Student Service Centre


•    Individual Counseling (personal, educational, familial issues)

•    Group counseling

•    Guidance regarding Career/subject selection

•    Psychological Assessment (Intelligence, Personality assessment)

•    Relaxation training.

•    Workshops and Seminars for personality development of students.

Students can take counseling sessions for different problems they encounter in their life. Some of them include following:

•    Lack of confidence

•    Lack of Decision Making

•    Poor time management

•    Difficulty in stress management

•    Difficulty in Anger management

•    Difficulty in Subject selection

•    Difficulty in Career Selection

•    Personal Problems (educational, familial)

•    Relationship Problems (family, friends, and teachers)

•    Adjustment issues at university and hostel

•    Uncertainty regarding future

•    Exam and presentation anxiety

•    Interview Anxiety etc.

All these services are provided by professional psychologists with the assurance of Confidentiality