Dr. Mahwish Aftab
Assistant Professor
Department of Biotechnology
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- Assistant Professor July, 2019 – Till date
Department of Biotechnology, Lahore College for Women University,
Lahore, Pakistan - Lecture Jan, 2013 – June, 2019
Department of Biotechnology, Lahore College for Women University,
Lahore, Pakistan - Lecturer July, 2012 – Jan, 2013
Government Fatima Jinnah College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan - Research Assistant Aug, 2008 – Feb, 2009
Molecular Virology Research Laboratory, Centre of Excellence in
Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
HDIN Travel Grant Award (2022)
A travel grant in young investigators category from German Liver foundation for giving oral presentation at HDIN meeting on 22nd June 2022.
- IRSIP award (2017)
Six months research fellowship at CDC, Atlanta, USA, awarded by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
- Research Incentive Award
Research incentive award for years 2016, 2017 and 2021, awarded by Lahore College for Women University.
- HEC Indigenous Scholarship (2015)
Indigenous scholarship for PhD, awarded by Higher Education Commission of Pakistan
- Gold Medal in MPhil (2012)
1st position in MPhil Molecular Biology from Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology, University of the Punjab
- Gold Medal in BS (2010)
1st position in BSc. (Hons.) from Department of Zoology, University of the Punjab
- Teaching courses to BS and MS classes
- Research supervision of BS and MS students
- Facilitator Active Citizen Program
- Member Departmental Chemical Purchase committee
- Ex-Member, Board of Studies of Biotechnology Department, LCWU
- Ex-Member, Board of Faculty of Science & Technology, LCWU
- Member Admission committee
- Coordinator BS Program
- Member of Doctoral committee
- Member of Departmental equipment purchase and stock committee
- Department QEC Coordinator
- Departmental representative to Career Council and Job Placement office.
- Member SAR assessment team, QEC
- Member of Young Scientist Division, Asian Federation of Biotechnology (Pakistan Chapter).
- PhD: 2
- MS: 20
- Sc:18
- BS: 33
A Training Session on ‘Literature Review with IEEE Xplore Digital Library’ on August 21, 2024.
A Training Session on ‘Incorporating IEEE Xplore resources into your teaching: A dedicated session for lecturers’ on August 19, 2024.
A Training Session on ‘Promoting your research articles: Tools & services’ on August 8, 2024.
A Training Session on ‘Integrating IEEE eLearning Courses into your teaching: A dedicated session for lecturers’ on June 05, 2024.
A Training Session on ‘From research to Publication: An overview on IEEE Publication Process’ on May 21, 2024.
Organized and participated in “Model and Poster Competition; Biotechnology Brilliance & Innovation” May16, 2024, at Biotechnology Department, LCWU.
Participated in ‘Leveraging AI in Academia, Fostering Innovation and Building a Sustainable AI Ecosystem’, May 14 – 16, 2024, a 3-day workshop organized by LCWU and NPO, Pakistan.
Completed ‘Get Connected Course’ offered by Cisco Networking Academy – May 16, 2024.
Completed the ‘Creating Compelling Reports course’ offered by Cisco Networking Academy – May 21, 2024.
A Training Session on ‘From research to Publication: An overview on IEEE Publication Process’ on May 21, 2024.
Participated in a webinar, ‘Planning and Drafting your research article’, May 8, 2024, organized by De Gruyter.
Participated in 6th International Conference on “Advances in Bio Sciences (ICABS-2024)”, 18 – 19 April, 2024, GCU, Lahore, Pakistan.
Oral presentation in International Scientific and Practical Conference ‘Autumn School of Hepatology In Tashkent’, October 10 – 11, 2023, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
‘EASL Congress’ June 21 – 24, 2023, Vienna, Austria.
Incorporating IEEE Xplore resources into your teaching: A dedicated session for lecturers, 11 May 2023, Pakistan.
Oral presentation in HDIN meeting held at EASL International Liver Congress, 22 – 26 June, 2022, London, United Kingdom & Online.
