Dr. Masooma Abbas
Research Centre of Arts & Design
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- Profile
- Research Publications
20 years of Experience:- Jan 1999- Lecturer- Government Post-Graduate College for Women Sahiwal
- Sep 1999 to date from Lecturer to Associate Professor Fine Arts, LCWU Incharge Research Centre for Art & Design, Institute of Design and Visual Arts, LCWU
Honor and Awards
- Sylvan C. Coleman & Pamela Coleman Memorial Fellowship 2012-2013 awarded by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA.
- Stood 2nd in M.A.-Fine Arts- Part-II in 1996 in Punjab University, Lahore and Received Roll of Honor from LCWU in 1996.
- Distinction holder in M.A.-Fine Arts- Part-I 1995 in Punjab University, Lahore
- Naseem Hafeez Qazi Scholarship 1995
- Member Historians of Islamic Art Association USA
- Member various LCWU Committee
- Member Artist Association Punjab
- Member THAAP The Trust for History, Arts & Architecture in Pakistan
- Member ICOM, Pakistan
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Years Degree Name
2013-In process PhD Fine Arts Rabia Yaseen
2013-In process PhD Fine Arts Farah Khan
2013-In process PhD Fine Arts Ayesha Saddiqa
2013- In process PhD Fine Arts Maryam Ali
2012 MS Fine Arts Rahat Afza
2012 MS Fine Arts Sadaf Nawaz
2016 MA Visual Arts (NCA) Amna Gull
2016-Inprocess MS Fine Arts Imrana Afsheen
2015-Inprocess MS Fine Arts Amna Yaseen
2015-In process MS Fine Arts Laraib Majeed
2015-In process MS Fine Arts Sehrish Toor
Supervised Conceptual artistic projects of BFA Visual Arts, Part III and IV from 2009-2012
Supervised MA Fine Arts II Research Papers from 2006-2009
Member Doctoral Committee, Institute of Design and Visual Arts, LCWU
Evaluated PhD and MS Fine Arts Thesis of College of Art & Design University of the Punjab
Service Activity
- Serving LCWU for the last 20 years as follows:
- Incharge Research Centre for Art & Design, IDVA
- Director Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalization (DFDI)
- Looking after the Office of Director Quality Enhancement Cell
- Head Faculty Development Centre
- Library Incharge
- PhD Coordinator
- BFA Coordinator Institute of Design and Visual Arts
- Designed Fine Arts syllabus from 1999 to date. Performed Discipline, Admission, Election, and Departmental duties of extra curricular activities
- Arranged Conference, Seminar, Research Colloquium, training workshops and lectures for LCWU and other Institute faculty at LCWU
- Worked in Inpage software as an English-Urdu Translator for the Metropolitan Museum of Art New York advertisement “Senses of Spring” dated 28th April 2014.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
I am eager to explore the diverse aspects of Art & Design, as well as culture and visual anthropologyPublications
Abbas, Masooma. “The Tomb of Ali Mardan Khan at Lahore: A Reconstruction of Its Original Decoration.” Jamal: A Journal of Aesthetics 1 (2012): 12-31.
Abbas, Masooma. “Ornamental Jālīs of the Mughals and Their Precursors.” International Journal of Humanities and Social Science 6, no. 3 (March 2016): 135-147.
Abbas, Masooma. “Haft Asl: The Seven Modes of Ornamentation in Islamic Art.” JASS Journal of Arts and Social Science 5, no. I (June 2018): 148-
Ornament of the Chauburji Gate, Lahore: The Meeting of the Mughal Decorative Style with Traditional Islīmī-Khatā’ī (Publication awaited, submitted to Journal of Asian Civilization, QAU, Islamabad in Feb 2019
- “Pensive Nature” A Solo Show of Paintings at National Art Gallery (no. 5) Visual Arts Division, Pakistan National Arts Council Islamabad from 25th April till 4th May 2019
- “Distinctive Nature” A Solo Show of Paintings at Art Gallery, Multan College of Arts, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan from 22nd March till 29th March 2019
- “Transcendental Nature” A Solo Show of Paintings at Coopera Art Gallery, the Mall Road Lahore from 6th to 12th October 2018.
- “Nature Always Wears the Colors of the Spirit” PNCA Shakir Ali Musuem Lahore from 19th to 23rd February 2018
- “Esoteric Nature” A Solo Show of Paintings at Nukta Studios, National Police Foundation, Sector O-9, Lohi Bher, Islamabad, from 27th August to 3rd September 2017 at Nukta Art Gallery.
- “Delight in Nature” A Solo Show of Paintings at Lahore Arts Council, Mall Road Lahore, from 3rd to 5th May 2017 at Alhamra Art Gallery.
- “Natural Inspirations” A Solo Show of Paintings at Pakistan National Council of the Arts, Islamabad from 8th to 10th April 2016 at Gallery # 2.
Research Grants And Contracts.
Sylvan C. Coleman and Pamela Coleman Memorial Post-Doctoral Fellowship awarded by The Metropolitan Museum of Art New York USA
Total Award Amount: 37,000 $ (2012-2013)
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
- Full-time in residence scholar 2012-2013 and Honorary Research for Gallery 463 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, USA