Dr. Maria Anjum
Department of Computer Science, LCWU
- Profile
- Research Publications
PhD in Computer Science
School of Engineering and Computer Science, Durham University,
Durham, United Kingdom
PhD thesis: Design Models for Service-based Software Application
Masters of Science Computer Science (MS-CS)
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore, Pakistan
Director IT (Additional Charge – 1 Year)
Information Technology Service Center (ITSC), Lahore College for Women University (LCWU), Lahore, Pakistan
Assistant Professor (Present)
Department of Computer Science
Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Lahore College for Women University (LCWU)
Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, LCWU, Lahore, Pakistan
Application Developer
Punjab Board of Technical Education (PBTE), Lahore, Pakistan
Honor and Awards
- PhD Scholarship under HEC Faculty Development Programme
- Begum Sikander Gill Gold Medal for Best IT Project (undergraduate final year project)
- Hajwari Merit Scholarship
- IEEE Computer Society Membership
- ACM SigSoft Professional Member
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
- PhD 2019 Ms. Maria Saleemi
- MSCS 2018-2019 Six
- MSCS 2016-2017 Three
- MSCS 2015-2016 Two
- MSCS 2014- 2015 one
- BSCS 2018-2019 one Group (4members in each)
- BSCS 2016-2017 two Group (4members in each)
- BSCS 2015-2016 two Groups (4members in each)
Service Activity
- Teaching
- Supervision
- Invigilation
- Committee Members
- Coordinator for Curricula Revision
- Admissions
Brief Statement of Research Interest
To explore and address problems in software design and architecture with a focus on applied research
Saleemi, M, Anjum, M and Rehman, M. (2017). "The Ubiquitous Healthcare Facility Framework: A Proposed System for Managing Rural Antenatal Care", IEEE Access, In Press. ISI Indexed Journal, IF 4.0
Naeem, Arshia; Rehman, Mariam; Anjum, Maria; Asif, Muhammad (2019), an efficient hierarchical clustering analysis using an agglomerative clustering algorithm, Journal Current Science, September 2019. ISI Indexed Journal, IF 0.7
Aslam, M. Saleemi, M. Rehman, M. Anjum, M. A. Kamran, F. Saleemi (2017). Bi-lingual framework for e-banking applications: a case study of semi-literate users, Pakistan Journal of Science, 69 (4), 392 – 396.
Ali, A, Rehman, M and Anjum, M. (2017). Framework for Applicability of Agile Scrum Methodology: A perspective of Software Industry, International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications (IJACSA), 8(9), 225 – 232.
Saleemi, M, Anjum, M and Rehman, M. (2017). E-Services Classification, Trends and Analysis, IEEE Access, 5 (1), 26104 – 26123.
Anjum M, Budgen D (2017) An investigation of modelling and design for software service applications. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176936. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0176936, 10 May 2017
Waheed H, Anjum M, Rehman M, Khawaja A (2017) Investigation of user behavior on social networking sites. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0169693. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0169693, 02 Feb 2017
Kamran, M. Anjum, M. Rehman, H. Ahmad, M. A. Kamran (2016) Agriculture E-Finance System for Semi-Literate Farmers- A Case Study of Pakistan, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol. 14 No.11.
Shafiq, A., Rehman, M and Anjum, M. (2016). An Average-Based Approach For Initial Centroid Selection In K-Means Algorithm, Pakistan Journal of Science (In Press)
Kamran, M. Anjum, M. Rehman, H. Ahmad, M. A. Kamran (2016) Classification of Information Systems in E-agriculture: A Mapping Study, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, Vol 14.
M Kamran, M Anjum, M Rehman, MA Kamran, F Saleemi (2016) Information Communication Technologies for Irrigation Management Systems: An Empirical Investigation. Pakistan Journal of Science 68 (1)
M Anjum, M Rehman, H Waheed, MA Kamran (2016) Social Networking Sites Shaping Behavior, Anthropologist 24 (2), 497-508
Askari, F., Rehman, M., and Anjum, M. (2016). Mobile Learning Adoption Framework: An Empirical Investigation from Learners Perspective, Journal of Quality and Technology Management.
Asif, S., Rehman, M. and Anjum, M. (2015). Framework for testing cloud based applications, Bahria University Journal of Information and Communication Technology (BUJICT), 8 (2).
Arshia, N., Anjum, M., Rehman, M., Mahmood, Z. and Kamran, M. A. (2016). An integrated information system to facilitate farmers in Wheat, Sugarcane and other crop diseases identification, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 29.
Ullah, R., Rehman, M., Anjum, M., Kamran, M. A., Bakhsh, K. and Saboor, A. (2015). Role of Information in Farmers’ Risk Management Adoption Decisions: Simultaneous Adoption of Diversification and Agricultural Credit, Pakistan Journal of Agricultural Research, 29.
Butt, S., Anjum, M., Rehman (2016). Development of Information Dissemination Platform by Integrating Web And Android Technologies, Science International.
Samiya Rafiq, Maria Saleemi, Mariam Rehman, Maria Anjum, Farhat Saleemi, Sehar Qayyum, Muhammad Asif Kamran, Muhammad Khalid Bashir (2016). An Empirical Investigation for User Satisfaction About E-Learning Systems In Pakistan, Science International.
Anwar, M., Esichaikul, V., Rehman, M. and Anjum, M. (2015). E-Government Services Evaluation from Citizen Satisfaction Perspective: A Case of Afghanistan, Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy.
Skandar, A., Rehman, M. and Anjum, M. (2015). An Efficient Duplication Record Detection for Database Cleansing, International Journal of Computer Applications, 127 (6), pp. 28 – 37.
Masood, A., Rehman, M., Anjum, M., Alam, M. and Kanwal, S. (2015). An Audible Search Engine for Visually Impaired Users: A Prototype Developed using Assistive Technology, International Journal of Computer Applications.