Dr. Kiran Shahzadi
Assistant Professor
Department of Botany
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Profile
- Research Publications
- Lecturer (Biology), Queen Mary College, (2005-2008).
- Lecturer (Botany) Lahore College for Women University, Lahore (01-04-2008 to 7-6-2016)
- Assistant Professor (Adhoc) from 7-6-2016 to date.
- PhD work titled “Identification and characterization of genetic diversity to manage germplasm collection of Citrus cultivars in Pakistan”.
- M.Phil thesis research work included: Production of calcium gluconate by Aspergillus niger GCU-1.
- MSc thesis research work included Solid state fermentation of cellulases by Trichoderma harzianum.
- Departmental Purchase Committee
- Departmental Cleanliness Committee
- Botanical Garden Committee
- Disaster Management Committee
Graduates/Post graduates/ ResearchStudents
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Brief statement of Research Interest
Asma Ahmad, Amina Tariq, Sumera Javad, Iqra Naseer, Kiran Shahzadi and Sumera (2021). Effect of Phyto mediatd zinc oxide nanoparticles on the growth response of wheat towards water stress. Pakistan Journal of agricultural Sciences.58 (5): 1625-1633. (I.F=0.74).
Saiqa Ilyas, Shagufta Naz, Sumera Javad and Kiran Shahzadi. (2018). Genetic divergence among Curcuma longa (turmeric) germplasm from Pakistan using RAPD markers. 28 (2): 597-603. (I.F=0.381).
Kiran Shahzadi, Shagufta Naz and Saiqa (2016). Genetic diversity of citrus germplasm in Pakistan based on Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. Journal of animal and plant sciences. 26 (4):1094- 1100 (I.F=0.422).
- Amina Tariq, Shagufta Naz, Kiran Shahzadi, Saiqa Ilyas, Sumera (2015). Study of genetic stability in in vitro conserved Podophyllum hexandrum using RAPD markers. Journal of animal and plant sciences. 25 (4): 1114-1120. (I.F= 0.448)
Shagufta Naz, Intiaz Shehzadi, Kiran Shahzadi and Saiqa Ilyas. (2015). Assessment of genetic variability in different Chrysanthemum varieties of Pakistan using RAPD markers. Journal of animal and plant sciences. 25 (2): 554-560 (I.F=0.549).
Kiran Shahzadi, Shagufta Naz and Summaira (2014). Assessing genetic diversity of Pakistani Citrus varieties using microsatellite markers. Journal of animal and plant sciences. 24(6):1752-1757. (I.F=0.638)
Shagufta Naz, Kiran Shahzadi, Sana Rashid, Faiza Saleem, Ambreen Zafarullah, and Shabbir (2014). Molecular characterization and phylogenetic relationship of different citrus varieties of Pakistan. Journal of animal and plant sciences. 24(1):315-320. (I.F=0.638)
Farah Aslam, Shagufta Naz, Amina Tariq, Saiqa Ilyas, Kiran Shahzadi. (2013). Rapid multiplication of ornamental bulbous plants of Lilium orientalis and Lilium longiflorum. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 45(6):2051-2055. (I.F= 0.9)
Shagufta Naz, Ambreen Zafarullah, Kiran Shahzadi and Neelma Munir. (2013). Assessment of genetic diversity within germplasm accessions in tomato using morphological and molecular markers. Journal of animal and plant sciences. 23(4): 1099-1106. (I.F=0.638)
Saiqa Ilyas, Shagufta Naz, Sumera Javed, Kiran Shahzadi, Amina Tariq and Neelma Munir (2013). Influence of cytokinins, sucrose and pH on adventitious shoot regeneration of Polyscias balfouriana (Balfour aralia). Journal of Medicinal plant Research. 7(42): 3098-3104. (I.F=0.59)
Shagufta Naz, Farah Aslam, Saiqa ilyas, Kiran Shahzadi and Amina Tariq (2012). In vitro propagtion of tuberose (Polianthes tuberosa). Journal of Medicinal Plants Research. 6(24): 4107-4112. (I.F= 0.59)
Papers in HEC recognized Journals
Sana Awan,Kiran Shahzadi, Sumera Javed, Amina Tariq, Asma Ahmad and Saiqa (2021). A preliminary study of influence of zinc oxide nanoparticles on growth parametrs of Brassica oleraceae var italica. Journal of Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences. 20 (1):18-24.
