Dr. Aniqa Munir
Department of English
Department of English
- Profile
- Research Publications
- Working as Lecturer (English Dept.) in Lahore College for Women University since 2003
Honor and Awards
- Silver Medal in Masters
- Academic Roll of Honor
- In-charge MS English Literature Program
- Focal Person (from English Department), Active Citizens Project, a pilot project of British Council Pakistan at Lahore College for Women University, Lahore Pakistan
- Founding Member of IRC (International Resource Centre at LCWU, a pilot project of British Council Pakistan)
Service Activity
- Supervising MS and BS Theses
- Admission duty MS
- Paper Setting/Marking/Invigilation
Area of Expertise
- Worked on Sustainable Development Goals Target 4.7
- Worked on Global Citizenship Education
Brief Statement of Research Interest
- Micro Teaching
- Curriculum Development
- Textbook Analysis
- Communication Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Functional English
- Comprehension and Composition
- Interviewing Skills
- Interpersonal Skills
- Published paper titled “Global Citizenship Education and Gender Depiction in Textbooks: The Case of Punjab Textbook Board’s Pakistan Studies and Urdu Textbooks” in Research Journal of Social Sciences & Economics Review 1, Issue 3, 2020 (July – September) ISSN 2707-9023 (online), ISSN 2707-9015 (Print) ISSN 2707-9015 (ISSN-L) DOI: https://doi.org/10.36902/rjsser-vol1-iss3-2020(72-79)
- Published paper titled “Global Citizenship Education and Gender Equality in English and Islamiat Textbooks by Punjab Board” in Journal of Educational Research & Social Science Review Vol 1, Issue 2, 2021 (April-June), ISSN 2710-4532 (online), ISSN 2710-4524 (Print), ISSN 2710-4540(ISSN-L) DOI: https://jerssr.org.pk/articles/01-v1-2021/issue-02/01-06.pdf
Selected Professional Presentations
Presented papers in the following conferences.
1st National Conference on English Language and Literature (NCELL 2017) at University of Education on 14th December 2017, paper was titled “The Idea of Hybridity.”
1st International Conference of the Linguistic Association of Pakistan dated October 7-9, 2015 at Kinnaird College for Women Lahore, paper was titled “Translation Studies.”
National Conference on Language, Literature and Culture at Imperial College of Business Studies, paper was titled “An Analysis of the Concept of Apartheid in Meatless Days by Sara Suleri” on 15 & 16 of April 2015.