Department of Architecture


Visit to Chah Miran and Shalimar Garden, Lahore 

Students of Semester V, accompanied by Chairman Architecture Department Ar. Yasmeen Maan and other faculty members visited Chah Miran Bazaar to study circulation patterns and street layouts of the old bazaar in order to clearly perceive and understand theory behind the narrows passageways.

After the visit, they were taken to Shalamar Gardens are located near Baghbanpura along Grand Trunk Road some 5 kilometers northeast of Lahore's Walled City, where they observed and studied the planning of the Magnificent Persian Paradise Garden constructed in 1641 during the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan. The Shalamar Gardens were inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site as they embody Mughal garden design at the apogee of its development.

Site Visit of Students to Kala Shah Kaku with Faculty Members of Architecture Department, LCWU

Students of Semester VIII were assigned to design a University Campus at the Site of Sub-Campus Lahore College for Women University, Kala Shah Kaku. Endeavoring to research as much as possible and collect all available data that relates to the site and design. Students along with faculty members visited the site. The visit was led by Senior Architect Ar. Asim Shah along with Ar. Nida Abbasi, Ar. Maryam Jamil and Ar. Usman Kazmi.

They helped students in keenly analyzing and observing site location, size, topography, zoning, traffic conditions and climate. The analysis also considered any future developments, or changes to the sites surroundings, such as a change of roads designations, changing cultural patterns, or other significant building developments within the area. This visit created a better understanding of site to create a visual as well as a functional loop of their design to the surrounding environment of the site. 

Landscape Site Visit – LCWU Lahore Campus

For the subject of Landscape Design II, Students of Semester VIII were assigned different areas inside the Campus of Lahore College for Women University to redesign considering principles of Landscape Architecture. Students along with faculty members visited their sites to document and examine the context.
Understanding the context of a site is key to enabling the designer to weave the new design in with the existing fabric of the site. It allows to understand the existing opportunities, or problems in a site, and make informed decisions on how to respond to our findings. This response could be that the designed building reflects the surrounding context and is designed to be in sympathy, or perhaps to turn away or eliminate certain unwanted site conditions.

Lecture Session by Mr. Shahid Bhatti – MEP Engineer on Building Services

Continuing the lecture series to make students well aware of Advance Architectural pedagogies of Architectural field, a lecture was conducting by MEP Engineer, Mr. Shahid Bhatti on Building Services. He is a well-known resource person in Building Services and practices as MEP Engineer at Raahim Associates. Course Instructor Ms. Sana Aleem under the supervision of Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan, Head of Department of Architecture, Lahore College for Women University arranged the lecture for Students of Semester IV.
The lecture was about Building Services, it covered a diverse range of services incorporated in a building like MEP services, Firefighting systems which included sprinklers, Fire alarming systems, Fire Extinguishers Hose Reels detectors etc. and Transportation Systems including Lifts, Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks. Mr. Shahid further elaborated about Building Management Systems (BMS) otherwise known as a building automation system (BAS). It is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building's mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems. The lecture was very helpful and commendable. Student are fortunate to be able to witness and study from a field experts as it enhances knowledge and develops a healthy relation with Architectural Field of Practice

Seminar on One Day Design Challenge by Roca

Country Manager Roca (Middle East) Mr. Victor Schoone along with Chief Operations Officer of  S. Abdullah Mr. Omer Tariq visited Lahore College for Women University and briefed students about One Day Design Challenge by Roca to be held on 14th March, 2020.
A competition against the clock where the participants face the challenge of creating original solutions and innovative concepts related to the bathroom space in one single day.

Aiming to promote creativity in the bathroom area, which has been traditionally closed to innovation, provide a platform where the participants have the opportunity of dealing with the professional and business world. Implicating young designers in the research of original and innovative products for bathroom by promoting talent of young students and professionals and give the more visibility in their early career.

Semester VIII Jury conducted by External Jurors

Jury of Students of Semester VIII on University Design was conducted in February. Externals along with faculty members of Architecture Department Lahore College for Women University reviewed and evaluated the work of students. The purpose of the review is to learn, develop and to help facilitate that development by providing an outside perspective, challenging ideas, and engaging them in a fruitful discourse with students about their work. 

Facing a group like this introduce students to new ideas, perspectives and diverse range of architectural pedagogies and helps in establishing a link with architectural professional environment. This methodology of conducting juries prepares students for future endeavors.

