Dr. Afifa Khanam
Assistant Professor
STEM Education Department
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Examinations |
Year |
Board/University |
Matric / G.G.H.S Model Town Lahore |
1982 |
BISE Lahore |
F.Sc. / Govt. Islamia College Lahore |
1984 |
BISE Lahore |
B.A (Eng Lit) University of the Punjab |
1986 |
University of the Punjab Lahore |
M.A (Islamic Studies) |
1988 |
University of the Punjab Lahore |
Professional |
B.Ed |
1987 |
University of Education College |
M.Ed ( Sec) |
1993 |
I.E.R University of the Punjab Lahore |
M.Phil (DNFE) |
2002 |
Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad |
Ph.D (Edu)
I.E.R University of the Punjab Lahore (All professional degrees with 1st div.) |
C.E.I.C.T |
2008 |
The Agha Khan University Karachi |
MS Office |
2004 |
I.E.R University of the Punjab Lahore |
2004 |
I.E.R University of the Punjab Lahore |
Designation |
Period |
Nature of Job |
1-GGHS Mandi Ahmed Abad/GGHS Walton Lahore |
S.S.T. |
14 years |
Teaching science, Math, English to 9th&10th classes /Co curricular activities |
2-GGES Attari/GGES Ganda Singh |
Headmistress |
5 years |
Teaching & Administration |
3- Govt. College for Elementary teachers (W) Sharaqpur
4-Minhaj University Lahore/ Lahore
5-Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
6- Lahore College for Women University, Lahore |
Senior Subject Specialist
Visiting Faculty
Research Advisor/Tutor For M.Ed Classes
Head Research and Evaluation Department (Assistant Professor) |
4 years
Two years
Job Description
Teaching Qualitative Research Quantitative Research Professional Development of Teachers to M.Ed M.Phil English and M.Phil Education
From 16-07-2013 onward Administration, teaching post graduate classes, BS, B.Ed, MS & PhD, Facutly development in instructional methodology and assessment |
Organize and mentor Teaching Practice Guide In Service and Pre Service teachers in Lesson Planning and presentation on different formats. Observe and guide pupil teacher’s model lessons. Supervise Micro Teaching Sessions Arrange different learning activities like panels, forums to explore students’ knowledge and skills. Explore trainee teachers skills by using observation checklists Supervise research work (theses) and projects of B.Ed & M.Ed students. Record Model lessons of students by video cameras and make them ready to compete in model lesson competition.
Developed academic programs, prepared outlines, arranged BOS meetings to get approved. Faculty development through conducting workshops on research, pedagogy, assessment, collaborative learning, ICT and Ethics. |
Achievements at LCWU as Assistant Professor (21st March 2012 to 1st July 2019)
1 |
Presently working as Head Department of Research and Evaluation, Institute of Education |
2 |
Working as MS/PhD program Coordinator, Monitoring two PhDs and One MS Education programs |
3 |
Planned and initiated B.Ed Honors and MS/PhD Programs |
4 |
Planned and initiated Distance Education Portal at IoE with Foreign collaboration |
5 |
Working as Assistant Editor for International Journal of Educational Inquiry and Reflection |
6 |
Teaching 5 courses per semester to B.Ed, MS and PhD Classes |
7 |
Supervised 28 BS theses and one project of PGDT program |
8 |
Supervised 45 MS Education theses |
9 |
Supervising 5 PhD theses as supervisor and four PhD theses as Co-Supervisor |
10 |
Active participant of British Academy Research Project with Leicester University and visited UK as the nominated research member from the university |
11 |
Remained Chairperson BS Thesis Committee and arranged and recorded regular meetings for the session |
12 |
Won the bid from HEC Pakistan and Coordinated an International Conference on Education |
13 |
Conceived and Developed a plan for Department of Research and Evaluation and started M.A program at Jhang Campus. |
14 |
Arranged and recorded BOS meetings with Head of the Department |
15 |
Reviewed scheme of studies for BS Education (2011-2015) & (2012-2016) |
