Dr. Nausheen Mazhar
Associate Professor/ Chairperson
Department of Geography
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- Currently working as Chairperson & Associate Professor Geography inBPS-20 from 17-1-2023 to date; and Head International Resource Center, DFDI (1 Dec 2023 to date), in Lahore College for Women University,Lahore
- 7-7-2022 till 16-1-2023 Assistant Professor Geography (BPS-19) at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- 1-03-2010 to 6-7-2022 Lecturer Geography (BPS-18) at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- From 5-08-2009 to 28-02-2010, O Level Teacher at LACAS Johar Town Campus
- From 27-06-2007 to 30-06-2008, Subject specialist and Author at “AFAQ” (Association for Academic Quality)
- 14-11-2006 to 1-06-2009, lecturer and Head of the Geography Department at “Garrison Post Graduate College for Women”, Lahore
- From 17-11-2005 to 13-11-2006, Teacher at Beaconhouse School, Defence Campus, Lahore
Honor and Awards
- Member Expert Panel, Punjab Climate Change Policy & Action Plan, Environment Protection Department, Govt. of Punjab
- Member UNCCD’s Knowledge Hub, DesertNet International, Coordinator WG 1
- Member GeoLDN WG 4
- Awarded PHEC Travel Grant to travel to University of Oxford for 6th Oxford Interdisciplinary Desert Conference
- Awarded International Research Support Initiative Program (IRSIP) scholarship of HEC, for University of Leeds, United Kingdom (PhD)
- Awarded HEC indigenous Scholarship (PhD)
- Represented Pakistan in Desertification studies as a Contributing author of Inter-Governmental Panel for Climate Change (IPCC) WG2 report
- Represented Pakistan amongst 70 international delegates, in 6th Interdisciplinary Desert Conference, University of Oxford, UK
- Represented Pakistan at 4th International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS 2024), 6-8 September 2024, Beijing Convention Center, China
- Represented Pakistan in UNCCD COP 16, 2-13 Dec 2024, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
- Highest CGPA in MS Geography GCU
- Gold Medal for topping in M.Sc. Geography (Final Year)
- Gold Medal for Standing First in entire Punjab in the First Year of M.Sc. Geography, in OGSA (Old Geographers Association)
- Gold Medal presented by Islami Jamiat-ul-Talba, for being First on the Merit List of M.Sc. Geography
- Gold Medal (Shaukat Ara English Literary Gold Medal) in recognition of English Literary Activities (2001-2003)
- Merit Scholarship for being First on the Merit List of M.Sc. Geography, PU
- Merit Scholarship for Standing First in entire Punjab in M.Sc. Geography, Part I
- Ex-Executive Member Pakistan Geographical Association (PGA)
- Member Board of Studies, Geography department, GCUF
- Member UNCCD DeserNet International
- Member GeoLDN
- Convener Board of studies, Geography, L.C.W.U
- Member of Association for American Geographers
- Member: Society of Urban Ecology (SURE)
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Years Degree Name
2024 MS Geography Esha Jabbar
2024 MS Geography Humna Akmal
2024 MS Geography Nimra Arshad
2024 MS Geography Tanzeela Hafeez
2023 MS Environmental Sc. Iqra Shahzadi (Co-Supervision)
2023 MS Environmental Sc. Aqsa Zulfiqar (Co-Supervision)
Years Degree Name
2015 BS Geography Maria Mumtaz Ranjha
2015 BS Geography Maham Sultan
2016 BS Geography Iqra Dilawar
2016 BS Geography Maimoona Khalil
2020 BS Geography Iqra Shahzadi
2020 BS Geography Sidra Rasheed
2020 BS Geography Tehreem Fatima
2021 BS Geography Nimra Arshad
2021 BS Geography Tehreem Tahir
2021 BS Geography Rabia Amanat
Service Activity
Head International Resource Center IRC, DFDI, LCWU
Chairperson Department of Geography
Board of Studies Convener
Departmental Research coordinator
Focal person SDG 11 for Times Higher Education Ranking
https://www.lcwu.edu.pk/sdg-sustainable-cities.html (Received Certificate of appreciation for representing LCWU for THE rankings for SDG 11 for the first time) -
In charge Internationalization and linkage development
- Institutional Performance Evaluation (IPE), Internal member, LCWU
- Member, Planning Committee HESSA, LCWU
- Departmental Focal person for Purchase of Plant and Machinery
- Focal person from Geography Dept. for KSK campus
- Focal person Disaster Prevention and Management Committee
- TEDx Curator
Brief Statement of Research Interest
I prefer incorporating techniques from different disciplines in my research in order to understand underlying processes behind my research interests that mostly encompass, land degradation, desertification, droughts, landfill management, climatic and meteorological phenomena, sedimentation in reservoirs and glacial retreat.