A symposium was arranged as a collaborative effort of Department of Architecture and Department of education & Planning at Lahore College for Women University.

Ch Waseem Akhtar , Chairman Overseas commi, Punjab Govt & ArKalim A Siddiqi Chairman Pakistan Council of Architects & Town Planners presiding Symposium 19 – Department of Architecture +Department of Education (Planning & Development)

The interdisciplinary approach in objective based learning system stands productive in all disciplines at higher education level. A symposium was arranged as a collaborative effort of Department of Architecture and Department of education & Planning at Lahore College for Women University.

The theme of Symposium incorporated application of research in practice ; either in form of school/educational teaching or architectural practice . Furthermore the speakers related the same ideology to female entrepreneurship and industry-academia linkage.A large strength of students, academicians , architects , educationists , engineers and policy makers attended the event.

In his address Chaudhary Waseem Akhtar appreciated the Quality Education being imparted at Lahore College for Women University. He also valued the vision and policies of Prof Dr Farkhanda Manzoor, Vice chancellor LCWU in raising the ranking of institution. He appreciated the architectural design projects displayed by  the students of Architecture Department in Auditorium.

Mr Kalim a Siddiqi , Chairman Pakistan Council of Architects & Town Planners said in his address that quality begins with minimum unit of any profession which is student in case of Architecture. He explained that keeping in view the need of society for built and social environment architects have to play a great role. He appreciated the work of students and encouraged Departmental collaborations.

The first technical speaker Mr Andre C Meyerhans .an Italian based architect currently working in dubai elaborating Tabeer e Nau as well , the Visiting School and objectives related to Hunza valley, various forms of Art , culture and Civilization were very interesting. The students enthusiastically expressed their interest in joining this activity. He narrated the effectivity of students excursion in Northern areas of Pakistan for envisioning cultural heritage and architectural character of the region.

Mr Yousaf Ghauri presented scope and wide potential of female entrepreneurship at local and global scales. Mr Ghauri appreciated the teaching resource at both departments for their dedication and hard work to uplift the academic standards of students.

Ar Yasmeen Maan in her presentation elaborated the inception, development , students involvement in co and curricular activities , MOU and collaborations with local and international partners , establishment of Research center and successful placement of graduates of Architecture Department.

Dr Ghazla Noureen extended note of Thanks to all guests and speakers and the event concluded with group photographs followed by distribution of mementos to all participants.


Architectural Design Studios behold the vibrancy and productivity of overall input in curriculum taught in any year during the 5 years Bachelors Degree Program. For review of students projects the juries conducted in Architectural Design and Interior Design Studios for knowledge of students as in Construction Management, Sustainability of Design , infusion of Architectural Theories and Graphical Skills (Manual and Software's both). The jurors and instructors are always in a fine ratio of academicians as well as practicing architects.

In accordance with the traditions of Architecture Department an exhibit was arranged upon conclusion of Fall Semester 2018. The techniques and presentation media was to deliberate the contents as delivered during the semester in teaching practices as well as workshops , seminars and field trips.

The presentation techniques were as per requirements in projects in subjects like:

1.    Materials and Construction

2.    Visual Communication

3.    Advanced Presentation Skills

4.    Foundation Studio Design

The objectives based learning is achieved through studio teaching with a vision of enhancing students skills in practice and research of Architecture. It is ensured that students perform all the relevant executions of Model making, manual Graphics and Engineered Drawings in a customized work environment under vigilant surveillance of instructors. The spaces like Computer lab, ImAc lab and Model Making workshop with Design Studios have always been a conducive environment for promising output of our future architects.

Report by:
Ar Yasmeen Abid Maan
Incharge Architecture Department


An Exhibition of projects reflecting skills imparted to students in  courses like  as  Architectural Design Studio , Visual Communication and Materials of Construction to B-Arch Session 2017-22 Semester -III ; was held in Architecture Department at Lahore collge for Women University on 28th of January ,2019. Prof Dr Atiq-ur-Rahman , Chair Department of City & Regional Planning  at LCWU graced the event as Chief Guest. Amongst those who were present in event were faculty members of Architecture Department and Incharge of Architecture Department, Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan.
The coordinators of Exhibition were Assistant Professor Saadia Iqbal  and Architect Izna Israr who are also  course instructors in Visual Communication of the same BaTch.

