Dr. Amara Amjad Hashmi
Department of Economics
- PhD Economics
[2010-18 ] University of Sargodha Pakistan
CGPA 3.17) - M.Phil Economics
[2005-2007 ] University of Sargodha Pakistan
(CGPA 3.27) - M.A in Economics
[2001-2003] University of the Punjab Lahore, Pakistan.
(With 1st division) - B.SC in Psychology, Economics and Statistic
[1999-2001] Govt College for Women Sargodha, Pakistan.
(Marks :442/800; With 2nd division) - F.A
[1996-1998] B.I.S.E Sargodha
(Marks : 663/1100; With 1st division) - Matric
[1994 -1996] B.I.S.E Sargodha
(Marks : 658/850; With 1st division)
Date |
Title |
Institute |
29 October,2018 -Present
Assistant Professor |
January, 2009-October, 2018 |
Lecturer |
2006-2008 |
Visiting lecturer |
BUSINESS and ADMNISTRARTION Department of University of Sargodha.
2005-2007 |
Research assistant in poverty alleviation project |
ECONOMICS Department University of Sargodha.
Honor and Awards
- Research Articles publication and Conference participation at national level
- Certifacte of Participation in International workshop for Project Proposal writing with respect to Environmental Economics
- Economic Society University of Sargodha
- South Asian Network for Developmemnt of Environmental Economics
Graduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/ Honour Students
Years Degree Name
2015-17 MS Kanwal Nazi
2015-17 Ms Hina Khalid
2015-17 Ms Urooj Zia
2016-18 Ms Arifa Saleem
2016-18 Ms Rabia Javaid
2018-20 Ms Sana Zaman
2018-20 Ms Hira
Service Activity
Teaching, Invigelation Duties, Paper setting, Paper Checking, Exam Coordination, Admission duty, Research work for publications and research students.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Interested in Development Economics, especaialy in poverty,food insecurity inequality and human development
Political Economy, Labor Economics
Primary and Cross Sectional Data Analysis
1 Trends and Determinants of Rural Poverty: A Logistic Regression Analysis of Selected Districts of Punjab (The Pakistan Development Review.PIDE, Islmabad) X Category, 47 : 4 Part II (Winter) 4 part II
2 Determination of Credit Programme Participation and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Beneficiaries: Evidence from Sargodha
The Pakistan Development Review.
PIDE, Islmabad , 2008) X Catgory X Category, 47 : 4 Part II (Winter) 4 part II
3 Assessing Food Insecurity Trends and Determinants by using Mix Methods in Pakistan: Evidence from Household Pooled Data (2005-2014) Sarhad Journal of Agriculture 35(1)
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
Environmental Economics |
2-5-2010 |
21-5-2010 |
Advanced Time Series Handling Techniques Using Eviews and STATA program |
16-08-21 |
17-08-21 |
Micro-Data Handling using STATA |
10-02-21 |
11-02-21 |
12-03-21 |
12-03-21 |
Survey and Panel Data Analysis in STATA |
29-01-2020 |
31-01-2020 |
Digital Marketing to generate income through Online Business |
11-11-21 |
12-11-21 |