Dr. Fakhra Aziz
Chairperson/Associate professor
STEM Education Department
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Assistant Professor (TTS) Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
June. 2014- To date
Key Responsibilities
- Teaching various subjects including research methods, Leadership & Management , and Educational Psychology at postgraduate level
- Supervising research works at MS &PhD level
- Editor two Research Journals , JASS & IJEER
- Focal person for selection of Resource persons.
Assistant Professor (Contract) Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Sep. 2013 - June. 2014
Assistant Professor (IPFP) Lahore College for Women University, Lahore
Sep.2012- Aug.2013
Post Doc (2019) Leadership Intellectual Stimulation and
Faculty’ Organizational commitment:
The Mediating Role of Faculty’ psychological capital.
Dicle University, Diyarbakir, Turkey
PhD (2012) Educational Leadership
Institute of Education and Research
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
MSed. (with distinction) Major Bio
Sep. 1996 Institute of Education and Research
University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
Leadership and Management, Educational Psychology, ICT
DDC , department of Research and Evaluation, LCWU
BOS , department of Professional studies, LCWU
BOS, , department of Research and Evaluation, LCWU
Scrutiny committee of Education for Lecturers, LCWU
Advisory editorial board of International e-Journal of Educational Studies, Turkey
Editorial Board , Researchers World : International Refereed Social Sciences Journal (RW-IRSSJ),India
- Journal of Arts and Social sciences
- International journal of educational enquiry and reflection
- Deputy of Editor, International e-Journal of Educational Studies,Turkey
A 3 years British Academy Project, “Research capacity building through international partnership for mapping women academics’ careers in Pakistan”(2012-2015)
USAID Reading Project (2012- 2015)
A one year project of British Academy under IPM mobility program ‘School-based mentors: building understanding and practice in initial teacher education” submitted to British academy
Women Teacher premiership: Development and dissemination of entrepreneurship modules for Teacher Education Programs in Punjab under Thematic Research Grant Program 2016-17
PoPhy-IF-EU; Developing an ICT based Model of Lifelong Learning for Sustainable development: Associating Psychological Capital with learning empowerment step towards Positive Education submitted on 11sep 2019 under HORIZON2020 Program and results will be announced in Feb, 2020.
Research Supervision
PhD Dissertation (Supervisor)- Paradigm Shift in Leadership of Pakistani Christian Academic Institutions: An Exploratory Phenomenological Study.
- To develop a framework for strengthening the relationship between supervisors and supervisee: an effort towards quality output in research.
- Effects of Parenting Styles on Self –Efficacy, Motivation and Academic Achievement of Intermediate Students in Punjab. submitted
- A Comparative study of Job satisfaction and Morale between BPS and TTS faculty of public sector universities in Punjab, Pakistan.submitted
MS Thesis (Supervisor)
- A study to examine the impact of active citizens program on students’ attitude and behaviour at Lahore College for Women University in Lahore.
- The effect of electronic media on the students learning at the secondary level. Relationship between female leader’s perceptions regarding success and their superstitious beliefs.
- Impact of teachers’ behaviour on the academic motivation of students at university level.
- Relationship between emotional intelligence and exam anxiety of higher secondary students
- Role of teachers in decision making at the secondary level
- To investigate the relationship of learning empowerment and self-regulation of university students.