Exhibit Category -A
The projects included 3-D Models of selected buildings designed and built in era of Modernism and Deconstruction. The students extended exclusive inspiration for Zaha Hadid ‘s buildings through their creative models. Frank Lloyd, Jeffery Bawa and Alvar Alto were some other inspirations for students to deliver their 3-D Model making Skills

Exhibit Category -B
The use of Materials of Construction was deliberated by students through using them in various forms as in case of Styrofoam , the students learnt the installation and use of material by using it in various formations .

Exhibit Category C
The sculptures were also exhibited that the students had made in Visual Communications . Similarly, origami was also exhibited through vibrant models

Hats off to these future architects!!  

First Annual Thesis show and Symposium

The first Annual Thesis show and Symposium was arranged by the Department of Architecture Lahore College for Women University in Auditorium .The worthy Chief Guest Mrs. Ch. Muhammad Sarwar (Governor Punjab & Chancellor LCWU) presided event along with Vice Chancellor LCWU Prof Dr. Farkhanda Manzoor. The Chairperson of Architecture Department Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan briefed guests in her speech about developments of the Department. She also highlighted significance of Bachelors Degree in Architecture being offered at LCWU under the patronage of Higher Education Commission and Pakistan Council Of Architects and Town Planners.

The chief Guest Begum Perveen Sarwar wife of honourable Governor Punjab Chaudhary Mohammad Sarwar appreciated the research and academic activities of institution as well as Department. Giving a very ambitious and multi dimensional perspective vision she encouraged the graduating session of Architecture to play socially responsible role in society.
As an extension of Mrs Perveen Sarwar s Social welfare project Hunerkada a centre of Women Welfare at LCWU was announced by her on the occasion.

Prof Dr Farkhanda Manzoor announced construction of new block for Architecture Department at LCWU.She also thanked Mrs Governor Punjab , the Chief Guest Of event for gracing the occasion as well as announcing the Hunerkada centre at LCWU. Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Farkhanda Manzoor congratulated Department of Architecture  on successful completion of B Arch Session 2013-18.

Mr Tariq Javed Hayye , Senior Advisor Saudi Monetary Agency , Kingdom Of Saudi Arabia was invited as Guest Of Honour who correlated architecture into multi faceted economic scenario with an international perspective.

Mr Chaudhary Waseem Ramay Vice Chairman Overseas Pakistan Commission Punjab also attended the event as worthy guest and he appreciated the progress of Department. He encouraged the students of Architecture Department for their technical and academic output in form of their architectural thesis projects.

Ar Yousaf Ghauri , Chairman Institute Of Architects , Pakistan , Prof Dr Siddiq -a- Akbar Chairman School Of Architecture & Planning , University Of Engineering & Technology , Lahore , Ar Faisal Riaz Executive Member IAP and by Mr. Nisar Ahmed CEO Diamond jumbolon board were the speakers of technical sessions of Symposium. Assistant Professor Ms Sara Saleem gave a comprehensive presentation on Thesis Projects and Exhibition contents.

Shield distribution was held in the end . The inaugural ceremony concluded by vote of Thanks by Ms Yasmeen Maan , Chairperson Architecture Department.ollowed by Inauguration of Exhibition Of 22 Thesis Projects Of Bachelors Of Architecture Session 2013-18 .

The architectural projects depicted technical contents of Sustainability, Interior Design , Urban Morphology and Land use policies , Digital Architecture and Conservation interpreted into design of buildings.

The Chief Guest Mrs Begum Governor Punjab appreciated the hardwork and perfection of students work and wished them a successful future ahead.

Students from various public and private institutes of Lahore that offer Architecture Degree were audience and viewers of the show.

World Architecture Day

Representation of Ar Yasmeen Abid Maan as Head Architecture Department, Lahore College for Women University in World Architecture Day 2018 arranged by Institute of Architects Pakistan, (IAP)

1st October 2018 is celebrated as World Architecture Day all over the world. It is a motivation to pay tribute to architects for their role and contributions in development of societies and built environments. Their role as designers of buildings, infrastructure, cities and rural areas make an imperative mark in improving quality of life overall. It has been a global objective of sustainability, conservation and energy efficiency for architects.

