Dr. Naila Amjad
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- Head of Science Program of Intermediate College: July, 2021 to date
Institute: Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. - Assistant Professor: (Statistics): Dec, 2006 to date
Institute: Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. - In-charge of Statistics Department at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, since November 2015 to September, 2017
- Lecturer: (Statistics): Sep, 2003 to Nov, 2006
Institute: Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. - Lecturer: (Statistics): (On Contract basis): March, 2001 to Aug, 2003
Institute: Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
Honor and Awards
- Selected by CoHe (Council of Higher Education), Turkey to participate in Faculty Mobility Program under Mevlana Exchange Program at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University, Turkey.
- 2nd position in Level-III in “Forman Statistics Research Showcase 2019” at Forman Christian College Lahore.
- 1st position in Poster Competition, “Let the Data Speak”, Category Mphil (Mathematical Statistics) at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- 2nd position in Poster Competition, “Let the Data Speak”, Category Mphil (Mathematical Statistics) at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Member Ethical Review Committee of Pharmacy for Humans and Animals at Institute of Pharmacy, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
- Member BOS, Department of Statistics, LCWU, Lahore.
Undergraduate Students/Graduate Students
Undergraduate: (BS)
- “Job satisfaction among female teachers at Primary schools, a cross sectional study.” Shazia Qasim; 2013
- “Empirical study of different ratio and regression estimator with replacement with equal probability sampling.” Nida Ashraf, Riffat Jabeen; 2005
- “Marshall Olkin Power Lomax Distribution.” Baseerat; 2018
- “Factors Responsible for Delayed Immunization against Vaccine Preventable Disease among Children under age 5: A Statistical Analysis of MICS Punjab (2018-19)” Zanjabeel Irfan; 2021
Graduate: (MS)
“Malnutrition among Women in Pakistan, A Statistical Analysis of Socio Demographic Constraint.” Najeeha Hassan; 2015
“A Ratio type Estimator for Estimation of Unknown Population Variance using Auxiliary Variable.” Hira Asif; 2016
“A Study on Consumer Attitude Towards Counterfeit Products: With Reference to Lahore District Consumers.” Hina Mehmood; 2017
“Exponential Ratio-Type Estimators for Population Variance under Two-Phase Sampling.” Sehrish Dilshad; 2017
“Determinant of Consumer Satisfaction regarding Service Quality: Uber and Careem Services in Lahore, Pakistan”. Mobeen Basharat; 2018
“Academic Performance and Modeling Graduate Employability among University Students in Lahore, Pakistan” Kashaf Fatima; 2018
“Prevalence and Determinants of Diarrhea among Children of Punjab, Pakistan.” Tuba Iqbal; 2019
“Bayesian Estimation using MCMC Approach” Mehak Tafique; 2019
Psychosocial and Socio-Economic Burden of COVID-19 in Lahore, Pakistan: An Application of Hierarchical and Multinomial Logistic Regression” Zobia Khalid; 2021
Service Activity
Teaching Experience:
- Courses taught as under:
- Multivariate Analysis
- Statistical Inference
- Probability & Probability Distribution
- Categorical Data Analysis
- Statistics in Education (Ph.D. (Education))
- Tools and Skills of Research in Social Sciences (Ph. D. (Mass. Communication))
- Thesis/Internship reports supervised at BS & MS level.
- Conducted Seminar at Canakkale Onsekiz Mart
- University, Canakkale, Turkey.
Coordinator of Time Table at departmental level - Organized meetings of BOS at departmental level
Articles published by refereed journals.
- N, Mahmood. H (2018). “Consumer Attitude towards Counterfeit Products in Lahore using Structural Equation Modelling”, Paradigms: A Research Journal of Commerce, Economics, and Social Sciences,Vol. 12, No. 2, pg: 167-171
- N, Ahmad. M (2015). “A New Classification of Sampling Estimators”, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 31(5)
- N, Qasim. S (2013). “Job Satisficatin among Female Teachers in Public and Private Sectors (A Cross-Sectional Study)”, International Journal of Applied Research, Vol. 2, pg: 88-97
- M, Bashir. N, Saud. N, Farooq. M (2020). “Bayes Estimation of the Modified Inverse Rayleigh Parameters Under Various Approximation Techniques”, Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operational Research, Vol.17 No.1 2021 pp 247-263 (IF:0.6, Y-category, HJRS)
- N, Rasool. A, Amjad. N, Kamal. A, Shahid. N, Nizam. M (2021),“Factors Effecting the Motivation towards Blood Donation among University Students in Lahore”, Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, Vol.15 No.1 2021 pp 198- (IF:0.07, Y-category, HJRS)
- A, Saud. N, Kamal. A, Amjad. N, Shahid. N, Nizam. M (2021),“Socio-Demographic Factors Affecting Knowledge, Attitude and Practice towards Blood Donation among University Students in Lahore”, Pakistan Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, Vol.15 No.3 2021 pp 638-641. (IF:0.07, Y-category, HJRS)
- N, Kamal. A, Iqbal. T (2021), “Prevalence and Determinants of Diarrhea among Children of Punjab, Pakistan”, Pakistan Paediatrics Journal, Vol. 45 No. 3, pp 284-291. (Y-category, HJRS)
- N, Taufique. M, Saud. N (2022), “Bayes Estimation of the Alpha Power Inverted Exponential Parameters under Various Approximation Techniques”, Pakistan Journal of Statistics, Vol 38 No 1, pp 99-112. (IF:0.6, Y-category, HJRS)
Paper published in conference proceedings. (refereed on the basis of abstract)
“Empirical study of different ratio and regression estimator with replacement with equal probability sampling.” Nida Ashraf, Riffat Jabeen, Naila Amjad, 4th International Conference on Statistical Sciences on May 9-11, 2008 at University of Gujrat.
“A Ratio type Estimator for Estimation of Unknown Population Variance using Auxiliary Variable.” Hira Asif, Naila Amjad, 17th International Conference on Statistical Sciences on Jan 21-23, 2019 at National College of Business Administration & Economics.