Dr Shama Sadaf
Assistant Professor
Department of Home Ecnomics
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- Profile
- Research Publications
- September 7, 2017 till date, Assistant Professor (BPS 19) (Adhoc) LCWU.
- September 7, 2017 till date, Assistant Professor (BPS 19) (Adhoc) LCWU.
- June 2, 2015 – September 2017, Lecturer (BPS 18) LCWU.
- September 2, 2013 – April 2015, Lecturer (Visiting) LCWU.
- Mar 16, 2006 -- Jan 31st,2008, As Designer, Bareeze (Chinyere).
- Nov 1, 2005 -- Feb 30th ,2006, As Motive Developer, Maria. B.
- May 20, 2005 -- Oct 30th,2005,As Designer, Mashrooms.
- June 08, 2003 – July 19, 2003, Silver Textiles Ltd Lahore.
Honor and Awards
• Won Mavlana Exchange Programme for Turkey for the academic year 2018-19
• Evaluation of MPhil thesis of Home Economics University, Peshawar
• Member of Technical Evaluation Committee of University of Home Economics Lahore• Member BOS Department of Home Economics
Graduate Students/Postdocs/Undergraduate Students/Honour Students
Years , Degree, Name
2021, BS , Armin Atiq
2021, BS , Syeda Kiran Zahra
2021, BS , Zarnab Zia
2020, BS , Hira Nazir
2020, BS , Ride Shahid
2019, BS , Zarmeen Imran
2019, BS, Arooma Naeem
2018, BS, Faiza Hafeez
2018, BS, Maiba Asif
2018, BS, Aqsa Saleem
2017, BS, Aqsa Abad
2017, BS, Fatima Farhan
2017, BS, Gul Afshan
2016, BS, Fatima Rizwan
2016, BS, Kainat Rohail
2016, BS, Rimsha Nisar
2016, BS, Sana Akhtar
2016, BS, Sana Arshad
2015, BS, Talia Haider
2015, BS, Rabia Munir
2015, BS, Noreen Shehbaz
2015, BS, Nadia Naseem
2015, BS, Nimra Arif
Service Activity
- Focal Person for time table
- Focal Person for SDG’s 16
- External Examiner For BS College Of Home Economics (PU)
- External Examiner of Thesis Evaluation For BS College Of Home Economics (PU)
- External examiner of University of Management Technology
- External Examiner of Thesis Evaluation University of Home Economics Peshawar
- Research Supervisor For Graduate Students Of Textile And Clothing At LCWU
- Internship Supervisor Of BS Students At LCWU
- Session Coordinator of BS Home Economics 2014-2018, 2018-22
- Room Allocation of the Department of Home Economics
- Focal Person to coordinate with Quran Translation committee
- Focal Person to coordinate with ORIC
- Admission Coordinator for Fall 2021
- Member of Stock Checking Committee
- Duties assigned by Head of the Department
- Helped in various Departmental and University functions
- Teaching
- Admission duty
- Discipline duty
- Invigilation duty
Brief Statement of Research Interest
Textiles and Clothing
• Textile Fabric Finishes
• Pattern Making
• Dress designing through Draping
• Advanced Clothing
• Clothing and Consumer Education
Sadaf, S., Hassan, K., Saeed, A., Ahmad, Z. & Abdus Samad, H.U. (2022). Production of antimicrobial, natural, and reusable material for stitching eco-friendly, extra-protective face masks. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 4(4), 566-576. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJCST-05-2021-0075
Sadaf, S., Erum,N., Bashir, N., Ahmad, Z., & Sagar,S. (2022). Application of Butea Monosperma plant leaves (antimicrobial) on polyester and cotton/polyester fibres. International Journal of Chemistry, Material and Environmental Research (IJCMER), 9(1).