- An identification of the factors which influence student’s classroom participation at secondary level
- A study to explore post graduate students’ knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors towards Sustainable Development
- A study to compare the public and private university teacher’s knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviors concerning Evidence based practices in Lahore
- A comparative study of National curriculum of 4 years elementary teacher education program of Pakistan and India
- A study of Teacher work stress and their turnover intention at university level
- The Correlation of Self-Esteem and Perceived Social Support of Prospective Teachers in a Women University
- Prospective Teachers Attitude towards Students with Learning Disabilities
- A study to measure the university teacher’s attitude towards inclusive education
- A Comparative Study of Teachers’ Empowerment in Private and Public Universities of Lahore
- A study of teachers’ attitude and motivation towards ICT in district Gujranwala: the case of secondary school teachers
- Relationship between occupational stress and professional commitment of secondary school teachers in Lahore
- A comparative study of the emotional intelligence leadership skills of female heads in universities of USA and Pakistan
- To identify the impact of school leadership on teachers job satisfaction at secondary level in Lahore
- A study to examine teachers role in fostering creative thinking in students at primary level
- A descriptive study to identify the Effects of Parenting Style on Students’ Academic achievement
- A descriptive study to identify the relationship of students’ academic self-efficacy and their Academic achievement
- A study to identify the role of cooperating teacher and student teacher in transforming theory into practice
- A descriptive study to explore the relationship between school climate and job satisfaction of secondary school teachers
MS Thesis (Co-supervisor)
- A study to investigate the relationship between occupational stress and self-efficacy of faculty members
- A study to investigate relationship between institutional effectiveness and achievement motivation among university academic leaders
- Academic dishonesty and factors responsible for its prevalence among under graduate students.
Courses taught at MS level
- Educational Psychology
- Leadership and Management in Learning organization
- Curriculum theories and Models
Courses taught at BS/B.Ed. level
- Research Methods in Education
- Teaching of Science (Pedagogy)
- Science Foundation course
- Sustainable Development
- Assessment in science teaching
Module Development
Laboratory Management in Physics & Chemistry for 3rd semester Science group of BS in Education
Integrated Science 1 (Foundation course) for Bed elementary program
Integrated Science 2 (Foundation course) for Bed elementary program
Country Visited
- 2015--------Dubai
- 2017-----------Abu dhabai
- 2016------- Jaddah, Makkah, Madinah
- 2015-------London, Leicester ,Burnly , Huddersfield
- 2017-------Cambridge, Huddersfield, Burnly ,London
- 2018---------Antalya, Istanbul
- 2019--------Diyarbakir, Sanli urfa, Mardine, Istanbul
Kalsoom , T, Aziz F JabeenS . (2019). An In-depth Analysis of Peers and Mentors' Feedback during Teaching Practicum. Global Social Sciences Review ,IV(III),337-349, doi:10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).31. available at http://dx.doi.org/10.31703/gssr.2019(IV-III).31
Hussain, N., Zulifqar,A.& Aziz , F . (2019). Analyzing stress coping strategies and approaches of school teachers, Pakistan journal of Education (PJE), 36(1), 1-18. Available at http://journal.aiou.edu.pk/pjeojs/index.php/PJE/article/view/1155
AHMAD, M , AZIZ, F . (2019). Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Exam Anxiety of Higher Secondary Students. International e-Journal of Educational Studies, 3 (6), 97-108. DOI: 10.31458/iejes.543549 Available at https://dergipark.org.tr/download/article-file/6775
Aziz, F., Quraishi, U. & Kazi, A. (2019). Role of teachers in students’ classroom participation in universities, International journal of Educational Enquiry and Reflection (IJEER). 4(1), 46-57. Available at http://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol6/role-5.pdf
Aziz, F & Imran, J (2018). Secondary School Students’ Perceived Parenting Style and Students Emotional Reactivity , Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE), Vol 12, No. 2, pp.252- 264. Available at http://ue.edu.pk/jrre/articles/article9.pdf
