Sumera Iqbal
Associate Professor (Tenured)
Department of Botany
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- Worked as Lecturer in Department of Botany, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore from 30 Sep 2009 till 17 oct, 2011
- Since 17th Oct 2011 worked as Assistant professor (TTS) till Nov. 2019
- Working as Tenured Associate Professor.
Honor and Awards
Awarded scholarship from Higher Education Commission under Indigenous-5000 Scholarship Programme for Ph.D.Memberships
Life Time Member of Pakistan Botanical SocietyGraduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Program |
Completed As Supervisor |
Completed As Co- Supervisor |
In Progress As supervisor |
BS |
32 |
1 |
NA |
MS |
23 |
6 |
6 |
Ph.D. |
01 |
NA |
5 |
Service Activity
Teaching, Research, Member BOS, Ph.D. coordinator, Member of different departmental committees
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Plant stress physiology,
- Mechanism of abiotic stress tolerance in Plants.
- Mitigation strategies against abiotic and biotic stresses
Noshin Ilyas, Uzma Shoukat, Maimona Saeed, Nosheen Akhtar, Humaira Yasmin, Wajiha Khan & Sumera Iqbal. 2021. Comparison of plant growth and remediation potential of pyrochar and thermal desorption for crude oil-contaminated Scientific Reports. 11, 2817. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-82243-y.
Bareera Khan, Khajista Jabeen, Qudsiya Kanwal and Sumera Iqbal. 2021. Phytochemical constituents of pencil tree (Euphorbia tirucalli ) as antifungal agent against mango anthracnose disease. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 19(4): 2915-2928.
Kashifa Noureen, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Summera Jahan and Sumera Javad. 2021. Effect of Alternaria alternata (Fr.) Keissl. on the physiology of Pea (Pisum sativum ). Revista de la Facultad de Agronomia de la Universidad del Zulia. 38(3): 462-479.
Asma Ahmad, Amina Tariq, Sumera Javad, Iqra Naseer, Kiran Shahzadi and Sumera Iqbal. 2021. Effect of phyto-mediated zinc oxide nanoparticles on the growth response of wheat towards water stress. Pakistan Journal of .Agricultural Sciences., Vol. 58(5), 1625-1633.
Faiza Anum, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Javad, Sumera Iqbal, Arifa Tahir, Zeeshan Javed, Natália Cruz-Martins, Seyed Abdulmajid Ayatollahi, Javad Sharifi-Rad, Mohammed M. Alshehri and William C. Cho. 2021. Green synthesized silver nanoparticles as potent antifungal agent against Aspergillus terreus Journal of Nanomaterials. Volume 2021, Article ID 2992335: 1-10.
Tehzeeb Zubairi, Khajista Jabeen, Sana Khalid and Sumera Iqbal. 2021. Isolation and molecular characterization of causal agent of blue mold on Allium cepa and its control by Pennisetum flaccidum Griseb. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences. 28: 6774– 6781.
Amina Anwaar, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Sumera Javad.2021. Antifungal efficacy of phytoconstituents of Medicago sativa against Rhizoctonia solani. Phytoprotection. 101:1-5.
Summera Jahan, Sumera Iqbal, Fahd Rasul, Khajista Jabeen.2020. Efficacy of biochar as soil amendments for soybean ( Glycine max ) morphology, physiology, and yield regulation under drought. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 13-356.
Ilyas, Roomina; Mazhar, Humaira Yasmin, Wajiha Khan,Sumera Iqbal, Hesham E Enshasy,. Daniel J Dailin,2020. Rhizobacteria Isolated from Saline Soil Induce Systemic Tolerance in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) against Salinity Stress. Agronomy. 10, no. 7: 989. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy10070989.
Zara Naeem, Alya Maimoona, Khajista Jabeen, Bareera Khan, Sumera Iqbal.2020. Evaluation of fungicidal potential of Ocimum sanctum and Nicotiana tabacum Aspergillus flavus and niger. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 52(6): 2223-2228.
Alia Naseem, Sumera Iqbal and Khajista Jabeen. 2019. Effect of selected organic amenndments on germination and yield of Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench grown under chromium Biologia (Pakistan).65(2).
Iqra Akhtar, Sumera Javad, Zubaida Yousaf, Sumera Iqbal and Khajista Jabeen. 2019. Microwave assisted extraction of phytochemicals an efficient and modern approach for botanicals and pharmaceuticals. Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 32(1): 223-230.(IF=0.596).
Sana Bashir, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Sumera Javad, A. Naeem. 2019. Lantana camara: Phytochemical analysis and antifungal perspective.Planta Daninha.
