Dr. Farah Adil
Gender & Development Studies
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Work Experience
- Working as a Lecturer at Lahore College for Women University: 2006 till date
MS Thesis
- A Study of Gender Role Strain Experienced by Men in Pakistani Society
- National Curriculum Revision Committee, HEC, Pakistan
- Quality Enhancement Cell, LCWU
- Focal Person for Pink Ribbon Awareness Campaign, 2017 from LCWU
- Active Citizen Program (ACP) Facilitator at LCWU
- Member of Reviewers Board of Humanity Publications Islamabad, 2021 (US, UK, Pakistan)
Attended Meeting II of National Curriculum Revision Committee in the discipline of Gender Studies at Karachi HEC Regional Centre from 20-22 April, 2017
Attended the National Curriculum Revision Committee Meeting I in the discipline of Gender Studies at HEC Regional Centre, Lahore on 19-21 October 2016
International Visit
- Visited The George Washington University, United State America organized by GWU- LCWU partnership and successfully completed “Advanced Studies Program for Visiting Scholars” on 1st April to 16th April, 2016
Awards Supervised
- Poster competition: 1st position in poster competition at Psychology Department, Beacon House National University, Lahore “Peace-Building: Promoting Harmony” organized on 7th march 2018, session: 2014-2018
- Poster competition: 3rd position in poster competition at Beacon House National University, Lahore “Peace-Building: Promoting Ethnic Harmony” organized on 3rd April 2013, session: 2011-2014
- Poster competition: 2nd position in poster competition at Institute of Peace and Secularism, Lahore "Moving Beyond Tolerating Diversity to Celebrate it” organized on 8-9 May, 2013, session: 2011-2014
- Poster competition: 1st position in poster competition at University of the Punjab “Safety at Home Leads to Safety at Workplace and Outdoor” organized on 13th December, 2012, session: 2011-2014
Paper Presented
- Presented a review paper in “Emergency Education after Natural Disaster” The International Symposium on Gender and Disaster on March 8th, 2016 under partnership of GW, and LCWU
- Co-presented a seminar on “Pakistani Women: successes and challenges” at The George Washington University, USA on 13th April 2016
- Presented a review paper title; Gender Based Violence in Schools in Developing Countries” on 16th November 2016 in 1st International Conference on Global Gender perspective organized by GWU, USA and LCWU partnership
- Presented an original paper Role of Parenting Practices to Construct Gender Roles Attitude among Children: A Cross-Sectional Study at 2nd International Conference on “Contemporary Gender Issues: Challenges and Opportunities” on 16th December 2022 organized by Gender Studies Department University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Successfully completed the following courses:
Attended 12 days (3-5 June; 12, 13, 15 August; 2-4 September; 21-23 September, 2021) 4 trainings of Master Trainer course of online teaching organized University of Punjab, Lahore offered by AIOU( Allama Iqbal Open University), Islamabad with USEFP, Pakistan. (A funded project of U.S. - Pakistan University Partnerships Grants Program Sponsored by U. S. Mission to Pakistan “Creating Digital Moments to Empower and Transform Pakistani Universities in Online Environment”).
Islamic Law Orientation Course, at LCWU, 14-15 December 2017 conducted by Islamic Studies Department with collaboration of Shari’ah Academy, International Islamic University, Islamabad.
Training course on Advanced Statistic AMOS (10 hours) on 22th Nov-6th Dec, 2016 organized by DFDI, LCWU
Online Course of Women and Global Politics, (6 week, 3 credit hours) 2015, by the George Washington University, USA, with Prof. Michael Clark
Course on “Anthropology, Gender and Research” by Prof. Dr David D. Gow at LCWU under GWU-LCWU partnership from 1st Oct to 14 Oct, 2015
The Post Graduate Certificate Course in English Academic Writing conducted by Ms. Saima Asghar Riaz: From 14thFebruary to 28th April 2014. Organized by DFDI, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore.
“Globalization, Change and Learning –A Gender Perspective” (2 credit hours, three week) in collaboration with LCWU and George Washington University by Prof. Dr Shaista. E. Khilji.
Summer Leadership Institute 3rd June to 14th June 2013 held at LCWU conducted Dr Anniqua Rana
Staff Development Course: Feb 26-March 29, 2007 (LCWU)
Attended the following meetings:
Attended two days Professional Development Training Data, Data Everywhere Staying Calm & Methodically Analysis the Qualitative Data conducted by Prof. Dr Shaista .E. Khilji from GWU United, State America, 17, 19 March 2014.
Attended one day Leadership training on Competent Leadership-from “Self” to the “Others” conducted by Prof. Dr. Shaista .E. Khilji from GWU, United State America, 27 March 2014.
