dr. Shaharyar Aftab, organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 28th May 2005.
- Workshop on “REBT: Assessment and Intervention” by Ms. Cyma Salman (Clinical Psychologist), organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 21st -22nd December, 2004.
- Workshop on “Research Methods in Psychology”, at Govt. College University, Lahore. 13th October, 2004
- Workshop on “Counselling the Victims and Survivors of Domestic Violence” at Lahore College for Women University held on 27th to 28th September, 2004
- Seminar on “Drug Treatment Works” on “International Day against Drug abuse & Illicit Trafficking” organized by Academic Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Sciences, KEMC/Mayo Hospital, and Pakistan Psychiatric Society (Punjab Chapter), 26th June, 2004.
- Symposium on “Student Counselling and Assessment Services” organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab (prior to the launch of SCAS), Lahore, 6th April, 2004.
- Workshop on “Developing a Counselling Package for Victims of Domestic Violence” organized by Department of Applied Psychology under DFID Link Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 26th March, 2004.
- Workshop on “How to do research” by Dr. Zahid Mahmood, Chartered Psychologist from UK, organized by Department of Psychology and Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 9th October, 2003.
- Workshop on “Child Sexual Abuse” organized by Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab in collaboration with SAVERA and DFID, Lahore, January, 2003.
- One day research symposium arranged by Rumi Psychological Society, at Govt. Fatima Jinnah College (W,) Lahore, April, 2001
- Workshop on “Hypnotherapy” by Farzana Noor, organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, March 2001.
- One week workshop on “Computer Skills: Multimedia Use and MS Office” organized by University of the Punjab, Lahore, August, 2000.
- Workshop on Project Techniques at University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan, 26 April 2000.
- Workshop on “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders” by Dr. Zahid Mahmood, a Chartered Clinical Psychologist from UK, organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, 18th April, 2000.
- Workshop on “Projective techniques” by Dr. Zahid Mahmood, a Chartered Clinical Psychologist from UK, organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, 16th April, 2000.
- Seminar on “Perception of Medical Images for Diagnostic and Surgery Purposes” by Dr. Jorg Huber, Roe Hampton College, London, organized by Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, 6th April 2000.
- Seminar on “Brain and Behavior” by Dr. Mazhar Khan (Chartered Psychologist from USA), organized by Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab, 6th March, 2000.
- Workshop on “Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, WAIS III” by Dr. Mazhar Khan (Chartered Psychologist from USA), organized by the Centre for Clinical Psychology, University of the Punjab, 1st March, 2000.
- Workshop on “Trauma Psychology” organized by Fountain House in collaboration with Missisuri University, USA, 22nd January, 2000.
- Workshop on “Internet Access”, at Applied Psychology Department, University of the Punjab in collaboration with SNDP, 15th January, 2000
- Seminar on “The Tragic Incident of Child Abuse and Killing: Lessons Learned and What Needs to be done” at Department of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab. 15th December, 1999
- Workshop on “Development of Syllabi of Psychology for intermediate and Graduate Level”, by Dr. Zahid Mahmood, Chartered Clinical Psychologist, UK, organized by Psychology Department, Govt. College, Lahore, April 1999.
- Workshop on “Environment Assessment and Management” Organized by Governance of the Punjab social welfare training institute Lahore. 18th -19th December, 1995.
- Administrative & Accounts Management Workshop for office Bearers of NGOS. . Organized by Governance of the Punjab Social Welfare Training Institute Lahore. April 17, 1995
Research Supervisor (PhD, MPhil, MSc and BS)
PhD Completed
1. |
Munawar, M (2018) |
Psychosocial Issues of People Living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIVA) in Pakistan. |
2. |
Amjad, M (2018) |
Puberty Challenges and Psychosocial Vulnerabilities in Adolescent Boys. |
3. |
Afzal, N (2014) |
Development and Validation of pre-marital Anxiety scale and predictors of pre-marital anxiety in Adults.
4. |
Shabir, N (2018) |
Development and Validation of Perceived Leader's Integrity Scale: Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment between Organizational Transparency and Employee's Engagement |
5. |
Ahmad, M. (June, 2021) |
Work Family Conflict and mental health of working women in Pakistan
6. |
Imtiaz, T. (June, 2021) |
Bio psychosocial Problems of children with Thalassemia: A caregiver’s burden study |
7. |
Hassan, N. (June, 2020) |
Neuro-psychological and physiological side effects of interferon therapy in HCV patients. Health Related quality of life and coping strategies across gender. |
8. |
Ahamd, S. (August, 2020) |
Obesity and Martial Adjustment Among Working Women |
9. |
Ejaz, B. (March, 2020) |
Development and validation of social anxiety scale for Pakistani population: Predictors of social anxiety among university students in Lahore. |
10. |
Malik, N. (2019) |
Development of sleep disorder Scale and correlates of sleep disorders in Respiratory diseases in Adults |
11. |
Shamim, A. (2019) |
Correlates of Positive Emotions, Adherence and Quality of life in type II Diabetes: Comparative study of Pakistani and the United States Adult Population. |
12. |
Anjum, A. (2018) |
An assessment of workplace bulling in Educational Institutions of Lahore, Pakistan |
13. |
Kazmi, R. (2018) |
Psychological factors of adjustment problems in University students. |
14. |
Ijaz, S (2020) |
Psychosocial problems of patients with Type II diabetes. |
PhD Students Under Supervision (After ASRB) |
1. |
Numan, A (2018) |
Mental Health of Emerging Adults: A Perspective in a Pakistani Context. |
2. |
Jalil, T (2018) |
Development and Validation of Economic Abuse Scale; Mediating role of Mental Health between Economic Abuse and Career Success among Pakistani women. |
3. |
Asif, I (2021) |
Psychosocial Challeneges and Self Efficacy oF Women Engineer in Pakistan: Intervention Based Occupational Self Efficacy Training |
4. |
Nuzhat Ul Ain (2021) |
Development and Velidation of Percieved Effects of Endometriosis Scale: The Mindful Self-Compassion Intervention |
5. |
