Dr. Fauzia Rashid
Department of History
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- Ph.D in History, University of the Punjab, Lahore (2022)
- M.Phil in History, University of the Punjab, Lahore (2010)
- M.A in Social Sciences (History), University of the Punjab, Lahore (2005)
- Graduation, University of the Punjab, Lahore (2003)
- Intermediate, Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore (2001)
- Matriculation, Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education Lahore (1999)
Professional Education
- M.Ed, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Pakistan (2008)
- B.Ed, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Pakistan (2005)
- Certificate of Achievement on Special Course “Survey of American History”, American Consulate, Lahore (2006)
- English Language Course (Listening, Writing, Speaking, Essay Writing, Phonetics & Phonology), Kipling Educational System, Lahore (2006)
- Active Citizen Programme, British Council (22-26 Aug,2013)
- 12 Credit Hours course , Post-Graduate Certificate in Higher Education Teaching (Sep 2013-July 2014)
- Delivered 32 Credit-Hours course :Citizenship Education & Community Engagement Programme-Active Citizen(British Council) 2015/16
Employment History
- Lecturer BPS-18: (History) (2011 to date), Lahore College for Women University, Jail Road, Lahore
- Faculty Member, (History/Pak-Studies), LGES (Lahore Garrison Educational System) (Garrison Academy for Boys, Lhr Cantt), Lahore ( 30/4/2011 - 20/10/2011)
- Lecturer/Subject Specialist : (History/Pak.Studies) (2010 to 2011), DPS & Colleges, Kasur.
- Principal, Dar-e-Arqam Schools, DHA Phase-VI Branch, Lahore. 25/01/2010-12/9/2010
- Lecturer : (History) (2006 to 2010), AL-Noor Group of Colleges, Lahore
- Lecturer : (History) (2003 to 2005), Nishtar Public School & Colleges, Lahore
University Services
- Sub-Examiner/Paper setter, M.A History, B.A Pak. Studies, Examinations, Punjab University, Lahore
- Resource Person,Sub-Examiner and Tutor, Allama Iqbal Open University, (Regional Campus), Lahore.
- Coordinator of BS Program (History),LCWU
- Tabulation of F.A Arts.
- Exams Coordinator (History Department)
- DFDI focal person
- website coordinator
- Member of assessment and evaluation committee
- Member of Fatima Jinnah Historical Society, LCWU.
Research Interest
Institutions. South Asian Politics, Personalities & Politics in Pakistan Movement, significance of Print Media in the establishment of Pakistan, Modern Souh-Asia and Current History. Media and public opinion over Two-Nation Theory, The Foreign Intervention in South Asian’s countries.
Teaching Interest
History, Pakistan Studies, Pakistan Politics, Govt & Economy of Pakistan, Mughal India, Research Methods & Methodology, Freedom Movement in South Asia (1857-1947), Modern South Asia: History, Culture and politics, Pakistani Society & Culture, Punjab Politics, International Relations.
Ph. D and M.Phil Dissertation
- Ph.D : A History of Representative Institutions in Pakistan: Case Study of Senate (1973-77)
- M.Phil : Role of Hameed Nizami in the Creation of Pakistan 1947
- Paper Presented “International Conference on Contemporary Trends in South Asian Politics ”, LCWU, Lahore Pakistan, Jan 30-31, 2024
- Attend a “International Conference on Punjab”, Punjab University, Lahore Pakistan, December 29-31, 2008.
- Attend an “International Conference on Language Sciences and the developing World, LCWU, Lahore Pakistan, January 11-12, 2013.
- Participated in a Conference Quaid-I-Azam Muhannad Ali Jinnah and Iqbal’s Vision of Pakistan, GC University, Faisalabad.(19 Dec,2018)
Academic Workshops/ Seminar
- Attend a couple of week workshop training “Teaching Methods” held by APSACS (Army Public Schools and Colleges System).
- Attend a week Training workshop on “Teaching Skills” held by Bulleh-e-Shah degree College Kasur (June 2010)
- Attend a workshop on “Ideology of Pakistan” held by Nazria Foundation, lhr (2009)
- One-Day Workshop on “Writing Minutes of Meetings”, Faculty Development Centre, LCWU(1st March,2012)
- One-Day Workshop on “Thesis Writing: Structuring and Signposting” Faculty Development Centre, LCWU(28 March,2012)
- One-Day Workshop on “Avoiding Plagiarism”, Faculty Development Centre, LCWU(2 May,2012)
- Two-Days Workshop on “IPR-Patents and Patenting” (ORIC) (22-23 Feb,2013)
- Two-Days Workshop on “The Art of Being” HAST-O-NEEST (30-31 July,2013)
- One-Day Workshop on “ History: Problems and Prospectus for the orientation of History subject and paper evaluation”, Department of History & Pakistan Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore (26 Sep,2013)
- One-Day Workshop as Organizer on “ Last sermon of Holy Prophet and current Perspective”, Organized by Department of History, LCWU, Lahore (20 Nov,2013)
- Received Training in IEEE,Ebrary &Science Direct by DFDI AND A&J Def Tek Consultants(22-23 April, 2014)
- Seminar on Acadenic Quality Assurance with outcome based Education: Challenges & Prospects by DFDI and QEC, LCWU (17 DEC, 2015)
- Attend a Workshop on Professional Praxis, DFDI, LCWU (14-16 Jan,2019)
Membership of Academic Bodies
- Member of Historians Pu, University of the Punjab Lahore
- Member of LCA(Lahore College Association) LCWU.
- Member of Fatima Jinnah Historical Society, LCWU.
- Stood 1st in the examination at Graduat level (History), Govt.Islamia College for Women, Lahore cantt.
- Stood 1st in the Speech Competition (Govt.Islamia College, Lahore cantt)
- Certificate of Achievement presented by ‘American Consulate’; Lahore, Pakistan.
- Certificate of Achievement -As Active Member of Environmental Club’, Govt.Islamia College for Women, Lahore cantt.
Rashid, Fauzia. The Senate as Custodian of Provinces: Analyzing Its Influence and Effectiveness (1985-1999). Kurdish Studies. Vol. 12, No:5, pp 750-756. Issue June 2024. (W category)
- Rashid,Fauzia. Legislation for university in Senate of Pakistan(1985-1999). PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology. PJAEE, 20 (2)(2023) 944-956 (ISSN 1567-214 X category)
- Rashid, Fauzia. Developing the Inner Boundaries: Discourse of Senate of Pakistan (1985-1999). Russian Law Journal. Vol. 11 No. 12s (2023) (X category)
- Rashid, Fauzia. Relations with Central Asian Republics (CARs): Impressions in the Senate of Pakistan. Journal of Historical Studies Vol. IX. No. I (Jan-Jun 2023) PP 249-261 249. (Y category)
- Rashid, Fauzia. Senate Committee on Human Rights: Steps Towards peace building in Pakistan (2018-2021). Russian Law Journal. Vol. 11 No. Issue 1(2023) (X category)
- Rashid,Fauzia. The First Senate of Pakistan(1973-77):An Assessment of Performance. VFAST Transactions on Education and Social Sciences. Volume 9, Number 4, October-December, 2021 pp:128-134 (Y category)
- Rashid,Fauzia. Institutional Building in Pakistan: Case study of Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto. Faran Journal of Historical Studies: July-December 2020 (Volume 1, Number 2)