Dr. Zaryab Khalid Sial
Department of Botany
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Date |
Title |
Institute |
06 June 2015 till date |
Lecturer of Botany (BPS-18) |
Department of Botany Lahore college for Women University. |
2009-2011 |
Lecturer Assistant |
Department of Botany Lahore college for Women University. |
Research Experience
Research experience in Ph. D Research work as Ph.D scholar |
Research scholar (2012-2018) Teaching Research 2015 to present |
Plant Molecular Genetics/Biotechnology Lab Department of Botany Lahore college for Women University |
Six years of teaching experience Six years of Research experience |
Honor and Awards
- HEC Indigenous Scholarship holder in PHD from 2012 till 2016.
- Role of Honor in MS Botany from Lahore College for Women University,
- Merit scholarship in BSc (Hons) Botany from LCWU, Lahore. (2004)
- Project Head of National Academy of Young Scientists
Member of Botanical Society of LCWU
- Member of Horticultural Society of LCWU
- Editorial member of Journal Plantarum, Department of Botany,
Member of Discipline committee, Department of Botany,
Member of American Society of Microbiolog
Member of cleanliness committee, Department of Botany,
Permanent member of national academy of young scientists
Permanent member of international student council
Member of esci research
Life member of Pakistan Association For The Advancements of Science
Member of Pakistan Journal of Botany
Member of Pakistan Journal of Phytopathology
Member of Biological Soceity, GC. Lahore
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Honour Students
11 BS Students supervised 5 MS students -Supervised
Service Activity
- Teaching
- Research and thesis supervision
- Publications and presentations
- Annual stock checking
- Admission duty
- Discipline duty
- Scrutiny Duty
- Co- organizer of floral art competition
- Co- organizer of departmental workshops (local as well as International)
- Convocation Duty
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Molecular genetics
- Plant Virology
- Plant Biotechnology
- Plant Nano biotechnology
- Plant Metabolomics
- Bioinformatics
Biological Conversion Of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (Pstvd) Rna Into Noninfectious Entity By A Single Base Substitution In Nicotiana Benthamiana Var Domin Zaryab K. Sial, Farah Khan. Pak. J. Phytopathol., Vol. 31 (01) 2019. – In Press
Identification Of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (Pstvd) From Diseased Plants Of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) In Pakistan Zaryab Khalid Sial and Farah Khan
INT. J. BIOL. BIOTECH., 16 (3): , 2019. PublishedPresence and isolation of PSTVd from infected tomato plants in Pakistan 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences_December 19-21, 2018_CEMB, Lahore (Paper presented)
First report on Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) from field grown infected Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) in Pakistan ZARYAB KHALID SIAL & FARAH KHAN BIOLOGIA (PAKISTAN) PKISSN 0006 – 3096 (Print) December, 2018, 64 (II), 241-246 ISSN 2313 –206X (On-Line)
Characterization And Antibacterial Potential Of Senna Occidentalis (L.) Link Silver NanoparticlesS Mushtaq, Zk Sial, F Khan 2018Phytoremediative Potential Of In Vitro Grown Tropaeolum Majus L. For Heavy Metals Uptake From The Tanneries Contaminated Soils Of Kasur.F Khan, S Shaheen, Zk Sial - Pakistan Journal Of Science, 2014
Peroxidase Activity During In Vitro Growth Of Salt Stressed Ocimum Tenuiflorum. L.Scavenging Evaluation Of Copper And Cadmium During In Vivo And In Vitro Growth Of Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. By Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyF Khan, A Younas, Z Yousaf, K Gilani, M Munawar… - Journal Of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011
Scavenging Evaluation Of Copper And Cadmium During In Vivo And In Vitro Growth Of Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill. By Atomic Absorption SpectroscopyF Khan, A Younas, Z Yousaf, K Gilani, M Munawar… - Journal Of Medicinal Plants Research, 2011
Selected Professional Presentations
- Biological Conversion Of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (Pstvd) Rna Into Noninfectious Entity By A Single Base Substitution In Nicotiana Benthamiana Var Domin Zaryab K. Sial, Farah Khan. Pak. J. Phytopathol., Vol. 31 (01) 2019. – In Press
- Identification Of Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (Pstvd) From Diseased Plants Of Tomato (Lycopersicon Esculentum Mill.) In Pakistan Zaryab Khalid Sial and Farah Khan
- INT. J. BIOL. BIOTECH., 16 (3): , 2019. PublishedPresence and isolation of PSTVd from infected tomato plants in Pakistan 3rd International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health Sciences_December 19-21, 2018_CEMB, Lahore (Paper presented)