Haroon, Z (2021) |
Determinents of Prosocial Behavior and Personal Growth in Youth: The Role of Gratitude and Spirituality |
6. |
Ahsan, Shazia (2021) |
Posttramatic Growth and Depreciation in Mothers with Prenatal and Infant Loss |
7. |
Masood, R (2021) |
Development of Mental Health Stigma Scale with Pakistani perspective, Determinants of mental health stigma in Pakistan: a Psychoeducation based Study |
8. |
Khan, A (2022) |
Navigating Psycho-social Challenges: The Struggle of Women Entrepreneur in Pakistan |
9. |
Ahmad, M (2022) |
Fostering Flourishing among University Students: Role of Quiet Ego, Perceived Social Support and Emotional Regulation |
10. |
Jabbar, A (2023) |
Climate change Vulnerability Scale for Women |
11. |
Noor, A (2023) |
Parentification Trauma Scale for Adults |
MS Health Psychology Completed
1. |
Miral Fatima (2024) |
Adaptation and Application of Applied Behavior Analysis Intervention for Anger Management in Mild/Moderate Intellectually Disabled Children: A Case Study Approach |
2. |
Masooma Abbas (2024) |
Adaptation and development of students and a mental health, protocol based on mentalization therapy |
3. |
Jannat Naseem (2024) |
Cultural Adaptation of Asthma Management Strategies in Primary Caregivers of Asthma |
4. |
Humaira Qasim (2024) |
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the Treatment of Postpartum Depression: A Case Study Approach |
5. |
Nida Ashraf (2024) |
Relationship between menstrual issues, psychological distress and Quality of life among women university students. |
6. |
Fatima Baig (2023) |
Efficacy of Psychotherapeutic intervention for reducing symptoms of eating disorders in low and middle-income countries. A systematic review. |
7. |
Mahnoor Tahir (2023) |
Cultural adaptation and translation of the Maudsley Model of anorexia nervosa: A cognitive Interpersonal therapy workbook for treatment of anorexia nervosa. |
8. |
Maryam Rizwan (2023) |
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices regarding eating disorders among Pakistani Population |
9. |
Ayesha Anwar (2023) |
Medically Unexplained Symptoms, Early Childhood Trauma ans Social Support among Pakistani University Students |
10. |
Shanze Fatima (2023) |
Caregiving burden of Eating Disorders : Pakistani Perspective. |
11. |
Hina Rafique (2022) |
Psychological Impact of Cancer on Human Healthy and Family Adjustment among Adolescents with Cancer. |
12. |
Humaira Akbar (2022) |
Loneliness, Cognitive Functioning and Coping Styles among Adolescents. |
13. |
Aqsa Iqbal (2021) |
Psychosocial correlates of adjustment problems among university students |
14. |
Faiqa Naseem (2021) |
Death anxiety and coping strategies among coronavirus survivors |
15. |
Hifsa Asim (2021) |
Measuring work family conflicts and fear of COVID-19 Pakistani working women |
16. |
Rizvi, A. B. (2020) |
Workplace Bullying, Psychological Strain and Coping Strategies Among Medical Professionals |
17. |
Ali, A (2020) |
Spousal Relationship Satisfaction and Attitude Towards Aging and Menopause in Women with Menopausal Symptoms |
18. |
Majeed, M. (2020) |
Severity Of Violence and Economic Abuse as Predictor of Poor Mental Health Among Working Women |
19. |
Liaquat, A. (2019) |
The Development of Death Attitude Scale for Muslim Older Adults of Pakistan |
20. |
Rabail, A. (2019) |
Health Betrayal, Trust in Intimate Partner Relationship and Grief Among Women with Breast and Cervical Cancer |
21. |
Masoom, Z. (2019) |
Development Of Anger Response Questionnaire for Pakistani Population |
22. |
Ilyas, A. (2019) |
Self-Silencing and Depression in Women Across Age |
23. |
Siddiqua, H. A. (2018) |
Disorder Eating Behaviour, Stress and Premenstrual Syndrome Among Young Women. |
24. |
Tahir, M. (2018) |
Fear Of Negative Evaluation, Appearance Distress and Social Functioning among Women with Acne. |
25. |
Ali, S.M (2018) |
Fear Of Negative Evaluation, Appearance Distress and Social Functioning among Women with Acne |
26. |
Khan, R. (2018) |
Caregiver’s Burden, Quality of Life and Emotion Regulation Among Caregivers of Cardiac Patients. |
27. |
Bibi, A. (2018) |
Caffeine Consumption in Creative People: Interpretative Phenomenological Approach |
28. |
Salahuddin, S. (2018) |
Online Gaming Addiction in Young Teenage Boys |
29. |
Ishaq, N. (2017) |
Social Support, Depression and Quality of Life in Pregnant Women with Hepatitis C. |
30. |
Tariq, A. (2017) |
Facebook Addiction, Mood Changes and Disordered Eating Behaviour Among Young Adults. |
31. |
Ahmad, A. (2017) |
Anger Expression, Life Orientation and Quality of Life in Patients with Hypertension. |
32. |
Ali, N. (2017) |
Emotion Regulation, Optimism and Quality of Life Among Stomach Ulcer Patients |
33. |
Zafar, A. (2016) |
Correlates Of Binge Eating Behaviour Among College and Universities Female Students. |
34. |
Safdar, F. (2016) |
Defence Mechanisms, Loneliness and Social Connectedness Among Over Weight Universities Students. |
35. |
Afzal, K. (2016) |
Social Support, Occupational Stress as Predictors of Quality of Life in Men with Cardiovascular Disease. |
36. |
Cheema, Z. (2016) |
Role Of Stress and Social Support in Miscarriage: A Mixed Method Study. |
37. |
Irum, H. (2015) |
Self-Esteem, Body Image and Self-Consciousness Among Women After Rejection of Marriage Proposals. |
38. |
Haroon, J. (2015) |
Psychological Distress and Physical Health of School Children After APS Peshawar Incident. |
39. |
Ahmad, A. (2015) |
Personality As a Predictor for Domestic and Professional Stressors Of Female Universities Teachers. |
40. |
Haq, S. (2015) |
Development And Validation of Impulse Control Disorder Scale |
41. |
Mukhtar, A. (2014) |
Role Of Emotional Intelligence, Social Competence Sense of Humour, In University Teachers. |
42. |
Munawar, A. (2014) |
Health Related Quality of Life Among HIV Positive Individuals with And Without Antiretroviral Therapy |
43. |
Ahmad, A. (2014) |
Role Of Media Exposure and Health Related Quality of Life in Sleep Disturbance Among College Students |
44. |
Atta, A. (2013) |
Body Weight and Trust in Close Interpersonal Relationship in Engaged Women |
45. |
Hassan, N. (2012) |
Development And Construct Validity of Premenstrual Syndrome Scale (20212) |
46. |
Ejaz, B. (2012) |
Validation Of Body Image Scale by Moeen & Muazzam (2011) |
47. |
Qayyum, F. (2012) |
Role Of Working Environment in Sexual Harassment of Women in Lahore |
48. |
Moeen, T. (2011) |
Development Of Body Image Scale for Young Adult Female |
49. |
Sohail, R. (2011) |
Disordered Eating Behavior in Pregnant Women of Lahore |
50. |
Jalil, T. (2010) |