Currently my research falls into four broad categories: (i) desertification and droughts (ii) Sustainable land management (iii) sedimentation in reservoirs (iv) disaster risk reduction techniques. I am particularly interested in how people residing in drylands, cope with drought episodes, and how can policy makers play their part in minimizing the impacts of desertification.Publications
- Mazhar, N., Nasar-u-Minallah, M., Shirazi, S.A. et al. Land degradation assessment in South Punjab, Pakistan: a comparative analysis of rain use efficiency and weighted overlay methods. GeoJournal 90, 16 (2025). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10708-024-11268-3 W category 2 IF
- Abbas, S., Li, T., Chen, Y., Lu, H., Lu, S., Lv, F., Cao, L., Mazhar, N., & Feng, W. (2024). Positive and Negative Effects of Inter‐Annual Climate Variability on Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Crop in Agro‐Climatic Zones of Punjab. Journal of Agronomy and Crop Science, 210(6), e12780.
- Mazhar, N., Fatima, T., Nasar-u-Minallah, M., Sajjad, A., & Abbas, S. (2024). Spatio-Temporal Monitoring and Risk Mapping of Glacial Lake Outburst Flood in Hunza Valley, Pakistan. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: A. Physical and Computational Sciences, 61(3). Y category
- Tahir, T., Mazhar, N., Akmal, H., & Jabbar, E (2024). Assessing Food Availability Potential in the Drylands of South Punjab. International Journal of Innovations in Science & Technology, 6 (6), 206-216. Y category
- Sajjad, A., Lu, J., Chen, X., Yousaf, S., Mazhar, N., & Shuja, S. (2024). Flood hazard assessment in Chenab River basin using hydraulic simulation modeling and remote sensing. Natural Hazards, 120(8), 7679-7700. W category IF 3.7
- MAHMOUDI, P., SHIRAZI, S. A., JAHANSHAHI, S. M. A., FIROOZI, F., & MAZHAR, N. (2024). A satellite bioclimatology of Baluchistan in Southwestern Asia. MAUSAM, 75(1), 73-88.
- Mazhar, N., Nasar-u-Minallah, M., Shirazi, S. A., Mahmoudi, P., & Firoozi, F. (2024). Spatio-temporal patterns and dynamics of sensitivity to sandification, in the Drylands of South Punjab, Pakistan. GeoJournal, 89(1), 1-16.
- “An assessment of changes and variability of climate impact on cotton production yield over Southern Punjab, Pakistan”. Shahzadi, I., Mazhar, N., & Abbas, S. (2023). Environment, Development and Sustainability, 1-17. W category, IF 4.9, DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03867-w
- “Rapid assessment of riverine food inundation in Chenab foodplain using remote sensing techniques”. Asif Sajjad· Jianzhong Lu · Xiaoling Chen · Chikondi Chisenga · Nausheen Mazhar · Basit Nadeem. (2023). Geoenvironmental Disasters, 1-18. HEC X category
- “Community perceptions of the impacts of desertification as related to adaptive capacity in drylands of South Punjab, Pakistan”. Mazhar, N., & Shirazi, S. A. (2022). Asia-Pacific Journal of Regional Science, 1-20.
- “An empirical investigation of spatio-temporal changes in aridity during Rabi and kharif seasons, in Sindh, Pakistan”, NAUSHEEN MAZHAR, SIDRA RASHEED, SOHAIL ABBAS, ASIF SAJJAD, Pakistan Geographical Review, Vol77 (2), 143-157.