Summera Jahan, Sumera Iqbal, Fahd Rasul & Khajista Jabeen. 2019. Structural characterization of soil biochar amendments and their comparative performance under moisture deficit regimes. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 12:203
Rafia Naeem, Khajista Jabeen & Sumera Iqbal. Physiological response of Vigna radiata L. wilczek to southern blight disease. Bangladesh Journal of Botany. 47(2): 343-349. (IF: 0.233)
Maryam Munawwar, Khajista Jabeen & Sumera Iqbal. 2018. Biochar and compost antifungal activity against Botrytis cinerea ex. Bangladesh Journal of Botany. 47(1): 141-146. (IF: 0.233)
Bareera Khan, Khajista Jabeen & Sumera Iqbal. 2018. “Fungistatic potential of Euphorbia hirta against Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Penz. causal agent of anthracnose. Romanian Biotechnological Letters. 23(6): 14153-14159. (IF: 0.369).
Mahrukh Shahid, Khajista Jabeen & Sumera Iqbal. 2018. Evaluation of Antifungal Potential of Wood Biochar against Fusarium oxysporum Biologia. 64(2) 227-232.
Yousara Hafeez, Sumera Iqbal, Khajista Jabeen, Sobia Shahzad, Summera Jahan & Fahd Rasul. 2017. Effect of biochar application on seed germination and seedling growth of Glycine max (L.) Merr. under drought stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany. 49(SI): 7-13( IF: 690)
Maryam Karim, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Arshad Javaid. 2017. Bioefficacy of Datura metel extracts against pathogen of anthracnose disease of mango. Planta Daninha: 35: 1-7 (IF: 461).
Shahnaz Hanif, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal. Management of damping off disease by extracts of Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Bangladesh Journal of Botany ( IF: 0.233).
Anum Sehar, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Fahd Rasul and Sumera Javad. 2017. Assessment of biochar and compost antifungal potential against Botryodiplodia theomae Pat. International Journal of Biology and Biotechnology. 14(4): 585-589.
Tayyaba Ejaz, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal and Aroosa Naem.2017. Fungistatic potential of Sonchus asper against Botrytis cinerea and Rhizoctonia solani. International Journal of Biosciences. 10(1): 327-334.
Sumera Javad , Iqra Akhter, Khadija Aslam, Amina Tariq, Nadia Ghaffar, Sumera Iqbal and Iqra Naseer. 2017. Antibacterial activity of plant extract and zinc nanoparticles obtained from Syzigium aromaticum L. Pure and Applied Biology. 6(4): 1079-1087.
Anila Younas, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Sumera Javed.2016. Effect of Macrophomina phaseolina on germination, growth and Physiology of Capsicum frutescens Pak. J. Phytopathol., Vol. 28 (02):207-211.
Sumera Javad, Sumera Sarwar, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal and Amina Tariq. 2016. Enhanced extraction of an anticancer drug, Vinblastine, from Catharanthus roseus. Pure Appl. Biol., 5(3): 608-614.
Wajeeha Azhar, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal . 2016. Apparaisal of Alstonia scholaris antifungal activity against Fusarium wilt.J. Agric Res. 54(2):221-231. (Y category)
Afshan Khan, Khajista Jabeen and Sumera 2016. Antifungal activity of Syzigium cumini L. against Rhizoctonia solani. Pure Appl. Biol.,5(2):193-199.
Aqsa Zahid Sherazi, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal and Zubaida Yousaf. 2016. Management of Ascochyta rabiei by chenopodium album extracts. Planta Dahninha. Vicosa-MG. 34 (4) 675-680 (IF=0.395)
Nidra Waheed, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal, Arshad Javaid. Biopesticidal activity of Calotropis procera L. against Macrophomina phaseolina. Afr. J. Tradit. Complement. Altern. Med. 13(6):163-167.(IF=0.553)
Afshan Khan, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal. Antifungal activity of Syzygium cumini L. against Rhizoctonia solani. Pure and Applied Biology: 5(2): 193-199. (y category)
Summera Jahan, Sumera Iqbal*, Khajista Jabeen And Sara Sadaf. 2015. Ameliorating influence of sulfur on germination attributes of Canola (Brassica napus ) Under chromium stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany 47(2): 407-411. (IF=.822).
Huma Shahbaz, Khajista Jabeen, Sumera Iqbal. 2015. Evaluation of antifungal activity of Solanum nigrum against Aspergillus niger, the cause of black rot disease of onion. Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology. 27(2): 121-125. (Y category)
Faiza karim, Khajista Jabeen and Sumera Iqbal. 2015. Antifungal potential of cynodon dactylon against grey mold disease. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy & Allied Sciences. 4(12): 6850-6858.
Ayesha Sadiqa, Khajista Jabeen and Sumera Iqbal. Antifungal activity of Amaranthus viridis against Botrytis grey mold. International Journal of Development Research. 5(12): 6147-6150.
Faiza Karim, Khajista Jabeen and Sumera Iqbal. Antifungal potential of cynodon dactylon against grey mold disease. International Journal of Biology, Pharmacy & Allied Sciences. 4(12): 6850-6858.
Khajista Jabeen, Aqsa Zahid Sherazi and Sumera Iqbal.2014. Antifungal Potential of Chenopodium Album against Chickpea Blight. Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology A& B. 4(1A): 69-75.
Khajista Jabeen, Tehzeeb Zubairi, Sumera Iqbal. 2014. Management of Botrytis cinerea (grey mold disease) by methanolic extract of Pongamia pinnata “Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg”. 64:105-113. (IF:0.031).
