Dr Rifaat Saif dar
Department of Visual Arts
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Current AffiliationLahore College for Women University (LCWU)
Jail Road, Lahore. Pakistan.
Current Position
- Director DFDI, (Additional Charge)
- Chairperson Department of Visual Arts
- Professor Fine Arts, LCWU
- Director, Directorate of Faculty Development and Internationalization, LCWU: 26. 2019- till to date.
- In-Charge Faculty, Institute Visual Arts and Design: 19.09.2013- 16.06.2019.
- Chairperson Fine Arts Department : 16.02.2014- till to date, Lahore College for Women University Lahore
- Associate Professor (BPS-20): 05.06.2013- till to date, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Assistant Professor (BPS-18): 22.02.2011- 05.06.2013, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Assistant Professor (TTS): 15.10.2010- 22.02.2011, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Lecturer (BPS 17): 14 10 2000 - Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Lecturer (BPS 17): 29. 06 .1995 till 13 .10. 2000 at Ravi Road College Data Nagar Lahore
Honor and Awards
- Gold Medal MFA (Painting), Punjab University,1992
- Gold Medal BFA (Painting), Punjab University,1990.
- Winner of Zeenat Hassan Scholarship,APWA,2006
- Governors Merit Scholarship for in service PhD Scholars,2005.
- Excellence Award,2018. 32nd Annual Exhibition of Art 2018, Presented by Artists’ Association of Punjab
- DIPLOMA in Sculpture from Ceramics Department LCW,University, Lahore,2007
- Member, Advanced Studies and Research Board, LCWU.
- Convener Board of Studies, Visual Arts Department, LCWU
- Executive Member Artist Association of Punjab
- Member Artist Association of Pakistan
- Member Museum Association of Pakistan
- Member Lahore College Alumni Association
- Member Central Advisory Board for GCT (glass,,ceramics and pottery development, Tevta)
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
PhD Fine Arts Completed
- Sara Umer (2005-2016): Review Of The Indus Valley Religious Beliefs, Through Analytical Study Of Seals And Artifacts And Comparative Study Of Contemporary Religions
On Going Phd Fine Arts Students
- Asma Mansoor: BUILT HERITAGE OF COLONIAL PERIOD ON THE MALL,LAHORE(1849-1947) (2018-in progress)
On Going MS Fine Arts Students
1.Ms.Zaib Ghaffar: “CODE OF SILENCE” (2017-2019, in progress)
2.Ms. Irum Batool (2017-2019, in progress)
3.MS Supervisor Ms.Tayyaba Naeem: CONTEMPORARY CERAMIC ART”A Review of Ceramic Artists from Lahore (2014-2016.Extension 2018. in progress)
4.Ms.Ruhma Ghassan(2016-2018. Extension 2018. in progress)
MS Fine Arts (studio practice) Completed:
1.Andaleeb Rana: “CONTEXTURE OF TIME” (2012-2014)
2.Amna Ahmed: “DOODLING” (2011-2013)
3.plawasha Javaid : (2011-2013)
3.Amber Munir
4.Rabia Yaseen
5.Ayesha Farzand
6.NadiA Zafar: (2013-2015)
7..Saima Jabbar: (2013-2015)
MS Fine Arts (Art History) Completed
1.Asma Mansoor: WOODEN CARVED DOORS AT LAHORE(2012-2014)
2.Ghazala Sherazi:2011-2013
3.Farrah Khan: 2011-2013
Service Activity
IN 2019:
- Organized Art Fest,2019, an Art Competition among different colleges and art Institutes, 28th March,2019
- Ceramics Diploma courses at Visual Arts Department
- short course of “Learning Basics of Chinese Language” March- May 2019
IN 2018:
- Organized a solo Artist show at NHQ Gallery (IVAD) by Mr. Mehboob Ali. A renowned Traditional Print Maker. Inaugurated by former Minister SARDAR ASIF ALI Dated: Feb,2018.o
- organized a solo Artist show at NHQ Gallery (IVAD) by Prof. Dr.Musarrat Hassan a renowned art historian and artist from Pakistan. Inaugurated by former Principal PUCAD Prof.Dr.Rahat and Chairman of AAP. Mian Ijazul Hasan .Dated: 10.01.2018
- Paper presented at the Artists’ convention PNCA 23-26th Feb,2018
- Organized an Artist Talk by renowned Pakistani- American contemporary artist SHAZIA SIKANDER. Dated: 30th March,2018
- Faculty of IVAD “CONTEMPORARY PAKISTAN ART GROUP SHOW “at the occasion of the artist talk by Shazia Sikander (renowned Pakistani- American Contemporary Artist)at FOUR ART GALLERIES inside LCWU Auditorium.
