Mrs. Attia Anis
Computer Instructor
Department of Computer Science, LCWU
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- From 20-10-2014 (Continue)
Honor and Awards
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Service Activity
- Teach Intermediate and graduate students.
- Paper Setting and checking
- Admission duty.
- Invigilation duty.
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Explore computer application in various fields
- Anis, A., Fahiem, M. A., Rasheed, M. H.; "A Pattern Recognition Based Approach for Prediction of Protein Drug Interactions Using Neural Networks" (2013) Journal of American Science Vol: 9(12s) pp: 51-56.
- Anis, A., M.A. Fahiem and H. Tauseef, “A Classification Approach Based on Genetic-Data-Structuring for the Prediction of Hypertension”. (2016).The Nucleus. Vol 53, No. 4, PP: 236-242.
- Nosheen, A.Ania, M.S.Malik, Muhammad and A. Fahiem. “Classification of Primary Open Glaucoma through genetic and Demographic Data” (2018). The Nucleus. Vol 55, No 2, PP: 77-84.