Fizzah Aslam
Department of TESOLEmail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Date: 19-05-2014
Title: Lecturer
Institution: Lahore College Women University
Graduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Honour Students
Years Degree Name
2017-19 MS TESOL Nayaab Afzal
2017-19 MS TESOL Maha Asif
2017-19 MS TESOL Faiza Asghar
2018-20 MS TESOL Noor Afroz
2018-20 MS TESOL Tehreem Ayesha
2018-20 MS TESOL Khowla NadeemHonor and Awards
- JET Scholarship
- Japanese English Teachers