Kazi, A; Moghal, S & Aziz, F (2018). Mixed-Age Group Teaching in Second Language Learning: An Observational Study of a Montessori Classroom in Pakistan; Journal of Early Childhood Care and Education (JECCE), 2, 87-100. Available at http://jecce.aiou.edu.pk/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/07-Mixed-Age-Group-Teaching.pdf
Aziz, F. (2018). Stress and coping strategies of university teachers in Pakistan. Pakistan journal of Education (PJE), 35(2), 193-206. Available at http://pje.aiou.edu.pk/?p=658
Aziz, F. (2018). Self-esteem and peer support of academic leadership. Pakistan journal of social and clinical psychology, 16(2), 47-51
Aziz, F., Quraishi, U. & Kazi, A. (2018). Factors behind Classroom Participation of Secondary School Students (A Gender based analysis). Universal Journal of educational Research, 6(2), 211-217. Available at doi:10.13189/ujer.2018.060201 https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1170644.pdf
Kazi,A; Aziz,F & Quraishi ,U(2018). An Oasis of Literacy in a Desert of Poverty: A Case Study of a Rural School for the Underprivileged in Southern Punjab" Sage Open, 8 (2), Article first published online: June 24, 2018; Issue published: April 1, 2018. Available at https://doi.org/10.1177/2158244018784115
Quraishi, U. & Aziz, F, (2018). An Investigation of Authentic Leadership and Teachers ‘organizational behavior in secondary schools of Pakistan. Cogent Education, 5(1). Available at http://doi.org/1080/2331186x.2017.1278835
Javed, S; Aziz, F & Arshad, T (2018). A Study to explore Post Graduate Students’ knowledge attitude and behavior towards sustainable development in Lahore, International journal of Educational enquiry and Reflection (IJEER). 3(1), 28-38. Available at https://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol4/4-3.pdf
Aziz, F & Quraishi, U (2018). Use of ICT in teaching, professional training. Management and personal use: Teachers perspective, Journal of Arts and Social Sciences (JASS), 5(1), 115-124. Available at http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/9th07.pdf
Aziz, F., Quraishi, U. & Khanum, A. (2017). Self-Regulated Learning and Diversity at Higher Education Level in Pakistan. Journal of Managerial sciences, Qurtaba University.11 (3), 407-420. Available at http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/jms/JMS%20Special%20Edition/2%20AMOS/22%20(AIC-AMOS%202017)%20407-420%20Dr.%20Fakhra%20AMOS-60.pdf
Quraishi, U., Khanum, A & Aziz, F (2018). Women Teacherpreneurship: Development and Dissemination of Entrepreneurship Modules for Teacher Education Program. Global Journal of Business and Social sciences Review, 6(1), 44-53 Available at http://gatrenterprise.com/GATRJournals/pdf_files/GJBSSR%20Vol%206(1)%202018/8.%20Afifa%20Khanam.pdf
Aziz, F & Quraishi, U (2017). Influence of Gender, Professional Qualification and Job Experience on Secondary School Teachers’ Self-Efficacy, FWU Journal of Social Sciences, Winter 2017, Vol.11, No.2. Available at http://journal.sbbwu.edu.pk/Winter_2017_Vol_11_No_2/21.%20Influence%20of%20Gender,%20Professional%20Qualification%20and%20Job%20Experience.pdf
- Aziz,F & Quraishi , U (2017). Empowerment and mental health of university teachers: A case from Pakistan. Pakistan journal of social and clinical psychology, 15(2), 23-28. Available at http://www.gcu.edu.pk/FullTextJour/PJSCS/2017b/4.%20EmpowermenT-%20ANEEZA%202-02-2018.pdf
- Aziz,F & Quraishi , U (2017). Effects of Political Instability on Teachers’ Work Decorum in Pakistani Universities (A Teachers ‘perspective), Pakistan Vision, June 2017, Vol 18, No 1. Available at http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/studies/PDF-FILES/Article-10_v18_1_jun17.pdf
- Quraishi, U. & Aziz, F. (2017). Academic Dishonesty at the Higher Education Level in Punjab, Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE), Vol 11, No. 1, pp.68-85. Available at http://ue.edu.pk/jrre/articles/1101007.pdf
- Aziz, F. & Quraishi, U. (2017). An Insight into Secondary School students’ Beliefs regarding English language learning. Cogent Education, 4(1). Available at http://doi.org/10.1080/2331186X.2017.1278835
- Aziz, F., Kalsoom, Q. & Quraishi, U. (2017).Perceptions on gender-based differences in educational leadership. Management in Education, Sage Publications, 31(2), 75-81. Available at http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0892020617696628
