Dr. Amina Tariq
Assistant Professor
Department of Botany
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Research experience in Ph. D Research work as Ph. D scholar (2009- 2017)
Serving in Lahore College for Women University, Lahore since December, 2006 - To date.
Served as a Lecturer in Axis College of Arts & Sciences (Girls campus), Lahore from August, 2004 to November, 2006.
Served as a Senior School Teacher at Ivars High School from January, 2004 to June, 2004.
Research Experience in M.Phil. Research work as MPhil student (2003-2005).
Research Experience in M.Sc. Research work as MSc student (2001- 2003)
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Honour Students
Progra m |
Completed As Supervisor |
Completed As Co- Supervisor |
In Progress As supervisor |
In Progress As Co supervisor |
BS |
15 |
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MS |
3 |
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5 |
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Courses Taught
Plant Biotechnology to BS
Biodiversity and Conservation to BS
Tissue culture and its agricultural applications to BS
Molecular Genetics to BS
Diversity of Plants to BS
Morphology, Anatomy and Taxonomy of plants to BS
Environmental Biology to BS
Commercial Applications of Plant Tissue culture to MS
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Asma Ahmad, Amina Tariq, Sumera Javad, Iqra Naseer. 2021. Effect of phyto-mediated zinc oxide nanoparticles on the growth response of wheat towards water Pakistan journal of agricultural sciences 58 (5), 1625-1633.
- S Awan, K Shahzadi, S Javad, A Tariq, A Ahmad, S Ilyas. 2021. A preliminary study of influence of zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth parameters of Brassica oleracea var italic. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 20 (1), 18-24
- I Akhtar, S Javad, M Ansari, N Ghaffar, A Tariq. 2020. Process optimization for microwave assisted extraction of Foeniculum vulgare Mill using response surface methodology, Journal of King Saud University-Science 32 (2), 1451-1458
- Sumera Javad, Iqra Akhter, Khadija Aslam, Amina Tariq, Nadia Ghaffar, Sumera Iqbal, Iqra Naseer. 2017. Antibacterial activity of Plant Extract and Zinc Nanoparticles obtained from Syzigium aromaticum J of pure and applied biology. Accepted.
- Amina Tariq, Sumera Javad, Saffia Batool, Ayesha Javeed, Khajista 2017. A Rapid Protocol for Extraction of Podophyllotoxin (An Anticancerous Compound) from Podophyllum hexandrum Royle. Biologia. 63(1): 73-78. Y category
Sumera Javad, Bareera Obaid, Amina Tariq, Zunaira Iqbal, Nadia 2017. Evaluation Of Efficiency Of Different Plants To Develop Silver nanoparticles. Pak J Botany. 47(SI): 283-287. (Impact Factor)
Sumera Javad, Sumera Sarwar, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Amina Tariq. 2016. Enhanced extraction of an anticancer drug,Vinblastine, from Catharanthus roseus. J of pure and applied biology. 5(3): 608-614. Y category
Sumera Javad, Maimoona Mubarak, Arusa Aftab, Amina Tariq. Microwave assisted extraction of Phenolics from Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague. j of bioresource management. (2016) 3(2):27-32. International
Amina Tariq, Shagufta Naz, Kiran Shahzadi, Saiqa Ilyas and Sumera Javad. 2015. Study of genetic stability in in vitro conserved Podophyllum hexandrum using RAPD markers. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 25(4): 2015, Page: 1114-1120. Impact Factor.
Saiqa Ilyas, Shagufta Naz, Sumera Javad, Kiran Shehzadi,Amina Tariq and Neelma Munir (2013). Influence of Cytokinins, sucrose and pH on adventitious shoot regeneration of Polyscias balfouriana (Balfour aralia). J of Plant res.,7(42): 3098-3104. International.
Sumera Javad, Shagufta Naz, Saiqa Ilyas, Amina Tariq and Farah Optimization of the Microwave assisted extraction and its comparison with different conventional extraction methods for isolation of stevioside from Stevia rebaudiana. (2014). Asian J. of Chem. 26(23): 8043-8048 (Impact Factor).
Farah Aslam, Shagufta Naz, Amina Tariq, Saiqa Ilyas and Kiran Shahzadi (2013) Rapid Multiplication of Ornamental Bulbous Plants of Lilium Orientalis and Lilium Longiflorum J. Bot., 45(6): 2051- 2055.
Shahzadi, S. Naz, A. Tariq, S.Ilyas, M.A Qadeer and I. U. Haq (2012) Production of calcium gluconate by aspergillius niger gcu-1 Pakistan journal of Science Vol. 64 No. 3:214-218.
Shagufta Naz, Farah Aslam, Saiqa Ilyas, Kiran Shahzadi and Amina Tariq (2012). In Vitro propagation of tuberose (Polianthus tuberosa) Journal of Medicinal Plants Research Vol: 6(24), pp. 4107-4112, 28 June
Shagufta Naz, Fozia Naz, Amina Tariq, Farah Aslam, Amir Ali and Muhammad Athar (2012). Effect of different explants on in vitro propagation of Gerbera (Gerbera chnologjamesonii) African Journal of Biotechnology Vol 11(37):.9048-9053.