16 |
Attended and contributed in Video Conference session with Chester University |
17 |
Attended and contributed Qualitative Research Session with Dr. Shabana Meer from Oklahoma University |
18 |
Conducted a 10 days’ workshop on instructional Methodology |
19 |
Participated in Dengue Campaign by arranging a Video and delivered a presentation |
20 |
Participated in Laptop ceremony as Discipline Incharge |
21 |
Remained Discipline Incharge for Admission days |
22 |
Participated in 90th Year Celebrations of University by displaying two research articles and one book. |
23 |
Member of Committee for PhD study leave at LCWU |
24 |
Member of Committee for controlling illegal practices at LCWU |
25 |
Conducted a workshop on Teaching Skills to a group of 20 Govt. Primary Teachers |
26 |
Member of DDPC at Department of Psychology, LCWU |
27 |
Member of Board of Faculty at IER, University of the Punjab |
28 |
Assistant Editor Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, LCWU |
29 |
Chairperson Dramatic Club Institute of Education |
30 |
Attended a 10 days workshop on Use of ICT in Education |
31 |
Participated in Pakistan Reading project by USAID form 2013-2016 as the course writer |
33 |
Prepared and won Thematic Research Project from HEC costing 1.5 million in 2016 |
34 |
Developed concept paper and initiated blended-learning at LCWU |
35 |
Conducted a series of workshops in LCWU for orientation of Learning Management System |
36 |
Focal Person/Coordinator two 1st & 2nd International Conference on Education at LCWU with collaboration of PHEC |
- First prize in National (Pakistan Level Inter Collegiate) contest of Qirrat
- Second prize in Inter universities’ contest of Qirrat in Pakistan
- First Prize (thrice) in Divisional contest of Lahore Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education in Urdu Debate
- First Prize (twice) in Divisional Contest of Lahore Board of Secondary and Intermediate Education in Urdu Debate
- First Prize in inter Educational Colleges contest of English Debate
- First Prize in Inter Educational Colleges contest of Urdu Debate
- Trophies and certificates in co-curricular activities
- Top of the merit list for Ph.D admission in University of the Punjab, IER, 2003 session
- Top of the merit list in PPSC selection for Senior Subject Specialist (Education) Punjab
- Highest score in Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, Social Psychology, Applied Cognition and Development, Advanced Educational Psychology and Psychological Testing in Ph.D course session 2003 in University of the Punjab
CEICT Agha Khan University Karachi
- SPSS University of the Punjab,
- Lahore INTEL workshop 2009 at DSD Lahore
- INTEL workshop 2010 at DSD Lahore
- MS Word
- Excel
- PowerPoint
- Web Publisher
- Web site
- Internet/ blogs /forums /facebook /twitter /skype
- Input devices (Video, still camera)
- Output devices (scanner, printer)
- Movie making & Editing
- Wordle/Jing software/endnote/multimedia
- Distance Education (Teaching courses through Learning Management System)
EXPERIENCE WITH AIOU(Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabd, Pakistan)
- Working as Research/Thesis Advisor at Master of Education Level with Allama Iqbal Open University for ten years
- Working as tutor for Course Educational Research at M.Ed and M.A Education level for Allama Iqbal Open University
- Conducted and Attended Seminars and Workshops in Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad for four years (1998-2002)
- Wrote and translated units and modules of Distance and Non Formal Education for Master level
1-M.Ed Thesis
Causes of the failure of vocational educational policies in District Okara
2-M.Phil Thesis
A Comparative Study of the systems of Evaluation of SriLanka Open University, Sri Lanka And Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad
3-Ph.D Thesis
Effect of religious education on the moral development of children.
