Dr. Anam Noshaba
Assistant Professor
Department of Secondary Education
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- Research Publications
Working as Assistant Professor at Department of Secondary Education, Lahore College for Women University Lahore. She has completed her PhD in Education from University of the Punjab. Her area of interest is Educational Leadership. She has more than 4 years of teaching and research experience. She has good command on data analysis.
Noureen, G., Noshaba, A., Naveed, M., & Saleem, N. (2021). South Asian Universities: Effect of Personality Traits on Procrastination of Students at University Level. South Asian Studies, 36(1).
Saleem, A., & Noshaba, A. (2021). Relationship between School Heads’ Leadership Styles and Acceptance of Leader as moderated by Stress: testing path goal theory in educational setting. Journal of Interdisciplinary Educational Studies, 1(2), 44-63.
Noureen, G., Noshaba, A., Arshad, T., & Younis, J. (2022). Relationship between Work Autonomy and Work Place Creativity as Moderated by Task Complexity at University Level. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (PJERE), 9(2).
Pervez, Z., Noshaba, A., Arshad, T., & Noureen, G. (2021). Relationship of Teachers’ Job Performance with Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity and Burnout in Public Schools of Lahore. International Journal of Computational Intelligence in Control, 13(2).
Merry, S., Noureen, G., & Noshaba, A. (2022). Relationship Between Transformational Leadership Style And University Teachers’ Job Performance As Mediated By Intrinsic Motivation. Webology (ISSN: 1735-188X), 19(3).
Israr, M., Noureen, G. & Noshaba, A. (2022). Development of Instrument to Measure Students’ Academic Performance at Higher Education Institutions (Hei’s). Oeconomia Copernicana, 13(2).