Dr. Rabia Asif
Assistant Professor
Department of Management Sciences
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- 18-09-2011 till date: Asst. Professor, Management Sciences Department, Lahore College for Women University
- 09-06-2016 till 21-07-2020: Incharge, Management Sciences Department, Lahore College for Women University
- 19.09.2009: Lecturer: Management Sciences Department, Lahore College for Women University
- 14-02-2005 to 10-09-2008: Lecturer, Virtual University of Pakistan.
- 8th Deans & Directors Conference 2021, themed as “Business Education in a Time of Change: Towards a New Normal for Business Schools in Pakistan” held on 06th-07th April, 2021 via zoom.
- Presented Research Paper titled “Estimating the Mediating Role of Organizational Identification in Determining the Relationship Between Qualitative Job Insecurity and Job Performance” at International Conference on Economics and Social Sciences (ICESS-2019) held on 3-4 August, 2019 Istanbul, Turkey (Online).
- Presented Research Paper titled “How to Economize the Advertisement Cost of Public Tender? A Comprehensive Study on Public Procurement of Pakistan” in 40th International Academic Conference, Stockholm held on 25-28 June, 2018 at Ersta Sköndal Bräcke University College, Stockholm, Sweden (HEC Travel Grant Case No. 293.56).
- Presented Research Paper titled “Tender Advertisement Cost: Significant Saving through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)” in “The 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM 2016)” October 29-31, 2016, University of Hertfordshire, UK (PHEC Travel Grant No. 1-59).
- Presented Research Work “Effective Cost Reduction through Red, White and Green Expenses Strategies” at 13th FRAP-International Research Conference on Finance, Risk and Accounting Perspective, Cambridge UK on 18-20 November, 2013.
- Participated in 8th Annual London Business Research Conference conducted by Imperial College London, UK for presentation of Research work on “Cost Cutting Techniques through Green Expense Management: A Case Study of COMSATS Institute of Information Technology” on 8th-9th July, 2013 (HEC Travel Grant No. 186.23).
- Presented Research work on “Cost Cutting Techniques Through Green Expense Strategy: Effective Ways and Techniques” at 2nd International Conference of Management and Economics (ICME-2013) conducted by Faculty of Management & Finance, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka on 26th-27th 2013.
- 1st International Conference on “Emerging Issues in Management Sciences (IBC-2017) held from 18th to 20th July, 2017 conducted by Department of Management Sciences & Department of Public Administration, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- 2nd International Conference on “Entrepreneurship (ICE-2013)” held on 8 & 9 November, 2013 conducted by Lahore School of Economics, Pakistan.
- 1st International Conference Management and Economics held on 11-12 February, 2012 at COMSATS Sahiwal Lahore organized by COSMATS Institute of Information Technology Sahiwal, Lahore, University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka, Chinese-German Institute for Intellectual Property, Huazhong University of Science & Technology, China, Strategize Blue, USA.
- 2nd E-learning and distance Education conference (ELDEC-2009) held on March, 30-31, 2009 at Main Auditorium of Higher Education Commission, Islamabad conducted by Virtual University of Pakistan and Allama Iqbal Open University.
Arranged and conducted 2nd International Conference on “Contemporary issues in Management & Administrative Sciences” held on 26th-28th March, 2019 via International Conference Grant from Higher Education Commission (HEC) Grant No.309.04/SC/R&D/HEC/2018/2827.
Arranged and organized International Workshop in lieu of collaboration activities under HEC Funded Faculty Strengthening Program 2 jointly with Philippine School of Business Administration, Philippine from 3rd -6th Dec, 2018.
Arranged and organized International Seminar on “Bridging Government and Private Decision Makers’ Agenda in Mainstreaming Disaster Impact Resiliency towards Business Continuity’ in collaboration with Philippines School of Business Administration, Philippines and LCWU from 19th-20th Feb, 2018.
Arranged and conducted 1st International Conference on Emerging issues in Management Sciences (IBC-2017) held on 18th-20th July, 2017 as Conference Head. International Conference Grant from Punjab Higher Education commission under Grant No. PHEC/A&R/S&C/1-17/2016/880.
- “Effect of Job Insecurity and Job Embeddedness on Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior in presence of a Mediator Moral Disengagement”.
