Aqsa Shabbir
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
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Associate Professor,Department of Electrical Engineering
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Senior Manager, Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
2012 - 2016
PhD researcher
Ghent University, Belgium & Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
2013 - 2016
Visiting PhD researcher
Culham Center for Fusion Energy, Oxfordshire, UK
2014 – 2016
Visiting PhD researcher
Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany
2008 - 2017 Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
2016: PhD Engineering Physics
Ghent University, Belgium
Thesis: Pattern recognition in spaces of probability distributions for the analysis of edge-localized modes in tokamak plasmas.
2012: MSc. Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Thesis: Evaluating stability of feature ranking algorithms for binary data
2008: BSc. Electrical Engineering
University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan
Final year project: Study of Cartesian networks and design and implementation of a Cartesian router.
Honor and Awards
Best Presenter Award, Symposium on Energy and Environment 2019, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan, 2019.
Research Productivity Award, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 2017.
BOF finalizing PhD grant (15,000 Euros) by Research Council, Ghent University, 2015
Research Visit Grant, FuseNet, 2015
Erasmus Mundus Joint PhD Grant (130k Euros), European Commission, 2012
- IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)
Erasmus Mundus Alumni Association
Research Supervision
MSc. Electrical Engineering Thesis
2020: Saira Arshad, “Facial Expression Detection using Deep Neural Networks."
2020: Aqsa Maryam, “Cricket Score Trajectory Forecasting using Deep Learning."
2019: Javeria Khizer, “Application of Dimensionality Reduction for Information Visualization."
2019: Hafiza Kiran Farid Awan, “Automatic Speech Emotion Recognition and Analysis."
2018: Amna Naqvi, “Image Retrieval Using Wavelet Representation on An Information Manifold."
2018: Amara Zafar, “Automatic Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis", 2018
BSc. Final Year Projects
2018-2019 : Object detection using deep neural networks
2018-2019 : Dry Wood termite detector using ultrasounds
2018-2019 : Speech Emotion Recognition
2018-2019 : Automatic detection and classification of breast cancer.
2017-2018 : Abandoned Object Detection Using Video Surveillance
Service Activity
- Member Post-Graduate Research Committee, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Engineering & Technology, Lahore (2019-2021).
- Key role in establishing Business Incubation Center at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore (2018).
- Led Lahore College for Women University, Lahore in British Council Dice Collaborative Grant aimed at incubating 20 social & creative start-ups (2018).
- Facilitated establishment of 24 international/national university-academia/university-industry linkages
- Facilitated establishment of Center for Continuing Professional Development at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2018.)
- Focal Person, Academic and Industry Linkages, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (April 2018-Present)
- Coordinator, Department of Electrical Engineering, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2018-2019)
- Local organizing committee for Maximum Entropy Workshop (MaxEnt' 16), Ghent, Belgium, July 2016
- Local organizing committee for 8th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Ghent, Belgium, November 2013
- Convener Undergraduate Admissions Committee, Electrical Engineering Department, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, 2011-2012.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
My research is both fundamental and applied. On one hand, I am involved in the development of pattern recognition/machine learning methods whereas on the other hand, I am looking into their diverse application areas which include but are not limited to the following:
- Facial expression recognition
- Speech Emotion recognition
- Sports analytics
- STEM education in women and women entrepreneurship
- Renewable energy systems (in particular nuclear fusion plasmas, thermocells, solar radiation management)
- And others
Referred Journals (Web of Science Indexed Impact Factor Journals, HEC W-Category)-
R.Younis, M.Farooq, M.Imran, A.H.Kazim and A.Shabbir, “Characterization of the viscosity of bio-oil produced by fast pyrolysis of the wheat straw," Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, pp.1-16, 2019. (Impact Factor = 0.894)
Nazir, A.Wood, A.Shabbir, “Low Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) Grid Connected Converter Under Variable Frequency Environment," IEEE Access. vol. 7, pp. 33528-33536, 2019. (Impact Factor = 3.56)
Shabbir, G.Verdoolaege, G.Hornung, O.J.W.F Kardaun, H.Zohm and JET contributors, “Correlation analysis for energy losses, waiting times and durations of type I edge-localized modes in the Joint European Torus," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 57, issue 3, article no. 036026, 2017. (Impact Factor: 4.057)
Shabbir, G.Hornung, J.-M.Noterdaeme, G.Verdoolaege and JET contributors, “Physical characterization of the JET operational space regarding ELMs by means of discriminant analysis," Fusion Engineering and Design, vol.123, pp. 717-727, 2017. (Impact Factor: 1.437)
