Dr. Mrs. Huma Tauseef
Department of Computer Science, LCWU
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- Ph. D. Computer Science (2015)
Lahore College for Women University,
Lahore (Correlating Carotid Imaging and Phylogenetic Trees for the Pre And Post Analysis of Genetic Ischemic Strokes) - MS Computer Science (2009)
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
(Image Based Translation of Sign Language to Urdu Text) - M.Sc. Computer Science (2000)
University of the Punjab, Lahore
(Pakistan Railways Reservation System) - B.Sc. (1998)
University of the Punjab, Lahore
Feb 2020 – to date, Associate Professor (BPS-20), Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Sep 2007 – Feb 2020, Assistant Professor (BPS-19), Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Sep 2001 – Sep 2007, Lecturer (BPS-17,18), Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Feb, 2001 – Sep 2001, Visiting Lecturer, Punjab University College of Information Technology, University of the Punjab, Lahore
Jan, 2001 – Sep, 2001, Lecturer, Pak Institute of Management and Computer Sciences, Lahore
Jan, 1999 – Jan, 2001, System Analyst, Zimbis Knitwears (Pvt) Ltd., Lahore
Honor and Awards
Research Incentive Award, LCWU, 2017
National ICT R&D Fund for Year 2011-2012
National ICT R&D Fund for Year 2012-2013
- HEC Approved PhD Supervisor
Doctoral & Post Graduate Students
- Syeda Ghana Mumtaz; An Approach for the Detection and Evaluation of Anti-Patterns to Minimize Testing Effort, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2015-2017).
- Zainab Khan; An Algorithm to Access Bug Severity using Dictionary of Critical Terms, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2015-2017).
- Sidra Khan; An Automated Approach for Image Based Bone Age Assessment, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2015-2017).
- Sadia Shabbir; An Approach to Map Scrum and CMMI’s Selected Key Process Areas in Web Development Environment, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2015-2017).
- Zubda Shakil; A Generic Approach for Pulmonary Disease Detection and Classification, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2014-2016).
- Saira Rashid; An Algorithm for Spontaneous Action Detection using Facial Expressions, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2014-2016).
- Mayra Waheed; Facial Behavior Analysis to Detect Human Personality, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2014-2016).
- Ayesha Arshad; Lung Cancer Classification from CT Images using Image Processing Techniques, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2014-2016).
- Wajeeha Zulfiquar; Automated Brain Tumor Detection Using MRI Images, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2013-2015).
- Maryam Shahzadi; Customization of Quality Technology Acceptance Model for Operations Manager, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2013-2015).
- Maria Tariq; Automated Algorithm for Target Virtual Machine Selection in Live Network Migration for Cloud Computing, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2013-2015).
- Iram Arshad; Towards Improving the Agile Software Development Process Model, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2013-2015).
- Annum Tasneem; Measuring the Efficiency and Usability of Session Password based Authentication Systems, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2012-2014).
- Zahra Arshad; Optimal and Suboptimal Hierarchical Search Algorithm, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2011-2013).
- Warda Khanum; A Model for Cost Estimation of Component-Based Software in Object-Oriented Environment, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2011-2013).
- Zainab Aftab; Enhancing Pixel Oriented Visualization Technique, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2010-2012).
- Syeda Binish Zahra; An Estimation Model: Merging of Wide-Band Delphi with Case-Based Reasoning, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2010-2012).
- Naima Farhat; Basic Data Analysis and its Refinement for Improvement in Ultimate Financial Forecast in Under-Developed Economy, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2009-2011).
- Sundas Munir; Requirement Engineering in Global Software Development Projects, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, (2009-2011).
Service Activity
Convener, Online Admissions System Committee, LCWU
Member Faculty Grievance Committee LCWU (2017-2019)
Active Citizens Trainer / Facilitator, British Council & LCWU
Trainer, International Computer Driving License, LCWU.
Trainer, Computer Literacy Program for LCWU Teaching Staff, Intel & LCWU
Trainer/Instructor, Computer Literacy Program for Government Officers of Grade 20 and Above P&D Department, PITB & LCWU
Former Advisor Comtech Society
Head Examiner, Lahore Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education
Paper Setter Computer Science, Islamic Studies Department Masters Classes, LCWU
BSCS Final Projects Coordinator, LCWU
BSCS Final Projects Advisor, LCWU
MSCS Thesis Coordinator, LCWU
MSCS Thesis Advisor, LCWU
Computer Related Job Applications Scrutiny
Admission Forms Scrutiny
Admission Coordinator, Department of Computer Science, LCWU
Member Selection Committee for Recruitment of Grade 16 and Below, LCWU
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Image Processing, Medical Imaging
- Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; On the Design of a Content based Image Retrieval System, The Nucleus, vol. 56(1), (2019), 36-41.
- Abbas, S., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; Efficient Shape Classification using Zernike Moments and Geometrical Features on MPEG-7 Dataset, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 19(1), (2019), 45-50.
- Hassan, F., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; A Review on Machine Learning Techniques for Software Defect Prediction, Technical Journal, vol. 23(2), (2018), 63-71.
- Shaukat, A., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H., Tahir, F., Usman, G.; Textural and Geometrical Features Based Approach for Identification of Individuals Using Palmprint and Hand Shape Images from Multiple Multimodal Datasets, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 46(4), (2018), doi:10.1520/JTE20160625.