Hassan, K., Sadaf, S., Saeed, A., & Aziz, N. (2022). Determinants of resilience among university students: moderating role of perceived supportiveness of work-life culture. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 6 (8), 5635-5653. https://www.journalppw.com/index.php/jpsp/article/view/10827
ISSN: 2717-7564
Naz, S., Iqbal, A., Sharif, S., Kaul, H., Bakht, A. K., & Sadaf, S. (2022). Frequency of different types of Endothelial Corneal Dystrophies by age, gender, and visual acuity in Punjab, Pakistan. Proceedings of Pakistan Academy of Sciences: Part B (Life and Environmental Sciences), 59(1), 49–56. https://doi.org/10.53560/PPASB(59-1)670
Naz, S., Salamt, W., Aslam, M., Sharif, S., & Sadaf, S. (2022). Incidence of Psychiatric Disorders in Children affected with Intellectual Disability. LGU Journal of Life Sciences. 6(1), 56-67. https://lgujls.lgu.edu.pk/index.php/lgujls/article/view/200
- Hassan, K., Ilyas, N., Sadaf, S., & Saeed, A. (2021). Effects of personal growth and emotional intelligence on the subjective happiness of undergraduates. Journal of Management Practices, Humanities and Social Sciences, 5(1), 18-25. https://doi.org/10.33152/jmphss-5.1.4 (HEC recognized-Y Category)
- Hassan, K., Saeed, A., & Sadaf, S. (2021). Screening and identification of slow learners at primary schools of Lahore. Journal of Islamic Countries Society of Statistical Sciences, 7(2), 89-99. http://www.joi.isoss.net/vol-7-no-2-2021/(HEC recognized-Y Category)
- Hassan, K., Naveed, S., Saeed, A., & Sadaf, S. (2021). Investigation of gender differences towards pro-social behavior of university students. IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 26(11), 52-56. doi: 10.9790/0837-2611035256
- Sadaf, S., Hassan, K., Munir, N., Saeed, A., & Ahmad, Z. (2021). Investigating the effect of antimicrobial treatment on silk fabric by herbal extract. Pakistan Journal of Science, 73(3).
- Sadaf, S. (2021). Antimicrobial effect on Comfort properties (Absorbency, Air Permeability) of Cotton Fabric. The First Virtual Congress of Zoology (40th Pakistan Congress of Zoology- International), 27.
- Hassan, K., Bano,S., Saeed, A. Sadaf, S., & Akhtar,S. (2018). Capturing selfie: Personality traits and behaviors among the students of different universities in Lahore. International Journal of Advancement in Research & Technology, 7(11), 109-114
- Hassan, K., Sadaf, S., Saeed, A. & Idrees, A. (2018). Relationship between hope, optimism and life satisfaction among adolescents. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 9(10), 1452-1457. doi: 10.14299/ijser.2018.10.09 ISSN 2229-5518
- Sadaf, S., Saeed, M., & Kalsoom, S. (2017). Application of Eco-friendly Antimicrobial Finish Butea monosperma Leaves on Fabric Properties of Polyester and Cotton/Polyester. Pakistan Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research Series A: Physical Sciences, 60(3), 154-161.
- Sadaf, S., Saeed, M., Hussain, T., & Kalsoom, S. (2016). Effect of eco-friendly antimicrobial finish on aesthetic properties of silk fabric. Pakistan Journal of Science, 68(4)
- Sadaf, S., Saeed, M., & Kalsoom, S. (2012). Comparison of treated and untreated cotton fabric with antimicrobial finish. Science International (Lahore), 24(3), 293-297.
- Sadaf.S (2015). Effect of Antimicrobial finish Butea Monosperma on fabric properties of polyester and cotton/polyester, International Conference on Solid State Physics (ICSSP,15).
- Sadaf. S (2018). Development of Antimirobial finish for silk fabric from plants leaves extracts, 2nd International Conference on Plant Sciences (ICPS-2018)
Research Grants and Contracts
Other Research or Creative Accomplishments
NRPU Project was submitted to to HEC in April, 2016
Selected Professional Presentations
- Speaker, Functional Finishes At College Of Home Economics, December 15, 2011
- Speaker, Antimicrobial Finish At College Of Home Economics, October 10, 2014