- “Index-Based Spatiotemporal Assessment of Water Quality in Tarbela Reservoir, Pakistan (1990− 2020)”. Mazhar, N., Javid, K., Akram, M. A. N., Afzal, A., Hamayon, K., & Ahmad, A. (2023). Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 15(4), 232-242.
- Sajjad, A., Lu, J., Chen, X., Chisenga, C., Mazhar, N., & Nadeem, B. (2022). Riverine flood mapping and impact assessment using remote sensing technique: a case study of Chenab flood-2014 in Multan district, Punjab, Pakistan. Natural Hazards, 1-20. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11069-021-05033-9
- Soil potential in physicochemical properties and its impacts on sustainable land planning, Neelam River Basin, AJK”, Pakistan, Abbas · N. Mazhar · S. Jabeen · M. Jamil · F. Ahmad. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, Nov 2021, 1-16, W category, I.F 2.74. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-021-03800-6
- “Advancement of the Pivot Point of Underwater Delta: A Study of Tarbela Reservoir, Haripur, Pakistan”, Nausheen Mazhar , Ali Iqtadar Mirza , Zayanah Sohail Butt , Muhammad Nawaz , 4 Muhammad Ameer Nawaz Akram. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences, Nov 2021, Vol no. 54 (2), 40-46. I.F. 0.53
http://nceg.uop.edu.pk/GeologicalBulletin/Vol-54(2)-2021/Vol-54(2)-2021-Paper4.pdf - “Spatial patterns in adaptive capacity of dryland agricultural households in South Punjab, Pakistan”, Nausheen Mazhar, Safdar Ali Shirazi, Lindsay C. Stringer, Rachael C. Carrie and Martin Dallimer. Journal of Arid Environment, November 2021, 194, 104610. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jaridenv.2021.104610
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0140196321001762?dgcid=authorIF 2.21 HEC W
- “Socio-environmental impacts of climate change on green economy and its consequences: A case study of Swat valley, Khyber Phakhtunkhwa-Pakistan”, Sohail Abbas, Mian Sabir Hussain, Nausheen Mazhar, Khadija Shakrullah, Saadia Sultan Wahla and Mareena Khurshid, Pakistan Geographical Review, Vol. 76, No.1, June, 01-19. HEC Y category. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/geography/pdf/1_V76_No1_2021.pdf
- “Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for precision agriculture, in selected wheat fields of Rajanpur, Nausheen Mazhar, Safdar Ali Shirazi, Kanwal Javid, Muhammad Habib IR Rahman, Asif Sajjad, Vol. 76, No.1, June, 213-223. HEC Y category. http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/geography/pdf/15_V76_No1_2021.pdf
- “USING UAV IMAGERY TO MEASURE PLANT AND WATER STRESS IN WINTER WHEAT FIELDS OF DRYLANDS, SOUTH PUNJAB, PAKISTAN”, Nausheen Mazhar, Safdar A. Shirazi, Lindsay C. Stringer and Sohail Manzoor, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Sciences, vol 58. DOI: 10.21162/PAKJAS/21.648, I.F 0.74. HEC X category. https://www.pakjas.com.pk/InPress.php
- “Index based Approach in Relation to Built and LST Dynamics; A Study of Lahore, Pakistan”. Kanwal Javid, Muhammad Ameer Nawaz Akram, Shazia Pervaiz, Rumana Siddiqui, Nausheen Mazhar. International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, Vol 12(1), March 2021. 32-40 https://www.econ-environ-geol.org/index.php/ojs/article/view/559/351. https://www.econ-environ-geol.org/index.php/ojs/article/view/564/356 HEC Y
- Spatial and Temporal Variations of Temperature in the Punjab Province, Pakistan. Sohail Abbas, Safdar Ali Shirazi, Nausheen Mazhar, Kashif Mahmood, Ashfak Ahmad Khan. International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, Vol 12(1), March 2021.67-75 HEC Yhttps://www.econ-environ-geol.org/index.php/ojs/article/view/564
- “Mapping Fluctuations of Hispar Glacier, Karakoram, using Normalized Difference Snow Index (NDSI) and Normalized Difference Principal Component Snow Index (NDSPCSI)”, Nausheen Mazhar, Dania Amjad, Kanwal Javid, Rumana Siddiqui, Muhammad Ameer Nawaz Khan and Zaynah Sohail Butt, International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, March 2021, vol 11(4), 48-55. Y
