Dr. Mateen Arshad
Department of Zoology
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Qualifications and Institute |
Additional Degrees/Diplomas etc. |
Joined LCWU since |
Joined LCWU as Lecturer in 2011. |
Work Experience |
Additional charge/duties |
1. 2nd position for poster presented in International Conference NTNS-1, 2017 on 25th -27th October, 2017. 2. Received Roll of Honor in MS Zoology (2010). 3. Merit Scholarship during B.Sc (Hons) from 2004-2007. 4. Awarded Silver shield from Directorate of Education WAPDA, Lahore for the result of secondary school examination (2001). 5. Awarded Certificate of Merit and cash Prize from Directorate of Education WAPDA, Lahore for 1st position in sports Competition (1999). 6. Awarded Certificate of Merit and cash Prize from Directorate of Education WAPDA, Lahore for the result of middle examination (1998). |
1. Lifetime Membership of Pakistan Society of Parasitology 2. Member of Society for Promotion of Science and Technology |
- Presented poster entitled ”Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum infection in relation to hematological changes” at International “PARACON conference” held at UVAS on 06-11-19.
- Delivered a poster presentation “Study of hazardous effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles with Drosophila melanogaster as a model organism” in International 39th Pakistan Congress of Zoology in March, 2019 organized by Zoological Society of Pakistan and The Islamia College University of Peshawar, KPK.
- Presented poster entitled “Serodiagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii in cancer patients Visiting different Hospitals of Lahore” in International Parasitology Conference: Recent advances and Emerging Issues in Parasitology on October 25-26, 2017 organized by Pakistan Society of Parasitology/Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan in collaboration with HEC and PARB
- Presented poster entitled “Histopatahological effects of Di-Methyl Phthalate and Di-N Octyl Phthlate on C. Idella” under Laboratory conditions. Proceedings of International Conference NTNS-2017, 25th -27th October, 2017.
- Training as facilitator for Active Citizen Programme from 11-10-21 to 15-10-21 organized by British Council DFDI, LCWU, Lahore
- Participated in 3rd series of international E-Conference on “New Trends in Natural Sciences-III: Emerging Infectious Diseases, communicable Diseases: Insights, Zoonoses, Challenges & Strategies” on 21-23 December, 2020.
- Participated in International Parasitology Conference: Recent advances and Emerging Issues in Parasitology on 06-11-19 organized by Pakistan Society of Parasitology/Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan in collaboration with HEC and PARB.
- Actively participated in 3 days “Curriculum Orientation workshop” from 22-4-19 to 24-4-19 organized by HEC
- Participated in International workshop on “ Education planning and management skills” from 25-2-19 to 26-2-19 organized by DFDI, LCWU
- Participated in “One Day International seminar on Fisheries and Aquaculture on 1-2-19 organized by Department of Zoology, GC University, Lahore
- Organized and Actively Participated in One Day Training on “Animal Care, Protection and Rights” on 01-03-2019 at Department of Zoology, LCWU, Lahore
- Organized and actively Participated in One Day Training on “Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity” on 14-12-2018 at Department of Zoology, LCWU, Lahore
- Organized and actively participated in International Conference NTNS-II, 2018 from 24th -26th October, 2018.
- Actively Participated in One Day Training on “SAS University Edition for Data Analysis” organized by Zoological society, Department of Zoology on 11 May, 2018.
- Organized and actively participated in 3-days workshop on “Biodiversity, Conservation and Ecotourism” from 7-9th May, 2018.
- Organized and actively participated in International Conference NTNS-I, 2017 from 25th -27th October, 2017.
- Participated in “One Day National Training on Histopathology” organized by Department of Pathology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, and University of Agriculture Faisalabad in collaboration with USDA on 20 April, 2018.
- Participated as Resource Person in “Three Days Workshop on New Trends in Biological Techniques” organized by SPST (Society for Promotion of Science and Technology), LCWU, Zoological Society and Biotechnology Society of LCWU, Lahore from 13th -15th September, 2017.
- Participated in Two Days Training Course on “Youth-led Changemaking and Social Entrepreneurship” organized by YES Network in collaboration with British Council on 20 June, 2017.
- Attended International Conference and workshop on “Climate Change and Sustainable Development” on 28-30 January, 2016 organized by INSPIRE/British Council at LCWU, Lahore in collaboration with ECO (Environment Consultancies and Options) and UCL (University College London).
