Dr. Sadia Khalil
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
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Personal/ Academic Preparation
Service Activity
- Postdoc (University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA, June - August, 2019)
- Ph D. Statistics (2018) from NCBA&E, Lahore, Pakistan with Professor Muhammad hanif of NCBA&E as the Advisor, and Professor Sat Gupta (Fellow of the American Statistical Association), University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA, as Co-Advisor.
- M Phil. Statistics (Govt. College University Lahore, Pakistan, 2006)
- M Sc. Statistics (Govt. College University Lahore, Pakistan, 2004
- B Sc. General Science (Queen Mary College Lahore, Pakistan, 2002)
07-02-2018 to date
Assistant Professor (BPS-19, Adhoc)
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
22-06-2012 to 06-02-2018
Lecturer, (BPS-18)
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
26-10-2011 to 21-06-2012
Idara Taleem-o-Agahi (Centre for Education and Consciousness), Lahore
01-12-2005 to 28-05-2010
Contech International Health Consultants, Lahore
Honor and Awards
- Courtesy appointment as a Graduate Faculty at University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA, Spring 2021 onwards.
- Have been chaired a Session on Survey Sampling at the International Conference “UNCG Regional Mathematics & Statistics” held at UNC Greensboro, USA on November 20, 2021.
- Have been chaired a Session on RRT Models in Survey Sampling at the International Conference on “Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics (AISC)” held at UNC Greensboro, USA from October 8-10, 2021.
- Have been appointed as Associate Editor on the Editorial Board for the Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, a Springer journal.
- Participated as a mentor in the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program on Complex Data Analysis using Statistical and Machine Learning Tools at UNC Greensboro in the Summers of 2020 and 2021. Work from the 2020 participation already appeared in a X category journal. The work from 2021, is also submitted in a X category journal.
- Recently, the students of REU-2021 with whom I served as a mentor, received the 1st best paper award in an International Conference AISC 2021 in USA.
- Received an opportunity for a one-year Vising Assistant Professor position at UNC Greensboro in 2021 but could not avail due to late receipt of NOC.
- A paper of mine, co-authored with Badr Aloraini (whose PhD dissertation committee I served on) received the 2nd best paper award by a young researcher in Saudi Arabia in 2021
- Guest attendance at the Editorial Board meeting for the Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice held at Denver, Colorado, USA in July 2019.
- Received Young Researcher Award from University of North Carolina, Greensboro in September 2018 to present a paper at the International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics-AISC, Oct 05-07, 2018.
- Received Research Incentive Award from LCWU for the year-2017
- (For those papers that appeared online in that year)
- Member of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences (ISOSS) since February 2018 – Present
Graduate Students/ Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Ph.D. (Statistics)
- Currently Serving on the Ph.D. dissertation committee of Pujita Sapra (2021-22), a student at University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA. I already have one paper with Pujita in an impact factor journal
- Served on the Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of Badr Aloraini (2020-21) at University of North Carolina Greensboro, USA. Badr defended his dissertation on “Variance Estimation using Randomized Response Technique” in June 2021. I co-authored 4 papers with Badr including one that won him the 2nd prize in Saudi Arabia in the category of young researchers.
MS (Statistics)
Nimra Kareem (2020-22): “Working on Synopsis”
Omaima Afzal (2020-22): “Working on Synopsis”
Fakhar-ul-Nisa (2019-2021): Thesis on “Impact of measurement errors & non-response on mean estimation of sensitive variable using non sensitive auxiliary variables in two-phase sampling”. LCWU, Lahore
Aimen Aslam (2019-2021): Thesis on “Generalized estimators of population mean under the joint influence of measurement error and non-response using auxiliary variables in simple and stratified two-phase sampling” LCWU, Lahore.
Usra Shuja (2018-2020): Thesis on “Estimation of population mean of sensitive study variable based on randomized response technique using auxiliary information in the presence of measurement errors under two-phase sampling” LCWU, Lahore.
Zoia Abid (2017-2019): Thesis on “Generalized mean estimators using single and two auxiliary variables in the presence of measurement errors under two-phase sampling” LCWU, Lahore.
BS (Statistics)
- Amber Qasim (2021-22): “Working on Internship Report”
- Aqsa Zia (2021-22): “Working on Internship Report”
- Kinza (2021-22): “Working on Internship Report”
- Hadia Ijaz (2021-22): “Working on Internship Report”
- Kashaf (2021): Project on “Geometric Mean Ratio Estimator in Systematic Sampling” LCWU, Lahore.
- Zunaira Azam (2020): “Internship Report on Pakistan Meteorological Department Lahore” LCWU, Lahore.
- Kainat Batool (2018): Thesis on “Generalized Mean Estimator using Two Auxiliary Variables”. LCWU, Lahore.
