Dr. Amina Obaid Khawaja
Associate Professor
Department of Applied PshycologyE-Mail:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- July 2023 to date | Associate Professor
Lahore College for Women University | Lahore
- October 2011 – July 2023| Assistant Professor
Lahore College for Women University | Lahore
- October 2004 – October 2011 | Lecturer
Lahore College for Women University | Lahore
- April 2004 – October 2004 | Lecturer
Queen Mary College | Lahore
- September 2002 – April 2004 | Lecturer (PPSC Selectee)
Government Degree College for Women, Band Road
Roles & Responsibilities at LCWU
- Coordinator MS Psychology Program (2023 onwards)
- In charge & Founder, Animal Welfare and Protection Society, LCWU
- HEC Approved Supervisor
Associate Editor, Journal of Research in Psychology
- Member, Departmental Ethical Board & Departmental Doctoral Committee
- Member Board of Faculty (BOF), Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, LCWU
- Member Self-Assessment (SAR) Team for MS Program
- Member Anti-Drug & Tobacco Committee, LCWU
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Gender & Social Research, Gender Studies Department, LCWU
- Coordinator MS Health Psychology Program (2017-2023)
- In Charge, Psychological Society
- Member Student Affairs Forum (Office of Directorate of Student Affairs)
- Departmental Web Coordinator
Honor and Awards
- Topped in the Hifz examination held in 2001 in Madrassah Tadrees ul Qur’an wal
- Topped in Public Service Commission interview held in 2001. (Was first in terms of merit among the 63 candidates selected by the Punjab Public Service Commission)
- Was awarded Commonwealth Doctoral Scholarship in 2015 and was first in terms of merit in Pakistan
- Developed an indigenous therapeutic model: Transcendental Therapy, the first Islamic therapy to be developed in Pakistan
- Secured the highest CGPA in coursework of PhD in Psychology at LCWU.
- Secured the highest CGPA (3.82) in M.Phil, Psychology, Government College University, Lahore
- Secured the fourth position in the University in Masters (among 400 +
- students) and the second position in Lahore College for Women with 71 % marks (852/1200)
- Secured the first position in the College in Bachelors in the Humanities group (among 600 +students) with 73 % marks (585/800)
- Secured the second position in Matriculation in the humanities group with 81 % marks (691/850)
- Member Advisory Board, Centre for Islamic Psychology, Riphah Institute of Clinical and Professional Psychology, Pakistan.
- Member Advisory Board, Al-Balkhi Institute of Islamic Psychology Research (ABIIPR)
- Vice President, Society for the Advancement of Muslim Psychology
- Life member, Pakistan Psychological Association
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Bhavioural Sciences (JBS), Institute of Applied Psychology, University of the Punjab.
- Member, Editorial Board, Clinical and Counselling Psychology Review, Institute of Clinical Psychology, UMT.
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Gender & Social Research, Gender Studies Department, LCWU.
- Member BOS at UMT and Lahore Leads University
- Member, Pakistan Animal Rights Advocacy Group (PARAG)
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
PhD Students:
- Kiran Akbar, Rubina Alam, Madeeha Afzal, Tayyaba Liaqat
MS Health Psychology students:
- 2010-12 Sana Saleem, Fariha Rasheed and Madah Javaid
- 2011-13 Hina Sultan
- 2012-14 Wuzna Haroon
- 2015-17 Arooba Yousaf
- 2016-18 Nimra Asghar
- 2017-19 Ayesha Liaquat,Aqsa Saleem
- 2018-20 Brira Afzal and Javeria Shahid
- 2019-21 Rimla Masood, Saira Khalid and Anam Waheed
- 2020-22 Amna Mateen, Maliha Siddiqui
- 2021-2023 Tahreem Arshad, Mashaam Wasif, Mubarrah Munir
- 2022-2024 Mahim Tahir, Sadia Shakeel, Ayesha Ijaz
BS Applied Psychology students:
- 2017-21 Hamaeel Babar, Mahnoor Salahuddin, Anusha Tariq and Zainab Mazhar
Service Activity
- Animal rights activism. Member, Pakistan Animal Rights Advocacy Group
- Founder- In Charge Animal Welfare and Protection Society, LCWU
- Invited talks on television & digital platforms on mental health and social issues.
