Dr. Moneeba Iftikhar
Department of Mass Communication
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This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ph.D. Mass communication University of Gujrat (UOG)
Ms. Mass Communication Lahore College for Women University, Lahore. (Gold Medalist)
M.A Mass Communication University of the Punjab 1st Division
B.A Lahore college for women university 1st Division
F.A Lahore college for women university 1st Division
Matriculation Divisional public school 1st Division
- Invited as guest speaker by Institute for democratic education and advocacy - IDEA conducted a Panel Debate on the topic "Conflict Resolution & Peace Building among University students “in University of Punjab on 29th January 2020.
- One of the distinguished Trainers in DIGITAL EMPOWERMENT OF JOURNALISTS WORKSHOP in April 2019 organized by US Embassy in partnership with Pakistan US Alumini Network (PAUN), held in sheikhupura, Okara and Lahore.
- Guest speaker invited by Pakistan UK Cultural Foundation to Launch the book FOLK MEDIA and spoke to British Pakistani Community in LONDON UK in August 2019. https://www.dailyausaf.com/epaper/popup.php?newssrc=issues/2019-08-28/90020/e216.gif
- Invited as guest speaker in an international conference held in Singapore in 24th October 2019
https://www.wcmri.net/ - Guest Speaker in WCMRI conference December 2018 in Dubai http://wcmri.net/index.php
- Invited as a guest speaker in Islamabad by “LOK VIRSA” works under Federal Government of Pakistan, in June 2019. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OB40jtT-MKY
- Eminent speaker of training sessions and workshops organized by Akhuwat Institute of Social Enterprise Management since 2017
- Invited as Guest speaker and panelist in the media conference entitle “Modern Media Trends “organized by Chief Minister Youth Mobilization Committee (CMYMC) in collaboration of PILAC on 12th May 2017.
- Reviewer of Taylor Francis journal for an impact Factor “FEMINIST MEDIA STUDIES”
- Honorary Fellow of IFERP, institute For Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) professional association registered for research development and promotion in the field of engineering and technology
- Member of Program Reviewer Committee of 7th Annual International Conferences on Journalism and Mass communications( JMComm 18) 22-23 October 2018 Singapore by global Science and Technology forum Singapore.
- Member of Program Editorial Board and Reviewer Committee of 14th SINGAPORE International Conference on “Language, Humanities, Education and Social Sciences” (LHESS-18) by Dignifies Researchers
- Member of Program Editorial Board and Reviewer Committee of Mass Media & Society (COMASS2018, Indonesia) from 20-21 July, 2018.
- Invited as Guest speaker and panelist in the media conference entitle “Modern Media Trends “organized by Chief Minister Youth Mobilization Committee (CMYMC) in collaboration of PILAC on 12th May 2017.
Trainings & Workshops Attended
Successfully get Training by HEC under the title of “Indigenous Campus Training under HEC Modern University Governance Program”, in 2014
- Completed a training Workshop under the title safety of JOURNALISM STUDENTS AND JOURNALISTS IN HOSTILE ENVIORNEMNT, in FCCU in collaboration of OSLO METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY 2019. https://www.facebook.com/groups/2255722368000347/
- Completed training on Photo journalism organized by INSTITUTE OF JOURNALISM , GERMNAY IN April 2019
- Completed a training workshop under the title of SCRIPT TO SCREEN (multimedia, Post Production, Motion Graphics on 2nd April 2019, Organized by Comsats University in collaboration of
- Workshop on “Qualitative data analysis using NVIVO”. The University of the Punjab held on 27/28-12-2021.
- Digital Security and Journalists’ Safety Workshop at Forman Christian College organized in collaboration with OsloMet - Oslo Metropolitan University held on 22/23/24-05-2022.
Climate Journalism Workshop hosted by FCCU Journalism and Media International Center FCCU in collaboration with the Journalism & Media International Center of Oslo Metropolitan University, (JMIC) Norway held on 2nd June 2022.
Working Experience as an Advertising Expert
Nestle Pakistan ( JUICES, DAIRY, SNACKS)
Servis Industry Pakistan.