- An ART SHOW was organized at NHQ Gallery (IVAD) by Mehboob Ali a renowned woodcut Print Maker from Pakistan. Inaugurated by former foreign minister Sardar Muhammed Asif Ali. Dated: 20-22nd March2018
- Ceramics, Life Drawing, Fashion Drawing, Calligraphy short courses.
- Six members Group from Institute of Visual Arts and Design to Hebei university China to participate in Art Exhibition under Mou between LCWU,Pakistan and HNU,China.
- Conducting Board of studies and DDPC
- Ceramics Diploma courses at Visual Arts Department
IN 2017
1.Calligraphy short Courses at department Visual Arts
- Three Follow up visits to Hebei Normal University, China,under the MOU among LCWU, Pakistan and HNU,China.
- Three in coming visits from HNU, China under MOU for initiative of setting a new department of Archaeology under the banner of Institute Visual Arts and Design, LCWU.
- Conducting Board of Studies, Dept. Visual Arts
- Ceramics Diploma courses at Visual Arts Department
IN 2016
1.Signing of Three MOUs of Institute of Visual Arts and Design with Hebei Normal University, China. 26th april,2016
2.Ceramics Exhibition in collaboration with Tevta and LCWU at NHQ Gallery Department visual Arts.
3.Conducting Board od Studies Dept.Visual Arts.
4.Ceramics Diploma courses at Visual Arts Department
IN 2015
- Revised curriculum BFA Fine Arts for the Dept. Visual Arts
- Ceramics workshop for Fine arts Intermediate students in collaboration with TEVTA
- Group show by the faculty institute of Visual arts and Design at NHQ, Gallery
- Conducting Board of Studies Dept.Visual Arts
- Ceramics Diploma courses at Visual Arts Department
IN 2014
1.Artist Residency Program and Exhibition, May 2014, NHQ Gallery, IVAD, LCWU
- National Group show by the faculty Institute Visual Arts and Design,NHQ, Gallery, 14th August,2014
- Board of Studies, Institute Visual Arts and Design
- Ceramics Diploma Courses at Visual Arts Department
- Introduced two new courses: Museum Studies and Art Restoration
- Conducting Board of Studies
- BOOK PUBLICATION: Writings on Lahore Museum and its Collections: A Case Study in Museum Documentation (1867-2018) Researched and complied by Dr Saifur Rahamn Dar and Dr.Rifaat Saif Dar,Lahore 2018.Leo Printing Press,Mac Leod Road, Lahore,2019
- ANCIENT PAKISTAN Vol XXIX,2018,Research Bulletin of Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Peshawar.Title Paper: Three Rare Gandharan Terracotta Plaques of Hellenistic Origin in the Lahore Museum: Were These Plaques Mobile Models of Travelling foreign artist? (141-159)
- ANCIENT PAKISTAN Vol XXVIII,2016,Research Bulletin of Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Peshawar.Title Paper: Two Large Size Qajjar Paintings from a private collection in Lahore. (125-150).
- ANCIENT PAKISTAN Vol XXIV,2013,Research Bulletin of Archaeology, Institute of Archaeology and Anthropology, University of Peshawar.Title Paper: Charisma of Terracotta Figurnes from Gandhara: An Analytical Study from the 4th Cent CE to 3rd Cent CE. (3-23)
- LAHORE MUSEUM BULLETIN,vol.xx-xxvii,nos.1&2: 2010,9-35,Aesthitic Evaluation of Gandhara Stucco Sculptures : A Case Study Of stucco Sculptures from Taxila and Hadda
- PROCEEDINGS: International Workshop on Gandharan cultural Heritage, VOL 1, 1-3 december,2010, published by, Taxila Institute of Ancient Civilizations Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, in collaboration with, Ministry of Culture Government of Pakistan, HEC,Pakistan, Aechen Center for Documentation and Conservation,Germany Heidelberg Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Germany, University of Peshawer, UNESCO, Origin of Stucco As Modeling and Sculptural Material,(113-146.)