“The Growth Mindset” – completed an online course authorized by University of California, Davis and offered through Coursera, Feb, 20, 2022.
“Forecasting Skills: See the Future Before It Happens” – completed an online course authorized by University of California, Davis and offered through Coursera, Feb, 16, 2022.
“Critical Thinking Skills for the Professional” – completed an online course authorized by University of California, Davis and offered through Coursera, Jan, 25, 2022.
“Emotional and Social Intelligence” – completed an online course authorized by University of California, Davis and offered through Coursera, Jan, 23, 2022.
Seminar on ‘The world of Vaccines, Viruses and Pandemic’ July 16, 2021, Organized by Milwaukee School of Engineering, Wisconsin, USA, and Department of Biotechnology, LCWU, Lahore.
Participated in ‘One-day Training Workshop on Vegetative Propagation of Ornamental Plants’ January 17, 2020. Department of Biological Sciences, UVAS, Ravi Campus.
Participated in “Seminar on Genomic Applications of PCR, qPCR and NGS” December 12th, 2019. Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore.
Participated in ‘One-day Training Workshop on Kitchen Gardening, Growing Winter Vegetables’ December 6, 2019. Department of Biological Sciences, UVAS, Ravi Campus.
Organized and participated in “National Symposium on Awareness, Prevention and Treatment of Hepatitis” November 27th, 2019. Biotechnology Department, LCWU.
Organized and participated in “International Symposium on Dissociating inflammation from fibrosis in systemic sclerosis” November 5th, 2019. Biotechnology Department, LCWU.
“Scientific Writing and Publishing” October 15, 2019, Department of Immunology, University of Health Sciences Lahore and The American Society for Microbiology.
Participated in five days workshop on ‘Applied Economics Using Software (Excel, Eviews, SPSS, Stata, QGIS)’ July 22 – 26, 2019, School of Economics, Quaid-e-Azam University, Islamabad.
“Basic Bioinformatics Tools for Functional Genomics” July 5, 2019, Department of Biological Sciences, UVAS, Ravi Campus, Pattoki.
Organized and participated in “Symposium and Model Competition on Biotechnology Insight 2019” April 4, 2019. Biotechnology Department, LCWU.
New Trends in Natural Sciences II: Public Health, Food Nutrition & Safety” October 24-26, 2018, Department of Biotechnology and Zoology, LCWU.
“A Mendeley Presentation Hosted by Mendeley Advisor” December 9, 2017.
“International Conference on New Trends in Natural Sciences: From Basic to Applied” October 25-27, 2017, Department of Biotechnology and Zoology, LCWU.
Organized and participated in “International Symposium on Recent Trends in Biotechnology” March 30, 2017, LCWU, Lahore
Organized and participated in “International Workshop on Cancer and Proteomics” November 8-10, 2016. LCWU, Lahore.
Oral presentation in “2nd International Conference on Biotechnology: Challenges and opportunities in Pakistan” February 24 - 25, 2016. Held at University of South Asia, Lahore
“Workshop on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology” August 27, 2015. GC University, Lahore.
“Workshop on Biosafety and Biosecurity” August 18 - 19, 2015. Zoology Department, LCWU.
Two Credit Hour course on “Leadership Skills for Educators”. 18 May 2015 till 22 June 2015. Organized by DFDI, Lahore College for Women University.
“Workshop on An Introduction to Next Generation Sequencing and its Application in Agricultural Sciences”. April 14, 2015. Institute of Agricultural Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Three Credit Hour course on “Critical Thinking and Reflective Pedagogy”. 9 February 2015 till 2 April 2015. Organized by DFDI, Lahore College for Women University.
Three-day course on “Academic Writing for Publication”. March 4 - 6, 2015. DFDI, Lahore College for Women University.
“Halal Awareness course”. December 10, 2014. Held at PARAS, ATCOP.
Oral presentation in Conference on “Defeating the Public Enemy, The Mosquito: A Real Challenge”. December 3 - 4, 2014. Organized by Dengue Prevention and Control Cell, LCWU, Lahore and INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Program.
