Dr. Rakhshanda Naeem
Department of Secondary Education
- Profile
- Research Publications
Working as faculty in the Department of Secondary Education. She has completed her Ph.D from the Department of STEM Education,(Faculty of Education), Lahore College for Women University Lahore. Her area of specialization is Educational Leadership and Management. She has 10 years of experience in teaching and research. She is Coordinator of Teaching Practicum and Facilitator of Active Citizenship Projects from Department of Secondary Education.
Thakur, I., Aziz, F., Manzoor, S., Naeem, R & Haris, R (2022). Impact of online teaching on students’ learning at university level, 13(2), 1151-1156.
Riaz, Z., Batool, A., Naeem, R., & Qayyum, A. (2021). Online Teaching Effects Classroom Engagement of Students in Universities. Ilkogretim Online, 20(5).
Ahmad, S., Batool, A., & Naeem, R. (2021). Lockdown Stressor effect life management of university students during COVID 19, Journal of Asian Social Studies Applied Research. 2(4),120-130
Naeem, R, Kazi, A. S, & Manzoor, S., (2020). “Institutional Facilitation for Learning Improvement with Consideration of Students Voices”. World Journal on Educational Technology. 12(4), 389-400