- Zoia Abid (2016): Thesis on “A Univariate Time Series Modeling of Citrus Fruits Production in Punjab”. LCWU, Lahore.
- Supervised many other students on their internship reports.
Service Activity
University Service
- Member departmental Doctoral Committee
- Member Curriculum Committee
- Coordinator QEC
- Record keeping of MS student data for QEC
- MS Admissions
- Administrations (Maintenance of Equipment)
Brief Statement of Research Interest
My main research interest lies in the area of survey sampling. I wrote my Ph.D. thesis on this topic. Specifically, I am interested in the use of Randomized Response Technique (RRT) Models in estimating prevalence of sensitive behaviors in society. RRT models have been used extensively in real-life situations in many countries, and I would like to replicate that effort to estimate some such sensitive behaviors among students in Lahore so that proper interventions can be considered. This is an important issue because we usually concentrate more on theory and less on real applications of that theory.
Going forward, I would like to involve my students more and more in my research by way of supervision of BS Projects and MS/M.Phil. theses, and potentially PhD theses. I will also continue to collaborate with other researchers in my field of research, such as my former Supervisor/Co-Supervisor and other co-authors.
I have 14 published research papers, 03 accepted papers, and 03 other are under review in the area of Sampling and Applied Statistics, all in International/ HEC recognized journals.
Year- 2021
- Khalil, S., Zhang, Q and Gupta, S. (2021) “Mean Estimation of Sensitive Variables under Measurement Errors using Optional RRT Models” Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 50 (5), 1417-1426.
Impact factor: 0.651, (Scopus, Category: X, Country: USA)
- Zhang, Q., Khalil, S., Gupta, S. (2021). “Mean Estimation in the Simultaneous Presence of Measurement Errors and Non-response using Optional RRT Models under Stratified Sampling”. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 91(17), 3492-3504.
Impact factor: 0.767 (Scopus, Category: W, Country: UK)
- Lovig, M., Khalil, S., Rahman, S., Sapra, P and Gupta, S. (2021)” A Mixture Binary RRT Model with a Unified Measure of Privacy and Efficiency” Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation. https://doi.org/10.1080/03610918.2021.1914092.
Impact factor: 0.651, (Scopus, Category: X, Country: USA)
- Zhang, Q., Khalil, S., and Gupta, S. (2021) “Mean Estimation of Sensitive Variables under Non-response and Measurement Errors using Optional RRT Models”. Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 15(1), Article #3. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42519-020-00135-2
(Scopus, Category: Y, Country: USA)
- Aloraini, B., Khalil, S., Qureshi, N., and Gupta, S. (2021) “Variance Estimation Using an Optional Randomized Response Technique”, Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
(Accepted) (Scopus, Category: Y, Country: UK)
- Shuja, U., Khalil, S., Gupta, S. (2021). “Mean Estimation Using Scrambled Responses with the Impact of Measurement Errors in Two-Phase Sampling” Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics
(Accepted) (Scopus, Category: Y, Country: UK)
- Irum., Afzal, M., Khalil, S., Shamim., M., (2021) “Comparison of Shrinkage and Feature Selection Methods for Modeling GDP of Pakistan”, Journal of Statistics & Management Systems.
(Accepted) (Emerging Sources Citation Index, Category: Y, Country: India)
- Gupta, S., Aloraini, B., Qureshi, N., and Khalil, S. (2021) “Estimation of Population Variance Using Optional Randomized Response Technique Model in the Presence of Measurement Errors” Communications in Statistics – Simulation and Computation
(Under Review) Impact factor: 0.651, (Scopus, Category: X, Country: USA)
- Aloraini, B., Khalil, S., Qureshi, N., and Gupta, S., (2021) “Estimation of Population Variance for a Sensitive variable in Stratified Sampling using Randomized Response Technique”, REVSTAT- Statistical Journal
(Under Review) Impact factor: 0.722, (Scopus, Category: Y, Country: Portugal)
- Gupta, S., Zhang, J., Khalil, S. and Sapra, P (2021) “Mitigating Lack of Trust in Quantitative Randomized Response Techniques Models”, Mathematical Problems in Engineering
(Under Review) Impact factor: 1.305 (Scopus, Category: X, Country: USA)
Year- 2020
- Gupta, S., Aloraini, B., Qureshi, N., and Khalil, S. (2020) “Variance Estimation Using Randomized Response Technique”, REVSTAT- Statistical Journal, 18(2), 165-176.
Impact factor: 0.722, (Scopus, Category: Y, Country: Portugal)
Year- 2019
- Khalil, S., Noor-ul-Amin, M. and Hanif, M. (2019) “Generalized Estimator of Population Mean by using Conventional and Non-Conventional Measures in the Presence of Measurement Errors” Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation. 48(2), 516-529.
