Toseef Imtiaz
Department of Applied PshycologyExperience
9 years
21st october 2010 Lahore College for Women University Lahore
Honor and Awards
Mphil in Clinical Psychology not anyotherMemberships
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Mphil In Clinical Psychology 2002
Punjab University, Lahore
Role of Honour in MSc PsychologyService Activity
Lecturer in Applied Psychology Department, Lahore College for Women University Lahore
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Enrolled in Phd
One research Published
- Manuscripts accepted for publication should be included under appropriate category as “in press;”
- Segment the list under the following standard headings:
- Articles published by refereed journals.
- Scholarly and / or creative activity published through a refereed electronic venue.
- Contribution to edited volumes.
- Papers published in refereed conference proceedings.
- Paper or extended abstracts published in conference proceedings. (refereed on the basis of abstract)
- Articles published in popular press.
- Articles appearing in in-house organs.
- Research reports submitted to sponsors.
- Articles published in non-refereed journals.
- Manuscripts submitted for publication. (include where and when submitted).
Research Grants and Contracts.
Date Title Agency / Organization
Total Award Amount
Segment the list under following headings:
- Completed
- Funded and in progress
- In review