Maryam Batool
Gender & Development Studies
1-1-2009 to onwards, Lecturer, Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Honor and Awards
- 1st Position in M.A. Gender and Development Studies.
- Best Project Award (2007) From Fatima Memorial Hospital.
- Presented paper in 1st International conference on ‘Global Gender Perspective’ 14-16 November, 2017 under GWU & LCWU
- Moderated a Keynote address at international conference on ‘What Works for Women’s Equality’ on 2 August 2016 at Elliot School of International Affairs Washington, D.C., United States.
- Arranged ‘Community Development Project on Stress Management for the Women in Destress in Dar ul Aman’ on January 2015.
Graduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Years Degree Name
2009 B.S. Fatima Mazhar
2011 B.S. Aleena Shahid
2018 B.S. Saba Shafique
2018 B.S. Sidra Naeem
2018 B.S. Hamna Younas
2019 B.S. Khizra Ali
Service Activity
1– Delivering Lectures
2 – Taking Presentations & Assignments
3 – Exams Invigilation Duty
4 – Paper checking & Paper setting
5 – Result making on Award list
6 – Class Incharge/coordination and deal with different matters and issues of students
7 – Admission related work and duties
8 – Supervision of internship reports and thesis
Brief Statement of Research Interest
I’m interested in organizing a research related with gender perspective.