Institute of Architects in Pakistan, IAP is a collaborative structure with Pakistan Council of Architects & Town Planners (PCATP).In accordance with the usual  zeal and zest , Institute of Architects Pakistan celebrated World Architecture Day 0n 1st October ,2018. It was held at Falettis Hotel , Lahore. Chairman Pakistan Council of Architects & Town Planners Ar. Asad I A Khan was the Chief Guest. The participants and guests included  architects, academicians , civil engineers , town planners , interior designers and students from various institution of Pakistan and abroad. The event was divided into three segments
1.    Panel Discussion of Architects

2.    Panel Discussion of HoDs Architecture Departments of selected universities.

3.    Panel Discussion of International Architects.

Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan , Head of Architecture Department at Lahore College for Women University ,Lahore represented in second panel. The discussion covered horizons of inception of Architectural Education in Pakistan. In her address she elaborated the qualitative set up and establishment of Architecture Department at Lahore College for Women University to audience. She also briefed about successful graduates of Architecture Department at Lahore College for Women University. The academicians, architects and stakeholders from IAP and PCATP extended a great deal of appreciation to know about the development and output of Architecture Department at Lahore College for Women University.

Report on Orientation Session of B-Arch 2018-23

The Department of Architecture proudly arranged 5th orientation session to welcome B-Arch Session 2018-23. The orientation session was held at the IT SEMINAR HALL at 11:00 am.  Ar. Nida Atif hosted the whole event with full of enthusiasm. The event was started with the recitation of Holy Quran by the student of Session 2016-2021 Section B Sumbal Asghar. Then the event continued with the most awaited Welcome Speech by The Head of the Architecture Department; Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan.

The Head of the Architecture Department Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan, addressed the audience to increase their confidence and gave a brief review of Architecture Department, as how the Department flourished to current successfully functional.. She told the Students of Session 2018-2023, about the University Discipline and Decorum. Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan formally welcomed students of new batch. She emphasized to keep a vigilant analytic approach for keeping up with theoretical, practical and studio based courses in Architecture. She appreciated the outstanding performances of students of previous sessions in Architecture Department at Lahore College for Women University. She also explained how students , teaching and non teaching staff with support of administrative support of the institution build up a highly conducive learning environment for students. The discipline and highly sophisticated ethical standards for making females socially responsible citizens of society was also briefed by Incharge Architecture Department.Later on the Entire Faculty Members addressed to Students of Session 2018-2023.

The Department of Architecture owes great gratitude to  contribution of the NON-TEACHING, the Head of Architecture Department always considered them the backbone of the Department and introduced them with warm words.

The main purpose of this Orientation Session was to make the students comfortable in the new environment and to make their vision clear regarding the Architecture Field. The students were briefed about the Rules and Regulations of the University and asked them to follow these rules so they could get support from the Department and the University Administration. If they will find in any activities that are restricted by the Department as well as University Administration then the legal action will take against them

The Energy and Moral Level of the Students of Session 2018-2023 was at peak. They considered this Orientation Session really helpful to understand the Environment of the Department as well as the University. The Students were delighted and enthusiastic for getting admission in the Architecture Department, LCWU.

The Architecture Department, LCWU aims to make sure that the students will follow the rules and attend the classes regularly.

Picture Courtesy: Mohammad Safeer
Report Compilation: Lecturer Khizra Shahzad
Department of Architecture, LCWU.
Dated: Oct 16th, 2018


As a part of Pakistan Green Building Design and construction program , Green Building Council facilitates its  partner universities to enhance capabilities in areas of sustainable infrastructure development and green building design and construction in Pakistan. For the same purpose, Mrs. Marie Paule HALGALD, a Professor at ENSA Nantes (School of Architecture of Nantes)  and is also  higher education attaché at the Embassy of France in Islamabad visited Department of Architecture Lahore College for Women University. Along were Mr. Aqrab Ali Rana, CEO, Pakistan GBC and Sohaib Tahir Head ,Pakistan Green Building Guidelines Programmes, Pakistan GBC  visited  Department of Architecture Lahore College for women University on Monday 13th March 2017 from 9:30am – 11:30am.

The team arrived at LCWU campus at 9:30 am.The team along with Head of Architecture Department LCWU Ar Yasmeen Abid Maan  had a meeting session with Vice Chancellor Prof Dr Rukhsana Kausar.Vice Chancellor encouraged the initiatives of collaboration between Architecture Department at LCWU, Lahore Pakistan  and School of Architecture at Nantes, ENSA France . She encouraged prospects of  degree program in French language at LCWU. Exchange of opinion was also made over running energy efficient building design trends.

