Dr Madiha Zahid
Assistant Professor
Department of Secondary Education
- Profile
- Research Publications
Working as Assistant Professor at Department of Secondary Education of Lahore college for Women University Lahore. She is also PhD Alumni of LCWU. Her area of specialization is Teacher Education.She present their PhD research work in Honolulu,Hawaii, USA 2019. She has more then 4 year teaching experience at university level. She has published different research article, book chapters, and modules in the field of Education. Dr Madiha Zahid is also external reviewer of Pakistan Journal of Education of Allama Iqbal open University Islamabad. She also worked in HEC win Thematic Project Entrepreneurship: Public-Private Partnership for Social Development, and publish 2 modules in it.
Zahid,M.,(2021).Views of Prospective Teachers about the Use of Reflective Practices in Teaching Practices(A Study of Teaching Skills through Reflection). Webology,Vol 8(4)p1-8
Zahid,M.(2019).Effect of reflective teaching practices on the performance of prospective Teachers. Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology,18(1).
Noureen,G. Zahid, M. Arshed, T. Karamat, K.,(2020). Journal of Research and Reviews in Social Sciences Pakistan, Vol 3 (2), pp 982-995.
Zahid,M.(2018).Student Perception about the Role of Quality Enhancement cell in the universities of Lahore Punjab. International Journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection, 5(3).