- “Exploring the Impact of Digital Signage and Social Media Advertising on Consumer Buying Behavior with Mediated Emotional Processes in Pakistan”.
- “Narcissism and Counterproductive Work Behavior: Mediating Role of Organizational Constraints, Interpersonal Conflicts and Workload”.
- “Effect of Websites Quality on the Consumer’s Online Purchase Intention with Moderating Role of Consumers Perceive Risk: A study from the perspective of Pakistani Consumer”.
- “Estimating the Mediating Role of Organizational Identification in Determining the Relationship Between Qualitative Job Insecurity and Job Performance”.
- “The Effect of Social Media Marketing on Online Consumer Buying Behavior in Cosmetic Industry of Pakistan”.
- “Corporate Social Responsibility and its Impact on Employee Turnover: A Case Study of Banking Sector in Pakistan” .
- “The Relationship Between the Characteristics of the Mission Statement and the Organizational Performance”.
- “Effect of Leadership Style on Employee Job Performance: A Case Study of Public Sector Colleges and Universities of Pakistan”.
- “The Effects of Power Outage on Liquidity and Profitability of Firms in Textile Sector”.
- “Determinants of Employee Retention in Educational Sector (Private Schools) of Pakistan”.
- “Empirical Study to Investigate the Effectiveness of Supreme Audit Institution of Pakistan”.
- “Model Building and Forecasting of Bank Credit to Public and Private Sector”.
- “The Impact of Consumer Preference on Brand Loyalty: Mediating role of Advertisement effectiveness”.
- “Perceptual Differences among Business Practitioners and Academicians regarding Strategy development”.
- Wrote Book on Cost and Management Accounting for B.Com students
- Developed web site for Commerce Peak academy (www.commercepeak.net)
- Participated in the development of Lectures Cd’s for B.Com Part-I and Part-II for Commerce Peak academy
- Worked as Visiting Faculty with AIOU (Allama Iqbal Open University) for Management Sciences Courses
- Worked as External Invigilator for Lahore College for Women University, Lahore and for AIOU (Islamabad)
- Got Professional Degree of Corporate Secretary of Pakistan
- Worked as External Thesis Supervisor in GC University Lahore
- Worked as Visiting Faculty in Beacon House International University
- Worked as visiting Faculty in Lahore Garrison University, Cantt. Lahore.
Asif, R. Nasir, A. (2023). Financial stability nexus of Islamic banks: an influential and intellectual science mapping structure. Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, ahead-of-print No. (HEC Recognized X category Journal)
Nisar, S., & Asif, R. (2023). Factors leading to failures of infrastructure development projects in Pakistan: A Systematic Literature Review. Management Science Letters, 13(1), 11-22.
Asif, R. and Nisar, S. (2023). Does trade credit spur performance of the firm: a case study of non-financial firms in Pakistan? Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research. Vol. 14 No. 5, pp. 718-739. https://doi.org/10.1108/JIABR-10-2021-0289 (HEC Recognized X category Journal)
Akhter, W., Asif, R., & Pappas, V. (2022). Diversification and Financial Stability: Evidence from Dual Banking Economies. Research in International Business and Finance, (Ahead of print HEC Recognized W category Journal Impact Factor 0.359).
Asif, R., Fiaz, M., & Zulfiqar, Z. (2022). The Impact of Sustainable Energy on Liquidity and Financial Performance of the Textile Industry. SAGE Open, 12(4). (Impact Factor 2.1)
Asif, R. Akhter, W. Zulifqar, Z. Fiaz, M. (2022). Does Diversification affect Financial Stability? Evidence from Islamic and Conventional Banks. International Journal of Trade and Global Markets. (HEC Recognized X category Journal accepted manuscript)
Asif, R. Nisar, S. (2022). Capital Adequacy and Banking Distress: A Case Study of Commercial Banks in Pakistan. KASBIT Business Journal, 15(2), 39-45.
Hassan, S.D. Ansari, N. D. Moazzam, A.M. Rehman, A.D, Asif, R. (2022). Validating Perry’s Measurement Scale of Public Service Motivation in a Non-Western Culture: A Prefatory Study. Webology, 19(3), 1674-1687.
Naeem, Y. & Asif, R. (2022). Testing the Moderating Role of Online Sales Promotions on the Relation of Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction. Journal of Management & Administrative Sciences, 2(1), 1-16.
