Maryam Bawer
Department of Applied Pshycology
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Career Objective
To use my knowledge, experience and understanding to provide services in a dynamic work environment.
Highlights of Qualifications
- A passion for my subject and a commitment to remain up-to-date
- A good team-worker
- Independent, responsible and diligent.
Work Experience
Lahore College for Women University, LahoreFrom October 2010 to date
- The University of Gujrat, Gujrat
From January 2008- October 2008 Lecturer
- The University of Punjab (Gujranwala Campus) From Punjab University(Gujranwala) from March-31st Dec 2007
- NCBA & E (Lahore) from May-August 2006.
- City Science College(Wazirabad) from July 2005 – April 2006 &
September 2006-December 2007
Newports University (Lahore) from January – June 2005
Experience as Research Supervisor
Research Supervisor for Students of BS Applied Psychology and MS Health Psychology, LCWU, Lahore.
Topics of Researches supervised:
Social Support as predictor of self efficacy & psychological well being among physically disabled individuals.
Expressed emotion and self perception in pulmonary tuberculosis patients and healthy population
The relationship between perceived stress & coping strategies among parents of children with Autism
Psychological problems among parents of children with cerebral palsy attending special school
Expressed emotions, maternal distress and coping strategies among expectant mothers
Self-Perception, Social Anxiety and General Health among Visually Impaired University Students
Psychological Distress, PTSD, and Death Anxiety among COVID-19 Survivors
Depression, Anxiety and Sleep problems among general population during Covid-19,third wave
Perceived stress, coping strategies and a life satisfaction in university students
Psychological well-being, general health and caregiver burden among caregivers of children with thalassemia
Pregnancy distress, relationship satisfaction and psychological well-being among expectant mothers
Academic stress, perceived social support and happiness among adolescents
Caregiver burden, marital satisfaction and psychological wellbeing among caregivers of children with Cerebral Palsy
Caregiver burden, coping strategies and life satisfaction among caregivers of Cancer patients
Relationship among maternal qualification, employment status and infant development
Relationship among family system, feeding pattern and infant development
Religiosity, psychological well-being and general health among university students
Academic stress, social support and performance anxiety in college students
Professional preparation/Development
Coordinator at Dept. of Applied Psychology
- Coordinator BS Applied Psychology (Regular and Self-supporting)
Research Projects completed in M.Sc, M.Phil and Ph. D
- M.Sc. research project was on “ Difference between Males’ Beliefs & Practices regarding Females”
- M.Phil Research Project was on “ Determinants of Psychological Distress & PTSD among Earthquake Survivors/ Victims in Pakistan”
- Doctorate dissertation was “ Patterns of Infants’ Physical and Cognitive Development”
Acedamic Qualification
Ph.D in Psychology (2022), Lahore College for Women University.
M.Phil in Psychology(2004-2006), GC University, Lahore.
M.sc. in Psychology (2001-2003), Newports University, Lahore (A Campus of NICE, Karachi.)
A. (1999-2001), Govt. Degree College for Women, Wazirabad.
Sc. Pre-medical (1997-1999), Govt. Degree College for Women, Wazirabad.
Matriculation (1997), Govt.Girls High school, Nizamabad, Wazirabad.