Hamna Khan
Department of Pakistan Studies
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Career Objective
Seeking a long-term opportunity within the practical field, where my professional experience, education and abilities would be advantageous to the development of education and institution.
To obtain a dynamic and challenging position in the area of education, teaching in an institution to enhance my interpersonal skills and use my knowledge at the best.
Lecturer ( Pakistan Studies) Department, LCWU – Lahore Duration (March 2018, till Present )
Fellowship Sustainable Impact Partner Program – Lahore
Duration (2018-2019) worked as SDG Captone Project Team, Green Box
VisitingLecturerat Lahore College For WomenUniversity – Lahore VisitingLecturerat Lahore College for WomenUniversity Lahore
In Political Science/IR/Pakistan StudiesDepartment Duration ( March 2015 till 2017 present)
VisitingTeching Assistant at Lahore CollegeWomenUniversity – Lahore Duration( 6 months Spring Semester 2015)
Internee at Lahore College for WomenUniversity – Lahore Internship in Political Science/IR/Pakistan StudiesDepartment. Duration(3 months)
InternshipatPunjabAssembly – Lahore InternshipatPunjabAssemblyLahore (Library) Duration (6 weeks)
Academic Qualification