Dr. Fahima Tahir
Department of Computer Science, LCWU
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- June 2016 – Present, Assistant Professor (BPS-19),
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- May, 2012 – June 2016, Lecturer (BPS-18),
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Jan, 2010 – May, 2012, Computer Instructor (BPS-17),
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Nov, 2008 – Jan, 2010, Demonstrator (BPS-16),
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore - Apr, 2008 - Nov, 2008, Demonstrator (BPS-14),
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore - Nov, 2007 - Apr, 2008, Visiting Computer Instructor,
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Honor and Awards
First position in MSCS and awarded by University Gold Medal
Member HEC National Curriculum Review Committee (NCRC) for Computer Science since 2017
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
- 2019 MSCS Sarah Mehmood
- 2019 MSCS Fareeha Ejaz
- 2019 MSCS Ammara Fatima
- 2018 MSCS Fatima Azhar
- 2018 MSCS Maryam Bilal
- 2018 MSCS Tooba Riaz
- 2017 MSCS Abeera Ahmad
- 2017 MSCS Rubab Anum
- 2013 MSCS Heena
Service Activity
- Invigilation duties
- Paper setting
- Paper marking
- Supervising MSCS thesis and BSCS projects
- MSCS Thesis Coordinator
- Member of the ORIC steering committee
- Focal person from CS department for website updates
- Member of Doctoral Committee of the department
- Scrutiny of forms for different job posts
- Member of the entry test construction committee of the department
- Managing Admission related activities
- Team lead for Self-Assessment Reports (SAR) of BSCS for 2018
- Remain Timetable Incharge (2015 - 2017) of the department
Brief Statement of Research Interest
I have great interest in the field of Image processing and Machine learning. Up till now I have supervised multiple theses based on image processing and machine learning techniques in the fields like medical, weather forecasting, data security and biometrics.
Articles published by refereed journals.
Shabbir, S., Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M.A., Farhan, S., Tahir, ; A hybrid approach for mapping scrum to capability maturity model integration key process areas for web environment application, Pakistan Journal of Science, 70(1), March, 2018, 79-84.
Shaukat, A., Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H., Tahir, F., Usman, G.; Textural and geometrical features based approach for identification of individuals using palmprint and hand shape images from multiple multimodal datasets, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 46(6), 2018.
Tahir, F., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S., Tauseef, H.; Nondestructive Evaluation of Solid Pharmaceutical Products using Wavelet Transformations and Multispectral Data, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, vol. 46(4), 2017.
Tahir, F.; Behavioral Features Based Detection of Unknown Computer Viruses, Journal of Innovative Sciences, vol. 1(2), (2015), 39-47.
Tahir, F., Fahiem, M. A.; A Statistical-Textural-Features Based Approach for Classification of Solid Drugs Using Surface Microscopic Images, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, vol. 2014, (2014), 12 pages.
Tahir, F., Fahiem, M. A., Tauseef, H., Farhan, S.; A Survey of Multispectral High Resolution Imaging Based Drug Surface Morphology Validation Techniques, Life Science Journal - Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, vol. 10(7s), (2013), 1050-1059.
Farhan, S., Fahiem, M. A., Tahir, F., Tauseef, H.; A Comparative Study of Neuroimaging and Pattern Recognition Techniques for Estimation of Alzheimer’s Disease, Life Science Journal - Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, vol. 10(7s), (2013), 1030-1039.
Tauseef, H., Fahiem, M. A., Farhan, S., Tahir, F.; A Review of Image and Phylogenetic Analysis Based Techniques for Ischemic Stroke Risk Estimation, Life Science Journal - Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition, vol. 10(7s), (2013), 1040-1049.
Tahir, F., Fahiem, M. A.; Nondestructive Validation of Solid Pharmaceutical Products: Validation of Solid Drug Surface Morphology using Microscopic Multispectral High Resolution Imaging, LAP, Germany, (2015), ISBN-13: 978-3659775819, ISBN-10: 3659775819.