The students’ projects for all practical courses and design studios  were displayed for review. The projects included 2-d and 3-d representations of students’ design projects, Conservation, Landscape, Urban Design and Materials & Construction etc. After the meeting, a comprehensive presentation covering contents of Architectural education , resources in respective department and areas of collaboration was given by Ms Yasmeen Abid Maan. The team expressed appreciation for vision of Vice Chancellor LCWU Prof Dr Rukhsana Kausar and progress of Architecture Department at LCWU. Professor Marie Halgald deliberated her appreciation quality teaching for female sector education in the field of Architecture at Lahore College for women  University.

Energy Efficient Building Designs Recommended in a Seminar at LCWU

Globally buildings are responsible for a huge share of energy, electricity, water and materials consumption. The building sector has the greatest potential to deliver significant cuts in emissions at little or no cost. Buildings account for 18%  of global emissions today, or the equivalent of 9 billion tonnes of Co2 annually. If new technologies in construction are not adopted during this time of rapid growth, emissions could double by 2050, according to the United Nations Environment Program.Green building practices aim to reduce the environmental impact of building. In a country like Pakistan, which is facing immense energy problem, need is apparent to construct energy efficient buildings. This was stated by speakers in a seminar organized by Archetecture Department here in Lahore College for Women University (LCWU) on Friday. Minister of Commerce and Industry Punjab Alaudeen Sheikh, Vice Chancellor University of Engineering and Technology Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid, Vice Chancellor host University Prof. Dr. Rukhsana Kausar, Norbert Lechner Prof. Emeritus, Architect and LEED AP, Prof. Dr. Salman Azhar is a J.E Wilborn Endowed Professor and Graduate Program Chair in the McWhorter School of Building Science at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama and senior faculty members of architecture department of UET and LCWU spoke in the seminar.

Minister of Commerce and Industry Punjab Alaudeen Sheikh said that building design should bear the balance between homebuilding and the sustainable environment. This requires close cooperation of the design team, the architects, the engineers, and the client at all project stages. The minister assured that Punjab Government will endorse all recommendations made by universities on the topic.

 Vice Chancellor LCWU Prof. Dr. Rukhsana  Kausar said energy efficient building practice expands and complements the classical building design concerns of economy, utility, durability, and comfort. She expressed that university management will preserve its old buildings which are heritage and have natural environment.

 Vice Chancellor University of Engineering and Technology Prof. Dr. Fazal Ahmad Khalid said that every building should be as small as possible. An other rule is not to contribute to sprawl, even if the most energy-efficient, environmentally sound methods are used in design and construction.”The International Energy Agency released a publication that estimated that existing buildings are responsible for more than 40% of the world’s total primary energy consumption and for 24% of global carbon dioxide emissions.” He added.

Head of Architecture Department Yasmeen Abid Maan said that seminar is significant in perspective of global warming, decreasing natural energy resources and the environment concerns. It is important to focus on the reducing energy consumption in buildings which is about 55% in case of Pakistan. Pakistan is one of those countries which consume highest energy in domestic sector which is above 45%. On the other side, the energy deficiency in Pakistan is seriously affecting many sector including the economic growth of the country under these circumstances, it has become prime responsibility of building professionals, academicians and research scholar to come forward with innovative and economical solutions for energy efficient design of building and their construction with effective materials to help the country for reduction in energy burden. This 2nd International Workshop on “High Performance Energy Efficient Design and Construction” will focus on the low cost and easy-to-apply energy conscious design strategies for hot climate, design for delighting along with solar geometry, the role of traditional housing concepts for energy conservation with contemporary issues of design and construction and the state of the art technologies for construction of energy-efficient building.

Norbert Lechner Prof. Emeritus, Architect and LEED AP, an expert in energy responsive architectural design with an emphasis on solar responsive design including day lighting highlighted the significance of smart buildings as key note speaker. “On the aesthetic side of green architecture or sustainable design is the philosophy of designing a building that is in harmony with the natural features and resources surrounding the site. There are several key steps in designing sustainable buildings: specify 'green' building materials from local sources, reduce loads, optimize systems, and generate on-site renewable energy.” He explained.

Prof. Dr. Salman Azhar is a J.E Wilborn Endowed Professor and Graduate Program Chair in the McWhorter School of Building Science at Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama said that the importance of high performance energy efficient buildings is need of the hour.