- Actively Participated in one Day International Conference on “Aquaculture Development in Pakistan”, Poster display and tilapia cooking Exhibition on 8th January, 2016 at Department of Zoology in collaboration with American Soybean Association and University of Arizona, America.
- Participated in Two Days Training Workshop on “Biostatistics Tools In Biological research” on 14th -15th October, 2015 organized by Zoological society, LCWU, Lahore
- Attended “Biosafety and Biosecurity” on 18th-19th August, 2015 organized by Zoological Society and Society for Promotion and Technology, LCWU, Lahore.
- Attended Three Days Course On “Implementation of HEC Approved Policy Guidelines on Semester and Examination System” during March 14-16, 2015 taught by Prof. Dr. Tahira Aziz Mughal, Controller of Examinations, LCWU, Lahore organized by Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalisation, LCWU, Lahore.
- Attended Three Days Course On “Data Management” during April 23rd -24th, 2015 taught by Prof. Dr. Tahira Aziz Mughal, Controller of Examinations, LCWU, Lahore organized by DFDI (Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalisation), LCWU, Lahore.
- Attended “Sustainable Environment and Development” on 25-27 June, 2014 organized by INSPIRE/British Council at LCWU, Lahore.
- Participated in Seminar on “Conservation of Pakistan Endangered Species, 2014, organized by Zoological Society, Department of Zoology, LCWU, Lahore on 30th May, 2014 in collaboration with WWF, Pakistan.
- Attended one day workshop entitled ”The awareness of emerging issues of cancers in Pakistan” on 6th May, 2014 funded by HEC and Department of Biotechnology, LCWU, Lahore.
- Attended Training Course on “Climate Change: Issues and Strategies” during 4-8 March, 2013 organized by INSPIRE/British Council at LCWU, Lahore in collaboration with UCL (University College London) and HEC (Higher Education Commission of Pakistan)
- Attended 12 hours training On “Academic Planning and Management” held in January, 2013 organized by DFDI (Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalization), LCWU, Lahore.
- Attended training on “IRP, Patents and Patenting” conducted by Barrister Ahmad Farooq Malik on 22nd February, 2013 organized by ORIC (Office of Research, Innovation and Commercialization), LCWU, Lahore.
- Attended training workshop on “Time Management” conducted by Mr. Zeeshan Riaz on 11th December, 2013 organized by DFDI (Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalization), LCWU, Lahore and STEPS (Solutions to Enhance Professional Skills).
- Attended training workshop on “Change Management” conducted by Mr. Zeeshan Riaz on 10th December, 2013 organized by DFDI (Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalization), LCWU, Lahore and STEPS (Solutions to Enhance Professional Skills)
- Attended training workshop on “Conducting Quantitative Research for High impact Factor Publication with Introduction to SPSS” on 17th February, 2013 organized by Institute of Buisness and Management, UET, Lahore.
- Attended training workshop on “Methodology of Conducting and Interpretation of advanced Quantitative Research Techniques using SPSS Version 21” on 3rd February, 2013 organized by Institute of Business and Management, UET, Lahore.
- Attended workshop “On-Farm skill training on integrated honeybee management for production of honey and other beekeeping products” during March 12-16, 2012 at Quaid-e-Azam Campus, Punjab University, Lahore.
- Attended training on “Develop Effective Teaching and Learning” during 24 September, 2012 to 28 September, 2012 organized by DFDI, LCWU, Lahore.
- Attended the short course on “Contaminant Hydrogeology” (1-13 February, 2010), an activity of DelPHE Project funded by DFID, UK.
- Attended Three Day Training Course on “Health Risk Assessment and Management” held under Higher Education Commission-British Council JHELP-II organized by Environmental Science Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore (2009).
- Attained the Special Lecture and Training for the use of High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) organized by Environmental Science Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore (2009).
- Attained Special Lecture and Training for use of Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) organized by Environmental Science Department, LCWU, Lahore (2009).
- Attended One Day Training Course on “Epidemiological Methods” held under Higher Education Commission-British Council Joint Higher Education Link Programme Phase-II, organized by Lahore College for Women University, Lahore (2008).