Meyer et al. "Overview of progress in European Medium Sized Tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 57, issue 10, article no. 102014 2017. (Impact Factor: 4.057)
Litaudon et al. "Overview of the JET results in support to ITER," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 57, issue 10, article no. 102001, 2017. (Impact Factor: 4.057)
Shabbir, G.Hornung, G.Verdoolaege and JET contributors, “A classification scheme for edge-localized modes based on their probability distributions," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol.87,issue 11, no.11D404, 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.428)
Verdoolaege, A.Shabbir and G.Hornung, “Robust analysis of trends in noisy diagnostic data," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol.87, issue 11, no.11D422, 2016. (Impact Factor: 1.428)
Hornung, A.Shabbir and G.Verdoolaege, "A first approach towards Bayesian estimation of turbulent plasma properties from reflectometry," Fusion Science and Technology, vol.69, no.3, pp.586-594, 2016. (Impact Factor: 0.991)
Shabbir, G.Verdoolaege, J.Vega and A.Murari, “ELM classification by conformal prediction on an information manifold," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol.43, no.12, pp.4190-4199, 2015. (Impact Factor: 1.253)
Romanelli et al. “Overview of the JET results," Nuclear Fusion, vol. 55, issue 10, article no. 104001, 2014 (Impact Factor: 4.057)
Shabbir, G.Verdoolaege, O.J.W.F.Kardaun, J.-M.Noterdame and JET-EFDA Contributors, “Visualization of the operational space of edge-localized modes through low-dimensional embedding of probability distributions," Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 85, issue 11, article no. 11E819, 2014 (Impact Factor: 1.428)
Referred Journals(HEC X-Category)
- A.Shabbir, K.Javed, Y.Ansari and H.A.Babri, “Stability of feature ranking algorithms on binary data," Pakistan Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences, vol.15, pp. 76-86, 2014. (HEC recognized X-category journal)
Conference Proceedings
Verdoolaege, A.Shabbir and JET contributors, “Relating probability distributions using geodesic least squares regression: Application to edge-localized modes in fusion plasmas," AIP conference proceedings, vol. 1853, issue 1, 2017
Shabbir, G.Verdoolaege, G.Hornung, O.J.W.F Kardaun, H.Zohm and JET contributors, “Analysis of the energy losses and waiting times for individual ELMs in the Joint European Torus," in Proc. 43rd EPS Conference on Plasma Physics, Leuven, Belgium, July, 2016.
Shabbir and G.Verdoolaege, “Multivariate texture discrimination using principal geodesic classifier," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, pp. 3550-3554, Quebec City, Canada, Sept, 2015.
Verdoolaege and A.Shabbir, “Color texture texture discrimination using the principal geodesic distance on a multivariate generalised Gaussian manifold," in Geometric Science of Information, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.9389, pp. 379-386, Paris, France, 2015.
Shabbir, G.Verdoolaege, G.Van Oost, J.-M.Noterdaeme, and JET-EFDA Contributors, “Discrimination and visualization of ELM types based on a probabilistic description of inter-ELM waiting times," in Proc. of 41st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, P1.001, Berlin, Germany, June, 2014.
Shabbir, Y.Ansari, A.H.Kazim and A.El-Hassan, “Predictive data mining and pattern recognition in the medical sector: implementation and experience," In Proc. of IEEE World Congress on Computer Applications and Information Systems, Hammamet, Tunisia, January 2014.
Shabbir, G.Verdoolaege and G.Van Oost, “Multivariate texture discrimination based on geodesics to class centroids on a generalized Gaussian manifold." In Geometric Science of Information, ser. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 8085, pp. 853-860, Paris, France, August, 2013.
Shabbir, G. Verdoolaege, G.Van Oost, J.-M.Noterdaeme, and JET-EFDA Contributors, ‘’Visualization of tokamak operational spaces through the projection of data probability distributions," In Proc. of 40th European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Physics, P2.132, Espoo, Finland, July,2013.
Ansari, A.Shabbir, and A.H.Kazim, “Application of hybrid e-Learning and web 2.0 for pedagogical innovations in higher education institutions," In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Education and E-Learning Innovations, Sousse, Tunisia, July, 2012.
Manuscripts submitted for publication
H. Kazim, J.Sarwar, G. Moeen Uddin, R.Nazir and A.Shabbir, “Techno-economic analysis for wide spread photovoltaic system deployment in Pakistan," Energy Policy. (Impact Factor = 4.04) Status: Under Review
Nazir, A.Shabbir, A.Nazir, A.H.Kazim and D.M.A.Hussain, “Advanced Digital Repetitive Control of Shunt Active Power Filter,"International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems. (Impact Factor = 4.42) Status: Under Review
Nazir, A. Shabbir, A. Nazir, A. Kosar and A. H. Kazim, "Digital Control of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic Micro-Inverters", Electrical Power Components & Systems (Impact Factor = 0.888) Status: Under Review
H. Kazim, M. B. Khan, M. R. Danish, R. Nazir, M.Farooq, A.Shabbir, M. Imran, N. S. Qureshi and H. Abdul Rab, “Enhanced performance and reduced emissions for a CI engine using biodiesel purified by Electrolytic Separation and Emulsification", Sustainable Energy and Fuels, (Impact Factor = 4.91) Status: Under Review.