- PROCEEDINGS of Ist Three Days International conference on “Gandhara At The Cross Roads Of Civilizations- Art and Architecture” April 10-12,2007. Published by: of Archeology, University of Punjab Pakistan in collaboration with Higher Education Commission, Islamabad.: Tools and Techniques of Gandhara Stucco Sculptures, (221-233).
- ANCIENT SINDH, VOL. 7,2002-03:Gandhara Stucco Sculpture After Sir John Marshal, (119-126).
Research Grants And Contracts.
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
- A National Exhibition, KASHMIR BLEEDS, at Alhamra Arts Council,The Mall Lahore, on 6th September,2019, arranged by Alhamra Arts Council in collaboration with Punjab Artist Association.
- 33rd Annual Art Exhibition, March, 2019, by Artist Association of Punjab, at Alhamra Arts Council, The Mall Lahore (Group Show)
- Alhamra National Exhibition of Visual Arts at Alhamra Art Gallery,Lahore Arts Council, 2018
- TECH ART SOCIETY, 29th March 2018, by Artist Association of Punjab in collaboration with Tech Society Lahore. (Group Show)
- 32nd Annual Art Exhibition, February 2018, by Artists Association of Pakistan at Alhamra Arts Council, The Mall Lahore. (Group Show)
- 9th National Exhibition Coincides with 70th Independence Celebration, by PNCA, December, 2017.
- Group Exhibition “Massacre of Innocents” by Lahore Arts Counsil, at Alhamra Art Gallery, on 16th December, 2016, in collaboration with Shakir Ali Museum (PNCA) and Artist Association of Punjab.
- 16 Group Exhibitions participations from 1996- till 2015 in various National Exhibitions in Lahore.
Selected Professional Presentations
- 1st International Conference on Sindh Studies arranged by Institute of Sindholgy, Sind University, Jamshoro. November 20-21 ,2017Title of paper: ART OF BASKETRY.
- 1st International conference ICAHP, (International Conference of Archeology and heritage of Pakistan), organized by HEC, British council, French Embassy.October,2017
- Title of the Paper: Two Mobile Models for Travelling Artists from Gandhara Valley
- International Conference on the “LATEST ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN PAKISTAN” organized by the Institute of Archaeology and social Anthropology, University of Peshawar, and HEC, 13th -15th Nov,2012Title of the Paper: “Taxila Versus Hadda Stucco Sculptures, A Problem Re-Visited”
- International Conference on “Rediscovering The Silk Route”Organized by the Department of Archaeology, Hazara Univerisity and HEC, 5th-7th Sept,2012
- 1st International Conference on Gandhara art at Quaid-e-Azam University, IslamabadOrganizers: Taxila Institute of Ancient Civilization, Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad : 31st Nov-5th Dec 2010Title of the paper: Origin of the Stucco Sculpture
- 10th International on Pakistan archaeology at Bara Gali Sumer Camp, University of Peshawar :6th -9th September 2007Organizer: Department of Cultur e and Heritage of Hazara University, PakistanTitle of the paper: Aesthetic Evaluation of the Stucco Sculptures in Gandhara Art
- 1st International Conference on Gandhara at the Cross Roads of Civilisation,10th -12th April 2007Organizer: Department of Archaeology University of Punjab, LahoreTitle of the paper: Tools and Techniques of the Stucco Sculpture
- 7th International Conference on Pakistan Archaeology, 18th -20th August 2003Organizer: Directorate of Archaeology and Government of NWFP, Peshawar PakistanTitle of the paper: Stucco as a Sculpturing Material in Gandhara Art
- 3rd International Conference on Pakistan Archaeology, 29th December 2002-3rd2004Organizer: Department of Archaeology ,Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai University, Khairpur, Sindh, Pakistan,Title of the paper: Stucco Sculptures after Sir John Marshal