“2nd International conference on Biotechnology for Sustainable Development”. November 26 - 28, 2014. Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, GC University, Lahore.
“1st International Conference on Forensic Science & Justice”. October 22 - 24, 2014, Department of Chemistry, GC University, Lahore.
“Active Citizen Training of Facilitators” September 2-5, 2014, Organized by British Council and LCWU.
Organized and Participated in Workshop on “The Awareness of Emerging Issues of Cancers in Pakistan” May 6, 2014, Organized by Department of Biotechnology, LCWU.
Organized and participated in 2nd Women Inter Collegiate and University Science Symposium and Model/Poster Competition on “The Revolution of Biotechnology” April 18, 2014, Organized by Department of Biotechnology, LCWU.
Workshop on “Molecular Diagnostics for Robust Disease Detection” October 7 - 24, 2013, conducted by Dr. Sumaira Riaz, organized by DFDI, LCWU.
Organized and participated in Seminar on “Awareness of Emerging Issues of Cancers in Pakistan” on November 21, 2013.
Three-day workshop on “Teaching by the Case Study Methods” May 27 - 29, 2013, organized by Quality enhancement cell (QEC), LCWU.
Five-day workshop on “Advances in Scientific Research Methodology and Ethics” April 1 - 5, 2013, conducted by Dr. Naila Rabbani Associate Professor, Warwick Medical School, The University of Warwick, Organized by Directorate of Faculty Development & Internationalization, LCWU.
Work shop on ‘High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)’ March 30th, 2013, organized by Department of School of Physical Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore.
‘1st Women Inter Collegiate and University Science Model and poster competition on Impact of Biotechnology in today’s world’ March 12, 2013, organized by Department of Biotechnology, LCWU, Lahore.
Course on “Climate Change: Issues and strategies” March 4 - 8, 2013, INSPIRE-Transnational Education Partnership Programme, LCWU.
Workshop on “IPR, patents and patenting” February 22, 2013, conducted by Barisstor Ahmad Farooq Malik, organized by Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC), LCWU.
‘11th Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Symposium’ November 9 - 11, 2012, Held at Pearl Continental Hotel, Lahore.
Workshop on ‘Quantitative Data Analysis using SPSS’ September 29, 2012, Held at University of the Punjab, Lahore.
‘Sixth Annual Conference on Infectious Diseases’ April 04, 2009.
‘26th Pakistan Congress of Zoology (International)’ April 4 - 6, 2006, University of The Punjab, Lahore.
- Health Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Infectious Diseases
- Riaz, A., Kaleem, A., Abdullah, R., Iqtedar, M., Hoessli, D. C., Aftab, M. In silico approaches to study the human asparagine synthetase: An insight of the interaction between the enzyme active sites and its substrates. PLOS One, 19(8): e0307448.
- Kaleem, A., Anwar, T., Iftikhar, A., Abdullah, R., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M. Investigation of Phosphorylated and O-Glycosylated Proteins in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus. Sains Malaysiana, 53(3): 681-689.
- Abdullah, R., Younas, Q., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M., Saleem, F. 2024. Phytochemical and antimicrobial properties of different plants and in silico investigation of their bioactive compounds in wound healing and rheumatism. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 31(3): 103942.
- Zulfiqar, A., Arooj, F., Aftab, M., Rashid, M., Luqman, M., Kashif, S. R., Naseer, R. 2023. A Sustainable Approach to Dyed Cotton Fabric Stripping Using Ozone. Sustainability, 15: 7467.
- Abdullah, R., Zaheer, S., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M., Saleem, F. 2023. Formulation of herbal tea using Cymbopogon citratus, Foeniculum vulgare and murraya koenigii and its anti-obesity potential. Journal of King Saud University Science, 35(6): 102734.
- Abdullah, R., Arshad, H., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M., Saleem, F. 2023. Assessment of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitory activity and quality attributes of yoghurt enriched with Cinnamomum verum, Elettaria cardamomum, Beta vulgaris and Brassica oleracea. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 30(2023): 103556.