Emotional Intelligence and Martial Adjustment in Fertile & Infertile Couples. |
51. |
Javaid, S. (2010) |
Health And Hope in Children with Blood Transfusion Diseases. |
52. |
Javaid, S. (2010) |
Disordered Eating Behaviour, Dieting Beliefs and Exercise Motivation in Female Gym Users And Non-Users. |
BS Completed
1. |
Bareera Asif & Huma Amin (2023) |
Identifiying Phinomonology of Gender Dysphoria: Cultural, Social and Religious Factors |
2. |
Ayesha Ajmal & Mafia Shaukat (2023) |
Personal and Professional Stressors of Female |
3. |
Namrah Mahmood (2022) |
Predictors of Job Satisfaction, Motivation and Organizational Behaviour among Teaching Staff of Female Public Sector Universities. |
4. |
Ayesha Afzal (2021) |
Economic Abuse, Career Success and Decision Making Among Working Women. |
5. |
Sidra Marvi (2021) |
Mediating Role of Psychological Empowerment Between Perceived Leader’s Integrity and Employee’s Engagement. |
6. |
Rehana Mehdi (2021) |
Personality Type, Social Support, and Academic Adjustment Among College and University Students. |
7. |
Minahil Babar (2021) |
Bio Psychosocial Problems Of COVID-19, And Their Association with Mood and Positive Thinking |
8. |
Aleem, F. (2019) |
Social support as predictor of Resilience in Thalassemia Patients |
9. |
Asim, H. (2019) |
Relationship between Social Support and Caregiver Burden of Thalassemia Patients |
10. |
Amin, A. (2019) |
Number of Siblings as a Predictor of Caregiver Burden in Parents of Children with Thalassemia |
11. |
Hassan, I. (2019) |
Relationship Between Bio-psychosocial Problems and Caregivers Burden |
12. |
Maqsood, M. (2019) |
Identifying the Biological, Psychological and Social Problems Among the Patients of Thalassemia |
13. |
Akbar, F. (2019) |
Extroversion as a Predictor in Coping Obesity among Working Women |
14. |
Arshad, M. (2010) |
Disordered eating behavior in college athletes |
15. |
Shaukat, F. (2010) |
Life Satisfaction &Psychological Wellbeing in Females residing in Public & Private hostels of Lahore |
Journal Editing and Reviewing
- Chief Editor, Journal of Research in Psychology (JRP), LCWU
- Reviewer, Violence and victim ( springer)
- Reviewer, Sex roles ( springer)
- Reviewers ,Library Tec ( Springer)
- Reviewer, MDPI
- Assistant Editor, Journal of Arts and Social Sciences JASS LCWU
- Reviewer, Pakistan Journal of Professional Psychology: Research and Practice (PJPPRP), PU
- Reviewer, Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology (PJSCP),GCU
- Editorial Member, Journal Pakistan Psychological Association
- Editorial Member, Journal of Behavioural Sciences, PU
- Editorial member Faran Journal of Social sciences
- Sub Editor ,News Letter PPA Lahore Chapter
- Reviewer, Pakistan Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (International Journal)
- Reviewer, Clinical and Counselling psychology Review, (UMT)
MoU Signed as Coordinator or Focal Person
- Focul Person for Memorandum of Understanding between LCWU and Punjab Probation and Parole Service, 26th April 2024
- Focul Person for Memorandum of Understanding between LCWU and Mayo Hospital facilitated by Department of Applied Psychology, March, 2024.
- Focul Person for Memorandum of Understanding between LCWU and Fountain House facilitated by Department of Applied Psychology, March, 2024.
- Focul Person for Memorandum of Understanding between LCWU and Saleem Memorial hospital facilitated by Department of Applied Psychology, 3rd Jauary, 2024.
- Focul Person for Memorandum of Understanding between Punjab Institute of Mental Health (PIMH) and Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU on 19th May, 2022
- Focal person for Memorandum of Understanding between The British Council and Lahore College for Women University for Citizenship Education and Community Engagement Programme- Active Citizens 2019-2022
- Focal person for Letter of Intent between Department of Psychology, Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada and Department of Applied Psychology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan. 2019
- Focal person for MOU as Conference coordinator and member core committee for International Conference of Social Science and Humanities: Challenges in New Millennium.
Awards and Honours
Sr. No. |
Title of the Award |
Authority Giving the Award |
Name of the County giving Award |
Date of Award |
Award, Charles Wallace Visiting Fellowship |
British Council |
United Kingdom |
July – August 2023 |
Best University Teacher Award |
Higher Education Commission (HEC) |
Pakistan |
2023 |
Research Productivity Award |
Pakistan |
June 2023 |
Award in Recognition of Outstanding Dedication and Commitment on 16th Convocation |
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore |
Pakistan |
2022- 2023 |
5. |
Award Chair, Denmark-Gunvald Award for Feminist Research and Service |
International Council for Psychologist
Canada |
March, 2021 |
6. |
Pride of Nation Award |
Higher Education Commission |
Pakistan |
September, 2020 |
7. |
Award in Recognition of Outstanding Dedication and Commitment on 15th Convocation |
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore |
Pakistan |
August, 2019 |
8. |
Director at Large at the International Council of Psychologists |
International Council of Psychologists |
Canada |
10th June, 2018 |
9. |
HEC Approved Supervisor |
Higher Education Commission |
Pakistan |
March, 2013 |
10. |
ACP Facilitator |
Active Citizen Program by British Council |
Pakistan |
January, 2012 |
11. |
Life member PPA |
Pakistan Psychological Association |
Pakistan |
December, 2012 |
12. |
HEC Indigenous PhD Scholar |
Higher Education Commission |
Pakistan |
December, 2004 |
Invited Guests on Media
- Participation as Guest Speaker in TV/Radio Shows
- Invited as guest speaker at Jago Pakistan for discussuion on Mental Health and Wellbeing.
- Invited by Young Psychologists Association for a talk on "The Power of Prayer"
- As the sun shines brighter and the days grow longer, it's not just the temperature that's rising – our mental well-being gets a boost too! ☀️ Here's how the summer season can work wonders for your mental health. Guest appearance on Lahore as psychologist.
- Invited as Expert Psychologist at View 360 program on Voice of America to express her views on risk factors of underage driving in Pakistan on 23rd December, 2023.
- At Suno TV, 25th October, Topic: How to Train the Children.
- At Lahore News Channel, 31st August, 2021, Topic: Reflection on Human Psyche on Emerging Harassment Cases Against Women.
- At Jurm Anjam, Lahore News Channel, 25th August, 2021, Reflection on the recent case of run-away females.