H.Kazim, M. B. Khan, N.S.Qureshi, A.Shabbir, R.Nazir, M. R. Danish and H.Abdul Rab,"Effects of HHO Induction on the performance of a small capacity Diesel engine", PLOS ONE, (Impact Factor = 2.78) Status: Under Review.
Nazir, A. Nazir, A. Shabbir and A.H. Kazim, “Comprehensive Analysis & Synthesis of Time Delay Compensated Deadbeat Control Strategy”, SN Applied Sciences. Status: Accepted for publication.
Shoukat, M. Asif, K. Nadeem, A. Shabbir, R. Nazir and A.H. Kazim, "Selection and Characterization of PV Cell Material for Thermophotovoltaic Application", in Proc International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan, January 2020. Status: Under-review.
H.Kazim, S.M.H.Naqvi, F.Aziz, M.Hussain, R.Nazir and A.Shabbir, "Impacts of Stratospheric Sulfate Injection on Solar Photovoltaic cell with Special Reference to Pakistan", in Proc International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan, January 2020. Status: Under-review.
Conference Abstracts (selected)
Shabbir, N. Sabreen, S. Arshad, T.Tahir and T. Raza, "Abandoned Object Detection with Video Surveillance," National Police Summit and Innovation Expo, Islamabad, Pakistan, March, 2018.
Zafer, A.Shabbir, A.Naqvi, T. Raza and I.Ahmed, "Automated Facial Expression Recognition for Crime Prevention and Investigation," National Police Summit and Innovation Expo, Islamabad, Pakistan, March, 2018.
Shabbir, G.Hornung, G.Verdoolaege and JET contributors, “ k-nearest neighbor classification on an information manifold and its application to edge-localized modes in fusion plasmas," 36th International Workshop on Bayesian Inference and Maximum Entropy Methods in Science and Engineering (MaxEnt 2016), Ghent, Belgium, July, 2016.
Shabbir, G.Hornung and G.Verdoolaege “Identification of edge-localized instabilities in nuclear fusion plasmas using pattern recognition techniques," General Scientific Meeting 2016 of the Belgian Physical Society, Ghent, Belgium, May, 2016.
Shabbir, G.Hornung, G.Verdoolaege and JET contributors, “Analysis of the dependence between inter-ELM time intervals and energy losses," 1st IAEA technical meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Nice, France, June 2015.
Shabbir, G.Hornung, G.Verdoolaege and JET contributors, “Discriminant analysis for edge-localized plasma instabilities," 1st European Physical Society Conference on Plasma Diagnostics, Frascati, Italy, April 2015.
A.Shabbir, G.Verdoolaege, A.J. Webster, R.O. Dendy, J.-M. Noterdaeme and JET-EFDA Contributors, “Discrimination and visualization of edge-localized modes on an information manifold," in 8th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Ghent, Belgium, November, 2013
Professional Presentations (Talks & Posters)
Carbon aerosols to attenuate solar irradiance," 1st Symposium on Energy and Environment, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan, December 2019.
Challenges faced by women in STEM," IEEE WIE Women's Day Symposium, UET Lahore, Lahore, Pakistan, March 2019.
Identification of edge-localized instabilities in nuclear fusion plasmas using pattern recognition techniques," General Scientific Meeting 2016 of the Belgian Physical Society, Ghent, Belgium, May 2016.
Multivariate texture discrimination using principal geodesic classifier," IEEE International Conference on Image Processing, Quebec City, Canada, September 2015.
Machine learning in probability spaces for optimizing control in fusion plasmas", Machine Learning Summer School, Kyoto, Japan, August 2015.
Analysis of the dependence between inter-ELM time intervals and energy losses," 1st IAEA technical meeting on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Nice, France, June 2015.
Pattern recognition in probability spaces for the analysis of edge-localized plasma instabilities," 4th FuseNET PhD Event, Lisbon, Portugal, November 2014.
Visualization of the operational space of edge-localized modes through low-dimensional embedding of probability distributions," 20th Topical Conference on High-Temperature Plasma Diagnostics, Atlanta, GA, USA, June 2014.
Statistical classification of ELM types," Edge Physics Forum, Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics, Garching, Germany, April 2014.
Discrimination and visualization of edge-localized modes on an information manifold," 8th Workshop on Fusion Data Processing, Validation and Analysis, Ghent, Belgium, November 2013.
Probabilistic pattern recognition for improving plasma control and physical understanding," 50th Culham Plasma Physics Summer School, Culham, Oxforshire, UK, July 2013.
Finding meaning in randomness: pattern recognition in probability spaces for effective plasma con-trol and enhanced physical understanding," 3rd FuseNET PhD Event, York, UK, June 2013.
Finding patterns in highly uncertain measurement sets: real-time recognition of confinement regimes and instabilities in tokamaks," Department of Applied Physics, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, May 2013.
Pattern recognition for real time control of plasma," 13th Faculty of Engineering and Architecture PhD Symposium, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, December 2012.
Micro-teaching," Association of Management Development Institutions of Pakistan (AMDIP) Faculty Development Program, Punjab University, Lahore, Pakistan, October 2012.