- Nisar, K., Abdullah, R., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M., Saleem, F.. 2022. Purification, characterization and thermodynamic analysis of cellulases produced from Thermomyces dupontii and its industrial applications. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 29(2022): 103483.
- Abdullah, R., Cheema, J. S., Aftab, M., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Saleem, F., Iftikhar, T. 2022. Application of synergistic phenomena for enhanced production of alpha 1,4 D- glucan glucanohydrolase using submerged fermentation. Cellular and Molecular Biology, 68(9): 51-56.
- Iqtedar, M., Riaz, S., Mirza, S. S., Aftab, M., Kaleem, A., Abdullah, R., Aeihtesham, A., Aslam, F., Wasim, M. 2021. Bioethanol production from urban cellulosic waste employing alcaligenes faecalis HI-1 isolated from gut of termite Heterotermes indicola. Bioscience Journal, 37; e.3723.
- Abdullah, R., Tahseen, M., Nisar, K., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Saleem, F., Aftab, M. Statistical optimization of cellulases by Talaromyces thermophiles utilizing Saccharum spontaneum, a novel substrate. Electronic Journal of Biotechnology, 51(2021): 79-87.
- Iftikhar, S., Iqtedar, M., Saeed, H., Aftab, M., Abdullah, R., Kaleem, A., Aslam, F. 2021. Comparative and combinatorial study of biogenic bismuth nanoparticles with silver nanoparticles and doxycycline against multidrug resistant Staphylococcus aureus BTCB02 and Salmonella typhi Revista Mexicana de Ingeniería Química, 20(1): 271-280.
- Kaleem, A., Shafique, R., Iqtedar, M., Abdullah, R., Saleem, F., Aftab, M., Naz, S., Sharif, S., Ilyas, S. 2020. Influence of gamma radiation on nutritional quality and shelf life of fresh red chilies (Capsicum annuum). Progress in Nutrition, 22(4): e202006.
- Ilyas, S., Asghar, N., Munir, N., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2020. Genetic transformation of carrot (Daucas carota L.) to express hepatitis B surface antigen gene for edible vaccine of HBV. The Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences, 30(5): 1263-1272.
- Aftab, M., Naz, S., Aftab, B., Ali, A., Rafique, S., Fatima, Z., Inamullah, Idrees, M. 2019. Characterization of Hepatitis Delta Virus among pregnant women of Pakistan. Viral Immunology, doi: 10.1089/vim.2019.0048.
- Chaires, L. G., Garcia-juarez, I., Sanchez-Avila, J. F., Kamili, S., Drobeniuc, J., Tejada, A., Aftab, M., Tepox, A., Muñoz-Martinez, S. G. 2019. Prevalence of Hepatitis E virus infection in a cohort of patients with liver transplantation in a high-volume center in Mexico. Gastroenterology, 156(6): S-1054.
- Aftab, M., Amin, I., Idrees, M., Ali, A., Rafique, S., Naz, S. 2018. Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis delta and hepatitis B viruses circulating in two major provinces (East and North-West) of Pakistan. Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 64: 65-69.
- Abdullah, R., Naeem, N., Aftab, M., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Iftikhar, T., Naz, S. 2018. Enhanced production of alpha amylase by exploiting novel bacterial co-culture technique employing solid state fermentation. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science, 42(2): 305-318.
- Abdullah, R., Qaiser, H., Farooq, A., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2017. Evaluation of microbial potential and ripening behavior of pre-climacteric bananas following gamma irradiation. Bioscience Journal, 33(1): 57-65.
- Abdullah, R., Suman, M., Naz, S., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M. Evaluation of microbial potential, sensory and nutritional quality of Mangoes following gamma irradiation. Progress in Nutrition, 19(4): 473-483.
- Iqtedar, M., Amjad, H., Sarwar, U., Asim, R., Kaleem, A., Abdullah, R., Aftab, M., Iftikhar, T., Naz, S. 2016. Effect of 60Co gamma radiation on microbial flora and shelf life of Malus domestica Borkh. International Journal of Biosciences, 9(3): 47-52.