- At Jaago Lahore, Lahore News Channel, 18th August, 2021, Topic: Difference between Depression and Anxiety and its prevalence during Covid 19 Pandemic.
- At Jaago Lahore, Lahore News Channel, 22 April, 2021, Topic: Causes of Intolerance in Our Society and Strategies to Manage Conflict Resolution.
- At Jurm Anjam, Lahore News Channel, February 2021, Topic: Views as an Expert Psychologist on a crime incident in Lahore.
- At Jaago Lahore, Lahore News Channel, April, 2020, Topic: Issues Related to Child Labour.
- At Mast Morning with Juggan Kazim, Dawn TV, Lahore, 20, Sep 2011, Topic: Issues in Marital Adjustment.
- Regularly participated as Psychologist in Morning show at JAGO LAHORE by Lahore News and Weekend Brunch by GNN. Invited talks given at PTV, EXPRESS, DUNYA TV, BBC etc.
- International Interview Conducted by ICP (Link below)
- https://www.facebook.com/ElisonPsicologo/videos/3103009783069973
Research Publications
- Iqbal, N. ., Zia, S., Kazmi, F. Z., Raiz, S., Shabbir, A., Tauseef, H., & Muazzam, A. (2024). Examining the Role of TV Channels in Promoting Environmental Awareness Among University Students in Pakistan: A Pathway to Sustainable Development Goals . The Asian Bulletin of Green Management and Circular Economy, 4(1), SDGs 4(1),67–79. https://doi.org/10.62019/abgmce.v4i1.73
- Malik, N. ., Amama, A., Shabbir, A., Iqbal, N., Tauseef, H., Zia, S., & Muazzam, A. (2024). Addressing Environmental Factors for SDG 3-Health and Wellbeing: Perceived Stress, Sleep Quality, and Coping among Medical Students in Pakistan. The Asian Bulletin of Green Management and Circular Economy, 4(1), SDGs 4(1),80–89. https://doi.org/10.62019/abgmce.v4i1.74
- Iqbal, N, Puri, A.N., Saeed, F., Malik, N.,, Tauseef, T., Raiz, S., & Muazzam, A.. (2023). Bio-Psychosocial Impact of Menopause among Pakistani Women. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences. 2(4), 1403–1412. ISSN (E) 2959-2461 (P) 2959-3808, Retrieved from https://ijciss.org/index.php/ijciss/article/view/699
- Sharif, F., Muazzam, A., & Atif, Z., (2024). Research Ethics and Possible Effects of Practicing Aversion Techniques in Research to Manage Self Injurious Behavior in Children with Special Needs. Journal of Business and Management Research, 3(1), 639–647. Retrieved from https://jbmr.com.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/156
- Barra C, Grimaldi M, Muazzam A, Troisi O, Visvizi A. (2024). Digital divide, gender gap, and entrepreneurial orientation: how to foster technology adoption among Pakistani higher education students?, Socio-Economic Planning Sciences. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seps.2024.101904.
- Jabbar, A., Muazzam, A., & Sadaqat, S. (2024). An Unveiling the Ethical Quandaries: A Critical Analysis of the Stanford Prison Experiment as a Mirror of Pakistani Society. Journal of Business and Management Research, 3(1), 629–638. Retrieved from https://jbmr.com.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/155
- Rafique, H., Munir, M., Puri, A.M., Malik, N., Shabbir, A., Iqbal, N., & Muazzam, A. (2024). Mental and Family Adjustment to Cancer And Their Link To Depressive Symptoms In Adolescents. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences .ISSN (E) 2959-2461 (P) 2959-3808, 3(2), 606–621. Retrieved from https://ijciss.org/index.php/ijciss/article/view/678
- Iqbal, N., Farrukh, M., Riaz, S., Shabbir, A., Puri, A.M., Malik, N., & Muazzam. A. (2024). Consumption Patterns Of Online Makeup Tutorials Of Girls Of Lahore. International Journal of Contemporary Issues in Social Sciences .ISSN (E) 2959-2461 (P) 2959-3808, 3(1), 1819–1834. Retrieved from https://ijciss.org/index.php/ijciss/article/view/687
- Muazzam, A., Fatima, S., Shabbir, A., Iqbal, N., & Shabbir, S. (2024). Exploring the Interplay of Psychological Distress, Life Satisfaction, and Social Media Usage in Elderly Individuals with Hearing Impairments. Journal of Business and Management Research, 3(1), 613–628. Retrieved from https://jbmr.com.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/154
- Farooq, M., Kazmi, U. E. R., & Muazzam, A. (2024). Efficacy of Assertive Training for Gaslighting and Mental Health in University Students. Kurdish Studies, 12(2), 5629-5643.
- Puri, A. M., Aziz, F., Shabbir, A., Iqbal, N., & Muazzam, A. (2024). Unveiling the Phenomenology of Professional and Domestic Stressors for Private School Teachers of Lahore, Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(1), 403-412.
- Shabir, N., & Muazzam, A. (2024). Impact of perceived leader’s integrity on employee’s engagement of government sector employees: mediating role of psychological empowerment. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 25(1), 86-97.
- Munawar, M., Muazzam, A., Puri, A. M., Javed, H., Malik, N., Shabbir, A., & Iqbal, N. (2023). Data-Driven Insights into Understanding the Health-Related Quality of Life Among People Living with HIV/AIDS in Pakistan: Exploring Causes, Demography, and Efficacy of Antiretroviral Therapy. The Asian Bulletin of Big Data Management, 3(2), 216–228. https://doi.org/10.62019/abbdm.v3i2.137
- Iqbal, N., Sajjad, F., Hassan, F., Raiz, S., Shabbir, A., Tauseef, H., & Muazzam, A. (2023). Investigating Electronic Media’s Impact on Noise Pollution Awareness Among University Students in Lahore, Bridging the Gap toward Sustainable Urban Environments. THE ASIAN BULLETIN OF GREEN MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY, 3(1), SDGs 3(1),1–9.
- A, Khan. A, (2023). Introduction to Psychology (Intermediate Part-I). Abdullah Brothers
- Munawar, M., & Muazzam, A. (2023). Statistics and Risk Factors of HIV/AIDS: An Unceasing Epidemic in Lahore – Pakistan. South Asian Journal of Public Health.
- Amjad, M., & Muazzam, A. (2023). Puberty in Boys: A Complex Phenomenon Unwind from Pakistan. PJPPRP, 14(2). http://pjpprp.pu.edu.pk/jour/pjpprp/article/view/129/118
- Muazzam, A., Shabbir, A., Iqbal, N., Faran, M., Munir, M., & Kamran, F. (2023). Using a digital app to monitor the effects of sexual harassment on mental health. Mental Health and Social Inclusion. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/MHSI-10-2023-0107/full/html
- Shakil, M., Fatima, S., Muazzam, A., Amjad, M., & Javed, S. (2023). Assessment of risk perception and adoption of safety measures during Covid-19 pandemic in Pakistan: a survey study through mobile application. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14(11), 14733-14738.
