Dr. Tahira Kalsoom
Assistant professor
STEM Eduaction Department
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- Ph.D. in Education (2014) ( Area of Specialization: Curriculum and Instruction)
- M. A. English Language Teaching (2004) from University of Management and Technology.
- M. A. Islamic Studies (2000) from University of the Punjab, Lahore.
- Post Graduate Diploma in Primary Education (1997) from Ali Institute of Education.
Professional Experience and Achievements
- Working as an Assistant professor in Lahore College for Women University on TTS
While working on this position:
- I am Working as a Coordinator for Ph. D class.
- Coordination with QEC.
- Coordination with National accreditation council.
- I Initiated and established B. Ed. Honors Secondary Education program for the Department of Education LCWU
- Developed Scheme of Studies for . Ed. Honors Secondary Education program for the Department of Education LCWU
- In charge Accreditation of B. Ed. Honors Secondary Education program for the Department of Education LCWU
- Coordinator Sub campus Jhang LCWU and affiliated colleges
- Developed course outlines for the subjects of:
- Educational Psychology for MS, M phil. and Ph. D.
- Curriculum Development for MS, M. Phil.
- Foundations of Education for B, Ed honors secondary Education 4 years program
- Educational Administration and supervision for B, Ed honors secondary Education 4 years program
- General Methods of Teaching
- Teaching and Learning Strategies
- Teaching of English, Urdu, and Islamic Studies
- Have worked as a principal Alfauz International college for girls Jauharabbad Khushab
- Have worked as a textbook writer and teacher trainer in AFAQ
- Have worked as a curriculum developer and teacher trainer in SEHAR
- Have Worked as a Subject Specialist and Teacher Trainer in Beacon house School system’s Head Office Lahore Aug. 2005-Oct. 2006
- Trained NACTE External Evaluator
- I organized an international conference on Moral Education and character Building: Role of Educators and Education” in Research and Evaluation Department, Lahore College for Women University on 22-24 November, 2018.
- Member Advisory and Technical Committee 8th International Conference on Educational and Information Technology (ICEIT 2019) held in Cambridge University.
- Member Scientific Committee Eurasian Conference on Languages and social sciences (ECLSS 2019) held in Antalya Turkey.
Training and Workshops
- Worked as a resource person in 15 Days Faculty Development Workshop at Riphah International University
- Conducted a workshop on Quantitative Research Methods in Govt. Post Graduate College for Women Gulberg on March 6th
- Organized an International workshop on Writing dissertation and research articles on 2oth November 2018 in Lahore College for Women University
- Organized an International workshop on Developing Qualitative Research Tool on 2oth November 2018 in Lahore College fro Women University
- Organized an International Workshop on Quantitative data analysis 24th November 2018 in Lahore College fro Women University
- Conducted a workshop on Quantitative Data Analysis in Islamia College Cooper Road Lahore on April 22nd
- Conducted one week Faculty Development Workshop in Alfauz International College for Girls Jauharabad Khushab from 8th to 13th August 2018
- Conducted a workshop on Quantitative Research in Islamia College Cooper Road Lahore on May 2nd
Experience as a reviewer
- Working as a reviewer for International Journal of Bulletin of Educational research. Institute of Education and Research University of the Punjab
- Working as a reviewer in African Educational Research Journal.