Saiqa Ilyas, Shagufta Naz, Noureen Ashraf, Sumera Javad and Kiran Shahzadi. (2017) Effect of plant growth regulators on micropropagation of Hedera helix. Journal of Innovative 3(1): 13-21. (Z category, HEC list)
Saiqa Ilyas, Farah Aslam, Kiran Shahzadi, Rukhama Haq and Shagufta (2015). In vitro shoot proliferation of Euonymus japonicas (an ornamental plant). Journal of Innovative Sciences. 1 (1):15-22. (Z category, HEC list
Shagufta Naz, Kiran Shahzadi, Altaf-ur-Rehman, Akbar Hayat and Muhammad (2015). Evaluation of Pakistani orange cultivars using morphological and molecular markers. Journal of Innovative Sciences. 1 (1): 1-10. (Z category, HEC list).
Neelma Munir, Shagufta Naz, Farah Aslam, Kiran Shahzadi and Sumera Javad. (2013). Effect of various levels of ascorbic acid pretreatment on alleviation of salt stress in salt sensitive sugarcane genotype spf-213. Journal of Agriculture and Research. 51(3): 267-276. (Y category, HEC list).
Kiran Shahzadi, Shagufta Naz, Amina Tariq, Saiqa Ilyas, M. A.Qadeer and Ikram-ul-Haq. (2012). Production of Calcium gluconate by Aspergillus niger GCU-1. Pakistan Journal of Science. 64(3):214-218. (X category, HEC list)
Papers in non I.F and Non HEC recognized Journals
Sumera Javad, Beenish Zia Butt, Kiran Shahzadi, Amina Tariq and Nadia (2019). Plant secondary metabolites, A renewable raw material for the biogenic synthesis of metal nanoparticles. Journal Plantarum. 1(1): 42-49.
Amina Tariq, Laiba Khalil, Kiran Shahzadi and Sumera (2019). Antimicrobial activity of leaf extract of Plumeria obtusa L. Journal Plantarum. 1(1): 50-53.
Ikram-ul-Haq, Kiran Shahzadi, Uzma Hameed, Muhammad Mohsin Javed, M.A. Qadeer. (2006). Solid- state Fermentation of Cellulases by locally isolated Trichoderma harzianum for the exploitation of agricultural Pakistan Journal of Biological Scences. 9(9):1779-1782.
Ikram-ul-Haq, Uzma Hameed, Kiran Shahzadi, M.Mohsin Javed, Sikander Ali and M.A. Qadeer. (2005). Cotton saccharifying activity of cellulases by Trichoderma harzianum UM-11 in shake flask. International Journal of Botany. 1(1):19-22.
Research or Creative Accomplishment
- HEC Indigenous scholarship Awardee in PhD (Batch VII); Secured GPA= 00
- 2nd Position (Certificate of Distinction) in MSc, session 2001-2003.
- 3rd Position in M.Phil, session 2003-2005.
- Award of Subsistence allowance to unemployed 1st class graduates under the title of “Support to Scientific Talent (Batch 9th) 2003-2005.
Patent filed
Shagufta Naz, Saiqa Ilyas, Kiran Shahzadi, Ambreen Zafarullah, Neelma Munir and Faiza Saleem. Modified DNA Extraction Method with CTAB for enhancing the quality and quantity of DNA. 206/215:10-04-2015.
Workshops / Conferences/Seminar/ Courses Organized/ Attended
- Participated in 7th Annual Floral Art Competition organized by Department of Botany and Botanical & Horticultural Society, Lahore College for Women University, Lhr on 19th November, 2019 as Co-
- Participated in 6th Annual Floral Art Competition organized by Department of Botany and Botanical & Horticultural Society, Lahore College for Women University, Lhr on 1st March, 2018 as Co-organizer.