- Muazzam A, Naseem F, Shakil M, Visvizi A, Klemens J. (2023). Surviving COVID-19: Biopsychosocial Impacts, Death Anxiety, and Coping Strategies. Vaccines, 11(3), 705. https://doi.org/10.3390/vaccines11030705
- Shakil, M., Khan, B., Ali, A. Z., Javed, S., Mukhtar, A., Khan, M. A., & Muazzam, A. (2022). Investigating distorted thinking patterns and psychological distress in students taking online education during COVID-19 outbreak. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 98(98), 58-69.
- Shabir, N. & Muazzam, A. (2022) Impact of perceived leader’s integrity on employee’s engagement of government sector employees: mediating role of psychological empowerment, Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1463922X.2022.2149876
- Shakil, M., Fatima, S., Muazzam, A., Amjad, M. & Javed, S. (2022). Assessment of risk perception and adoption of safety measures during Covid-19 pandemic in Pakistan: a survey study through mobile application. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12652-022-04421-8
- Manzoor, M. A., Hassan, S. U., Muazzam, A., Tuarob, S., & Nawaz, R. (2022). Social mining for sustainable cities: thematic study of gender-based violence coverage in news articles and domestic violence in relation to COVID-19. Journal of ambient intelligence and humanized computing, 1-12. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12652-021-03401-8
- Asim, & Muazzam, A. (2022). Work-family conflict and fear of COVID-19 and its relationship with the physical and mental health of Pakistani working women. Forman Journal of Social Sciences, 1, 1-28. https://www.fccollege.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/1.-Dr.-Amina-Muazzam.pdf
- Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Tariq, S., Asmat, A., Muazzam, A., & Hassan, N. (2022). The Prevalence and Comorbidity of Death Anxiety and Psychological Distress in Pakistani Population during Covid-19 Pandemic. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 19(1), 620-632. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/10799
- Shakil, M., Arif, A., Farooqi, R., Masroor, R., Muazzam, A., & Hassan, N. (2022). Romantic Betrayal Experiences of Emerging Adults in Pakistan: A Qualitative Study. PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology, 19(1), 513-529. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/10783
- Fatima, S., Fatima, N., & Muazzam, A. (2022). Assessing familial and social factors of life satisfaction in Pakistani transgender and non-binary individuals: implications for counseling. Journal of LGBTQ Issues in Counseling, 16(1), 67-85.
- Mehmood, H., Muazzam, A., Butt, M. G., Jabeen, B., Zareen, G. & Afshan, S. (2021). Gender Differences in Ways of Coping among Cardiovascular Disease’s Patients. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences, 15(9), 2429-2432. https://pjmhsonline.com/published-issues/2021/september/92429
- Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Aziz, A. & Muazzam, A. (2021). Cognitive Distortions, Depression and Suicidal Ideation in Mastectomized Breast Cancer Patients. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(17), 361-374. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/10001
- Faran, M., Hassan, N., Ejaz, B., Khawar, A., Malik, N., Komal, A. & Muazzam, A. (2021). Validation of the Urdu Translation of Mental Health Continuum- Short form (MHC-SF): Education in Perspective. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, 95, 39-56.
- Malik, N., Hassan, N. & Muazzam, A. (2021). Sleep Disorders and Cognitive Functioning in Patients with Asthma. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(09), 1435-1444. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9717
- Ejaz B., Maqbool, A., Malik, N., Khawar, A., Hassan, N. & Muazzam, A. (2021). Grief among Cancer Patients: Predictor of Burden of Care and Mental Health among Their Caregivers. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(17), 68-80. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9846
- Khawar, A., Rabail, A., Malik, N., Ejaz, B., Hassan, N., Amjad, M. & Muazzam, A. (2021). Health Betrayal, Trust in Intimate Partner Relationship and Grief among Women with Breast Cancer and Cervical Cancer. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(17), 81-94. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9847
- Hassan, N., Muazzam, A., Malik, N., Ejaz, B., Khawar, A., Niazi, Y. & Nazir, M. F. (2021). Neuro-Psychological and Physical Side Effects of HCV Treatment and Health Related Quality of Life among Patients with HCV Infection. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(09), 1539-1554. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9806
- Faran, M., Hassan, N., Khawar, A., Ejaz, B., Malik, N., Mahmood, I. & Muazzam, A. (2021). Music Absorption and Serenity in Music Listeners: Intervening Role of Spirtuality. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology, 18(09), 1526-1538. https://archives.palarch.nl/index.php/jae/article/view/9805
- Hassan N, Muazzam A, Ejaz B, Faran M, Nazir F, Rasool H. (2021). Coping Strategies in Hepatitis C Patients during the Course of Antiviral Treatment of HCV. Palarch’s Journal of Palaeontology and Egyptology, 18(1), 91-104.
- Muazzam, A., Ali, N., Niazi, Y., & Hassan, N. (2021). Emotion regulation, optimism and quality of life among Gastric Ulcer Patients. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 37(4), 988-992. https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.37.4.3894
- Ejaz, B., Muazzam, A., Hassan, N., Pollock, G. & Nawaz, R. (2021). Mediating Role of Shyness between Childhood Abuse and Social Anxiety in University Students: Narrative from Pakistan. Psychology and Education Journal, 58(5), 522-535. http://psychologyandeducation.net/pae/index.php/pae/article/view/5387
- Ejaz, B., Muazzam, A. & Admin. (2021). Self-consciousness in female university students: the predictive role of social anxiety. Journal of the Pakistan Medical Association, 1-12. https://doi.org/10.47391/JPMA.168
- Shakil, M., Ashraf, F., Muazzam, A., Amjad, M. & Javed, S. (2021) Work status, death anxiety and psychological distress during COVID-19 pandemic: Implications of the terror management theory. Death Studies, 1, 1-6. DOI: 1080/07481187.2020.1865479
- Jafree, S. R., Momina, A. U., Muazzam, A., Wajid, R. & Calib, G. (2021). Factors Affecting Delivery Health Service Satisfaction of Women and Fear of COVID-19: Implications for Maternal and Child Health in Pakistan. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 25(6), 881-891, 2021. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-49860/v1.
- Ahmed, S. & Muazzam, A. (2020). Development of Psychometric Properties of Overeating Situations Scale (OSS). Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 30(2), 80-96
- Muazzam, A., Anjum, A. & Visvizi, A. (2020). Problem-Focused Coping Strategies, Workplace Bullying, and Sustainability of HEIs. 12. Doi:10.3390/su122410565.