First report on Potato Spindle Tuber Viroid (PSTVd) from field grown infected Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum) in Pakistan ZARYAB KHALID SIAL & FARAH KHAN BIOLOGIA (PAKISTAN) PKISSN 0006 – 3096 (Print) December, 2018, 64 (II), 241-246 ISSN 2313 –206X (On-Line)
Evaluation of Copper nano particle for tissue culture media for controlling Bio contamination. Mahpara yaseen, Zaryab Khalid Sial farah Khan38th All Pakistan Science conference. (Monday, December 10 - Tuesday December 11, 2018,University Law College Auditorium/College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan (Presented)
Green biosynthesis and characterization of silver nano particle from callus extract of Raphanus sativus L, 38th All Pakistan Science conference. (Monday, December 10 - Tuesday December 11, 2018,University Law College Auditorium /College of Earth and Environmental Sciences (CEES), University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pkistan (Presented)
Production of Novel Bioactive Compounds from NaCl Stressed Lines of Local Variety of Barley.Kanza Farooq, Kiran Zahid, Shazia Kanwal Malik, Zaryab Khalid Sial and Farah Khan.3rd International Conference on Biotechnology, February 24- 25, 2017 at University of South Asia, Lhr, PK.(Presented )
Advanced synthesis of Barley nanoparticles during its in vitro growth. Syeda shehwar Zahra, Farah Khan, Zaryab Khalid Sial , Samin Mushtaq and Syeda Hina Bokhari, Oct 16-18, 2017, 5th international conference on Nanotechnology and material Science(Nanotek), Dubai. (Presented) Variations in Protein profiles of Pisum Sativum Var Evergreen's Calli. Ayesha Shafqat Rathore, Shazia Kanwal Malik, Kiran Zahid, Zaryab Khalid Sial and Farah Khan.3rdInternational Conference on Biotechnology, February 24- 25, 2017 at University of South Asia, Lhr, PK.(Presented)
Amaltas silver nanoparticles and their enhanced action against some bacterial strains. Samina Mushtaq, Farah khan,Zaryab Khalid Sial. Kiran Zahid, Syeda Shehwar Zahra, Syeda Hina Bokhari and Ayesha Adeeb.. Oct 16-18, 2017, 5th International Conference on Nanotechnology and Material Science (Nanotek), Dubai (Presented)
Noval Silver Nitrate nanoparticles of Senna oxidentalis L., an excellent green treatment against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Samina Mushtaq,Zaryab Khalid Sial. Kiran Zahid, Shazia Kanwal and Farah Khan“ First international Conference on emerging Trends in Science and Technology(ICETST)”, Sep 5 -9,2016, Fatima Jinnah University, Rawalpindi PK. (Presented)
Role of 6-Benzylaminopurine and Naphthalene acetic acid on activated in vitro growth of Aloe vera L. Unaiza Wahab, Sumaira Aslam, Zaryab Khalid and FarahKhanInternational Conference on Environment, Dept of Environmental Sciences /British Council Feb 1- 2, 2016 at LCWU, Lhr,PK. (Presented)
Threshold level of Salinity resistance in somaclonal variants of Momordica Chrantia var. Guri.Saba Shafqat, Kiran zahid, Zaryab Khalid and Farah Khan,International Conference on Environment, Dept of Environmental Sciences /British Council Feb 1-2, 2016 at LCWU, Lhr.(Presented)
Advanced -to -be- Expressed, modified genomic DNA isolation from Nicotiana benthamiana var Domins specified germplasm in Pakistan, Zaryab Khalid Sial and Farah Khan,International Symposium on Advances in Molecular Biology of Plants and Health sciences,Dec 29 - 31 ,2015 at Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology, PU,Lhr PK. Conference on “Crop Protection for Sustainable Agriculture”Nov 23 - 25 ,2015 at Institute of Agricultural Sciences, PU,LhrPK. (Presented) Sustainable in vitro micropropagation of abelmoschus esculentus var. Akra Anamica.Farah Khan,Anam Mushtaq, Kiran zahid and Zaryab Khalid5thInternational and 10th national
Phytoremediative potential ofin vitro grown Tropaeolum majus L. for heavy metals uptake from the tanneries contaminated soils of Kasur. Faiza Khan, Zaryab Khalidand Farah Khan, Fifth International Conference on Environmentally sustainable Development, Aug 25-27, 2013 at Comsat Institute of Information Technology, Abbotabad,PK.
Phytoremediative potential of in vitro grown Tropaeolum majus L. for heavy metals uptake from the tanneries contaminated soils of Kasur. Farah Khan, Faiza Khan, Shabnum Shaheen and Zaryab Khalid Sial . Pakistan Journal of Science.2014, 64( 2),92-97.
Stress tolerance evaluation of Allium cepa L. by using NaCl as a biochemical marker.Farah Khan, Ambreen Afzal , Zaryab Khalid and Sumera Aslam. International Conference on Stress Biology and Biotechnology, Challenges & Management” May 22-23 2014 at I A S, Punjab Univesity, Lhr ,PK.
