Aneeqa Batool Awan
Department of Philosophy
Working as lecturer in Philosophy since 2013 (as a visiting lecturer) and since 2015 (as a permanent lecturer)
Honor and Awards
- Secured First position in M.A Philosophy in University of the Punjab
- Awarded Gold and Silver Medals from University of the Punjab.
- Secured Merit Scholarship in M.A and M.phil part I and part II from University of the Punjab.
- Go Merit Laptop from Ex-C.M Punjab Shahbaz Shareef (2012).
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Interested in Socio-Moral Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence
A Brief Account of Sufism and Its Socio-Moral Relevance in The DialogueVol. X, No. 1, Janaury-March 2015, pp. 23-34.
Individual and Society: A Socio- Philosophical Account of Iqbal’s thought in South Asian StudiesA Research Journal of South Asian Studies Vol. 29, No. 1, January – July 2014, pp. 113-122
Mysticism: Relationship between Knowledge and Action with Special Reference to Kashf Al Mahjub in The Dialogue Vol. IX, No. 2, April-June 2014, pp. 163-173
Happiness: A Psycho-Philosophical Appraisal in The Dialogue Vol. IX, No. 3, July-September 2014, pp. 313-325
Plato’s Concept of Justice and Current Political Scenario in Pakistan in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Vol. 3 No. 11; June 2013