Research Publications
Sr# |
Citation |
Category |
1 |
Kalsoom, Q. & Khanam, A. (2017). Inquiry into Sustainability Issues by Preservice Teachers: A Pedagogy to Enhance Sustainability Consciousness. Journal of Cleaner Production. Volume 164, pp. 1301-1311. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.07.047 https://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-cleaner-production |
(W) Impact factor 5.651 |
2 |
Kalsoom, Q., Khanam, A. & Quraishi, U. (2017). Sustainability Consciousness of the Preservice Teachers in Pakistan. International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education. Volume 18, Issue, 9. pp.1090-1107. |
(W) Impact factor 2.05 |
3 |
Khanam, A. (2015). A practicum solution through reflection: An iterative approach. Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Volume 16. No. 5. pp. 677-687. https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/crep20/current?nav=tocList |
(X) RG journal impact 0.81 |
4 |
Zahid, M., Khanam, A. (2019). Effect of Reflective Teaching Practices on the Performance of Prospective Teachers. TOJET: The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology. Vol. 18. Issue No. (1) 32-43 http://www.tojet.net/ |
ERIC EBSCO Copernicus Journal Master List |
5 |
Kalsoom, Q. Qureshi, N. & Khanam, A. (2019). Teacher Education for Sustainable Development in Pakistan: Content Analysis of Teacher Education Curriculum and Standards Journal of Research and Reflections in Education. Vol.13, No 1, pp 15-34 http://www.ue.edu.pk/jrre. |
(Y) |
6 |
Aziz, F., Qureshi, U., & Khanam, A. (2018). Self-Regulated Learning and Diversity at Higher Education Level in Pakistan. Advances in managing operations and sustainability (AMOS 2017). Journal of Managerial Sciences, Vol. XI, No. 03. Pp. |
(Y) |
7 |
Khanam,A., Quraishi,U & Kausar, S. (2016).Prospects and Challenges of Using Social Sites in Higher Education. Pakistan Journal of Education (PJE), Vol,33. No.2. http://pje.aiou.edu.pk/journal/index.php/PJE/article/view/48 |
(Y) Now X |
8 |
Khanam, A., Quraishi, U. & Nazir, A. (2016). A study of reasons and implications of the dropout phenomenon in women at university level. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education. Vol. 10, No.2, pp 159- 172 http://www.ue.edu.pk/jrre |
(Y) |
9 |
Iqbal, S., Khanam, A. & Hussain, A. D. (2017). A Comparative Study of Moral Development of Students from Private Schools and Deeni Madrasah. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education. Vol., No.2, pp 113-123 http://www.ue.edu.pk/jrre |
(Y) |
10 |
1. Khanam, A. (2012) Development of the instrument (MDII) Moral Development Interview Inventory. Journal of Elementary Education. Vol. 22, No. 2pp. 1-12. 2. http://pu.edu.pk/home/journal/36 |
(Y) |
11 |
Khanam (2012) Effect of Educator’s Immediacy on the prospective teachers’ learning. Journal of Research and Reflections in Education.Vol.6, No. 2, pp 137-144. |
(Y) |
12 |
Khanam, A. (2011). Gender Elevation through IT training: Social and Emotional Dimensions. Journal of research and Reflection in Education.Vol.5, No. 2.pp 191-200. http://www.ue.edu.pk/jrre |
(Y) |
13 |
Zahid M., Quraishi U., & Khanam A. (2018). Students’ Perceptions about the Role of Quality Enhancement Cells (QEC) in Universities of Lahore, Punjab, International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 3 (2), 56-71. http://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/ijeer5.html |
(Z) |
14 |
Fatima G., Khanam A., Akbar H., Aslam N., (2018). A Comparative Study of the Classroom Environment of Public and Private Universities. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. V (1), 3-15. http://www.lcwujass.com/ |
(Z) |
15 |
Kalsoom T., Shafiq M., Khanam A., Mujahid A., & Inayat N. (2018). An Exploration of Relationship between Terrorism, Students’ Academic Performance and Motivation, International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 3 (2), 48-55. http://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/ijeer5.html |
(Z) |
16 |
Javed N., Inayat N., Salahudin A., & Khanum A. (2017). Voices of In-service teachers about teacher training of Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, International Journal of Educational enquiry and Reflection, 2 (1), 22-36. http://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/ijeer5.html |