- Ijaz, S., Malik, S. & Muazzam, A. (2020). Mode of Insulin, Gender and Education as Determinant of Psychosocial Problems of Patients with Type II Diabetes. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society. 17(3). Y category https://www.jpps.pk/index.php/journal/article/view/48/35
- Imtiaz, T. & Muazzam, A. (2020). Development and Validation of Bio-psychosocial Problems Scale for Patients with Thalassemia. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18(2), 19-26.
- Shamim, A. & Muazzam, A. (2020). Positive Emotions Scale: Construct Development and Validation. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 35(3), 429-454. doi:org/10.33824/PJPR.2020.35.3.23. Y category, Impact factor: 0.23
- Kazmi, U. & Muazzam, A. (2020). Adjustment Problems, Depression and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Resilience. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 35(3), 545-557. doi:org/10.33824/PJPR.2020.35.3.29. Y category
- Niazi, Y., Ejaz, B. & Muazzam, A. (2020). Impact of hearing impairment on psychological distress and subjective well-being in older adults. Pakistan Journal of Medical Sciences, 36(6), 1210-1215. https://doi.org/10.12669/pjms.36.6.2457 X category, Impact factor: 0.754
- Ahmad, S., Muazzam, A. & Anjum, A. (2020). Factors of Obesity and Personality Traits among Middle-Aged Women of Lahore.Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 70(4), 1153-57. https://www.pafmj.org/index.php/PAFMJ/article/view/5112 Y Category
- Anjum, A., Shoukat, S., Muazzam, A. & Ejaz B. (2020). Emotional Intelligence and Life Satisfaction of Teachers Working at Special Education Institutions of Bahawalpur, Pakistan. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 7(1), 21-27. http://jass.pk/10.46662/jass-vol7-iss1-2020/3.pdf Y category
- Ijaz, S., Muazzam, A. & Malik, S. (2020). Development and validation of psychosocial problems scale for type 2 diabetes (PPSTD). Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 70(6), 964-968. X Category. Citation 1, Impact Factor: 0.409 https://www.jpma.org.pk/PdfDownload/9937
- Ahmad, M., Muazzam, A., Anjum, A., Visvizi, A. & Nawaz, R. (2020). Linking Work-Family Conflict (WFC) and Talent Management: Insights from a Developing Country. Sustainability, 12(7), https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/12/7/2861#cite Impact Factor: 2.59, W category, citations-4
- Ejaz, B., Muazzam, A., Anjum, A., Pollock, G. & Nawaz, R. (2020). Measuring the Scale and Scope of Social Anxiety among Students in Pakistani Higher Education Institutions: An Alternative Social Anxiety Scale. Sustainability, 12(6), 2164. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su12062164 Impact Factor: 2.59, W category, citations-4
- Book Chapter “Sarwar, R., Soroya, S. H., Muazzam, A., Sabah, F., Iqbal, S., & Hassan, S. U. (2019). A Bibliometric Perspective on Technology-Driven Innovation in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries in Relation to Its Transformative Impact on International Business. In Technology-Driven Innovation in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Countries: Emerging Research and Opportunities(pp. 49-66). IGI Global. Citations-3. https://www.igi-global.com/chapter/a-bibliometric-perspective-on-technology-driven-innovation-in-the-gulf-cooperation-council-gcc-countries-in-relation-to-its-transformative-impact-on-international-business/228029
- Afzal, A., Muazzam, A. & Malik, S. (2019). Development and Validation of Pre-Marital Anxiety Scale. The Discourse, 5(1), 167-178.
- Anjum, A., Muazzam, A.(2019).Workplace bullying and physical health of teachers working in higher education institutes. Journal of Post Graduate medical institute Peshawar. 33(3), 227-230. Y category, Citation-1 https://ejournalsystem.net/index.php/jpmi/article/view/2436
- Muazzam, A., Manzoor, F., Visvizi, A., Pollock, G. & Nawaz, R. (2019). Measuring the Scale and Scope of Workplace Bullying: An Alternative Workplace Bullying Scale. Sustainability, 11(17), 4634. https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/11/17/4634/htm Impact Factor: 2.59, W category, citations-4
- Anjum, A., Muazzam, A., Manzoor, F., Visvizi, A., & Nawaz, R. (2019). Mediating Bullying and Strain in Higher Education Institutions: The Case of Pakistan. Sustainability, 11(8), 2244. MDPI AG. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su11082244 Impact Factor: 2.59, W category, citations-7
- Sabah, F., Hassan, S., Muazzam, A., Iqbal, S., Soroya, S. H., & Sarwar, R. (2019). Scientific collaboration networks in Pakistan and their impact on institutional research performance A case study based on Scopus publications. Library Hi Tech, 37(1), 19-29. https://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/abs/10.1108/LHT-03-2018-0036 Impact Factor: 1.256, X category, citations-10
- Kazmi, U. & Muazzam, A. (2019). Nature of Adjustment Problems among College/University Students: A Meta-Analysis. International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 4(1), 2-11. Z category, Impact factor: 1.79, citation-1
- Hassan, N. & Muazzam, A. (2019) Development and Validation of Scale for Neuro-Psychological and Physiological Side Effects of Interferon Therapy (NPPSI) in HCV Patient. Pakistan Journal of Clinical and social psychology, 17(2), 40-49. https://gcu.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/pjscp20192-6.pdf Y category
- Salahuddi, S., & Muazzam, A. (2019). Gaming addiction in adolescent boys: The interplay of Anger Expression, Narcissistic personality and social interaction. Clinical & Counselling Psychology Review, 1(2), 1-19. Y category
- Muazzam, A., Waheed T, Ahmed S. & Muzaffar, S. (2019). Dieting Beliefs Among Adolescent Girls. Pakistan Journal of Clinical and Social Psychology, 17(1), 61-67. http://www.gcu.edu.pk/FullTextJour/PJSCS/2019a/9_Dr_Muazzam.pdf Y Category
- Malik, N., & Muazzam, A. (2018). Sleep Disorders as Predictor of Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with COPD. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 24(S), 897-901. Y category Retrieved from https://www.annalskemu.org/journal/index.php/annals/article/view/2602
- Anjum, A., & Muazzam, A. (2018). The Gendered Nature of Workplace Bullying in the Context of Higher Education. Pakistan journal of psychological research, 33(2), 493-505 http://www.pjprnip.edu.pk/pjpr/index.php/pjpr/article/view/461/484 X Category, citations-4
- Shamim, A. & Muazzam, A. (2018). Positive Emotions and Compliance as Predictors in the Management of Type II Diabetes. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 16(2), 27-33. Y Category, Citations-3 http://www.gcu.edu.pk/FullTextJour/PJSCS/2018b/4.amna_muazzam.pdf
- Anjum A., & Muazzam, A. (2018). Workplace Bullying and Turnover Intention among University Teachers. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, V(II). Z category, citations-3. http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/10th04.pdf
- Shamim, A. & Muazzam, A. (2018). Gender Differences in Positive Emotion. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 1, 125-137. Z category, citation-1 http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/9th08.pdf
- Kamal A., Waqar F., Muazzam A., (2018). Attitudinal Determinants of Son Preference for Pakistani Women: Poisson Regression Model Approach. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, V (II)1. Z category http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/10th02.pdf