- Focal person for the first project in Lahore for humane management of Street Dogs being carried out by Todd’s Welfare Society in Valencia Housing Society
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Qualitative Research,
- Death Studies,
- Geriatrics and Gerontology
- Mental health & Wellbeing
- Indigenization of Psychology,
- Religion, spirituality and Psychology
- Islamic Psychology
- Sultan, H., Khawaja, A. O, Jabeen, T., & Khawar, A. (2023). The Impact of Low Sodium and High Potassium Salt on Hypertension Patients. International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences, 11(1), 1-7.
- Sultan, H., Khawaja, A. O., & Ishaq, G. (2022). Exploitation of Teenage Beggars in Lahore, Pakistan. Human Nature Journal of Social Sciences, 3(4), 251-270.
- Sarwar, U., Gul, M., Anjum, R., & Khawaja, A. O. (2022). Gratitude hope and stress appraisal in caregivers of cardiovascular disease. Rawal Medical Journal, 47(1), 65-65.
- Ijaz, H., Kazmi, U. E. R., & Khawaja, A. O. (2022). Personality Traits, Resilience, and Anxiety among Clinical Psychologists during COVID-19 Pandemic. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 20(1), 12-18.
- Naz, S., Kousir, T., & Khawaja, A. O. (2021). Leadership Styles as Predictors of Employee General Health and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. Asian Social Studies and Applied Research (ASSAR), 2(3).
- Afzaql, B., & Khawaja, A. O. (2021). Perceived Social Support, Meaningful Activity Engagement and General Happiness among University Students. Asian Social Studies and Applied Research (ASSAR), 2(3).
- Younis, S., Ghayas, S., Khawaja, A. O, Ehsan, S. (2021). Relationship between Rumination and Forgiveness among University Students: Role of Anger. International Review of Basic and Applied Sciences, 9(3), 166-174.
- Saif, A., Ghayas, S., Khawaja, A. O., Adil, A., Niazi, S., Khan, A., & Yousaf, A. (2021). Development and validation of Psychological Reactance Scale for married women of Pakistan. BPA-Applied Psychology Bulletin (Bollettino di Psicologia Applicata), (291).
- Khawaja, A.O., & Ajmal, M.A. (2021). Death in the Context of Tradition and Modernity. International Review of Social Sciences, 9(1), 263-278
- Khawaja, A. O., & Shahed, S. (2020). Predictors of Subjective Wellbeing among Pakistani Older Adults: What Matters Most?. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 18(2), 50-56.
- Ghayas, S., Khawaja, A.O., & Ehsan, S. (2020). Urdu Translation and Validation of Self-Concealment Scale. International Review of Social Sciences, 8(12), 197-203
- Asghar, N,. Khawaja, A.O., & Ghayas, S., (2020). Experienced Grief on Parental Death. International Review of Social Sciences, 8(12), 447- 455.
- Safdar, I., Ghayas, S., Khawaja, A.O., & Akhtar, S,T., (2020). Construction and validation of Life Regrets Scale for elderly people in Pakistani culture. Applied Psychology Bulletin, 288, 30-43
- Khawaja, A. O., & Shahed, S. (2019). Positive Aging: The Experience of Happiness among Pakistani Older Adults. Annals of King Edward Medical University, 25(2).
- Lewis CA, Davis S, Sohail T, Khawaja AO. Urdu translation of the Ottawa Self-injury Inventory version 3.1. Asia Pac Psychiatry. 2019 Sep;11(3):e12359. doi: 10.1111/appy.12359. Foreign Journal. ‘X’ category.