- Partcipated in Seminar on Forests: Nature’s Powerhouses organized by Department of Botany and Environmental Sciences LCWU, LHR in collaboration with Department of Forestry, Govt of Punjab on 31st March 2017 as Co-organizer.
- Participated in 5th Annual Floral Art Competition organized by Department of Botany and Botanical & Horticultural Society, Lahore College for Women University, Lhr on 9th March, 2017 as Co-organizer.
- Participated in 4th Annual Floral Art Competition organized by Department of Botany and Botanical & Horticultural Society, Lahore College for Women University, Lhr on 10th March, 2016 as Three Day Training on "Sanger Sequencing and Data analysis" jointly organized by Department of Botany and ORIC, Lahore College For Women University, Lahore on 12th -14th October, 2021.
- 2nd International Conference on “New trends in natural sciences II: Public Health, Food, Nutrition & Safety” jointly organized by Department of Biotechnology and Zoology Lahore College For Women University, Lahore on 24th -26th October, 2018.
- International Conference on “New Trends in Natural Sciences: From Basics to Applied“ organized by Department of Biotechnology, Lahore College For Women University, Lahore on 25th -27th October,
- 3rd International Conference on Biotechnology Challenges and Opportunities in Pakistan organized by University of South Asia, Lhr on 8th-9th February, 2017.
- Two days workshop on “Kitchen gardening“ organized by Department of Botany and ORIC, Lahore College for Women University, Lhr on 7th -8th April, 2016
- 3rd International Conference on Emerging trends in Bioinformatics and Biosciences (ICETBB-2015). “An efficient method of extraction for an anticancer drug, vinblastine“ held in Mohammad Ali Jinnah University, Islamabad on 3rd October, 2015.
- Workshop on the “awareness of emerging issues of Cancers in Pakistan” organized by Department of Biotechnology, Lahore College For Women University, Lahore on 6th May, 2014.
- 2nd Women Inter collegiate and University science symposium and model/poster competition on “ The Revolution of Biotechnology“ on 18th April, 2014.
- Seminar on “Transgenic plants in perspectives of Microbiological Applications“ jointly organized by Department of Botany, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore & The American Society for Microbiology on 25th February 2014.
- International workshop on "Palliative care/hospice care" organized by University of Health Sciences Lahore on 12th December 2013.
- International workshop on “Molecular diagnostics for robust disease detection” organized by Lahore College for Women University & Ministry of Education, Training & Standards in Higher Education Government of Pakistan on 7th -24th October 2013.
- Biotech Poster Competition on the theme of “Colors of Biotechnology” organized by Department of Biotechnology, Lahore College For Women University, Lahore on 20th December, 2012.
- International Workshop on Principles of Plant breeding and advancement of Molecular Techniques to breeding of Biosciences organized by Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology from 21st May-7th June, 2012.
- 2nd International Conference of Plant Scientists organized by Pakistan Botanical Society at Department of botany, Government College University, Lahore on 22nd -24th February 2011.
- Development of Sustainable and Collaborative Research Networks. Talented Researchers Exchange Programme – INSPIRE Organized by Lahore College for Women University, Lahore,on 18th-19th October, 2010.
- 2nd International Seminar on Medicinal Plants. HEC – BC JHELP-ll. Organized in Lahore College for Women University, Lahore,on 14th -16th January 2010.
- International Workshop on Sustainable Development: Challenges and Issues. An activity of DelPHE project funded by DFID, UK on 14th May 2009.
- PCR and UV Spectrophotometer training course organized by University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (UVAS), Lahore on 6th April 2009.
- Consultative Workshop on National Capacity Self- Assessment organized by UNDP, on July 14th -15th,
- 1st National Seminar on Medicinal Plants organized by Organic section, Department of Chemistry, Lahore College For Women University, Lahore on May 15th - 17th
- 1st National conference of Botany Department. Government College University, Lahore on March 28th-30th 2002.