(Z) |
17 |
1. Mohammad, N., Saeed, M. L., Khan, K. Khanam, A. & Perveen, S. (2017). The Impact of Formative Assessment on Teaching of Science and Technology at Universities in Karachi (Pakistan). Lasbela, U. J.Sci. Techl., Vol. VI, pp.151-156. 2. http://www.lujst.com/ |
(Z) |
18 |
1. Khanam A., & Riaz S. (2018). A study of the principal’s role for developing staff morale at higher secondary school level. International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 3(1), 56-66. 2. http://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/ijeer5.html |
(Z) |
19 |
Qureshi, U., Khanam, A. & Aziz, F. (2018). Women Teacherpreneurship: Development and Dissemination of Entrepreneurship Modules for Teacher Education Programs in Punjab. Global Journal of Business and Social Science Review. Vol. 6 (1) 44 – 53 http://gatrenterprise.com/GATRJournals/gjbssr_journal.html |
ISI, ESCI & SCOPUS (Under Evaluation) |
20 |
Akbar, H., Khanam, A., Aslam, N., Fatima, G., Muhammad N., (2017). Effect of Institutional Culture on the Moral Development of Children, Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 2, (4), 71-84. http://www.lcwujass.com/ |
(Z) |
21 |
Sundas, L. & Khanam, A. (2015). Review of the book, “Urban Design” by Rowland, J. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 2(1), 77-84 http://www.lcwujass.com/ |
(Z) |
22 |
Aslam N., Khanam A., Fatima G., Akbar A., Muhammad N., (2017). A study of the impact of Scaffold Instructions on the Learning Achievements of Post- Graduate Students. Journal of Arts and social Sciences, 4(1). http://www.lcwujass.com/ |
(Z) |
23 |
Khanam, A. (2014) Effect of immediacy on teachers’ acceptance in university students. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. http://www.lcwujass.com/ |
In JASS before recognition |
24 |
Kalsoom, Q., Qureshi, U., & Khanam, A. (2018). Perceptions of the Research Scholars Regarding Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in Pakistan. W. Leal Filho et al. (eds.), Sustainable Development Research in the Asia-Pacific Region, World Sustainability Series, https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-73293-0_10. |
Chapter in international Book |
- 3rd Asia International Multidisciplinary Conference, AIMC 2019, 1-2 May 2019 , Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia.
- 1st International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (2nd-4th April) Kinnaird College Lahore.
- 4th ASIA International Conference 2018, (AIC2018) 8-9 December
- 2018 held at Langkawi International Convention Centre (LICC), Langkawi, Malaysia.
- ‘International Conference on Distance Education & E- Learning (ICDEEL-2016) held on Dec.19-20, 2016. Directorate of Distance Education, International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan.
- ‘1st International Education Conference: Building Knowledge Competencies for Sustainable Development in Asia. Achieving the Goals of Life Long Learning’ held on 2nd to 4th November 2016. Institute of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- 4th International Conference, Education in Pakistan: Connecting Research & Practice Across Contexts. Held on 24-26th March 2016. University of Education, Lahore.
- Khanam, A. (2015). Morality or Mechanics: A dilemma for educational leaders. Paper presented in 4th Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and management (RCELAM) 2015. 17th November to 19th November, Institute Aminuddin Baki, Malaysia.
- 4th Regional Conference on Educational Leadership and Management (RCELAM) 2015. Held on 17th - 19th 2015. Institute Aminuddin Baki Genting Highlands, Malaysia.
- ‘Thinking back and moving forward: Reflections on Gender, Education and Leadership in Pakistan’ held on May 27th -28th University of Leicester & Fatima Jinah Women University, Rawalpindi. (As Author).
- ‘Exploring Professional Development of Teachers in Pakistan’ held on 16-17 January, 2014. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- “Education in Pakistan: Practices & Challenges” held on 06th -07th January 2014. University of Education, Lahore.
