Marriam Zaka
Department of Pharmacy Practice
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- Profile
- Research Publications
1st January, 2009 to date
Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Jail road.
2nd May,2008 to 1st November, 2008
Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Jail road,Lahore.
1st March to 30th November 2018
Resident Clinical Pharmacist
Children Hospital and Institute of Child Health, Lahore.
Honor and Awards
Awarded Academic Roll of Honor in M.phil Pharmacy Practice
Awarded Academic Roll of Honor in Pharm D
Registered Member Punjab Pharmacy Council PakistanGraduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
List of Post Graduate students
Years Degree Name
2017-2019 |
M.phil Pharmacy Practice |
Kanwal mazhar |
Shukria Alam |
2018-2020 |
M.phil Pharmacy Practice |
Faiza Naeem |
Rabia Tehseen |
Aqsa Tanveer |
Maha Ibad Ali |
Zeena Anwer |
Amna Javaid |
Service Activity
Editor Newsletter
Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Jail road.
Member Alumini Committee
Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Jail road.
Worked as QEC Coordinator
Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Jail road.
Class & Lab Coordinator
Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Jail road.
Laptop Coordinator
Faculty of Pharmaceutical & Allied Health Sciences
Lahore College for Women University, Jail road.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Interested in Pharmacy Practice Research (Clinical Pharmacy, Hospital Pharmacy, Epidemiology, Public health, Community Pharmacy ).
Al-hamad, Mariam Zaka, Amara sidique. “Misuse and dependence on non prescription codeine analgesics or sedative H1 anti histamines by adults”.( 2018); 5(1):351-355.
Nosheen Mustafa, Mariam Zaka. “ Various treatment modalities for breast cancer: A review .’’EJPMR. (2017); 4(7):840-842.
AsmaRiaz, Mariam Zaka .“A review on 3rd generation Cephalosporins”. EJPMR; (2017); 4(8): 117-119.
Syedaaqsa, Mariam Zaka. “Prevalence and impact of heavy menstrual bleeding’’ (2017); 4(10): 3491-3493.
Hinabashir, iqra Afzal, Dr. Marriamzaka. “Cost of treatment and antipsychotic drug use pattern in schizophrenia”. IJSRP. (2016);6(11);169-173.
Sundasbasharat, shaheenasmat, Dr. MarriamZaka. ‘’Management of drug related hospital admissions’’. IJSRP. (2016); 6(11),63-67.
aroojmasud, Dr. noorsafia, Dr. Marriamzaka, Dr. salehasadeeqa. “Patients and health care provider’s perspections and expectations towards hospital pharmacist in Lahore.” IJSER, (2016);7(5);89-93.
ZakaM ,Zaka S. “Awareness, prevalence and drug therapy of pre-menstrual syndrome among the women of Lahore.” (2015); 4(3); 96-111.
Rehman A, Ayesha T, Zaka M ,Gardezi JR.“Rational use of metformin in the management of diabetes mellitus type II”. (2014).3(4); 217-227.
TabindaGohar ,IqraMansha , MariumZaka , Fatima Amin, Ayesha Hashmi."Prevalence of Hepatitis B & C in Patients of drug dependence in Lahore, Pakistan" JPPS (2013);10(1):42-45
RabiaTariq ,SadiaHuma ,MarriamZaka , Fatima Amin ."Risk factors and prevalence of breast cancer – A review ", JPMA , (2013);63(04);1075-78
DaulatNaghza , NaureenKaram , Fatima Amin, MarriamZaka , DaulatHaleem Khan, Shujaud din Khan ,Daulat Raheem Khan, ."Epidemiology of Age related Macular Degeneration and it’s associated Ocular Conditions and Concomitant Systemic disease" Pak j Opthalmology (2013), Vol. 29 (4);221-224.
Areej ,D.M.Shagufta, Fatima .A, Murriam."Management of bone tuberculosis".Journal of medical sciences (2012).
. Bushra Ali sherazi, Mariam Zaka et al .Prevalence and measures of self medication: A review.” Pharm. Sci. & Res. Vol. 4(3), 2012, 1774-1778.
IqraMansha, TabindaGohar, Mariam Zaka, Fatima Amin ."Drug addiction and hepatitis B and C in Pakistan-A Review"Gomal Journal of Medical Sciences (2012), Vol. 10(2); 257-261.
Mariam Zaka , Khawaja Tahir “Pre-Menstrual Syndrome , A Review” , JPSR (2012) 1684-91
Bushra Ali Sherazi, Khawaja Tahir Mahmood, Fatima Amin, Mariam Zaka, MunazaRiaz, Ayesha Javed. "Prevalence and Measure of Self Medication: A Review" (2012)1774-1778
WasamLiaqatTarar*, Sundus Sonia Butt, Fatima Amin and Mariam ZakaBut."Pain Management in Cancer Patients: A Review." Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences 49 (4): 289-294 (2012)
MinaaTahir ,Shumaila Nawaz, MarriumZaka Butt , Fatima Amin. Khawaja Tahir Mahmood." In -Patient Perceptions, Needs, Expectations and satisfaction within Tertiary Care Settings." Sci. & Res. Vol.4(12),( 2012), 2025 – 2031
Khawaja Tahir Mahmood,FarheenZ,Farah S, Marium Z , Fatima A."Causes and management of pathological vaginal discharge". (2011) Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology. Vol:3(1) pp:448-455
Khwaja Tahir, Mariam Zaka ,UmamaSuleman, AnamShahzadi."Postoperative Pharmaceutical Care In Tonsllectomy", (2011) Journal of Biomedical Sciences and Research (JBSR) Vol:3(1) pp:358-361
Khawaja Tahir , Maryam Zaka, Zainabsafder, Amna Khan. "Rational Use of ACE Inhibitors in Congestive Heart Failure" (2011) J. Pharm. Sci. & Res, Vol:3(1) pp:988-994
Anees Fatima, UzmaBarkat,MariamZaka Khawaja Tahir ."Schizophrenia in Elderly Patients"(2011) J. Pharm. Sci. & Res, Vol:3(1) pp:952-960
Anila Arshad, SabahatRehman, Maryam Zaka,Khawaja Tahir ."Rational Use of Amikacin in Children, " (2011) J. Pharm. Sci. & Res, Vol:3(1) pp:988-994
Qureshi, HinaRafique, Fatima Amen and Mariam Zaka."Factors Responsible For Iron Deficiency Anemia In Children", (2011) Journal of Biomedical Sciences and Research ,Vol:3(1) pp:308-314
Khawaja Tahir,Fatima Amin, H. Ayub, M. Yaqoob, M. Zaka."Management of Patient from the site of accident to the hospital/pre-hospital care"(2010) Vol:2(12) pp:804-808
NailaTabassam, Fatima Sadaqat, Mariam Zaka, Khawaja Tahir ."Prevention and mangement of gestational diabetes"(2010) Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Vol:2(12) pp:404-410