Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization

About Us

Office of Research, Innovation & Commercialization at Lahore College for Women University (ORICLCWU) is responsible for assuring that the quality of research reflects the highest international standards and advances the stature of the university among the world’s best research institutions. ORIC- LCWU has been by HEC notified since March 2015 after its inception since June 2012 with the intention to provide strategic and operational support to the university’s research activities and programs. ORIC seeks to enhance the environment for all research activities by promoting entrepreneurship, technology transfer and commercialization of research activities that support the local and national economy. It aims to create awareness about intellectual property rights, encourage consultancies, make business plans, and create links with industries and corporate sector and national and international donors. It helps in formulation and submission of viable research projects to funding agencies and introduces a culture of entrepreneurship in students and faculty. It provides a platform where representatives from corporate sector, agricultural and industrial concerns, national and international donors can interact with LCWU researchers and evolve innovative strategies to develop economically viable research projects. ORIC - LCWU comprises of following sections:
  • Research Excellence Wing
  • Khadija-tul- Kubra Business Incubation Center (BIC)
  • Capacity Building Wing
  • Center for Entrepreneurship and Social Development (CESD)
  • Innovation & Commercialization Wing
  • Research Ethics Institutional Review Board (IRB)
  • Social Outreach Wing
  • University Research & Innovation Board (RIB)
  • Centre for Continuing Professional Development (CCPD)
  • Intellectual Property Committee (IPC)
  • Technology and Innovation Support Center (TISC)



Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) has shown tremendous improvement in its research potential since its inception as a women university in 2002 and now it’s time to organize and translate its research into viable and profitable projects through commercialization and business plans to generate funds and resources for expansion of knowledge by LCWU. 

The office of research, innovation and commercialization (ORIC) is to provide strategic and operational support to the University’s research activities/programs. The university is now producing large numbers of papers and research work which is cited in many international journals, ORIC helps in patenting and commercialization of these innovative ideas and research.
ORIC in close collaboration with financial administration, helps in making business plans to introduce a culture of entrepreneurship in today’s students for future businesswomen.  It provide linkage and a platform where representatives from corporate sector, agricultural and industrial concerns, national and international donors will interact with LCWU researchers and evolve innovative strategies to bridge the gap in National Economy existing in energy, industrial quality and production, better crop yields, healthcare, education and human resource development through viable research projects.

Prof. Dr. Faiza Saleem
Director ORIC


Promotion and commercialization of innovative research of Lahore College for Women University.


  • To promote, expand and strengthen the process of knowledge transfer, research, innovation and commercialization and to bridge gap between academia and industry.


  1. Enhancing research quality, relevance, and competitiveness, and promote innovation and commercialization at HEIs.
  2. Supporting university-based research through strategic planning, streamlining of internal process, establishing and monitoring of standards, mobilizing resources for research, publicizing research achievements, identification of synergies, and development of relationships with key external partner.
  3. Providing support to the researchers to access relevant research data about their district
  4. Strengthening institutional collaboration between university researchers and potential users of research in government, industry, and communities.


Prof. Dr. Faiza Saleem
Director ORIC
Lahore College for Women University,
Jail Road Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: +042-92030801-09 Ext:343

Dr. Nudra Malik
Senior Manager (Research Operations) ORIC
Lahore College for Women University,

Jail Road Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: 042-92030801-09 Ext:343
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Ms. Saima Gulzar
Research Officer
Lahore College for Women University,
Jail Road Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: 042-92030801-09 Ext:343
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Mr. Mohsin
Accountant (ORIC)

Lahore College for Women University,
Jail Road Lahore, Pakistan
Phone: 042-92030801-09 Ext:343
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Dr Faiza Iftikhar 
Senior Manager Industrial Linkages and Technology Transfer
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +92 3238860509 

Ms Salaha Shaukat
Deputy Registrar
Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +92 99203801-9 

Dr Moneeba Iftikhar
Publication & Communication Speacialist
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 042-92030801-09 Ext:268
          +92 321 8080045