B. Architecture Session 2016-21


This Visit was planned in benefit of the students’ knowledge of cultural legacy of the Lahore and also to get inspired of the Historical Mughal Architecture. The visit also developed  an insight for architectural heritage and monuments they are studying under course work of History of Architecture I.


The tour is well co-ordinated by following members:
•    Ar. Maqsood Malik  (Deputy Director Archeology Department Lahore Fort)
•    Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan (Incharge Department of Architecture LCWU)
•    Ar. BeenishUsman (Lecturer Department of Architecture LCWU)
•    Ar. Maryam Jamil(Lecturer Department of Architecture LCWU)

Total Number of students: 59


The students were guided about the historical background of the Great Shahi Qila, different era’s it has been through, the ruling emperors and most importantly it’s Architecture. Semester -01 took keen interest in this activity by looking close into the different pavements they visited and gathered their knowledge.

Lahore Fort itself speaks for itself that would leave the listener breathless. It could tell of love, romance and adventure, of dark eyed beauties and fierce-browed warriors, of queens in flowing silks and kings in shining armour, of poets, actors, slaves and concubines, of soldiers and rebels, of revolutions and court intrigues, of coronations and assassinations, of treachery and black revenge. Extensive round were made so that students were able to gather ample information about theIslamic Architecture. Toured by coordinator from Archaeology Department, the students visited the Diwan-i 'Am,to the west of the massive quadrangle of Jehangir that was located at northeast corner of fort. The quadrangle is formed by concentric rectangles with a fountain in its centre. ,then they moved  towardsMakateebKhana. After that guide briefed students about khwabgah of Shah Jahan.Then students had a tour to Sikh museum that used to be the restroom of a Sikh Queen, there they had a look on the model of queen, weapons used by the Britishers and Sikhs in wars and keeping prisoners and also the stuffed horse of a Sikh King.

Later they moved forward towardsChakozi( hamam) side and came to know some facts about ancient  Mughal water system and observed the carved Persian inscription on marble slab relates to the construction ,the Turkish style Hammam-e-Shahi (Royal Bath), PaienBagh (Ladies Garden) constructed on the basic concept of ChahrBagh.Their visit toDiwan-i-Khas ,a hall where the Emperor would attend to matters of the state, and where courtiers and state guests were received. Then they moved to servant quarters of khowajasara employed for the ladies of haram. From where they have a skyline view of white tomb  ofMaharaja ranjeetsingh located at far corner.

Naulakha Pavilion was much enjoyed by the students as this splendor small pavilion is one of the best architectural master piece of Mughal era, made of prominent white marble, and known for its distinctive curvilinear roof. Students observed the structure that was originally inlaid with precious and semi-precious stones.Walking on the HathiPaer (Elephant Stairs)  thatends on the outer courtyard of Sheesh Mahal which is celestial looking mirror palace …very much enjoyed by the students and is one of the most majestic palaces of the Mughal period. Students were told about the Gillt work, Pietradura work; Marble perforated screens and the AienaKari.

The versatility of variegated marble stone slabs was experienced at this stage of tour by the students, the edifice.Mughal emperor Shah Jahan constructed Sheesh mahal for his wife Mumtaz.They also had observed the a unique Acoustic system at Mughal times i.e sound travel from one corner to the other through ceiling, this system was basically developed by architect of that time  MimarSinan.Group photo was made at that place to capture the memories of such an interesting visit.  After that at last but not least students visit summer Palace that is three times bigger than the winter Palace.Existing from the Shah Burg Gate student paved their way thanking the tour guide, made their way towards to buses,having view to the Greater Iqbal Park.


Architectural and aesthetic sense of Mughals is clearly be seen from such monuments, and proved to be an outstanding site of repertoire for the students. And they have a better understanding and appreciation of their rich History and Cultural Heritage.   


In accordance with teaching methodologies referred by HEC and PCATP for Architecture , Juries were arranged at Architecture Department Lahore College for Women University; where students presented  their final term projects of Architectural Design .Design projects as briefed and discussed through extensive lecturing in Studios during the term were displayed for final assessment by Jurors. Design studios are conducted by instructors and Professors at Architecture Department LCWU. Practicing architects were invited as jurors who have particular experience with whatever the building type is that the students are designing. Similarly, Senior Academicians from other institutes were also invited as external jurors.