- Comparative evaluation of copper , cobalt , cadmium and iron scavenging efficiency by invivo and invitro grown Momordica charantia using atomic absorption spectroscopy, Farah Khan,Nayab Sarfaraz,Shabnum Shaheen,Amina Saeed and Zaryab 5thPolish Conferene,Experimental plant biology,3P:Past, present, Perspectives,Sep 5-9,2011 at University of Wroclaw, Poland. (Presented)
- Evaluation of peroxidase activity duringin vitro growth of salt stressed Ocimum tenuiflorum. Farah Khan, Rabail Ayub , Shabnum Shaheen and Zaryab Khalid Syal.Nov 12-13, 2012 atNational Conference on National Prosperity through Livestock , Gomal University, Dera Ismail Khan.PK.
- Comparative analysis of bioactive compounds produced during in vivo and in vitro growth of Solanum nigrum using GC-MS. Farah Khan, Zaryab Khalid, Zubaida Yousaf and Humaira Parveen, 2nd International Conference of Plant Scientists,Feb 22-24, 2011 at GC University, Lahore
Scavenging evaluation of Cu and Cd during in vivo and in vitro growth of Lycopersicon esculentum by AAS .Saima Nazir, Zaryab Khalid Syal and Farah Khan,Nov 20, 2012,at Symposium on Material Sciences Dept of Physics,LCWU, Lhr,PK.
Peroxidase activity during in vitro growth of salt stressed Ocimum tenuiflorum L. Farah Khan, Rabail Ayub, and Zaryab Khalid Syal. Pakistan journal of Science.2013, 65(4)).
Systematic anatomy and elemental dispersive spectrophotometer analysis of genus Pennisetum from Pakistan. Shabnum Shaheen, Mushtaq Ahmad, Farah Khan, Rana Abrar Hussain, Zaryab Khalid, Amina Younis and Muhammad Zafar. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research .2012, 6(5),776-783.
Comparative nutritional analysis between Vigna radiata and Vigna mungo of Pakistan. Shabnum Shaheen, Nidaa Harun, Farah Khan, Rana Abrar Hussain, Sehrish Ramzan, Sumaira Rani, Zaryab Khalid, Mushtaq Ahmad and Muhammad Zafar. African Journal of Biotechnology.2012,11(25) ,6694-6702.
Elemental dispersive spectrophotometer analysis and morpho- anatomical characterization of Panicum species from Pakistan. Shabnum Shaheen, Mushtaq Ahmad, Farah Khan, Muhammad Zafar, Rana Abrar Hussain, Sumaira Rani, Zaryab Khalid, Rabail Ayub and Amina Younis ". Journal of Medicinal Plants Research.2012,6(9)1707- 1712.
Comparative evaluation of copper, cobalt, cadmium and iron scavenging efficiency by in-vivo and in-vitro grown Momordica charantia using atomic absorption spectroscopy. Farah Khan, Nayab Sarfaraz, Shabnum Shaheen, Amina Saeed, Zaryab Khalid Sial, Shaista Jabeen Khan and Muafia Shafiq. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research.2012,6(17) 3301- 3305.
Scavenging Evaluation of Copper and Cadmium during invivo and invitro growth of Lycopersiconesculentum Mill. by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.Farah Khan, Amina Younas, Shabnum Shaheeen, Zubaida Yousaf, Khadija Gilani, Maleeha Munawar, Zaryab Khalid Sial, Mushtaq Ahmad and Muhammad Zafar. Journal of Medicinal Plants Research.2011,5(28) , 6468–6472.
Identification of some novel bioactive compounds by GC-MS technique from the invitro grown Ocimum tenuiflorum.Farah Khan, Humaira Parveen, Zubaida Yousaf and Zaryab Khalid, 2nd International Conference of Plant Scientists, Feb 22-24, 2011 at GC University, Lhr, PK.
Comparative analysis of bioactive compounds using GC-MS during in vivo and in vitro growth of Solanum nigrum. Farah Khan, Zaryab Khalid, Zubaida Yousaf and Humaira Parveen. 2011 at LCW University, Lhr, PK.
Production of novel volatile compounds from in vitro cell lines of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. Farah Khan, Ambreen Afzal, Shabnum Shaheen , Kiran Zahid, Riffat Siddique , AbdulMajeed and Zaryab Khalid Sial. Journal of Animal and Plant sciences,( Under Review)
Metabolites free isolation of nuclear DNA from fresh and preserved, locally grown Nicotiana benthamiana var Domin.Zaryab Khalid Sial and Farah Khan. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences: 2018 (Under Review).
ISBN:3847339400 (Jan,23,2012) pp:1-104. Lap Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany.
Production of novel natural metabolites using tissue cultured Mako: (A Biotechnological Study) by Farah Khan, Zaryab Khalid Sial, Shabnum Shaheen