- Innovation in Teaching and Learning: 2nd International Conference on Research in Education 2014 (ICORE), held on 18-20, Nov. 2014. University of The Punjab.
- Khanam (2014) Practicum Solution through Reflection: An iterative approach. Paper presented at Third International Conference of Education. University of Education. January 2014.
- Hina & Khanam (2014). Effect of Institutional culture on the moral development of children. Paper presented in ICORE International Conference of Education. Lahore
- Namra, A. & Khanam, A. (2014). Effect of Scaffolded instruction on the learning achievement of post graduate students. Paper presented in ICORE International Conference of Education. Lahore
- Fatima, G. & Kahanam, A. (2014). A comparative study of the classroom environment of public and private universities. Paper presented in ICORE International Conference of Education. Lahore
- Ammara & Khanam, A. (2014). A comparative study of perceptions of teachers and students about motivational techniques used by university teachers. Paper presented in GCU University Faisal Abad, November 2014.Accepted in ‘Journal of Teacher Education, UK’
- Golden Jubilee Conference of University of the Punjab 2011(Paper Presented)
- Second International Conference of Education 2010 (Paper presented)
- International conference on Distance Education 2002 (Member of Discussion Panel)
- Workshops on Adult Learning, Educational technology, Advanced Educational Research, Trends and Issues in Education& Educational system of Pakistan.
- Classroom Management 2011
- Professional Development of Teachers 2011
- ICORE international Conference University of the Punjab (presented three papers) 2014
- INTEL teach program workshop (thrice, 2010, 2011&2012)
- Presented papers 5 papers in 1st International Conference on Education at LCWU in November, 2-4, 2016.
- Book: Reflective Practice. Majeed Book Depot Lahore
Session Chaired in Conferences
- 7th International Conference on Education (ICE7), Research and Development in Education for a Sustainable Future, University of Education, Lahore, 10-11 April, 2019.
- ‘International Conference on Distance Education & E- Learning (ICDEEL-2016) held on Dec.19-20, 2016. Directorate of Distance Education, International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan.
- ‘1st International Education Conference: Building Knowledge Competencies for Sustainable Development in Asia. Achieving the Goals of Life Long Learning’ held on 2nd to 4th November 2016. Institute of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Conferences attended
- ‘Thinking back and moving forward: Reflections on Gender, Education and Leadership in Pakistan’ held on May 27th -28th University of Leicester & Fatima Jinah Women University, Rawalpindi. (As co Author).
- ‘International Student Social Responsibility Conference 2016’ held on 28th -31st October 2016. FAIDA Foundation. Lahore College for Women University.
- International Conference on Language Sciences and the Developing World, held on 11th – 12th January 2013.
- BERA International Research Conference, United Kingdome, September, 2013
- Darbi International Research Conference, United Kingdome. September, 2013
Conferences Organized
- 2nd International Conference at Institute of Education, Moral Education and Character Building: Role of Educators and Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 22nd -24th November 2018
- ‘1st International Education Conference: Building Knowledge Competencies for Sustainable Development in Asia. Achieving the Goals of Life Long Learning’ held on 2nd to 4th November 2016. Institute of Education, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- ‘International Conference on Role of Women in Economic Development’ Held on March 13th – 15th, 2017. Lahore College for Women University & K3 Shaheen, Lahore, FAIDA Foundation
International and National Projects Completed
- ‘Research Capacity Building through International Partnership for Mapping Women Academics’ Careers in Pakistan’ Duration 2012-2015. A collaborative project of University of Leicester, UK and Fatima Jinnah Women University (FJWU), Funded by British Academy, UK. (As a participant and nominee for UK visit)
- ‘Women Teacherpreneurship: Development and dissemination of entrepreneurship modules for Teacher Education Programs in Punjab’ by HEC. TRGP 2015-2016. Amount 5 million. (As a COPI)
Trainings attended
- ‘Chairing an Academic Department Effectively’ held on Dec. 10th -12th, 2014. Lahore College for Women University, Lahore by Professor Emeritus Eastern Kentucky University, US.