Master tiles and sanitary
Master beverages
Master City
Jojo Foods and confectionaries
GFC fans
Golden Pumps
Seasons Canolive Oil
Belvin Fans
Baby Master and happi Nappi diapers
Faiza beauty by Ponia Group
Golden Pearls Cosmetics
Awards and Honors
Awarded PRIDE OF PAKISTAN EXCELLENCE Award by Pakistan Youth Community in 2019.
https://www.facebook.com/PakYouthCommunity/photos/a.684721788592230/796076550790086/?type=3&theater, https://pakistanyouthcommunity.org/
- Awarded BY YOUTH WOMEN ICON 2019 Award by Lagaan (Youth Development Society) in 2019.
Awarded a Gold medal for achieving the first position in MS. (2014).
Awarded by Research Incentive Award from Vice Chancellor LCWU in 2017.
Awarded by Roll of honor for securing the highest CGPA in MPhil in 2014.
Awarded by International travel grant by PHEC and HEC, to present Research papers internationally in 2017 and 2018.
Awarded by laptop from CHIEF MINISTER Youth scheme in 2012.
Awarded a certificate by HEC on completion of a successful training under the title of “Indigenous Campus Training under HEC Modern University Governance Program”, in 2014.
Won second and third prize in TVC competition in K-Media event organized by Kinnaird College on 5th May 2017 as project supervisor.
Won first and second prize in FESTIVE ASIA event organized by University of South Asia in PSM making as project supervisor held on 16th to 20th February 2017.
Won first prize in PSM making organized by Anti-Narcotics force on annual drug Burning Day held in Lahore 2016.
Won third prize in TVC making as project supervisor in Express education &career Expo held in Lahore 2016.
Coordinator of BS 1 in Dept. of Mass communication LCWU since 2015.
Admission Coordinator of BS Mass communication LCWU since 2015, 16, 17 & 19.
BS exam coordinator (2022-till present)
Research supervised
BS Thesis Completed 29
MS Thesis Completed 1
Project Supervised
BS Advertising 51
BS Public Relations 33
MS Advertising 32
Examining the effects of media-generated stereotypes on receivers’ trust and attitude in Pakistan published in X Category in “Information” January 2021, Vol. 12, pp. 1-15. (Cite Score 3.0 Scopus)
- Citizen Journalism Practices during COVID-19 in Spotlight: Influence of User-Generated Contents about Economic Policies in Perceiving Government Performance published in X category in Information Discovery and Delivery. May 2021. ISSN: 2398-6247 (Impact factor 0.54)
https://doi.org/10.1108/IDD-09-2020-0118 - An Experimental Evidence on Eco-friendly Advertisement Appeals and Intention to use Bio-nanomaterial Plastics: Institutional Collectivism and Performance Orientation as Moderators published in W category in International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Vol 18(791), 2021, EISSN: 1660-4601. (2.89 Impact Factor)
Precautionary Behavior towards dengue virus through Public Service Announcement: Mediation of Individual’s Attention, Information Surveillance, and Elaboration published in W Category January 2020SAGE Open (0.715 Impact factor)
PUBLICATIONS in HEC Recognized Journals
Construction of Female Identity in Pakistani Television Commercials (Nov2015-April2016): A Semiotic Analysis in HEC Recognized Y category “Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies” March 2017, Vol. 14, pp. 81-110, ISSN: 2072-0394
Revisiting Uses and Gratification Theory: Mediation of Interpersonal Communication in linking Visual Communication through Holly Wood Movies and Media Orientation of young Girls. In HEC recognized Y category Journal of the Punjab University Historical Society Current Issue (Vol. 30, No. 1, June 2017) 26-40
Application of CMM Model: Mediation of Gratification surveillance in relationship between Cultivation Effects of dramas and Adoption Behavior among Rural Women. Published in Dec 2017 in HEC recognized X category in the journal of “Research society of Pakistan” Volume No. 54, Issue No. 2 (July - December, 2017) pp. 27-40. ISSN 0034-5431
- Mediating role of individual’s Ethical Belief in determining the Influence of the Mobile Networks TV Advertisements on Moral Behavior of Youth in Pakistan, published in HEC Recognized Y category “PAKISTAN VISION” ( July –December 2017) 18 N0.2 pp146-162, ISSN- 1681-5742
- Testing Cognitive-Experiential Theory: Effect of Economic vs Fear Appeals on Perceived Value and Ad Evaluation of Saving Schemes Advertisements and Moderation of need for cognition, published in HEC recognised X category PAKISTAN ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REVIEW Dec 2017 available at JSTOR (http://www.jstor.org) ISSN-1011-002X, Volume 55, No. 2 (Winter 2017), pp. 541-565
- Effect of the Cultural Gender Role Orientation on Advertising Intrusiveness and the Moderating effect of Self-referencing: An Experimental Study published in June 2018 in the current volume of in HEC recognized X category in the journal of “Research society of Pakistan” Volume No. 55, Issue No. 1 (Jan - June, 2018) pp. 27-40. ISSN 0034-5431
- Public Opinion about the Role of Pakistani Entertainment Channels in Accordance with the Ideology of Pakistan PUBLISHED IN HEC Recognized Y category “PAKISTAN VISION” (July –December 2018) 10, No.2, pp. 73-82.