- Haroon, W., Khawaja, A. O., & Ghayas, S. (2018). Ego Integrity, Physical Health Status and Death Anxiety in Older Adults. Journal of Behavioural Sciences, 28(1), 18- 32
- Anjum, M.,& Khawaja, A.O. (2017). Investigation of User Behavior on Social Networking Sites. PLOS ONE [Impact factor: 2.740 (2019)]
- Sultan, H., Khawaja, A. O., &Kousir, T. (2016). Spousal Abuse among PakistaniWomen: A Thematic Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 14(2), 33-41.
- Aslam, S.,Amjad, N., Anjum, A., Khawaja, A.O., & Bashir, Z. (2015). Stepfamily Stereotypes in Common Discourse and Lived Experiences. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 13(1), 3-12.
- Khawaja, A.O., & Ajmal, M.A. (2012). Perceptions of death among Pakistani undergraduates. Pakistan Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 9(3), 3-8
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
- Developed an indigenous therapeutic model: Transcendental Therapy
- Delivered a TEDx talk on “Surviving Together: The Vital Role of Animals in Mitigating Climate Change” in Countdown 2023, an international conference on Climate Action by TEDxLCWU on 14th December 2023.
Selected Non-Empirical Publications
- “A tale of intolerant cities: The plight of the street dogs”: Published in Natura Magazine, a WWF Pakistan publication (Volume 42, issue 4, 2018)
- “From white silk floss to Orange Jasmine: A yearlong journey of Wonder”. Published in Natura Magazine, a WWF Pakistan publication (Volume 40, issue 4, 2016)
Presentations in Foreign Conferences
- Presented a paper in Twelfth International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry (Paper title: The Colonial Legacy: Narrative from Pakistan), organized by International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA, 20th May, 2016
- Vancouver International Conference on the Teaching of Psychology (Title of paper: Research Supervision Challenges: A Cross Cultural Perspective); Co-presented. Organized by Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Canada (Vancouver, BC), 23rd July, 2015
Participation in Conferences, Panel Discussions & Symposia
- Delivered state of the art lecture in the 18th Annual International Muslim Psychology Conference co-organized by GC University, Lahore and Society for the Advancement of Muslim Psychology on 18th October 2022 in Bukhari Auditorium, GCU
- Spoke as key note speaker in the Seminar on ‘Positive Psychology: Cultivating Happiness, organized by Kinnaird Centre for Learning and Cultural Development, Pakistan, 17th November 2022
- Delivered a key note speech in the international conference: Islamic Psychology : Emergence and Current Challenges of the 21st Century (IPECC 2021; 8th and 9th December) organized by Riphah International University. The topic :Religion and Mental Health : Reflections on the Connections
- Participated as a panelist in the panel discussion on the book ILM, AMAL, ZINDAGI written by Dr Hassan Sohaib Murad ( Shaheed), organized by School of professional Psychology, UMT on Friday 3rd March, 2023.
- Participated in panel discussion in the 6th International Conference on Suicide-Failure of Individual or Humanity? Organized by the School of Professional Psychology, UMT on 5th Jan, 2023.
- Spoke as a panelist in the event “Floods 2022 and Animal Welfare in Pakistan” organized by Brooke Pakistan on 11th October 2022.
- Presented in the joint symposium by the Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU at the International Conference on Peace Building organized by Department of Humanities, COMSATS University on 16th March, 2023.
- Chaired the session on "Religion, Human Rights and Peace" on 16th March, 2023 ,in the International Conference on Peace Building : Policies, Research and Strategies", organized by Department of Humanities, COMSATS University.
- Managed Panel Discussion by students from various universities in the Mental Health Day organized by Applied Psychology, LCWU on 13th October 2022.
- Moderated a session in the webinar organized by Society for the advancement of Muslim Psychology, "The Psychologists' Journey through the Pandemic" on 29th July, 2020
- Moderated an international webinar "Mental health services during the pandemic" in August 2020, organized by Applied Psychology Department, LCWU
Workshops & Trainings Conducted
- Conducted a preconference workshop on “Religion: A miracle Drug for Peace of Mind” in the International Conference on Peace Building: Policies, Research and Strategies", organized by Department of Humanities, COMSATS University on 14th March, 2023.