- ‘Data Management’ held on 23th- 24th April, 2015. Lahore College for Women University.
- ‘Active Citizens Training of Facilitators’ held from 27th to 31st July 2015. British Concil.
- ‘Summer Leadership Institute’ held on 3rd – 14th June 2013, Ministry of Education and Training (National Talent Pool) Government of Pakistan & LCWU.
- ‘Change Management’ held on 10th December 2013, Solutions to Enhance Professional Skills & LCWU.
- ‘E-Learning’ held on 4-5 November 2013, Ministry of Training and Standards in Higher Education, Government of Punjab, LCWU and Forman Christian College University.
- Research Capacity Building through International Partnership for Mapping Women Academics’ Careers in Pakistan’ held on 18-22th March 2013. FJWU, University of Leicester, UK Funded by British Academy, UK.
Trainings Conducted
- ‘Statistical Data Analysis in Quantitative Research’ held on 14th -18th September 2015 at Lahore College for Women University, for faculty of Social Sciences.
- ‘Operating Learning Management System’ was conducted in 25th -27th March, for Faculty of Chemistry, Physics and Zoology.
Workshops attended
- ‘Postgraduate Research Tools-Research Made Easy’ held on 29th to 30th January 2014.
- ‘Supervising Undergraduate Research’ held on 21st February, 2014.
- ‘SSR Awareness Session, Our Society Our Responsibility’ held on 18-10-2016. FAIDA Foundation, Lahore.
- ‘Research Capacity Building through International Partnership for Mapping Women Academics’ Careers in Pakistan’ held on April 28th- May 02, 2014.University of Leicester, UK and Fatima Jinnah University (FJWU), Funded by British Academy, UK.
Course Development
- ‘Reading Instruction and Assessment Integration’ held on August 3-6, 2015. USAID Funded Pakistan Reading Project.‘Reading Courses for ADE & B.Ed. (Hons.)’ Developed ‘ Tadreese Urdu’ and ‘ Reading Assessment’ courses. USAID-funded Pakistan Reading Project. Completed in May 2016.
Courses Taught
(1) Reflective Practices
(3) Educational Assessment & Evaluation
(4) General Methods of Teaching
(5) Educational Psychology
(6) School and Class Management
(7) Computer in Education
(8) Professional Development of Teachers
(9) Action Research
(10) Qualitative Research
(11) Quantitative Research
(12) Foundations of Education
(13) Guidance and Counseling
(14) Leadership and Change in Education
(15) Tadrees-e- Urdu
Wrote and compiled chapters with University of Education at B.Ed level for the following courses
- Educational Psychology
- General Methods of Teaching
- Introduction to Education
- Book: Reflective Practices ( Published by Majeed Book Depot)
- Units in Reading Assessment & Tadreese Urdu (B.Ed Course Guides, USAID)
GRE with score 62/ qualified HEC Scholarship for Ph.D
Worked as Resource person
Workshop on Practicum for GCET faculty (Teaching Practice)
- Microteaching
- Mentoring
- Peer Coaching
Workshop for capacity building in (Teaching Methodology) for GCET faculty
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Inquiry based learning
- Computer assisted instruction
- Simulation
- Programmed instruction
- Discussion method
- Aims, Goals and objective
- Workshop for National Standards of Accreditation and Assessment of Teacher Education Programmes (NACTE)
- Workshop on Instructional Methodology for LCWU faculty
- Workshop on Teaching Skills for Primary Teachers
- Reading Informational & literary books, the most favorite (Urdu Digest, Umera Ahmed, Ashfaq Ahmed, Islamic literature).
- Painting (Glass, Fabric, Canvas)
- Embroidery (Sixty five stitches)
- Acting ( Plays at Educational institutions, female only)
- Arts & Crafts (Models, Decorative objects, Low cost, no cost projects)
- House hold (cooking, sewing, quilting, candle work, flower arrangement, jute work)