- An Experimental Study on Interplay of Direct Anti-Smoking Public Service Advertisements and Anti-Smoking Messages Placement Disclosures in Movies with Attitude to Quit Smoking published in HEC recognized X category GLOBAL SOCIAL SCIENCES REVIEW (GSSR) p-ISSN 2520-0348,e-ISSN 2616-793X,Vol. III, no.III (summer2018) pp.1-22.
- Television Commercials as a Tool of Education: The Usage and Impact of Smartphones Among Millennials published in HEC Recognised Y category , December 2018, volume 12 of Journal of Research and Reflections in Education ISSN No: 1995-5243, , pp 175-187 ISSN No. 1996-1359 (online)
- Gender Stereo type news in the context of the ethnicity: Scale development and validation, accepted to be published in HEC recognized X category PAKISTAN JOURNAL PF PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH (PJPR) ISSN NO: 1016-0664, in its upcoming edition 2019, vol. 34 No. 1.
- A Wave of Change: Socially Responsible Advertising influence on the buying Behavior and Social Development in Pakistan, published in June 2019 volume VI issue I of Journal of Arts and Social Sciences pp. 1-31. E-ISSN: 2414-8512 HEC recognized Y category.
- Role of Public Service Educational Messages in Educating People about the Perceived Risk of Hepatitis in Pakistan is published in Journal of Mass Communication, Vol. 16, 2019 25-45 ISSN #2219-0627 HEC recognized Z category.
- IMPACT OF YOUTUBE TUTORIALS IN SKILL DEVELOPMENT AMONG UNIVERSITY STUDENTS OF LAHORE published in Pakistan Journal of Distance & Online Learning Hec Recognized Y category Volume: V, Issue II, December 2019, 125-138 https://pjdol.aiou.edu.pk/
- Role of Breast Cancer Awareness Advertising Educational Messages in Educating Women to Develop a Precautionary Behavior published in HEC RECOGNIZED Z category in Issue Vol 2 No 2 (2019): July - December 2019 ISSN 2706-6525 (Online) :: ISSN 2706-8285 (Print) https://www.sjesr.org.pk/ojs/index.php/ojs/article/view/23
- Femininity in Pakistani Advertising: Portrayal of Gender Relationships & Islamic Values in Pakistani Television Commercials published in X category in Pakistan Journal of Islamic Research Vol: 21, Issue: http://pjir.bzu.edu.pk/upload/Vol%2021,%20Issue%201_02%20Fakhra%20Aziz,%20Moneeba,%20Faiza%2014-05-2020%20NEW_03.pdf
- Book “FOLK MEDIA” Saqafti Media considered as Y category Journal Publication by HEC. ( letter attached)
- Exploring the role of social media in dissemination of agricultural information and technologies among farmers in Pakistan: A diagnostic study of Sahiwal district” is accepted to be published in The Journal of Agricultural Research Published by Directorate of Agricultural Information Punjab JAR Vol. 58(2) Y category
- Role Of Public Service Awareness Messages In Developing Precautionary Attitude Towards Breast Cancer Detection Among Pakistani Women is accepted to be published in volume of Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies Vol. 20(2), 2020, ISSN: 2072-0394(Print), ISSN: 2663-8886(Online) Y category https://www.socialsciencejournals.pjgs-ws.com/index.php/PJGS/article/view/517 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46568/pjgs.v20i2.517
- Mediating Role of Consumer Engagement in Relationship between exposure of Web-Based Korean Content and Purchase Decision towards Brand Selection in Journal of Mass Communication. Vol. 23. December 2020. ISSN: 2219-0627.