- Aziz, F & Iqbal, F (2017).Teachers ‘role in fostering Creative learning among students at primary level. International journal of educational enquiry and Reflection (IJEER), 2(2), 26-40. Available at http://ijeer.lcwu.edu.pk/assets/ijeer/vol3/3-3.pdf
- Quraishi, U. & Aziz, F. (2016). Principal Selection Process in Northern Pakistan: Key Issues and New Directions. Asian Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities (AJSSH, 5(2), 192-206. Available athttp://www.ajssh.leena-luna.co.jp/AJSSHPDFs/Vol.5(2)/AJSSH2016(5.2-21).pdf
- Iqbal, A., Aziz, F., Faqooqi,T.& Ali, S.(2016). Relationship between Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Students’ Academic Performance. Eurasian Journal of Educational Research, EJER, 65, 341-350. Available at DOI: 10.14689/ejer.2016.65.19
- Aziz, F. & Akhtar, M. (2016). Diverse Assessments of Female students ‘Performance and their Perceptions towards Assessment. Bulletin of Educational Research, 38(1) 117-132. Available at http://pu.edu.pk/images/journal/ier/PDF-FILES/9_Fakhra,%20Mumtaz%20&%20Zahida_v38_1_2016.pdf
- Aziz, F. & Kazi, A. (2015).Teacher Educators and Prospective Teachers’ Current use of ICT tools in a women university of Pakistan: A case study. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2(1), 31-46. Available at http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/teachers%20educators.pdf
- Aziz, F. (2015). Teacher’s information, Communication Technology Competence and Their Attitude towards Use of Computers in University of the Punjab. Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 2(2), 56-70. Available at http://www.lcwujass.com/assets/allabs/Teacher.pdf
- Aziz, F. (2014). Emotional Intelligence as a Leadership Skill at University Level in Pakistan: A HoDs’ Perspective. Journal of Independent Studies and Research-Management, Social Sciences and Economics, 12(1), 15-30. Available at http://jisr.szabist.edu.pk/JISR-MSSE/Publication/2014/12/1
- Aziz, F. & Akhtar, M, S. (2014). Relationship between teachers ‘competencies and motivation at higher education level in Pakistan. Pakistan, annual research journal, 50,163-174. Available at https://pscpesh.org/PDFs/PJ/Volume_50/11_Fakhra.pdf
- Aziz, F. & Akhtar, M, S. (2014). Impact of training on teachers competencies at higher education level in Pakistan. Researcher’s world-Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce, 5(1), 121-128. Available at https://www.questia.com/library/journal/1P3-3236185851/impact-of-training-on-teachers-competencies-at-higher
- Aziz, F. & Akhtar, M, S. (2012). The Motivation Level of Trained Male and Female Teachers at Higher Education Level in Pakistan: A Comparative Study. DIALOGUE, 7(2), 138-151. Available at http://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/thedialogue/The%20Dialogue/7_2/Dialogue_April_June2012_138-151.pdf
Research papers (Accepted/ submitted)
Role of Leadership in Professional Assistance of Secondary School Teachers submitted to AIC 2018
Conference Proceedings
Today's Universities: Combining Rigour with Relevance,The 3rd Dubai International Conference in Higher Education by Michigan State University Published by
Publisher: |
BrownWalker Press |
Pub date: |
2015 |
Pages: |
343 |
ISBN-10: |
1627345582 |
ISBN-13: |
9781627345583 |
5th International Conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy (LEAP), 30-31 August 2016, Istanbul, proceedings published by PEOPLE; International Journal of Social Sciences,ISSN:2454-5899 in Jan 2017, can be retrieved from http://adtelweb.org/proceedings.php
Misconceptions of Student Teacher Related To Basic Science Concepts presented in London International Conference on Education (LICE-2017), proceedings published by Infonomics Society accessed at http://liceducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/LICE-2017_CopyrightForm.pdf ISBN :978-1-908320-87-2
Role of Cooperating Teachers in Transforming Theory Into Practice presented in The Canada International Conference on Education(CICE-2018) held in University of Toronto Mississauga,Canada on 25-06-2018 to 28-06-2018. https://ciceducation.org/CICE-2018-Proceedings.pdf
Leadership practices for professional assistance of teachers in secondary schools published in Asia proceedings of Social sciences(APSS)DEC,2018 can be accessed at URL: http://readersinsight.net/APSS/authorDashboard/submission/235
Conference Participation
Teachers’ use of ICT and their attitude towards it presented in Golden Jubilee Post Graduate Students Conference 2011 on Rethinking Education for Pakistan in 21st Century organized by Institute of Education and Research in collaboration with HEC held on September 17, 2011.