Ayesha Qaisar, Sumera Iqbal, Khajista Jabeen and Saba Latif. 2014. Response of maize to hydrogen peroxide priming under chromium stress. Mycopath. 12(2): 123-127.
Khajista Jabeen, Nidra Waheed and Sumera Iqbal. 2013. Antifungal Potential of Calotropis procera against Macrophomina phaseolina. Life Science Journal. 10(12s): 572-576. (0.165)
Khajista Jabeen, Shahnaz Hanif, Shagufta Naz and Sumera Iqbal. 2013. Antifungal activity of Azadirachta indica against Alternaria Solani. Journal of Life Science & Technology. 1: (1) 89-92.
Sumera Iqbal , Asghari Bano and Noshin Ilyas.2012. Abscisic acid (ABA) seed soaking induced changes in physiology of two wheat cultivars under water stress. Pak. J. Bot., 44: 51-56, Special Issue March 2012. (IF=0.872).
Noshin Ilyas, Asghari Bano,Sumera Iqbal and Naveed Iqbal Raja. 2012. Physiological, biochemical and molecular characterization of Azospirillum spp. Isolated from maize under water stress. Pak. J. Bot., 44: 71- 80 (IF=0.907).
Sumera Iqbal and Asghari Bano. 2011. Role of abscisic acid (ABA) in controllingthe hormonal balance at booting and grain-filling stages of different wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cultivars under drought. Pak. J. Bot., 43(5): 2379-2385.(IF=0.907)
Sumera Iqbal and Asghari Bano. 2010. Effect of drought and abscisic acid application on the osmotic adjustment of four wheat cultivars. Journal of Chemical Society of Pakistan. 32(1):13-19. (IF=0.194)
Sumera Iqbal , Asghari Bano and Noshin Ilyas. 2010. Drought and abscisic acid (ABA ) induced changes in protein and pigment contents of four wheat (Triticum aestivum ) accessions. Journal of Agricultural Research. 48(1):1-13.
Sumera Iqbal and Asghari Bano. 2009. Water stress induced changes in antioxidant enzymes, membrane stability and seed protein profile of different wheat accessions. African Journal of Biotechnology. 8 (23): 6576-6587. . (IF=0.5)
Noshin Ilyas., Asghari Bano and Sumera Iqbal.2008. Variation in Rhizobium and Azospirillum Strains Isolated from Maize growing in semiarid areas. Int. J. Agri. Biol. 10: 612-8.
Sumera Iqbal, Zainab Waheed, Alia Naseem.2020. Nanotechnology and Abiotic Stresses.In:Nanoagronomy. Springer Nature Switzerland
Zunaira Iqbal and Sumera Iqbal. 2018. Nanobotany and pharmaceuticals In:Nanobotany Spinger: 131-159
Research Grants and Contracts
Other Research Activities or creative Accomplishments
- Participated as organizer in the seminar on “Forests : Nature’s Power house “organized by Department of Botany and Environmental Sciences in collaboration with department of Forestry Gov. of Punjab held on 31st March, 2017
- Participated as co-organizer in arranging 5th Floral art competition of Department of Botany and Botanical ad horticultural society, LCWU, Lahore, held on March 9th, 2017
Co-organized the establishment of Botanic garden of Botany Department, LCWU in 2017.
Selected professional Presentations
- Oral Presentation 2018.. 1st International conference on Natural Sciences, 4th & 5th December 2018 at Gulberg College for Women, Lahore, Pakistan. (Title of Presentation: Comparative effects of sulphur and silicon on growth and Physiology of Cicer arietinum )
Oral presentattion 2018. May 9th- 11th, Department of Botany, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan.(Title of presentation: Effect of selected organic amendments on Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Monech grown under chromium )
Poster Presentation at the “International Conference on Conventional and Modern approaches in Plant Sciences Department of Botany University of the Punjab on November 28-29,2017.
Poster Presentation at the “Internaional Conference of Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Bionaterials at Department of Biochemistry University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan February 22-24,2016.
Oral Presentation at International Conference on Stress Biology and Biotechnology Challenges & Management. Institute of Agricultural Sciences University of the Punjab, Lahore. May 21-23,
Poster Presentations at International Conference of Plant Sciences. Department of Botany, Government College University, Lahore. 22- 24 2014
Participated International Conference on Biotechnology: Prospects & Challenges in Agriculture, Industry Health and Environment National Institute for Biotechnology & Genetic Engineering (NIBGE) ,Jhang Road, Faisalabad, Pakistan. 22nd -26th April
Participated at 12th National & 3rd International Conference of Botany Quaid-e-Azam University Islamabad, Pakistan 1st – 3rd Sep 2012
Oral presentation at 2nd International conference of Botany and11th National meeting of Plant Scientists. GC University Lahore, February 22-24, 2011
Oral Presentation at 9th biennial PSBMB conference on Advances in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, December 17-20, 2008
Pariticipated as member organizing committee in 2nd International seminar on Medicinal Plants at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 14-16 January,