- Tahir, F., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S., Tauseef, H.; Non Destructive Evaluation of Solid Pharmaceutical Products using Wavelet Transformations and Multispectral Data, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 46(4), (2018), 1399-1410.
- Riaz, A., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; An Ensemble Classifier based Leaf Recognition Approach for Plant Species Classification using Leaf Texture, Morphology and Shape, The Nucleus, vol. 55(1), (2018), 1-7.
- Shabbir, S., Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S., Tahir, F. ; A Hybrid Approach for Mapping Scrum to Capability Maturity Model Integration Key Process Areas for Web Environment Applications, Pakistan Journal of Science, vol. 70(1), (2018), 79-84.
- Usman, G., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S., Tauseef, H.; Evaluating Various Lung Cancer Nodule Detection Techniques – A Comparative Study, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 46(2), (2018), 798-819, doi: 10.1520/JTE20160410.
- Mumtaz, S. G., Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S.; A Systematic Review of the Approaches for Anti-Pattern Detection and Correction, Pakistan Journal of Computer and Information Systems, vol. 2(2), (2017), 37-56.
- Ayub, A., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; A Novel Approach for the Prediction of Conversion from Mild Cognitive Impairment to Alzheimer’s Disease using MRI Images, Advances in Electrical and Computer Engineering, vol. 17(2), (2017), 113-122.
- Shafiq, S., Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S.; An Algorithm For Facial Expression Based Automatic Deceptive Pain Detection, Pakistan Journal of Science, vol. 69(1), (2017), 69-74.
- Waheed, M., Tauseef, H., Shafiq, S., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S.; A Facial Image Analysis based Algorithm to Detect Human Personality, The Nucleus, vol. 54(1), (2017), 26-32.
- Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S.; Fully Automated Active-Contour Model-Based Approach for Segmentation of Common Carotid Artery Using Ultrasound Images, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 45(6), (2017), 2209-2223, doi:10.1520/JTE20160214.
- Anis, A., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; A Classification Approach based on Genetic-Data-Structuring for the Prediction of Hypertension, The Nucleus, vol. 53(4), (2016), 236-242.
- Shaukat, A., Farhan, S., Tahir, M., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; Automated Classification of Hair Care Plants Using Geometrical and Textural Features from Leaf Images: A Pattern Recognition Based Approach, Pakistan Journal of Science, vol. 68(4), (2016), 419-425.
- Arshad, H. Tauseef. Optimal and Suboptimal Hierarchical Search Algorith, Journal of Innovative Sciences, vol. 1(2), (2015), 48-53.
- Tariq, M., Farhan, S., Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A.; A Comparative Analysis of Elicitation Techniques for Design of Smart Requirements using Situational Characteristics, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, vol. 6(8), (2015), 30-38.
- Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; An Ensemble-of-Classifiers Based Approach for Early Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease: Classification Using Structural Features of Brain Images, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2014, (2014), 11 pages.
- Tasneem, A., Tauseef, H., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A.; Measuring the Efficiency and Usability of Session Password based Authentication Systems, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, vol. 5(6), (2014), 31-45.
- Kiran, T., Farhan, S., Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A.; Requirement Validation Model for Virtual Distributed System, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, vol. 4(8), (2013), 34-43.
- Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tahir, F., Tauseef, H.; A Comparative Study of Neuroimaging and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Estimation of Alzheimer’s Disease, Life Science Journal - Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, vol. 10(7s), (2013), 1030-1039.
- Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S., Tahir, F.; A Review of Image and Phylogenetic Analysis Based Techniques for Ischemic Stroke Risk Estimation, Life Science Journal - Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, vol. 10(7s), (2013), 1040-1049.
- Tahir, F., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H., Farhan, S.; A Survey of Multispectral High Resolution Imaging Based Drug Surface Morphology Validation Techniques, Life Science Journal - Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, vol. 10(7s), (2013), 1050-1059.
- Khanum, W., Tauseef, H., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A.; A Model for Cost Estimation of Component-Based Software in Object-Oriented Environment, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences and Engineering, vol. 4(3), (2013), 25-31.
- Aftab, Z., Tauseef, H.; Enhancing Pixel Oriented Visualization by Merging Circle View and Circle Segment Visualization Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 7694, (2012), 101-109.
- Fahiem, M. A., Haq, S. A., Saleemi, F., Tauseef, H.; 3D Reconstruction: Estimating Depth of Hole from 2D Camera Perspectives, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, vol. 27, (2009), 213-221.
- Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H.; Geometrical Features Based Approach for the Classification and Recognition of Handwritten Characters, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference in Visualization, (2009).
- Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S.; Recognition and Translation of Hand Gestures to Urdu Alphabets Using a Geometrical Classification, Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE International Conference in Visualization, (2009).
- Tauseef, H., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A.; A Systematic Approach for Selecting a Suitable Software Architecture Evaluation Method, Proceedings of the 4th 2009 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, (2009).
- Farhan, S., Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A.; Adding Agility to Architecture Tradeoff Analysis Method for Mapping on Crystal, Proceedings of the IEEE World Congress on Software Engineering, (2009).
- Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Saleemi, F.; Target Recognition Task Based Online System for Refractive Error Measurement Using Font Transformations, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Computer Science, (2007).