https://www.econ-environ-geol.org/index.php/ojs/article/view/516 - “Detection of Long-Term Vegetation Degradation in Baluchistan In Southwest Asia Using NDVI Products of The Modis Sensor of Terra Satellite”, Peyman Mahmoudi, Safdar Shirazi, Seyed Mahdi Amir Jahanshshahi, Fatima Firoozi and Nausheen Mazhar, Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, Feb 2021,20(2), 291-300. IF 1.3 http://www.eemj.icpm.tuiasi.ro/pdfs/vol20/no2/13_21_Mahmoudi_20.pdf HEC X
- “Effects of climatic factors on the sedimentation trends of Tarbela Reservoir, Pakistan”, Nausheen Mazhar, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Sohail Abbass, Muhammad Ameer Nawaz Akram, Muhammad Ali and Kanwal Javid, SN Applied Sciences, January 2021, 3:122. Y https://doi.org/10.1007/s42452-020-04137-4 HEC Y
- “Impacts of rainfall and temperature variability on wheat production in district Bahawalnagar, Pakistan from 1983-2016”, Nausheen Mazhar, Maham Sultan and Dania Amjad, Pakistan Journal of Science, Vol 72, no.4, Dec 2020, 348-355. Y
- “Detection of land cover changes in Baluchistan (shared between Iran, Pakistan, and Afghanistan) using the MODIS Land Cover Product”, Peyman Mahmoudi & Safdar Ali Shirazi & Fatemeh Firoozi & Seyed Mahdi Amir Jahanshahi & Nausheen Mazhar, Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 13 (23) Nov 2020, 1274. IF 1.79 HEC X
- “Trends and Variability of Temperature Time Series over the Kanshi Catchment in The Potohar Region of Punjab-Pakistan”, S.A. Shirazi, S. Abbas, K. Shakarullah, M. Yaseen, N. Mazhar, S. S. Wahla and M. Khurshid, Pakistan Journal of Science, Vol. 72 (3), Sep 2020, 241-248. Y
- “The Preliminary Study of Anthropogenic and Natural Drivers of Desertification in Drylands of South Punjab, Pakistan”; Nausheen Mazhar, Safdar Ali Shirazi, International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, June 2020. Vol. 11 (1), 102-107 Y
- “Monitoring Expanse Near Lakhodair Landfill and Mehmood Booti Dump Sites of Lahore, Pakistan”; Maimoona Khalil, Nausheen Mazhar, Dania Amjad, International Journal of Economic and Environmental Geology, Dec 2019,Vol. 10 (4), 40-45. Y
- “Impact Analysis of Vegetation Cover on Land Surface Temperature (LST) at Lakhodair landfill and Mehmood Booti Open Dump-site of Lahore, Pakistan”, Maimoona Khalil, Nausheen Mazhar, Safdar Ali Shirazi and Kanwal Javid, International Journal of Biosciences, November, 2018, Vol. 13, no. 5, 263-277. X
- “Evaluating the flood hazard in District Mandi Bahauddin: a comparative study between 2010 and 2014”, Maria Mumtaz Ranjha, Nausheen Mazhar, Kanwal Javid, Raja Haris Zafar, Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, October, 2018, Vol. 13 No. 4, 147-160. X
- “An Analysis of Glacial Retreat and Resultant Vegetation Expansion in the Karakorum: A case study of Passu Glacier in Hunza valley”, Nausheen Mazhar, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Sahar Zia, Zayanah Sohail Butt, Memuna Ghafoor Shahid and Ali Imam Mirza, Biologia (Pakistan), June, 2018, 64 (1), 135-145. Y
- “Desertification vulnerability and risk analysis of Southern Punjab Region, Pakistan using geospatial techniques”, Nausheen Mazhar, Safdar Ali Shirazi and Kanwal Javid, Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, (12 No. 6 June, 2018) 273-282. X
- “Monitoring Decadal Precipitation Variability in Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan”, Nausheen Mazhar, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Zaynah Sohail Butt and Iftikhar Ahmad Butt, Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 68 No.3 September, 2016) 352-357. Y
- “An analysis of spatio-temporal temperature variability in Upper Indus Basin, Pakistan”, Nausheen Mazhar, Ali Iqtadar Mirza, Zaynah Sohail Butt and Iftikhar Ahmad Butt, Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 67 No.3 September, 2015) 259-263. Y
- “Precipitation data interpolation for meteorological drought mapping in Pakistan”, Nausheen Mazhar and Muhammad Nawaz. Pakistan Journal of Science (Vol. 66 No. 4 December 2014) 356-361. Y
- “Socio-political impacts of Meteorological Droughts and their spatial patterns in Pakistan”. Nausheen Mazhar, Muhammad Nawaz, Ali Iqtadar Mirza and Khalida Khan. A Research Journal of South Asian Studies Vol. 30, No.1, January – June 2015, pp. 149 – 157. Y
Research Grants and Contracts.