- Worked as a reviewer for proceedings of 2nd International conference on Moral Education: Role of educators and education. Lahore College for Women University Lahore, Pakistan
Member Editorial Board
Working as a Member of Editorial Board IJEER Journal of Institute of Education Lahore College for women University Lahore Pakistan
Kalsoom T, Mujahid A H& Aziz F,(2019) Learners with Dyspraxia: Teachers’ Perceptions at Elementary Level Journal of Elementary Education Volume 29, No. 1, pp. 95-108
Kalsoom , T, Aziz, F, Jabeen, S . (2019). An In-depth Analysis of Peers and Mentors' Feedback during Teaching Practicum. Global Social Sciences Review ,IV(III),337-349, doi:10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).31 https://www.gssrjournal.com/jadmin/Auther/31rvIolA2LALJouq9hkR/DSVOgj5xvX.pdf
Teachers’ Influence on Students’ Attitude Towards Mathematics, International Journal of Educational enquiry and Reflection, 4(1), 35-45 https://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol6/teachers-4.pdf
“Teachers’ Perception regarding Effect of Reward System on Teachers’ Performance at Elementary Level” published in Bulletin of Education and Research August 2017, Vol. 39, No. 2 pp. 1-17 http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/ier/PDF-FILES/9_39_2_17.pdf
Jabeen S., & Kalsoom T. (2017). Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Teaching Performance of College Teachers, International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 2 (2), 41-51. https://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol3/3-4.pdf
Kalsoom T., Shafiq M., Khanam A., Mujahid A., & Inayat N. (2018). An Exploration of Relationship between Terrorism, Students’ Academic Performance and Motivation, International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 3 (2), 48-55. https://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol5/5-4.pdf
“Parent-Teacher Association In British And Pakistani Schools: Parent-Teacher-Child Triangle “ published in Sci.Int.(Lahore),29(4),991-994,2017 ISSN 1013-5316;CODEN: SINTE 8 http://www.sci-int.com/pdf/636408294806927335.pdf
Teaching Grammar: Relationship between Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices. Published in Global Journal of HUMAN SOCIAL SCIENCE Linguistics & EducationVolume 13 Issue 12 Version 1.0 Year 2013, https://globaljournals.org/GJHSS_Volume13/8-Teaching-Grammar-Relationship.pdf
To Investigate the Impact of Socioeconomic Background on Students’ Achievements published in International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, V 1,I (2016) https://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol1/article1-3.pdf
Issues of Universities ‘Governance in Pakistan” published in Journal of Elementary Education Vol.22, No. 2 pp. 81-94 http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/JEE/PDF-Files/Article%20No.%206_V22_2_12.pdf
Have worked as a Co-Editor “prism” Volume January-April 2003. ( A Magazine of School of Education and Arts UMT).
An Urdu poem published in the Magazine of Ali Institute.
“Words are our Identity” (An Article) published in “prism” Volume January April 2003) (A Magazine of School of Education and Arts UMT).
An article, Tadrees-e-English, Nakami Ki WajoohataurKamyabi Ki Rahian” published in Afkaar-e-Muallim ( Marach2004)
Presentations/participations in seminars, worksops and conferences
An exploration of Causes and Effects of Conflicts between Academic Leaders and Staff , presented as an oral presentation at the Eighth Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences (ECLSS2019d), held in Belek, Antalya, Turkey, on October 18 – 20, 2019
Presented in7th International Conference on Education (ICE7) Research and Development in Education for a Sustainable Future held 11th 12 April 2019 on the topic of Associating Leadership’ Burnout and their Coping Humour in Pakistani Universities.
Presentation in 11th International Conference Assessment and Evaluation in the Global South: Engaging and Transforming Discourses and Practices November 8-9, 2018 Agha Khan university Karachi, Pakistan, On the topic of “PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS’ REFLECTIONS ON THE ROLE OF PEER AND MENTORS’ FEEDBACK DURING TEACHING PRACTICUM
Presentation in 2nd International conference Moral Education and Character Building Role of Education and educators.
Presentation in 4th International Conference on Research in Education held by Institute of Education and Research University of the Punjab
(23-25 November 2016) on the topic of “Relationship between reward system and teachers’ performance: A study of the teachers’ perception
Presentation in the first International Conference on Education, Building knowledge competencies for sustainable Development in Asia: achieving the goals of Life Long Learning held by Institute of Education Lahore College for Women University (2nd to 4rth November 2016) on the topic of “Effect of Terrorism on Students’ Performance and Motivation.”
