Saima Butt
Assitant Professor
Department of Political Science
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- PhD in Political Science
University of the Punjab, 2020
Thesis Title: Institutional Dimension of Conflict Transformation: A Study of Balochistan(2002-2014) - M.Phil. in Political Science
University of the Punjab, 2012
Thesis Title: Balochistan during Musharraf Era: A Critical Analysis - Masters in Political Science
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 2004
Research Report on Non-Aligned Movement: Role of India - Bachelors of Arts
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 2002 - Intermediate in Humanities
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 2000 - Matriculation in Science
Divisional Public-School Model Town Lahore, 1998 - Post graduate Diploma in International Affairs
University of the Punjab, 2005.
Lecturer 14 Dec 2006-June 2020 LCWU
Assistant Professor June 2020 LCWU
Graduate Students/Postdocs Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
BS thesis Supervised 3
MS thesis Supervised 11
Service Activity
- Staff Development Course by HEC, March 2007.
- Attended Active Citizen Training of Facilitators in LCWU, 18th-22th March, 2013.
- Attended Summer Leadership Institute, 3th-14th June, 2013.
- Participated in Active Citizen Training of Facilitators as co-Facilitator, 22nd -26th August, 2013.
- Attended workshop on Career and Professional Skill sets Development. April 2021- July 2021.
- Serve as an Active Citizen Facilitator at Graduate level
- Research paper published in South Asian Studies X category “Economic Aspect of Conflict Transformation in Balochistan (2001-2008) in 2019 January-June, Issue I, Volume (34.)
- Research paper published in Journal of the Research Society of Pakistan Y category “Pakistan-Afghanistan Relation after 9/11” in 2021 July- Sept 3, Vol (58).
- Research paper published in Pakistan Social Sciences Review Y category “ Balochistan during Musharraf Era: A Political Perspective” in July-Sept 2021, No.3, Vol (5).
Selected Professional Presentations
1st International Conference, 2020, Advances and Challenges in Basic and Social sciences in Contemporary research, February 12-13,2020, Government Post Graduate Islamia College (Women) Cooper Road, LahoreTitle: Transformation of Education Sector in Balochistan
National Conference on ‘Challenges of governance in Pakistan aimed the COVID-19 Pandemic”, Department of Political Science, University of Punjab, Lahore, 6th-7th April, 2021Title: Challenges and Benefits of E-Governance in Education Sector of Pakistan During COVID 19.