Dr. Qurattulain Tahirah
Assistant Professor
Department of Arabic
- Profile
- Research Publications
Sep 2006 to May 2015, Lecturer, Arabic department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
May 2015 to Present, Assistant professor, Arabic Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Member Board of Studies, Arabic Department Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
External examiner for Viva exams and thesis evaluation Arabic Department University of the Punjab
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Years |
Name |
2015 |
Marriam Idress |
2016 |
Misbah Saleem |
Anmol Nameem |
2017 |
Ammara Ijaz |
Mahnoor Asghar |
Maimoona Fayyaz |
Mawra Mehmood |
Rooma Ashraf |
Ammara Abid |
2018 |
Memona Shahzad |
Muattar Akram |
Fatima Ali |
Hajra Khan |
Sana Akram |
Zoya Zia |
Tahreem Tahir |
Ayesha Nadeem |
Sahiba Liaqat |
Malika Liaqat |
2019 |
Wajeeha Nisar |
Ayesha Fayyaz |
Zobia Munir |
Momna Azam |
Rameela |
Service Activity
I have been serving LCWU as lecturer and then assistant professor since 2006, I have been assigned many task and duties. After 2011 in LCWU Arabic language subject status was changed from being a minor to a major subject. I was involved in curriculum development of BS Arabic. I have designed the syllabus of Arabic compulsory in 2012 and that was approved by the BOS. I am engaged in various departmental service activities as listed below: · Teaching Courses taught during this period are:- History of Arabic literature
- History of Islam
- Arabic Grammar
- Modern Arabic prose
- Islamic literature
- Arab World and its culture
- Arabic literature in sub-continent
- Arab media ·
Syllabus in-charge
Exams Coordinator
Admission duty ·
Tabulation duty ·
QEC Coordinator ·
Web Coordinator ·
Secretary, Students Affair's Committee ·
Assistant Proctor · Other Various Departmental duties
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Modern Arabic LiteratureChildren’s Literature
B.Ed. thesis titled “Role of Assignments in Children’s Educational Performance at Secondary Level” ·
M.A thesis titled تفسير سورة الفجر للشيخ محبوب عالم السوهاوي (تحقيق ودراسة المخطوط)
Ph.D. thesis titled أدب الأطفال عند کامل کيلاني وحکيم محمد سعيد (دراسة مقارنة
أدب الأطفال الأردي وتطوره قبل إنشاء باکستان, Oriental College Magazine, university of the Punjab, volume 89, No. 4, 2014 pages 71- 94
أدب الأطفال العربي وتطوره MAJALLAH AL-QISM AL-ARABI university of the Punjab, issue No 22, 2015, pages149-168