Attended successful training on Active Citizen Facilitators” at LCWU from 2-5 Sep, 2014
Attended two days training on Punjab Employees Efficiency, Discipline Accountability Act 2006 held at held at Punjab Institute of Management and Professional Development: 18-19 June 2012
One week training on “PC-I preparation” for officers held at Punjab Institute of Management and Professional Development: 28 May-01 June 2012
Successfully attended the following workshops and seminars:
Successfully attended AeU Insights Webinar 4th session “Democratization of Education” on 29th August 2020 organized by Asia e University, Malaysia.
One day Worksop on psychological issues of Youth and their Solutions on 17th Nov, 2017 organized by Ruth Pfau Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU, Lahore.
Successfully organized one day seminar on “Breast Cancer Awareness” with collaboration of Shoukat Khanum Cancer Hospital and Gender and Development Studies Department, LCWU. 18th October 2017
One day Worksop on Back off: How to confront and stop sexual harassment on 8th Dec, 2017 organized by Ruth Pfau Women Institute for Leadership and Learning, LCWU, Lahore.
A workshop on Qualitative Analysis on 14th -15th March 2016 under partnership of GWU and LCWU with Dr Jane Henrici.
A workshop on “Interview Techniques” on 9th- 10th March 2016 under partnership of The George Washington University and LCWU with Dr Jane Henrici
One day workshop on scholarly writing by Dr Shaista Khiliji, GWU, USA at Gender and Development Studies, LCWU on 10th Nov, 2016.
A workshop on “What is Leadership Development” by Dr Shaista E. Khilji under GWU- LCWU partnership, 2015.
One day workshop on “ Grounded Theory” conducted by Prof. Dr Anneq Ahmad from Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR, USA on 23th June 2014 with LCWU & Ministry of Education and Training ( National Talent Pool) Government of Pakistan.
A workshop on “Qualitative Methodology in Gender and Development Studies” conducted by Prof. Dr Anneq Ahmad from Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, AR, USA on 15th May to 24th June 2014 with Government College University and WILL collaboration.
One day workshop on “Qualitative Methodology” at LCWU with Prof. Dr Lena Martinsson from University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Successfully organized a 3 days’ workshop on “Counselling to Manage Mood Disorders among College Students” resource person: Dr Imran Ejaz Haider from Fatima Memorial Hospital: 21-23 June 2007 at LCWU from the platform of Student Service Centre
Two days’ workshop on: Entrepreneurship: An emerging Discipline held at HEC Regional centre, Lahore: 18-19 Dec, 2006
Attended the following conferences:
One day National Conference on Gender issues in 21st century in Pakistan:16 may 2007 held at Centre for Clinical Psychology, University of the Punjab Lahore
The Women Entrepreneurship Conference “I inspire, I empower, I arise” held in 31st August 2013 at Pearl Continental, Lahore.
International conference on “Language Science and Developing World” conducted by HEC and LCWU on 11th January ,2013
Global Conference on “The Next Generation, Insecure Voices and Untold Stories” organized by British Council with LCWU at PC Lahore: 8th May 2014
One day conference “ Third World’ Women and the Politics of Feminism” on 24th April , 2015 under GWU-LCWU partnership at LCWU
1st International Conference on Education organized by Education Department at LCWU on 2nd Nov 2016.
1st International Conference on “Global Gender perspective” from 14th to 16th November 2016 organized Gender and Development Studies Department, under GWU- LCWU partnership at PC hotel, Lahore
2nd International Conference on “Contemporary Gender Issues: Challenges and Opportunities” from 15th to 16th December 2022 organized by Gender Studies Department University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Computing Skills
Adil, F., Yasin, S, A., Shahed, S. (2022). Reconstructing Gender in Language: Methodological Approaches. Journal of Research Reflections in Education. June, Vol. 16, No 1, pp.45-57.
Adil, F & Malik, R. (2023). Attitudes of High School Students towards Egalitarian and Traditional Gender Roles. Pakistan Perspectives. Vol.26, No. 2, July-December
Adil, Farah & Malik, Asma & Batool, Maryam. (2023). Feminism Emergent; Prospects of NGOs in Pakistan. 10.47205/plhr.2023 (7-I)04.
Adil, F., Malik, A, S., Anjum, F. (2022). The Gender Based Violence in Educational Institutions as a Barrier towards Women Education: Archival Analysis. Asian Social Studies and Applied 3 (1), 80-90.
Adil, F., Malik, S. (2021). Engender Media in Gender Roles Reforms: Ethnographic Content Analysis of Pakistan Television Advertisements. Pakistan Perspectives. Vol.26, No. 1, January-June
Adil, F., Yasin, S, A., Shahed, S. (2021). Challenges for Women Empowerment in Pakistan: Archival Data. Pakistan Vision. Vol.22, No, 1.
Adil F., Yasin S, A (2018). Exposition of Gender Awareness in Primary Textbooks of Punjab: A Gendered Content Analysis. Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, 16, 37-56.
Adil F., Shahed S., Arshad H., (2017). Burden of Being a Man in a Patriarchal Society. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences. 4(2), 57-70
Papers Submitted
Gender Roles Attitude of Teachers In-Service Public High Schools: Traditional vs. Egalitarian