Sameena Irfan
Department of Statistics
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Lecturer Statistics
January 2007 To present
Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
- Lecturer Statistics
April 2005 To January2007
Government Allama Iqbal College (Women), Sialkot
Honor and Awards - 1st position F.A in Statistics in Govt. College for Women Samanabad Lahore
- 2nd Position (BS level Applied Statistics) in poster competition titled “Let the Data Speak” held on Oct 27, 2021 at LCWU, Lahore. (Ayesha Mumtaz, Sameena Irfan).
- Conduct exams of BS & MS classes
- Conduct viva of final year students of BS & MS
- Convocation and degree award
Graduate and Undergraduate Students
Years Degree Name
2005-09 BS Saima Ashfaq
2012-16 BS Maha Waseem
2015-19 BS Aqsa Asghar
2016-20 BS Syeda Aroob
2017-21 BS Ayesha Muntaz
2017-21 BS ShahreenPaper Published
Kamal, A., Asghar, A., and Irfan, S. (2021). “Socio demographic determinants of BMI of Pakistani women: An evidence from PDHS (2017-18) using quantile regression analysis”, Journal of Pakistan Medical Association Vol.71, N0.4, pp 1069 - 1075.
Poster Presented
- Mumtaz, A., and Irfan, (2021). “Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Cesarean Sections in Punjab Paakistan” “Let the Data Speak” held on Oct 27, 2021 at LCWU, Lahore 2nd Position (BS level Applied Statistics)
- Farooq, F., and Irfan, S. (2021). “Socio-Economic and Demographic Factors Associated with Women Happiness in Punjab Paakistan” “Let the Data Speak” held on Oct 27, 2021 at LCWU, Lahore 2nd Position (BS level Applied Statistics)