- Sultan, H. & Muazzam, A (2017) Development and Validation of Betrayal Scale for women. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 27(2), 30-47, X Category http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/doap/PDF-FILES/Abstract%20No.%2003_v27_2_17.pdf
- Muazzam, A. & Ahmad, A. (2017). Predictors of sleep disturbances among college students: Interplay of media exposure and Health related quality of Life. Pakistan Journal of Psychological research, 32(2), 393-406. X Category, Impact Factor: 0.23, citations-4 http://www.pjprnip.edu.pk/pjpr/index.php/pjpr/article/view/403/423
- Kazmi, R. & Muazzam, A. (2017) Development and Validation of Adjustment problem scale for college /University students. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 15(1), 20-26. Y Category, citations-6 http://www.gcu.edu.pk/FullTextJour/PJSCS/2017a/3.%20Rubab%20Kazmi.pdf
- Muazzam, A., Mubeen, A & Batool, S. (2017). Identification of stressors among female university teachers in Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 2(1), 72-87. Z category https://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol2/2-5.pdf
- Malik, N. & Muazzam, A. (2017). Development of sleep disorders scale through expert opinion. Journal of Arts and Social sciences, 1(4), 95-105. Z category http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/issue7-07.pdf
- Hassan, S., Sarwar, R. & Muazzam, A. (2016). Tapping into intra- and international collaborations of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation states across science and technology disciplines. Science and Public Policy, 43(5), 690-701. W category, Impact Factor: 1.368, Citations-20. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scv072 Impact factor 1.53
- Arshad, H. & Muazzam, A. (2016). Development and Validation of grief scale for Cancer patients. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 26(1). X Category http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/doap/PDF-FILES/Abstract%20no.%201_v26_no1_2016.pdf
- Iram, H. & Muazzam, A. (2016) Self-esteem Body image and self-consciousness among Women after rejection of Marriage Proposals. Journal of Gender Studies, 12, 71-86. Y Category, Impact Factor: 1.362, citation-1 http://genderstudiespakistan.com/vol.%2012%20front_vol.12%20back.pdf
- Muazzam, A. & Jabeen, T. (2016). Development of Psycho-social Problems Scale for hearing Adults of Deaf Parents. Science international journal, Pakistan, 28(1), 695-700. Y Category, Citations 2. http://www.sci-int.com/pdf/636910995510790649.pdf
- Muazzam, A. & Qayyum, F. (2016). Experiences of Sexual Harassment: Interplay of Working Environment, Depression and Self-esteem in Pakistani Women. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 14(1), 42-46. Y category, citations-4 http://www.gcu.edu.pk/FullTextJour/PJSCS/2016a/6.%20PJSCPSexualHarassmentPaper.pdf
- Li, C., Zayed, K., Muazzam, A., Li, M., Cheng, J. & Chen, A. (2015). Motives for Exercise in Undergraduate Muslim Women and Men in Oman and Pakistan Compared to the United States. Sex Roles, 72, 68–884. W category, citations-14, Impact factor: 2.58 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11199-014-0435-z
- Nawaz, B. & Muazzam, A. (2015). Performance related pay of University employee: A Comparison of Public and Private Sector Universities of Pakistan. Pakistan Business Review, 1(17), 183-200. Y Category, citations 4. https://pbr.iobm.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/4-Bushra-nawaz.pdf
- Muazzam, A. Tiwana, S. (2015). Impact of Goal setting on Organizational Commitment of Employee”. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2(1), 2-15. Z category http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/Impact%20of%20Goal%20setting%20on%20Organizational%20Commitment%20of%20Employee.pdf
- Shaukat, F. & Muazzam A. (2015) Psychological Wellbeing, Life Satisfaction and Environmental Satisfaction Of Government And Private Female Hostelites. Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 10, 97-122. Y Category
Ilyas, Z. & Muazzam, A. (2015). Development and validation of a general adjustment to aging scale in Pakistan. Journal of Arts and Social Science, 2(2), 81-96. Z category, ciatation-1 http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/Development%20and%20Validation%20of%20a%20General%20Adjustment%20to%20Aging%20Scale%20in%20Pakistan.pdf
Hassan, S. & Muazzam, A. (2013). Analyzing Institutional Research Publications, Citations and Collaboration Activities in Sustainable Development and Its Sub-Areas, With Particular Reference to Asian Institutions. Journal of Sustainability Science and Management. Foreign Journal W Category, Impact Factor: 0.63, Citation-1 http://www.slab.itu.edu.pk/a-bibliometric-study-of-the-worlds-research-activity-in-sustainable-development-and-its-sub-areas-using-scientific-literature/
Moeen, T., Muazzam, A. & Zubair, B. (2013) Development and validation of Body Image scale (BIS) for young adult females. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 11(1), 52-58. Y category. Citations-8 http://www.gcu.edu.pk/FullTextJour/PJSCS/2013/8.%20amina%20muazzam%20Composed.pdf
Jalil, T. & Muazzam, A. (2013) Emotional intelligence and martial adjustment in fertile & infertile couples. International Journal of Psychological Research, 2(2). Foreign Journal Y Category. Citations-17. http://consortiacademia.org/wp-content/uploads/IJRSP/IJRSP_v2i3/237-1983-1-PB.pdf
Muazzam, A., & Javed, S. (2013). Predictors of Caregiver's Burden: Interplay of Physical and Emotional Health and Perceived Hope in Children with Thalassemia and Hemophilia. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 11(2), 36.-42. Y category. Citations-3. http://www.gcu.edu.pk/FullTextJour/PJSCS/2013b/6.aminamuazzam.pdf
A., Javed. S (2012). Life of Children and their Caregivers'with Haemophilia And Thalassemia: The Life Crippling Diseases Paperback. Lambert Academic Publishing
A, Sohail. R. (2012). Disordered Eating Behavior in Pregnancy: The Factors Responsible. Lambert Academic Publishing
Sohail, R. & Muazazm, A. (2012). Correlates of Disordered Eating Behavior in Pregnant Women. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 2(27), 153-172), X Category, Impact Factor: 0.23, citations-5. http://www.pjprnip.edu.pk/pjpr/index.php/pjpr/article/view/192
Muazzam, A. & Khalid, R. (2011). Development and Validation of Disordered Eating Behavior Scale (DEBS): Identification, Prevalence and Difference with clinically diagnosed Eating Disorders. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 26(2), 127-148. X Category, Impact Factor: 0.23, Citations-9. http://www.pjprnip.edu.pk/pjpr/index.php/pjpr/article/viewFile/22/15
Muazzam, A. & Khalid, R. (2008). Disordered eating behaviors: overview of Asian Cultures. Journal of Pakistan Psychiatric Society, 5(2), 76-85. Z Category, Citations 9 http://www.jpps.com.pk/article/disorderedeatingbehaviorsanoverviewofasiancultures_2353.html
LCWU Funded Projects
Project Lead
Funding Agency
Amount (PKR)
Prof. Dr. Amina Muazzam (Co-PI)
Going Global Partnership PAK-UK Education Gateway Mobility Partnership for Students
HEC & British Council
7.5 Million
Prof. Dr. Amina Muazzam (Co-Pl)
Sleep Patterns and Behaviours
Master Sleep Research Foundation
1 Million
Community Projects
Sr. No
Project Title & Description
Funding Agency
Muneeba Shakil, Farzana Ashraf, Amina Muazzam, Saba Javed, Maryam Amjad, Death Studies,
Work Status, Death Anxiety and Psychological Distress During COVID-19 Pandemic: Implication of the Terror Management Theory.