- Conducted "Training in transcendental therapy", as a pre conference workshop for the International Conference for Uniting Mental Health and Related Medical Fields, organized by the Positively Happy Forum. The training was conducted on 9th March, 2023 in the School of Chemistry, University of the Punjab.
- Conducted a training based preconference workshop titled “Training in Transcendental Therapy” on 3rd January 2023 in the 6th International Conference on Suicide-Failure of Individual or Humanity? organized by the School of Professional Psychology, UMT.
- Conducted a pre-conference workshop on ethnography at the Department of Applied Psychology, Riphah University, Islamabad (Gulberg Greens Campus) on 18th June 2022.
- Co-conducted a virtual workshop on “Gender in Ethnography” organized by FCC University, LCWU and USEFP on 1st March, 2022.
- Conducted a workshop on Foucaludian Discourse Analysis in Lahore Garrison University on 9th January, 2019
- Conducted a workshop titled “Interpretative phenomenological analysis: what, why and how” in Applied Psychology Department, Punjab University on 5th December, 2012.
- Conducted a workshop titled ‘Interpretative phenomenological analysis” in Lahore College for Women University on 26th June, 2013
Conferences & Symposia Organized
- Served as member core organizing committee of the 18th Annual International Muslim Psychology Conference co-organized by Department of Psychology, GC University, Lahore and Society for the Advancement of Muslim Psychology in October 2022.
- Organized One Day Interactive Symposium On Islam and Wellbeing as general secretary for the Society for the Advancement of Muslim Psychology on 8th June, 2022 at Fountain House, Lahore.
- Served as member of the core organizing committee for the 17th Annual conference organized by the society for the Advancement of Muslim Psychology held on 21st October, 2021 on the theme "Muslim Psychology and Positive Emotions"
- Organized the 16th Annual Conference by Society for the advancement of Muslim Psychology: “Coping in the Times of the Pandemic: Defining the New Normal”, in October 2020
- Served as member of the core organizing committee for the 15th National Muslim Psychology conference by Society for the advancement of Muslim Psychology in December 2019 at Fountain House, Lahore. Theme of conference was Suicide prevention and Rehabilitation in the Muslim Perspective.
- Organized the international Conference on Health and Wellbeing held at Lahore College for Women University as conference coordinator, 11th to 13th December, 2017.
Invited Talks & Extension Lectures
- Delivered a live talk on Divine mercy and love organized by the Young Psychologists Association on 9th April, 2023.
- Delivered an Extension lecture to PhD students at the School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NUST, on 15th November 2022
- Spoke as a guest speaker at the Mental Health Day organized by the Department of Applied Psychology, Riphah International University (Islamabad) on 31st October 2022.
- Delivered an online extension lecture to students of Advanced Diploma of Islamic Psychology and Psychotherapy (ADIPP) Riphah Institute of Clinical and Professional Psychology RICPP on 13th August, 2022.
- Delivered an extension lecture on Content analysis and Grounded theory to PhD Students at Riphah Institute of Clinical and Professional Psychology (QAIE campus, Lahore) on 26th July, 2022
- Delivered an extension lecture on Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis in the School of Professional Psychology at UMT, Lahore on 15th June, 2022.
- Gave a presentation on the indigenous-Islamic therapeutic model Transcendental therapy in the One Day Interactive Symposium On Islam and Wellbeing on 8th June, 2022 at Fountain House, Lahore.
- Delivered an extension lecture on Focauldian Discourse Analysis to PhD students in the Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU in March 2015
- Live show on Kindness to Animals at “Healthy Lifestyle with Ilmi City”, a popular digital hub (November, 2020)
- Talk on Gender Justice at “Healthy Lifestyle with Ilmi City” (December, 2020)
- Talk on Mental Health at “Healthy Lifestyle with Ilmi City” (January 2021)
- Talk on Judging Others on Knowledge Hub (July, 2021)