- Abdullah, R., Bashir, N., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2016. Reduction of microbial flora to prolong the shelf life of Cucumis sativus through gamma irradiation. Sindh Research Journal, 48(4): 935-940.
- Iqtedar, M., Kiran, S., Sarwar, U., Abdullah, R., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2016. Effect of Co60 gamma radiation on shelf life of Pakistani mangoes evaluated through sensory and microbial analysis. Fuuast Journal of Biology, 6(1): 121-125.
- Kaleem, A., Nazir, H., Pervaiz, S., Iqtedar, M., Abdullah, R., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2016. Investigation of the effect of temperature on vitamin C in fresh and packed fruit juices. Fuuast Journal of Biology, 6(1): 117-120.
- Aftab, M., Akram, A., Abdullah, R., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, B., Saleem, F., Naz, S. 2016. Gamma irradiation of disposable syringes using cobalt-60 source. Fuuast Journal of Biology, 6(2): 237-239.
- Abdullah, R., Akbar, M., Qaiser, H., Farooq, A., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2015. Targeting the residential microflora to enhance the mean life of raw Lycopersicum esculentum by gamma Irradiation. Journal of pure and Applied Microbiology, 9(1): 265-271.
- Iqtedar, M., Sarwar, U., Abdullah, R., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M., Naz, S., Fakhar-un-Nisa, Sharif, S., Aftab, S., Naz, S. 2015. Increasing shelf life of Pakistani peaches using gamma irradiation to overcome quarantine barriers in fruit exports from Pakistan. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 9(1): 313-318.
- Kaleem, A., Munir, F., Iqtedar, M., Abdullah, R., Fakhar-un-Nisa, Iqbal, I., Saleem, F., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2015. Genetic analysis of gene responsive to tuberculosis in under developing areas of Pakistan. Journal of Pure and Applied Microbiology, 9(1): 319-325.
- Abdullah, R., Rafique, T., Kaleem, A., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M., Iftikhar, T., Saleem, F., Naz, S. Minimization of residential microbial flora on spinach leaves using cobalt 60 to enhance its export potential. International Journal of Biosciences, 7(2): 127-134.
- Iftikhar, T., Abdullah, R., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M., Niaz, M., Tabassum, B., Majeed, H. 2015. Production of lipases by Alternaria sp. (mbl 2810) through optimization of environmental conditions using submerged fermentation technique. International Journal of Biosciences, 7(2): 178-186.
- Abdullah, R., Zubair, M., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M., Saleem, F., Naz, S. 2015. Effect of gamma irradiation on sensory quality and microbial control of table grapes (Sundar khani grapes). International Journal of Biosciences, 7(4): 57-67.
- Kaleem, A., Tanveer, A., Iqbal, I., Abbas, M., Abdullah, R., Iqtedar, M., Aftab, M., Iftikhar, T., Naz, S. 2015. The effect of packaging and storage of vitamin-C in fresh and commercial orange juices. International Journal of Biosciences, 7(4): 22-30.
- Aftab, M., Rafaqat, I., Saleem, F., Aftab, B., Abdullah, R., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Iftikhar, T., Naz, S. 2015. Enhancement of shelf life and wholesomeness of goat meat by gamma irradiation treatment. International Journal of Biosciences, 7(4): 177-185.
- Aftab, M., Khalid, S., Saleem, F., Abdullah, R., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Aftab, B., Naz, S. 2015. Evaluation of nutritional content and shelf-life enhancement of gamma irradiated broiler chicken meat. International Journal of Biosciences, 7(5): 1-8.
- Abdullah, R., Athar, U., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2015. Reduction of microflora and frequency of sprouting in gamma irradiated potatoes. Fuuast Journal of Biology, 5(2): 213-217.
- Kaleem, A., Aziz, S., Iqtedar, M., Abdullah, R., Aftab, M., Rashid, F., Shakoori, F. R., Naz, S. 2015. Investigating changes and effect of peroxide values in cooking oils subject to light and heat. Fuuast Journal of Biology, 5(2): 191-196.
