Dr. Maria Saleemi
Department of Computer Science, LCWU
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- Profile
- Research Publications
Honor and Awards
Awarded National ICT Youth Award 2010 (Cash Prize: Rs. 50,000/-)
Availed fully funded scholarship to attend the MTCP workshop held at Malacca, Malaysia
Awarded Gold Medal for Best Research Thesis in MS (CS) 2007-2009
- Member ISO Internal Audit Team, Faculty of Engineering & Technology, LCWU 2009-2011
- Remained a Member at Computing Council Registration Team, LCWU, Lahore
- Leading Member FOSSAC (Free & Open Source Software Awareness Campaign) 2005 held at Punjab University, Lahore.
- Member Lahore Astronomical Society
- Alumni REDC Programme LUMS
Honour Students
Years Degree Name 2015-2019 BS CS Ayesha Tabassum, Ammara Atiq, Naymah Masood, Razia Aslam (Digital Student Handbook) 2013-2017 BS CS Automation of Quality Enhancement Cell in LCWU (Website) 2009-2013 BS CS Moatter Jamil, Samreen Anwar, Zoya Saeed, Rida Qasim (My Fitness Doctor) 2014-2018 BS CS Taskeen Aslam (Emotion Based Media Player for Windows 8 – Desktop) 2013-2015 MS CS Sehar Qayyum (Analyzing the Impact of Security & Website Design of eShopping on Behavior of Consumers: A Case Study of Pakistan)
2013-2015 MS CS Taskeen Aslam (User Interface Design Based Framework for E- Banking Applications: A Case Study for Semi-Literate People of Pakistan) 2013-2015 MS CS Samiya Rafique (An E-Learning Framework for User Satisfaction: A Case Study of Pakistan) 2010-2012 MS CS Saba Ahmad (A Scalable Technique for Data Storage & Retrieval over Cloud) |
Service Activity
Brief Statement of Research Interest
My primary research interest is in the area of Information & Communication Technologies, especially on eServices, Ubiquitous Technologies, and Internet of Things.
1. Qayyum, Sehar, Mariam Rehman, Maria Saleemi, Iqra Ilyas, and Samiya Rafiq. "Analyzing the impact of security and website design on E shopping behavior of consumers: A case study of Pakistan." In 2018 International Conference on Computing, Mathematics and Engineering Technologies (iCoMET), pp. 1-12. IEEE, 2018. (Conference) 2. Saleemi, Maria, Maria Anjum, and Mariam Rehman. "eServices Classification, Trends, and Analysis: A Systematic Mapping Study." IEEE Access 5 (2017): 26104-26123. (Journal) 3. Rafiq, Samiya, Maria Saleemi, Mariam Rehman, Maria Anjum, Farhat Saleemi, Sehar Qayyum, Muhammad Asif Kamran, and Muhammad Khalid Bashir. "An Empirical Investigation for User Satisfaction about E-Learning Systems in Pakistan." Sci-Int, 2016. (Journal) 4. Afzaal, Ayesha Maria Saleemi, Mohsin Nazir, Farhat Saleemi. “Summarization of Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols for Smart Grid”; IJRRCS, Vol. 3, No. 2, April 2012, ISSN: 2079-2557 (Journal) 5. Maria Saleemi, Saeed Nasir, M.Kashif Farooq. “How Piracy Affects the e-Government?” In 2009 International Conference on Web Information Systems and Mining (pp. 600-604). IEEE. (Conference) 6. Marium Jalal Chaudhry, Sadia Murawwat, Farhat Saleemi, Sadaf Tariq, Maria Saleemi, Fatima Jalal Chaudhry. "Power Optimized Secure Bluetooth Communication" In 2008 IEEE International Multitopic Conference, pp. 182-188. IEEE, 2008. (Conference) 7. Book: ‘Computer Aided Qualitative Research: Exploring Features &Capabilities’ ISBN 978-952-92-7745-2, Copyright © 2010 Published in Findland, Jyväskylä University |