Presentation in the first International Conference on Education, Building knowledge competencies for sustainable Development in Asia: achieving the goals of Life Long Learning held by Institute of Education Lahore College for Women University (2nd to 4rth November 2016) on the topic of “Effect of reward system on teachers’ performance at elementary level”
Presentation in the first International Conference on Education, Building knowledge competencies for sustainable Development in Asia: achieving the goals of Life Long Learning held by Institute of Education Lahore College for Women University (2nd to 4rth November 2016 on the topic of“EFFECT OF ACADEMIES ON STUDENTS’ COLLEGE PERFORMANCE”.
Presentation in an 3rdInternational Conference Research in Education (ICORE held on 24-26, NOVEMBER 2015) at University of the Punjab. The topic was “An Exploratory Study of the relationship between socioeconomic background and students achievement”.
Presentation in an International Conference on Education (IFOR held on 24-26, April 2015) The topic was “Connection between English language teachers’ beliefs and practices: A Case Study”
Presentation in an International Conference on Education (IFOR held on 24-26, April 2014) The topic was “An Exploratory Study of the Teachers’ Awareness about Autism in Primary Schools”
Conducted a research on Thesis and Professional Writing in Govt. Islamia College for Girls Lahore. (15 April 2015)
Conducted a research on Research Methods in Education in Lahore college for women University (05 March 2015)
Presentation in an International Conference (held on 3, 25 MARCH 2009) at University of the Punjab. The topic was “IMPLICATINS OF MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCE THEORY IN LANGUAGE CLASSROOM: Students perspective ”.
Presentation in an International Conference on Governance and Public Policy: Issues and challenges (held on 16th -18th July 2009) in Fatima Jinah Women University. The topic was “Educational Reforms in Pakistan: issues, Problems and remedies.”
Presentation in an International Conference (held on 18, 25 July 2008) at University of the Peshawer. The topic was “A study of interdisciplinary methods of Teaching and Learning in higher Education: Students perspective ”.
Presentation in an International Conference (held on 18, 25 July 2008) at University of the Peshawer. The topic was “Issue of Universities Governance in Pakistan ”.
Presentation in National Conference on Education (held on 16, 17 April 2007) at University of the Punjab. The topic was “Designing a Skill Based Syllabus for Class 5 to Teach English According to Their Needs”.
Presentation in the Seminar on Educational Change (held on 10.06.2004) at University of Management and Technology. The topic was “Change at Institutional level”.
Presentation in Seminar on sociolinguistic (held on 22.10.2002) at University of Management and Technology. The topic was “Cultural Influence on Language Development”.
Presentation in Seminar on “Current Issues in ELT” (held on 20.12.2003) at University of Management and Technology. The topic was “Computer assisted Language Learning”.
Effect Of Instructional Strategies on The Moral Development Of Students In ESL Class at College Level (Ph. D)
A Strength-Based Intervention To Create An Optimism Model For Future Leaders: Magnifying Effects Of Optimism On Optimal Performance For Positive Individuals And Flourishing Society(Ph.D)
Challenges In Teaching English As A Second Language At Intermediate Level (MS)
Exploring The Extent Of Teacher Leader At Secondary School Level (MS)
Effect Of Parental Involvement In Education At Secondary Level (MS)
A Study Of Effects Of Healthier Diet On Students’ Academic Achievement(MS)
An Investigation Into Learning Styles And Its Effects On Students Performance At University Level(MS)
The Effects OF Family Background On Students Educational Achievement At Secondary Level(MS)
Effects Of Academies On Students’ College Performance(BS Honors)
Effect Of Reward System On Teachers’ Performance At Elementary Level
Effect Of Terrorism On Students’ Performance And Motivation
Inducing Vocational Studies In General Education At Secondary Level
Teacher’s Perception Regarding Educational Reforms At University Level (MS)
- I established a girls’ degree college (Alfauz international college for girls) in District khushab to benefit underprivileged girls of such a remote area and Worked as a principal from April 2009 to July 2014 and still a part of this college as the member of Board of Governors.
- Have developed Textbooks of English and Urdu for Class Nursery and One. (published by AFAQ)
- Have developed Textbooks of Social Studies for Classes 3 & 4 (published by AFAQ)
- Have developed a Textbook of Urdu for class 5 (published by SEHAR)