Management Practices of Professional Assistance of Secondary School Teachers presented in USAID International conference held in University of Karachi on 20-21Aug,2013
Prospective Teachers Attitude towards Students with Learning Disabilities presented in The Dubai International Conference in Higher Education Today’s Universities: Combining rigour with relevance Michigan State University, Dubai 1-3 February 2015
An insight into women academia: Enablers and disablers in Progression of their journey presented in international conference “Thinking back and moving forward: Reflection on gender, education and leadership in Pakistan” organized by Fatima Jinnah Women University in collaboration with University of Leicester, HEC and Actionaid Pakistan on 27-28 May 2015 in Rawalpindi
Career journey and challenges face by female academics presented in Gender, Leadership and Education Conference: BELMAS Conference held in Leicester UK on 2,October 2015
Evidence based practices in Pakistani universities presented in 1st International Education conference “Building Knowledge competencies for sustainable development in Asia: Achieving the goals of Lifelong Learning” held on 2-4 Nov,2016 in LCWU,Lahore
Factors behind students classroom participation presented in 5th International Conference on Learning, Education and Pedagogy (LEAP), 30-31 August 2016, Istanbul
International conference on women role in economic development, 13-15 March,2017 organized by K3Shaheen Foundation and LCWU, Lahore
Role of teachers in students’ classroom participation in universities presented in International Conference Building Bridges in Initial Teacher Education: Theory and Practice; Curriculum and Assessment; Schools and Universities Organized by Department of Education Fatima Jinnah Women University, Rawalpindi In Collaboration with the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan on May 19-21, 2017
Self-regulated Learning and Diversity at Higher Education Level in Pakistan virtual presentation in 3rd Asia International Conference (AIC 2017) on 10 Dec 2017 in Malaysia.
Misconceptions of Student Teacher Related To Basic Science Concepts presented in London international conference (LICE) organized by Infonomocs Society in Churchill College Cambridge university,UK held on 11-14 Dec 2017.
Harmony and Peace through Education based on Rumi and Iqbal’s philosophy: A Remedy to Terrorism presented in The Role of mysticism in establishing harmony and peaceful co-existence organized by department of Persian , Language and Literature, LCWU held on 21-23 Feb , 2018.
Role of Cooperating Teachers in Transforming Theory Into Practice presented in The Canada International Conference on Education(CICE-2018) held in University of Toronto Mississauga,Canada on 25-06-2018 to 28-06-2018. https://ciceducation.org/CICE-2018-Proceedings.pdf
Leadership in 21st century. 2nd International conference on innovation in teaching and learning (ICITL-2018) held on Oct17-18, 2018 in International Islamic university, Islamabad.
Teacher Educators’ Commitment with Promotion of Education for Sustainable Development in Pakistan presented in 16th International UNESCO, BBCC Conference Sustainable Development, Culture, Education: Re-orienting Teaching Learning Strategies for Building Sustainable Future” under the auspice of UNESCO which was taken place on November 1st – 4th, 2018 in Antalya, TURKEY.
To probe into the child rights awareness among parents and teachers presented in 2nd International Education conference : Moral Education and character building, Role of Educators and Education, held in LCWU ON 22Nov -24 Nov,201
Leadership practices for Professional assistance of teachers in secondary schools virtually presented in 4th ASIA International Conference 2018 held on 8-9 December 2018 at Langkawi International Convention Centre (LICC), Langkawi, Malaysia.
