Maliha Aitzaz
Department of International Relations
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Teaching Experience/Employment History
- Lahore College for Women University, Lahore - Lecturer, International Relations
- Government Jinnah Associate College For Women, Lahore - College Teaching Internship, Civics
- Government College For Women, Bund Road, Lahore - College Teaching Internship, Political Science
Tertiary Academic Background
- MPhil. International Relations
Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore. - M.A. International Relations (Gold Medalist)
Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, Lahore. - Bachelors of Arts
University of the Punjab, Lahore.
Academic Achievements
- I am topper of my batch and was awarded Gold Medal for securing 1st Position Overall in Masters at Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab.
- I stood Second Overall in my Phil in International Relations at Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab.
- I had a privilege to remain Class Representative in both Masters and Mphil
- Concluded an extensive research work on my thesis, entitled, “The impact of CPEC on the economic growth of Pakistan”
- I have also conducted research in the domain of "Hybrid warfare: an emerging challenge to Pakistan."
Administrative Responsibilities
- Serving as BS International Relations Program Coordinator in Full Capacity
- Entrusted with the responsibility of Timetable Incharge
- Done Inter - Departmental Exam Invigilation for various examinations
- Responsible for maintenance and scrutiny of results at Undergraduate level
- Organized Departmental curricular and extra curricular functions
- Supervised term assignments of BS International Relations
- Graded and set term examination paper
- Supervision of Thesis and Internship Reports of BS students
- To engage actively, conduct research, workshops, and both curricular and extracurricular activities as needed by the department or university.
- Introduction of a new course in BS Program, entitled, “Environmental Politics and International Relations”
Conferences/Seminars Attended
- Presented my paper, entitled "The Future of Renewable Energy in Pakistan: A Comprehensive Analysis," at the International Conference on Contemporary Challenges in Global Sustainability: Navigating towards a Resilient Future, 2024, held at Lahore College for Women University in June 2024.
- Successfully presented my paper, entitled "Climate Change: Threats to Agricultural Sustainability in Pakistan," at the International Conference on Democracy, Governance and Sustainability, 2024, held at the Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab, in May 2024.
- Participated in the International Seminar on “Traditional and Non Traditional Security Challenges to Pakistan” organized by Department of International Relations, Lahore College for Women University. (March 2024)
- Presented my Research Paper entitled “Hybrid Warfare; An Emerging Challenge to Pakistan” at Kinnaird 4th International Conference on Social Science and Humanities organized by Kinnaird College for Women University. (February 2024)
- Participated in the International Seminar on “Nation Building and Post Truth - Unveiling a Complex Nexus” organized by Department of International Relations, Lahore College for Women University. (January 2024)
- Attended International Conference on “Contemporary Trends in South Asian Politics” held at Department of Political Science, Lahore College for Women University (January 2024)
- Attended National Conference on “Pakistan’s Internal & External Security: Challenges & ” held at Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab (2016)
- Attended National Conference on “Dynamics of Pakistan Politics” held at Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab (2015)
- Attended National Conference on Post-2013 General Elections in Pakistan: Challenges and Options held at Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab (2014)
- Attended 2nd International conference on “Democracy, Governance and Security: Perspective from South Asia” held at Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab (2019)
- Participated in Seminar with Afghan Delegates on Conflict & Peace Studies held at Department of Political Science and South Asia Studies, University of the Punjab
- Participated in Workshop on Best Research Practices – Western Perspective organized by Department of Political Science, University of the Punjab
Research Interests
- Global Governance and International Institutions
- Security Studies
- Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding
- Diplomacy and Foreign Policy Analysis
- Transnationalism and Globalization
- Regional Studies
- Human Rights and Global Justice
- Media and Communication in International Relations
- Environmental Politics and Sustainable Development
Research Publications
Aitzaz, Maliha. Climate Change: Threats to Agricultural Sustainability in Pakistan, Pakistan Social Sciences Review, April-June 2024, Vol. 8, No. 2, ISSN 2664-0422
Aitzaz, Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Consumer Prices in Pakistan: Using Vector AutoRegression (VAR) Approach, VOL. 28 (2024): Journal of Statistics Volume 28, 2024, pp. 46-55. ISSN: 1684-8403
- Aitzaz, A brief analysis of Pakistan and Afghanistan Relations (1947-1998), Remittances review. ISSN: 2059-6588,2059-6596
- Aitzaz, PALESTINE-ISRAEL Conflict and the Role of OIC for its Settlement, VOL. 20 NO. 2 (2023): PALARCH'S JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGY OF EGYPT / EGYPTOLOGY. ISSN: 1567-214X