For a student, the process of standing up in front of a group of professors and architects and presenting is a challenging part of academic training. The students of B Arch Session 2012-17 and 2013-18 performed brilliant  and particularly  well at presenting reasons for making design decisions and presentation techniques.


  • To start with, a comprehensive Design Brief for an Architecture project is shared with students. The schedule details out all prospects like lecture, references, primary and secondary data collection, field surveys, planning and design techniques and finally presentation media within the department.
  • The studio performance, model making in Model Making Lab of Architecture Department, Presentation techniques in Computer Lab and reference making in Library by all students is regularly exercised throughout the design projects and assignments of other subjects.


  • Master Plan of Housing Scheme with 500 Plots was assigned to students of VIII. Semester. Land Use, Landscaping, Ecology, Sustainability, Aesthetics  and Economics were key considerations for Design process.
  • Detail Design of Apartments Building, a 2 Kanal House design with energy efficient and sustainable features and Commercial Area.

Studio Instructors:      Prof. Dr Abdul Rahman - Email:

                                 Asst Prof Yasmeen Abid Maan -

Contribution of Women in Social and Scientific Development of Pakistan

The  conference was held under ISESCO-WINS 2016 at DRSM Library,Quaid-e Azam University,Islamabad on 8th March 2016. Welcome Note was presented by Prof. Dr. Javed Ashraf,VC QAU. The Inaugral Session was conducted by Prof. Dr. Anwar-ul-Hassan   (Chairman,PCST) with Dr. Sania Nishtar as honorable Chief Guest.

Title of Conference: Contribution of Women in Social and Scientific Development of Pakistan
Conference Sessions & Key Note Speakers
Technical Session I (Biological Sciences)- Prof. Dr. Rabia Hussain (AKU, Karachi)
Technical Session II (Natural Sciences)- Prof. Dr. Bina Siddiqui (HEJ / ICCBS, Karachi)

Technical Session III (Social Sciences)- Dr. Rubina Saigol (Lahore)

The paper by Yasmeen Abid Maan ,Assistant Professor Head of Architecture Deptt, Lahore College for Women University as selected by ISESCO wins 2016 Committee was presented in Technical Session III.
Author & Speaker: Ar. Yasmeen Abid Maan            
Topic: Role of Women in Social Cadre of Disaster Hit Areas of Pakistan: A  Case Study of Yasmeen Lari’s Projects in Flood Affected Areas of Sindh

Abstract: The livability and rehabilitation processes in disaster-prone regions all over the world need an integrated mechanism within government and social circles. The enormity of disasters in Pakistan during last two decades has raised this need even more. Architect Yasmeen Lari-the first female architect of Pakistan a graduate of Oxford School of Architecture  (1964),Hilal-e-Imtiaz,Unesco Advisor(2003-2005) ,holds a dynamic profile for her contributions towards rehabilitation of families in disaster hit areas of Pakistan. Earthquakes and Floods in Pakistan  have provided the backdrop to much of her later practice in Architecture. She has implemented an elusive element of pride among traumatized families. Her approach for involving  local materials and techniques of construction have not only elevated legacy of cultural heritage amongst the folks yet has produced sustainable features in built environment. Women were exclusively involved in post disaster mechanism in form of local empowerment for income generation. The DRR driven methodologies of construction implemented in flood affected areas of 2010 showed resilience in floods of 2013 in Sindh.Lari’s holisitic models for training MDGS stand as standard design solution in Architecture. Lari’s works signify Architecture as design mechanism for beautifying not just a unitary building but  harmonising built and natural environments as well as cultural heritage of societies.

For Correspondence:
092-42-99203804-9 Ext:325

Exhibition in Architecture Department

The Department of Architecture LCWU has organized an exhibition on the work of first batch (now in t semester-3).
It was held on 4th -6th November 2013 in the Department of Architecture.
The Exhibition was inaugurated by the worthy Vice Chancellor Professor Dr. Sabiha Mansoor.

Students constructed landscape design in Atrium of Basement of Post Graduate Block.
Pen and Ink arrangement were displayed in the Atrium. Charcoal work and design of light Carrier was displayed in the corridor of Architecture Department.

The Department was established in 2012. It’s the first only women Architecture Department in the world. In 2013, the Department has admitted 2nd batch in almost 60 undergraduate students.

Welcome party

Welcome party was held in the department on 20th May 2013 for the students of first semester.