This research helped to explain much of what has been learned about humans from history and the social sciences. People by and large conform to their culture's ways, following its norms and obeying authorities. People vehemently defend their cherished beliefs and rituals.
Jafree, S. R., Momina, A. U., Muazzam, A., Wajid, R. & Calib, G. (2020). Delivery Health Service Satisfaction of Mothers and Fear of COVID-19: Implications for Mental and Child Health in Pakistan. Research Square. DOI: 10.21203/rs.3.rs-49860/v1.
Covid 19 has severely hampered the maternal and child health services in Pakistan. The problem areas has been identified for delivery health service in BHQs.
Research on Bio Psychosocial Impact COVID -19
Muazzam, A. Viszisi, A. & Nawaz , R.
Prime Investigator
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
This cross cultural research aimed to see the physical, psychological, social and financial impact of COVID-19 on adults across the world
Rehabilitating non-Muslim school children:
A group of young volunteers was established to work towards rehabilitating non-Muslim school children, traumatized by the burning down of their colony on allegations of blasphemy.
Project Leader
British Council Active Citizen Program and LCWU
Interfaith harmony was created with non-Muslim school children who were victimized by some Muslims.
Burn prevention (liquid and electric):
The project was implemented in collaboration of House of Charity.
Project Leader
House of Charity and British Council Active Citizen Program
This project raised awareness in children about adverse effects of electric and liquid burn.
Program to engage mentally retarded children in healthy activities:
The project was implemented in collaboration with the Institute of disadvantaged children.
Project Leader
Institute of disadvantaged children and British Council Active Citizen Program
The purpose was to renovate their activity room, to increase confidence and help them polish their skills and hidden talents.
Promoting Reading Culture among Children:
The project was done in collaboration with SOS village school. The purpose of this project was to provide students with an education-friendly, attractive, and enabling environment with good & healthy books. To improve the existing library and to encourage the habit of reading in children.
Project Leader
SOS village school, Lahore and British Council Active Citizen Program
The project provided students with an education-friendly, attractive, and enabling environment with good & healthy books. The existing library was improved and habit of reading in children was encouraged.
Support for Supporters:
The project was done in collaboration with Bali’s Memorial Trust.
Project Leader
Bali’s Memorial Trust and British Council Active Citizen Program
The project impacted old aged homeless women very positively. These women realized that they are not useless in society. The conflicts of their daily life were resolved by enhancing their creativity in the group work, by developing the sense of competition. Their level of stress was reduced by developing the sense of hope among them.
Program to Renovate One Orphan Home:
This project was done at SOS village to renovate its orphan house.
Project Leader
British Council Active Citizen Program
The purpose of this project was to renovate one house in the orphanage which badly required maintenance. The walls were painted, cupboards were renovated and kitchens and bathrooms were maintained. Awareness about the cleanliness and maintenance of the house were given. Twelve resident children of that house participated in renovation and sense of belongingness was increased.
Raising Psychological Awareness:
(among general population)
A group of young volunteers was established to work towards spreading awareness about some important psychological.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
This project raised awareness in general public about some crucial issues like what is mental health, how to manage stress, aggressiveness, over thinking, depression etc.
Females' self-defence Training:
Keeping in view the "motorway incident" and all other harassment issues, this project was implemented to provide self-defence training to females of all age groups across Pakistan.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Project was aimed to make women independent, strong and fearless. The training sessions were conducted in collaboration with certified professionals.
Beyond Harassment:
This project was designed to provide support to the victims of harassment and to develop understanding about the issue in community.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Purpose of this project was to help victims of harassment, either women, men or transgender, to deal with their traumas, share their stories with the world and also aware people about harassment issues.
Thalassemia Awareness Campaign:
The project was designed to spread awareness about Thalassemia in general public.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Our Aim was to create awareness among people regarding the disease and blood transfusion, through posters, flexes, and social media campaigns. The project was also aimed to encourage people to help Thalassemia patients in need, both financially and with blood donations.
Hope for Thalassemia by Generous Hearts:
The project was designed in collaboration with Noor Thalassemia Foundation.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
The goal of the project was to create awareness among people about thalassemia and to assist them regarding the treatment. Blood donation camps were also arranged under this project.
Mental Health Awareness Campaign: Kindness towards Oneself:
The project was implemented in collaboration with International Young Psychologist Society.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Aim of the project was to design an awareness campaign about kindness and its impact on our mental health. Basically different social media platforms and were used for this purpose.
Animals Plight: Legislature Reforms and Awareness Program:
Cruelty towards all animals is highly condemned but it’s sadly a continuing practice. The project was designed to spread awareness about animal’s rights.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Aim of the project was to develop the understanding of global animal rights issues, and to shine a light on the plights of some of the world's most vulnerable and abused inhabitants.
Project Smiles:
The project was implemented in collaboration with RIZQ Foundation.
Project Leader
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Our project was aimed to raise funds for needy working widows who've either lost their jobs or are underpaid in the recent & ongoing Pandemic circumstances. Distribution of ration packages consisting of basic monthly food items was done. Online awareness campaign through social media portals was also designed to encourage people to participate in this activity and donate generously.