Asma Zeb
Department of Statistics
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Service Activity
- Oct 22, 2010 till date Lecturer, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Academic Roll of Honor in M.Sc Statistics. LCWU, Lahore
- Secured 2nd position in Diploma in Computer Science. VQR, Rawalpindi
Graduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
BS Research
- Fareeha Kanwal, “Exponentiated Type-1 Gumbel Distribution”, 2013.
- Aurooj Butt, “Determinants inducing parents to physically punish their children when they misbehave: A cross sectional study from different localities of Lahore City”, 2015
- Maryam Munir, “Identification of Factors Affecting The Consumers Adoption Of Apparel Fashion, By Structural Equation Modeling”, 2016
- Ayesha Bashir, “Identification of Factors & their Relationship which Influence Students’ Satisfaction with Cafeteria Food Services”, 2020.
MS Research
Anmol Tahir, “The Ratio-Product Type Difference Cum-Exponential Estimator To Estimate The Population Mean In The Presence Of Non-Response And Measurement Error Using Single And Two Auxiliary Variables”, 2021.
Afrah Hafeez, Asma Zeb, Sidra Tahir (2021) “Wind Speed Forecasting Using Multiple Linear Regression: A Case Study Of Lahore”. LCWU. “Let the Data Speak”. 1st Position in Project Cateogory.
Service Activity
- Focal person for LCWU website
- Coordinator for LISA-LCWU
- Focal person for LCWU OCD (Statistics department)
- Member Academics Committee
- Annual Report compilation
- Teaching Statistics at Intermediate, Undergraduate and Graduate level
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Survey sampling and Applied Statistics
Presented Paper in Conference
- Anmol Tahir, Asma Zeb (2021). “The Ratio-Product Type Difference Cum-Exponential Estimator To Estimate The Population Mean In The Presence Of Non-Response And Measurement Error Using Single And Two Auxiliary Variables”. International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics (AISC, UNC Greensboro, USA
- Anmol Tahir, Asma Zeb, Ayesha Bashir (2021). “Identification of Factors & their Relationship Which Influence Students’ Satisfaction with Cafeteria Food Services”. International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics (AISC, UNC Greensboro), USA.
- Anmol Tahir, Yasmin Zia and Asma zeb (2021). “Comparative study of predictive strength of classical Risk factors of coronary artery disease in lahore, Pakistan”. 18th International Conference on Statistical Sciences on 18-20.
- Mariam Munir, Asma Zeb(2019). “Identification of Factors Affecting The Consumers Adoption Of Apparel Fashion, By Structural Equation Modeling”. 15th Islamic Countries Conference on Statistical Sciences (ICCS-15).
- Zeb, A. and Shahbaz. Q. (2007). Beta Rayleigh Distribution. Published in the proceedings of International Conference on Statistical Sciences with special reference to the Survival Data Analysis held at GCU, Lahore on 7-8 Nov. 2007.
Poster Presented
Afrah Hafeez, Asma Zeb, Sidra Tahir (2021) “Wind Speed Forecasting Using Multiple Linear Regression: A Case Study Of Lahore”. LCWU. “Let the Data Speak”.
Armeen, Asma Zeb (2021). “Statistical Analysis of Water level Variations by using Non-Parametric Approach: A case study of Tarbela dam, Pakistan”. LCWU. “Let the Data Speak”.
Anmol Tahir, Asma Zeb (2021). “The Ratio-Product Type Difference Cum-Exponential Estimator To Estimate The Population Mean In The Presence Of Measurement Error .LCWU. “Let the Data Speak”
Zeb, A., Irshad. S. and Kanwal, F. (2014). Exponentiated Type-1 Gumbel Distribution. Poster competition. Government College University, Lahore.
Selected Professional Presentations
Organizer and Resource person of Dissemination of HEC training: module “Micro Teaching” Dec, 2012
Organizer and Resource person of Dissemination of HEC training: module “SPSS” Mar, 2013
Organizer Workshop “Advanced Time Series Analysis and Forecasting” August 2013
Conducted workshop on SPSS May - Jun 2014