- Won Franco-Pakistani Hubert Curien Partnership (PHC) PERIDOT research mobility Grant worth Pak Rs. 3.6 million, implemented in Pakistan by HEC
- Applied for NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SOCIETY Conservation Grant in summer 2024, as Co-PI
- Submitted as Co-PI proposal for USAID Inclusive Partnerships for Climate Resilience (IPCR), in collaboration with Fayvetteville State Univ, N. Cardinia, USA, 2024
- Submitted as Co-PI proposal for USAID Inclusive Partnerships for Climate Resilience (IPCR), in collaboration with Tuskegee Univeristy, USA, 2024
- Applied for RASTA 4.0 research grant by The Pakistan Institute of Development Economics (PIDE). Topic “Assessment of urban encroachment on farmland: A study for site selection of vertical development” 15 June 2022
- Applied concept note for CLARE grant title “Geoengineering to build community-scale climate adaptation and resilience” 8 June 2022
- Applied for CPEC Collaborative Applied for CPEC Collaborative Research Grant in March 2021 as PI. The proposed project proposal was based on the theme of sustainable energy.
- Worked as a Research Associate in a Research Project submitted to Punjab University, “Assessment, Analysis and Management of Meteorological Drought in Punjab-Pakistan: A Study of Some Affected Districts”, in April, 2017.
- Worked as Research Associate in an International project “Detection of land cover changes in Baluchistan (shared between Iran, Pakistan and Afghanistan) using satellite remote sensing products”, funded by Pakistan Science Foundation
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
- Participated as a Panelist in 3 panel discussions during UNCCD COP 16, 2-13 Dec 2024, in Riyadh Saudi Arabia
- Participated in Global Dialogue Forum during UNCCD COP 16 in Riyadh Saudi Arabia
- Media appearance as a climate expert in “Jaago Pakistan”, Live show of Dunya TV on 15-Nov-2024, to discuss a timely topic: Artificial Rain and its Role in Combating Smog in Lahore
- Media appearance as a climate expert in “Jaago Pakistan”, Live show of Dunya TV on October 10th, discussing the upcoming smog season in Lahore.
- Resource Person in National Webinar by Youth Media Network, Pakistan “Youth for climate: Combatting Pakistan's Climate challenges together” on 15-12-24
- Resource Person in International Webinar by University College of Water, Science & Engineering, Ghana “6th Webinar series: Journey of a Career Woman in a developing world-Empowering women & youth”, on 22nd May 2024.