Impact factor: 0.651, (Scopus, Category: X, Country: USA)
- Khalil, S., Gupta, S. and Hanif, M. (2019) “Estimation of finite Population Mean in Stratified Sampling using Scrambled Responses in the Presence of Measurement Errors” Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods. 48(6), 1553-1561.
Impact factor: 0.612, (Scopus, Category: X, Country: USA)
- Zhang, Q., Gupta, S., Kalucha, G., and Khalil, S. (2019) “Ratio Estimation of the Mean under RRT Models” Journal of Statistics & Management Systems. 22(1), 97-113.
(Emerging Sources Citation Index, Category: Y, Country: India)
Year- 2018
- Qureshi, N., Khalil, S., Chao, C.-T and Hanif, M. (2018) “Estimation of Rare and Clustered Population Variance in Adaptive Cluster Sampling” Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods. 48(21), 5387-5400
Impact factor: 0.612, (Scopus, Category: X, Country: USA)
- Khalil, S., Gupta, S. and Hanif, M. (2018) “A Generalized Estimator for Finite Population Mean in the Presence of Measurement Errors in Stratified Random Sampling” Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 12(2), 311-324.
(Scopus, Category: Y, Country: USA)
- Gupta, S., Mehta, S., Shabbir, J. and Khalil, S. (2018) “A Unified Measure of Respondent Privacy and Model Efficiency in Quantitative RRT Models” Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice. 12(3), 506-511.
(Scopus, Category: Y, Country: USA)
- Khalil, S., Noor-ul-Amin, M. and Hanif, M. (2018) “Estimation of Population Mean for a Sensitive Variable in the Presence of Measurement Error” Journal of Statistics & Management Systems. 21(1), 81-91.
(Emerging Sources Citation Index, Category: Y, Country: India)
Qureshi, N., Khalil, S. and Hanif, M. (2018) “Generalized Semi Exponential Type Estimator under Systematic Sampling” Journal of Statistical Theory and Applications. 17(2), 283-290.
(Emerging Sources Citation Index, Category: Y, Country: France) -
Qureshi, N., Khalil, S. and Hanif, M. (2018) “Joint Influence of Exponential Ratio and Exponential Product Estimator for the Estimation Clustered Population Mean in Adaptive Cluster Sampling” Advances and Applications in Statistics, 53(1), 13-28.
(Emerging Sources Citation Index, Category: Y, Country: India)
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
- In June-2020, With due approval from honorable Vice Chancellor Dr. Bushra Mirza and Department Head, I have been appointed on the Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of one student at University of North Carolina Greensboro (UNCG), USA. This student has defended his thesis on 15 June 2021.
- I am recently appointed on the Ph.D. Dissertation Committee of another student at UNCG.
- I have now been appointed as a Courtesy Graduate Faculty at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro for the sole purpose of being able to serve on Ph.D. dissertation committees there.
- Member in the Panel of Examiner at Department of Statistics, COMSATS University Islamabad, Lahore Campus.
- As external examiner, reviewed MS level theses of GCU and NCBA&E students, Lahore
- Refereed papers for these International Journals:
- Communications in Statistics – Theory and Methods (USA)
- Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice (USA)
- Mathematical Population Studies: An International Journal of Mathematical Demography (UK)
- Journal of the Indian Society of Agricultural Statistics (India)
- Colombian Journal of Statistics (Revista Colombiana de Estadística)
- Conducted Intermediate Board duty as Statistical Practical Examiner
Selected Professional Presentations
Research Presentations
Paper presented on “Generalized RRT Mean Estimator using Two Auxiliary Variables in the Presence of Measurement Errors in Two-Phase Sampling” at the International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics (AISC) at University of North Carolina – Greensboro (UNCG), USA (09, October, 2021).
One of my MS Students, presented her research work in a Poster Competition held at Department of Statistics LCWU Lahore (27, October, 2021).
Participated as a Student Mentor in an online International Conference “The 16th annual UNCG Regional Mathematics and Statistics Conference” (14, November 2020)
Research Presentation on “Impact of Measurement Errors on Mean Estimation using Randomized Data” to the Sampling Research Group at University of North Carolina – Greensboro (UNCG), USA (28, June 2019).
Paper presented on “Mean Estimation of Sensitive Variables under Measurement Errors using Optional RRT Models” at the International Conference on Advances in Interdisciplinary Statistics and Combinatorics (AISC 2018) at University of North Carolina – Greensboro (UNCG), USA (05-07, October 2018).
Paper presented on “Estimation of population mean for a sensitive variable in the presence of measurement error” at 16th International Conference on Statistical Sciences: Advances in Statistics and Data Management, Its role in national growth and socio-economic development, at Islamia College, Peshawar, Pakistan (05-08, March, 2018)