Asif, R. Nisar, S. (Jan. 2022). Policies, Rewards, and Opportunities: Antecedents of Employee Retention. Indian Journal of Commerce and Management Studies. XIII(1), (Impact Factor: 0.875)
Alim, W. Nisar, S., Asif, R. (2022). Capturing the Impact of Covid-19 on Construction Projects: A Case Study of Pakistan. GOMAL University Journal of Research, 37(4).
Hassan, S., Fiaz, M., & Asif, R. (2021). Public Service Motivation and Quality of Working Life in Public Institutions: The Moderating Role of P-O Fit. Journal of Management and Research, 8(2), 159–181. (HEC Recognized Y)
Nisar, S., & Asif, R. & Ali, A. (2021). Testing The Existence of The January Effect in Developed Economies: January Effect in Developed Economies. Journal of Finance and Accounting Research, 3(2), 1-16.
Asif, R. Aslam, R. Abid, H. (June. 2021). The Effects of Power Outage on Liquidity and Profitability of Firms in the Textile Sector of Pakistan. Journal of Accounting and Finance in Emerging Economies, 7(1). (HEC Recognized Y)
Asif, R. Nisar, S. (2021). Exploring the Relationship between Employees Turnover and Corporate Social Responsibility: A Case Study of Banking Sector in Pakistan. Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, 25(2), 1-14.
Asif, R. (2021). A Comparative Investigation into the Financial Performance of Banking Industry of Pakistan during COVID-19. Iqra Journal of Business & Management, 5(II), 1-18. (HEC Recognized Y Category Journal).
Ashraf, Z. Asif, R. (Dec, 2020). Impact of Consumer Preference on Brand Loyalty: Mediating Role of Advertisement Effectiveness. NUML International Journal of Business and Management, 15(2), pp. 70-81. (HEC Recognized Y Category Journal).
Asif, R. Akhter, W. Nisar, S. (2020). “An Estimation of the Presence of Contagion in Islamic and Conventional Banks of Pakistan Using DCC-GARCH Model”. Paradigms, Vol. 14(1), pp. 86-89. (HEC Recognized Y category Journal)
Asif, R. Fiaz, M. Khaliq, Z. Nisar, S. (2019). Estimating the Mediating Role of Organizational Identification in Determining the Relationship between Qualitative Job Insecurity and Job Performance. Journal of Managerial Sciences, Vol. 13 No. 13, pp. 175-187. (HEC Recognized Y Category Journal)
Asif, R. Naeem, A. (2019). “Relationship between Level of Educational Attainment and Employee Performance: Mediating Role of Individual Religious Affiliation”. Burjis, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 61-74. (HEC Recognized Y Category Journal)
Asif, R. and Akhter, W. (2019), "Exploring the Influence of Revenue Diversification on Financial Performance in the Banking Industry", Qualitative Research in Financial Markets, Vol. 11 No. 3, pp. 305-327. (HEC Recognized X Category Journal from ISI web of science Emerging Source 2018: 1.41)
Asif, R., & Nisar, S. (2018, July). How to Economize the Advertisement Cost of the Public Tenders? A Comprehensive Study on Public Procurement of Pakistan. In Proceedings of International Academic Conferences (No. 6508417). International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences. (Google Scholar Indexed)
Noreen, A., Asif, R., Nisar, S., Qayyum, N. (2017). Model Building and Forecasting of Bank Credit to Public and Private Sector. Universal Journal of Accounting and Finance. Vol. 5(4), pp. 73 – 77. (Google Scholar Indexed).
Asif, R., Nisar, S. (2016). Tender Advertisement Cost: Significant Saving through the Use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). In Proceedings of 6th International Conference on Information Communication and Management (ICICM). Pages 1-6. (Google Scholar Indexed).
Asif, R., Nisar, S. (2012). “Executives Trends towards Joining Distance Learning Programs”, GCU Economic Journal, Volume XLV (1 & 2), pp. 53-71. (Google Scholar Indexed)
Asif, R., Nisar, S. (2011). “An Examination into the Impact of Firm Size on Bank Debt Use: A Study with Reference to Corporate Firms across Industries in Pakistan”, GCU Economic Journal, Volume XLIII (1 & 2), 2011, pp. 47-62. (Google Scholar Indexed)