- Iqtedar, M., Arif, I., Kaleem, A., Abdullah, R., Aftab, M., Naz, S. 2015. Effects of low Co60 gamma radiation on microbial flora and shelf life of peanuts. Fuuast Journal of Biology, 5(2): 219-224.
- Saleem, F., Rani, N., Shakoori, F. R., Aftab, M., Abdullah, R., Iqtedar, M., Kaleem, A., Naz, S. 2015. Effect of gamma irradiation on microbial load of sheep meat. Fuuast Journal of Biology, 5(2): 257-261.
- Aftab, B., Shahid, M. N., Riaz, S., Jamal, A., Mohamed, B. B., Zahur, M., Aftab, M., Rashid, B., Husnain, T. 2014. Identification and expression profiling of CLCuV-responsive transcripts in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Turkish Journal of Biology, 38: 226-237.
- Badar, S., Khubaib, B., Idrees, M., Hussain, A., Awan, Z., Butt, S., Afzal, S., Akram, M., Fatima, Z., Aftab, M., Saleem, S., Munir, S., Rauff, B., Naudhani, M., Ali, L., Ali, M., Rehman, I. 2012. Association of Hepatitis C Virus with Insulin Resistance: Evidences from Animal Studies and Clinical Studies. Hepatitis Monthly, 12(1): 11–15.
- Fatima, Z., Idrees, M., Bajwa, M. A., Tahir, Z., Ullah, O., Zia, M. Q., Hussain, A., Akram, M., Khubaib, B., Afzal, S., Munir, S., Saleem, S., Rauff, B., Badar, S., Naudhani, M., Butt, S., Aftab, M., Ali, L. Ali, M. 2011. Serotype and genotype analysis of Dengue Virus by Sequencing followed by Phylogenetic analysis using samples from three mini outbreaks-2007-2009 in Pakistan. BMC Microbiology, 11: 200.
- Akram, M., Idrees, M., Hussain, A., Afzal, S., Ilyas, M., Zafar, S., Aftab, M., Badar, S., Khubaib, B. 2011. Characterization of Hepatitis C Virus genotype 3a Hypervariable region 1 in patients achieved rapid virological response to alpha interferon and Ribavirin Combination therapy. Virology Journal, 8:253.
- Munir, S., Saleem, S., Idrees, M., Tariq, A., Butt, S., Rauff, B., Hussain, A., Badar, S., Naudhani, M., Fatima, Z., Ali, M., Ali, L., Akram, M., Aftab, M., Khubaib, B., Awan, Z. 2010. Hepatitis C Treatment: current and future perspectives. Virology Journal, 7:296.
- Afzal, S., Idrees, M., Akram, M., Awan, Z., Khubaib, B., Aftab, M., Fatima, Z., Badar, S., Hussain, A. 2010. Mutations in the E2-PePHD region of hepatitis C virus genotype-3a and correlation with response to interferon and ribavirin combination therapy in Pakistani patients. Virology Journal, 7:377.
- Idrees, M., Rafique, S., Rehman, I., Akbar, H., Yousaf, M. Z., Butt, S., Awan, Z., Manzoor, S., Akram, M., Aftab, M., Khubaib, B., Riazuddin, S. 2009. Hepatitis C virus genotype 3a infection and hepatocellular carcinoma: Pakistan experience. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 15(40): 5080-5085.
- Idrees, M., Butt, S., Awan, Z., Aftab, M., Khubaib, B., Rehman, I., Akram, M., Manzoor, S., Akbar, H., Rafique, S., Riazuddin, S. 2009. Nucleotide identity and variability among different Pakistani hepatitis C virus isolates. Virology Journal, 6:130.
- Akbar, H., Idrees, M., Manzoor, S., Rehman, I., Butt, S., Yousaf, M. Z., Rafique, S., Awan, Z., Khubaib, B., Akram, M., Aftab, M. Hepatitis C virus infection: A review of the current and future aspects and concerns in Pakistan. Journal of General and Molecular Virology, 1(2): 012-018.