- Moderation of Superior-Subordinate Communication: Relationship between Policy-Making and Policy based Attitude towards Implementation Published in Y category Journal Global Mass Communication Review (GMCR) (2020). https://gmcrjournal.com/issue/5/1/2020
- The Impact of Climate Change Coverage on Public Adherence towards Health Threat: An Empirical Validation of the Health Belief Model Published in Y category Sjesr, Volume 4 Issue 2 Pages 402-413 (2021). https://ojs.sjesr.org.pk/index.php/ojs/article/view/757 DOI: https://doi.org/10.36902/sjesr-vol4-iss2-2021(402-413)
- Revisiting Television in Pakistan: A Case Studyof WomenRepresentationin Pakistani Television Drama“Zindagi Gulzar Hai published in Y category Jahan-e-Tahqeeq Vol.4 3 (2021) https://jahan-e-tahqeeq.com/index.php/jahan-e-tahqeeq/article/view/583
- Role of Pakistani Print Media in Promoting Clean and Green Pakistan Campaign published in Y category Journal of Arts & Social Sciences (JASS)Volume, 7 Issue 2, Pages 24-34 (2020).
https://ojs.jass.pk/ojs/index.php/jass/article/view/25 DOI: https://doi.org/10.46662/jass-vol7-iss2-2020(24-34) - Visual Metaphors in Pakistani Television Commercials: Its Role in Shaping Female Consumer’s Perceptions about Brand Image and its Consumption published in Y category Journal Liberal Arts and Social Sciences International Journal (LASSIJ)Volume 4, Issue 2, 2020, Pages 145-158 https://ideapublishers.org/index.php/lassij/article/view/195 DOI: https://doi.org/10.47264/idea.lassij/4.2.12
- VIRTUAL IDENTITIES AND SOCIAL MEDIA: A CASE STUDY OF SNAPCHAT (2016-17), Y category in FAST TRANSACTIONS ON EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SCIENCES http://vfast.org/journals/index.php/VTSE@ 2017 ISSN(e): 2309-3951;ISSN(p):2411-0221 Volume 14, Number 1, September-October, 2017 01-07.
- Published a BOOK under the title of “FOLK MEDIA” by Alfaisal publishers in 2019. Id recognized By HEC (Letter Attached)
- Presented Research paper entitled “IMPACT OF PRECIVED CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILTY TELEVSION COMMERCIAL ON PEOPLE OF LAHORE, PAKISTAN “in the Innovation Arabia 10 held in The Address Dubai Marina UAE from 6-8 March 2017
- Presented Research paper entitled “ Impact of Web-Based Korean Content on Brand Selection’, in 6th Annual international confrence of journalism and Mass Communication , Hotel fort Canning in Singapore on 9th -10th october 2017.
- Presented Research paper entitled “Does Family Communication Influence the Leadership Pattern of Pakistani Girls? A Study of Behavioral Patterns?” held in Holiday inn by Dignified Researchers in Humanities, Social Sciences (DRHSS) Conferences 2017.March 21-22, 2018 Istanbul (Turkey).
- Presented paper entitled “Effects of Smartphone Applications on Personal Grooming of School Children: An Exploratory Study in Urban Pakistan”, in International Confrence on Journalism, Media and Mass Communication (ICJMM-18) by international institute of Researchans scientific technology (iirst). 5th Spetember 2018, in Park Hotel Kowloon HONG KONG.
- Presented a paper “Public Service Educational Messages in Educating People about the Perceived Risk of Hepatitis” in inetrnational confrence World Conference on Multidisciplinary Research & Innovation (WCMRI-18) Flora Creek Deluxe Hotel Apartments Port Saeed Road ,Near Deira City Centre Dubai Creek – DUBAI United Arab Emirates. 29-30th December 2018.
- The Impact of Perceived Corporate Social Responsibility Television Commercials on the People of Lahore, Pakistan. QUALITY AND BUSINESS MANGMENT CONFRENCE PROCEEDINGS ISSN# 2414-6110.
- “Impact of Web-Based Korean Content on Brand Selection’, in 6th Annual international conference of journalism and Mass Communication. JMCOMM 2017 CONFRENEC PROCEEDINGS ISSN #2301-3710
- Does Family Communication Influence the Leadership Pattern of Pakistani Girls? A Study of Behavioral Patterns ISBN #978-93-86878-22-3 pp175-179
- Effects of Smartphone Applications on Personal Grooming of School Children: An Exploratory Study in Urban Pakistan ICJMMC -2018 proceedings published by IIRST ISBN #9788192958057 pp 63-70