Tehziba Kousir
Department of Applied Pshycology
- October 12, 2017 till date: Lecturer (BPS-18), department of Applied Psychology, LCWU.
- May 2014-July 2017: Visiting Lecturer Department of Applied Psychology, LCWU, Lahore
- November 2011-May 2013: Administrative Officer (contract), Registrar Office, LCWU, Lahore.
Honor and Awards
- Incharge Psychological Society, LCWU (from 2015 till date)
- President Psychological Society(2013-2015)
- BS-1 Coordinator (2014 till date)
- Focal Person for CM Laptop Distribution Phase-II(Students and research supervisors) nominated by the registrar(January/February,2013)
- University Gold Medal awarded in BS (HONS) for 1st
- HashmatAraa Gold Medal awarded for special student in BS(HONS).
- University Gold Medal awarded in MS(Health Psychology)
- Roll of Honour for academic performance in MS (Health Psychology).
- Certified member of Pakistan Psychological Association, Pakistan.
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Supervised
Years Degree Name
2013-2015 MS AnumMohsin
2014-2016 MS SadiaNaz
2014-2016 MS SadafBatool
2015-2017 MS MehwishMajeed
2015-2017 MS KalsoomAslam
2016-2018 MS YusraAmjad
2017-2019 MS Sidra Rehman
Service Activity
- Teaching MS classes for last 5 years.
- Teaching BS classes for last 5 years
- Research, BS, MS research thesis and internship supervision,
- Paper setting, paper Marking, Examination invigilation duties,
- Discipline duties and Office duties,
- Organizing and assisting various academic events as Incharge Psychological Society, LCWU.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Interested in conducting research in the field of Educational Psychology (school, college and university teaching and learning challenges), Health Psychology (Quality of Life, its correlates, general health and functioning, Perceived illness and its impact on psychological wellbeing etc.)And Organizational Psychology (Leadership, Employee adjustment satisfaction and health, emotional Intelligence and leadership, Entrepreneurial success measures, Psychological factors involved in career success.
- Research paper titled “Occupational Role Stress and Quality of Life among Secondary School Teachers” published in JASS(2014), LCWU, Lahore.
- One research paper titled “ Pakistani Women’s Experience of Spousal Abuse: a Thematic Analysis Exploration” published in PJSCP(2017), GCU, Lahore.
- Work-family conflict, Job Stress and Job satisfaction among Teachers(2017) published in JASS
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
Ph.D. degree in process.
Selected Professional Presentations
- Presented paper in 5th International conference on Educational Psychology, NIP, Islamabad.
- Participated in 14th International Conference Psychology, Department of Applied Psychology/Centre of Clinical Psychology, PU, Lahore.
- Presented Paper in International Conference on Psychology titled” Indigenizing Clinical Psychology Issues and Challenges” in University of Management and Technology, December, 2015.