Fazilat Aslam, Amina Tariq, Tahira Aziz Mughal. 2012. Effect of Industrial Effluents on the Growth of Tomato: Effects of Different Concentrations of Industrial Effluents on the Growth of Tomato. Lambert Publishers.
Research Grants & Contracts
HEC Project of 2.6 million, duration 3 years. PI: Prof. Dr. Shagufta Naz
Co-PI: Amina Tariq
Title: In vitro conservation of some medicinally important endangered, threatened and near to extinct species of different ecological zones of Pakistan.
Research or Creative Accomplishment
- HEC Indigenous Scholarship Phase I, Batch (for PhD)
- Gold Medal in PhD course work
Selected Professiona l Presentations
Amina Tariq, Iqra Naseer, Sumera Javad, Rimsha Irfan. Effect of Zno Nanoparticles On Seed Germination Of Corn (Zea Mays L.).
Aysha Javeed, Sumera Javad, Amina Tariq, Saffia Batool, Shabnam 2017. Microwave assisted extraction: an environment friendly tool for extraction of podophyllotoxin (anticancer agent). 1st International Multidisciplinary Graduate Conference May 4-6, 2017.
Organized by Department of Education – FJWU
Sumera Javad, Bareera Obaid, Amina Tariq, Zunaira Iqbal, Nadia Ghaffar, 2016. 14th national and 5th international conference of Botany on “Climate Change and Phytodiversity”. Evaluation of Efficiency of Different Plants to Develop Silver Nanoparticles. 15-18 January, 2016. University of Karachi.
- Sumera Javad, Sumera Sarwar, Saiqa Ilyas, Shagufta Naz, Amina Tariq, Kiran shehzadi. 2015. An Efficient Method of Extraction for an Anticancer Drug, 3rd international conference on emerging trends in Bioinformatics and Biosciences. ICETBB, October 3, 2015. (MAJU).
- Poster presentation Iqra Naseer, Ibtisam Abdullah, Sumera Javad, Sumera Iqbal, Amina Tariq. 2017. Comparative evaluation of phytochemicals and antioxidant activity of Curcuma longa extracts and its silver nano particles.Presentation in International Conference on Biotechnology (ICB): Challenges and opportunities in Pakistan, going to be held on February 8-9 2017 at University of South Asia, Lahore
- Iqra Akhter, Hamda Qayyum, Sumera Javad, Amina Microwave assisted extraction of Phenolics from Allium cepa. International Conference of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Biomaterials. Agriculture Uni. Faisalabad FEBRUARY 22-24, 2016.
Sumera Javad, Maimoona Mubarak, Arusa Aftab, Amina Tariq. 2016. Microwave assisted extraction of Phenolics from Trachyspermum ammi (L.) Sprague. International Conference On “Major Environmental Constraints to Plants: Assessment & Reclamations". Govt. College University, 28-30 March 2016.
Workshops/ Conference s/Seminar/ Courses Organized/ Attended
- 2022 2 days workshop on “Promoting Research Excellence in Academics across Pakistan” (1st and 2nd February, 2022), Organized by HEC Pakistan
- 2021 3 days training workshop on Sanger Sequencing and data analysis, Organized by Department of Botany, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, from 12-14th October 2021
- 2016 1 day workshop on kitchen gardening, organized by Department of Botany, Lahore College for Women University,LHR
- 2014 1 day workshop on “The Awareness of Emerging Issues of Cancers in Pakistan”, funded by Higher Education Commission, Pakistan, and organised by the Department of Biotechnology, Lahore College for Women University,Lahore
- 2013 15 days’ workshop on “Molecular Diagnostics for Robust Disease Detection, organized by DFDI, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore And Ministry of Education, Training & Standards in Higher Education, Government of Pakistan.
- 2012 15 days’ workshop on “Principles of Plant Breeding and Advancement of Molecular Techniques to Breeding of Bioscience, organized by Department of Biotechnology & Microbiology, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- 2011 7 days training course on spss arranged by Statistics Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore,
2011 7 days training course on spss arranged by Statistics Department, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore,
2010 2 days workshop on : Development of Sustainable and Collaborative Research Networks. Talented Research Exchange Programme – INSPIRE Pakistan, organized in Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan.
2009 1 day International workshop on Sustainable Development: Challenges and Issues by DelPHE, (DFID)-BC Pakistan at Lahore College for Women University,Lahore
2009 5 days 7th Annual Training Course on Modern Techniques in Biotechnology at NIBGE, National Institute of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Faisalabad.
- 2008 3 days IT Workshop held at IT/Telecom Training Centre Lahore College for Women University,Lahore
- 2008 2 Days training course on Environmental Monitoring Techniques arranged by HEC-BC link programme phase II at Lahore College for Women University,Lahore
- 2007 1 month Staff Development Course conducted by NAHE/HEC at Lahore College for Women University,Lahore
- 2004 1 day Symposium held on World Environment Day at Kinnaird College for Women,Lahore