- Resource Person in International Webinar by DesertNet International of UNCCD, on 22 May 2024, topic: “Dryland Dynamics: Exploring Desertification Status in the Drylands of South Punjab, Pakistan”
- Delivered a talk as a resource person on topic” "Understanding SDG 15.3: Desertification and land degradation" in World Environment Week, organized by Centre of Integrated Mountain Research (CIMR), University of the Punjab, on 22-3-2024
- Delivered a talk as a resource person on topic “Climate Change Impacts on Women in Pakistan”, International Women Day 2024, Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress, organized by APWA and HANDS NGO, on 7-3-2024
- Delivered a talk in an international seminar International Seminar: “Geo-spatial Technologies: A Key to Transform Our World through Spatial Analysis for Better Understanding:, at Forman Christian College Lahore: “Need for Sustainable Land Management to Reverse Desertification”, on Dec 13 2023
- “From being Climate Insensitive to climate conscious” 14 Dec 2023, TED X Conference, LCWU
- Delivered a seminar (In person) entitled “Geo-Spatial Assessment of Water Quality and Sedimentation Trends for Sustainable Power Production in Tarbela Reservoir, Pakistan”, organized by Department of Geography, Univesité Paris Cité, to students of Geography department University of Paris (in person) and LCWU students (virtual).
- Resource Person and Climate expert in a Seminar held at FAST School of Management, on 29-9-22, on the topic “Integrating Corporate Social Responsibility to Climate Change and Sustainability”.
- Resource Person in Webinar series entitled “Environment and Climate Change: Past, Present and Future Challenges”, organized by National Centre of Excellence in Geology, University of Peshawar, on 10-11-2022. My talk was on the topic “Addressing SDG 15.3: Understanding Desertification and Land Degradation”.
- Media appearance as a climate expert to talk about Climate Change and recent Floods of Pakistan in "News Hour with Batool Rajput" on Sach TV, on Sep 22, 2022.
- Resource Person in Seminar on “The Need for Sustainable Management to Reverse Desertification”, arranged on 23rd September 2022 by the Geographical Society, LCWU.
- TEDx Talk, as climate expert in International TEDx LCWU COUNTDOWN conference, held in Iqra Auditorium, LCWU, Dec 2, 2021.
- Lecture delivered as a Resource Person on “Climate Change and its Vulnerability”, in the Workshop: Climate Change: Issues and Strategies, at LCWU
- Lecture delivered as a Resource Person on “Climate Change and its Variability”, at Forman Christian College
- Seminar on the topic of “Droughts, their Causes and Affects”, presented in the Geography Department, PU
Selected Professional Presentations
Story of “Pakistan’s Ali the nomad of Cholistan”, shared in Global Dialogue Forum, UNNCD COP 16, Riadh Saudi Arabia, 7th Dec 2024
KEYNOTE TALK on “Monitoring Desertification Dynamics in Punjab, Pakistan: A Pathway to Achieving LDN”, in Special Parallel Session “Big data and good practices in support of land degradation neutrality” in 4th International Forum for Bog Data for SDGs, Beijing China, 6-8th Sep 2024.
KEYNOTE talk on "From Fragmentation to Integration: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” at Two-Day National Conference on “Climate Change and Water Resources (CCWR): Bridging the Gap for SDG6”, hosted at the prestigious Agricultural Engineering Department of Bahauddin Zakariya University in Multan, spanning from February 28th to 29th,
KEYNOTE speaker at 2023 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Ecosystem (Virtual), July 28-30-2023, organized by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
6th Interdisciplinary Desert Conference, University of Oxford, UK, 16-17 March 2023, Nausheen Mazhar and Safdar Ali Shirazi, “Desertification Risk Assessment and Management Planning, based on Multi criteria evaluation-DPSIR approach for the Drylands of South Punjab, Pakistan” School of Geography and Earth Sciences, University of Oxford, UK.
1st International Pak-Turk Symposium on “HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHICAL CONNECTIONS BETWEEN TURKEY AND PAKISTAN: Past, Present and Future Prospects” June 3-4, 2022, Nausheen Mazhar - Sidra Rasheed - Sohail Abbas – Dr. Asif Sajjad “An Empirical Investigation of Spatio-Temporal Changes in Aridity During Rabi and Kharif Seasons, In Sindh, Pakistan” Geography departments of Karabuk University Turkey and University of the Punjab
21st APG Meet and International E-Conference Focal Theme: “Agriculture, Food Security, Health and Wellbeing”: ‘Application of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for Precision Agriculture, in some selected wheat fields of Rajanpur Punjab Pakistan’, Nausheen Mazhar and Safdar Ali Shirazi, December 30-31, 2021, Department of Geography, Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra-136119