Associating Leadership’ Burnout and their Coping Humor in Pakistani Universities presented in The 7th International Conference on Education 2019 held on 10-11April, 2019 at Township Campus of University of Education.
ADE In-service Program Instructors’ Workshop held on 11-13 March,2013 in Marriott Hotel, Islamabad
ADE In-service Program Instructors’ Workshop held on 10-12 June,2013 in Serena Hotel, Islamabad
British Academy workshop held on 28th April to 2nd May 2013 in Resource centre Muree
“Supervising undergraduate research” conducted by Kousar jamal cheema with DFDI in LCWU on 21st Feb,2014.
“ Sustainable Environment and Development” conducted under INSPIRE-Transnational education partnership program on 25-27 June 2014 in LCWU
Workshop on Text book review conducted by Punjab Text book Board and GHZ in Park plaza Lahore from 8-7-2014 to 10-7-2014
Workshop of Reading Project Foundation Module 2 conducted in Serina Faisal Abad on 14-7-2014 to 19-7-2014
Workshop of Reading Project on assessment conducted in LCWU on 14-7-2014 to 19-7-2014
Workshop of Reading Project on Professional development of new TTIs faculty on Practicum(Punjab province) conducted on 2-3-2015 to 7-3-2015
Dr. Tehmina Basit's Workshop on Research Methods on 03-03-2015 to 05-03-2015
Workshop on Coding and Beyond –Qualitative Data Analysis by Shaista Khilji from George Washington university USA conducted on 22-4-2015 organized by DFDI
Workshop on writing and publishing research papers organized by University of Leicester and IOE,UCL in student service center of LCWU on 25-26 May 2015
In-Service Short Term Training of University and College Faculty conducted by DFDI & PHEC on 16th to 20th May 2016 in F-32 Post-Graduate Block, Lahore College for Women University Lahore
Orientation Session on Integrated Reading Courses Developed for ADE and B.Ed. (Hons.) organized by HEC 25-28 July, 2016 at Hill View Hotel, Jinnah Super Market, F7-Markaz, Islamabad.
Workshop " Transformation English Language Skills (TELS) " conducted by DFDI and HEC on 6th-10th February, 2017 in SSC, LCWU
3-Days workshop on Public –Private Partnership conducted by MPDP, Government of the Punjab from 17-04-2017 to 19-04-2017 in J street upper mall , Lahore
5-Days workshop on Information Technology conducted by MPDP, Government of the Punjab from 13-11-2017 to 17-11-2017 in J street upper mall , Lahore
Resource person
Seminar on Andragogy and communicational skills for University and College Faculty conducted by DFDI & PHEC on 22 Sep2016 in F-32 Post-Graduate Block, Lahore College for Women University Lahore
Speaker in seminar on Building better universities conducted by Nur University and Jang group in PC, Lahore on 5th August 2017. (Rethinking on the role of university teachers)
Session Chair
International conference on Interactions and Interchanges: Literature ,Culture, Globalization , held in Kinnaird College Lahore in collaboration with Arizona State University ,USA on 6th -8th ,Dec,2018.
2nd International Education conference : Moral Education and character building, Role of Educators and Education, held in LCWU ON 22Nov -24 Nov,2018
16th International UNESCO, BBCC Conference Sustainable Development, Culture, Education: Re-orienting Teaching Learning Strategies for Building Sustainable Future” under the auspice of UNESCO which was taken place on November 1st – 4th, 2018 in Antalya, TURKEY
London international conference (LICE) organized by Infonomocs Society in Churchill College Cambridge university,UK held on 11-14 Dec 2017
2nd International Education conference : Moral Education and character building, Role of Educators and Education, held in LCWU ON 22Nov -24 Nov,2018
External Examiner
School of Education, Beaconhouse National University , Lahore
Department of Education Virtual University of Pakistan Phone: (042) 99201505 Ext: 8541
Kinnaird collage university ,Lahore
University of Gujrat ,Gujrat