ZakiaKanwal, MA Raza, F Manzoor, M Arshad, F Rashid, S Riaz, S Pervaiz S Naseem,”In vivo anti-proliferative activity of silver nanoparticles against Pseudomonas aeruginosa in freshwater Labeo rohita” Applied Nanoscience, 2019, 1-11, Impact Factor: 2.9
Jabeen, G. Manzoor, F., Javid A., Azmat, H., Arshad, M. and Fatima, S. 2018. Evaluation of Fish Health Status and Histopathology in Gills and Liver Due to Metal Contaminated Sediments Exposure. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 100:492-501. Impact Factor: 1.5
Arshad, M., Cheema, K. J., Malik, H. J. and Sajjad, S., 2017. Seroepidemiology of Toxoplasma gondii infection among human population in Lahore. International Journal of Biosciences, 10(3), pp.192-198. Doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12692/ijb/10.3.192-198.
Arshad, M., Cheema, K. J., Malik, H. J. and Sajjad, S., 2017. The probable relationship between Toxoplasma gondii and diabetes mellitus. Pakistan Journal of Science, 69(2), pp.202-206.
Manuscripts submitted:
Arshad, M. Manzoor, F. Jabeen, G. Kanwal, Z. `Javed, U. and Butt, F. Assessment of abnormalities in lipid profile of patients with chronic renal failure chronic kidney disease from different hospitals of Lahore, Pakistan: a case control study (Submitted in January 2019 in Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, JPMA)
Arshad, M. Manzoor, F. Kanwal, Z. Jabeen, G. Arif, D. Fatima, S. and Riaz, S. Toxic effect of Zinc Oxide nanoparticles on the viability, behavior, morphology and reproductive capability of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster (Submitted in Scientific Reports in April 2019)
Selected Professional Presentations
- Delivered an oral presentation of research paper entitled “Serodiagnosis of anti-Toxoplasma gondii antibodies among renal failure patients visiting different hospitals of Lahore” at International Parasitology Conference: Recent advances and Emerging Issues in Parasitology on October 25-26, 2017 organized by Pakistan Society of Parasitology/Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan in collaboration with HEC and PARB (Pakistan Agricultral and Research Board).
- Delivered an oral presentation of research paper entitled “Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii and its correlation with ABO Blood Group Frequency Among females of district Mardan” at International Parasitology Conference: Recent advances and Emerging Issues in Parasitology on October 25-26, 2017 organized by Pakistan Society of Parasitology/Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan in collaboration with HEC and PARB (Pakistan Agricultral and Research Board).
- Presented a Paper on “Serodiagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii prevalence in male psychiatric patients of Lahore, Pakistan” at International Parasitology Conference: Recent advances and Emerging Issues in Parasitology on October 25-26, 2017 organized by Pakistan Society of Parasitology/Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan in collaboration with HEC and PARB
- Presented a paper on “Assessment of lipid profile in renal failure patients visiting different hospitals of Lahore”. Presented in International Conference NTNS-2017, 25th -27th October, 2017.
- Presented a paper entitled “Metallic nanoparticles cause haematological and biochemical alterations in labeo rohita juveniles” in International 38th Pakistan Congress of Zoology on February 27-March 01, 2018, 2017 organized by Zoological Society of Pakistan, University of Punjab, Lahore.
- Delivered an oral presentation of research paper entitled “Determining the reaction of zinc oxide nanoparticles on the viability of fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster” in International Conference on New Trends in Natural Sciences: Public Health, Food, Nutrition and Safety (NTNS-II, 2018) from 24-10-18 to-26-10-18 Jointly organized by Departments of Zoology and Biotechnology, LCWU, Lahore in collaboration with Higher Education Commission of Pakistan and PHEC.
- Presented a paper entitled “Health related issues in Pakistani fuel station attendants: A serious threat to be Highlighted” in International Conference on New Trends in Natural Sciences: Public Health, Food, Nutrition and Safety (NTNS-II, 2018) from 24-10-18 to-26-10-18 Jointly organized by Departments of Zoology and Biotechnology, LCWU, Lahore in collaboration with HEC and PHEC.
- Presented a paper entitled on “Evaluation of genotoxic and mutagenic potential of dithane on Oreochromis niloticus” in International Conference NTNS-II, 2018 from 24th -26th October, 2018.
- Presented poster entitled “Serodiagnosis of Toxoplasma gondii in cancer patients Visiting different Hospitals of Lahore” in International Parasitology Conference: Recent advances and Emerging Issues in Parasitology on October 25-26, 2017 organized by Pakistan Society of Parasitology/Department of Parasitology, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan in collaboration with HEC and PARB
- Presented poster entitled “Histopatahological effects of Di-Methyl Phthalate and Di-N Octyl Phthlate on C. Idella” under Laboratory conditions. Proceedings of International Conference NTNS-2017, 25th -27th October, 2017.